Evogene Regains Compliance with Nasdaq Minimum Closing Bid Price Rule

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Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN) has successfully regained compliance with Nasdaq's minimum closing bid price rule. The company received formal notification from Nasdaq that it has met the requirement of maintaining a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share for its ordinary shares. This compliance was achieved after Evogene's closing bid price remained at or above $1.00 for 10 consecutive business days. As a result, Nasdaq has closed the prior bid price deficiency matter, and Evogene is now fully compliant with Listing Rule 5550(a)(2).

Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN) ha ripristinato con successo la conformità alla regola del prezzo minimo di chiusura delle offerte di Nasdaq. La società ha ricevuto una notifica formale da Nasdaq che attesta di aver soddisfatto il requisito di mantenere un prezzo minimo di offerta di $1,00 per azione delle sue azioni ordinarie. Questa conformità è stata raggiunta dopo che il prezzo di chiusura delle offerte di Evogene è rimasto a $1,00 o superiore per 10 giorni lavorativi consecutivi. Di conseguenza, Nasdaq ha chiuso la questione relativa alla carenza del prezzo delle offerte precedente, e Evogene è ora pienamente conforme alla Regola di Listing 5550(a)(2).

Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN) ha recuperado con éxito el cumplimiento de la regla del precio mínimo de oferta de cierre de Nasdaq. La compañía recibió una notificación formal de Nasdaq que confirma que ha cumplido con el requisito de mantener un precio mínimo de oferta de $1.00 por acción de sus acciones ordinarias. Este cumplimiento se logró después de que el precio de oferta de cierre de Evogene se mantuviera en $1.00 o más durante 10 días hábiles consecutivos. Como resultado, Nasdaq ha cerrado el asunto de la deficiencia del precio de oferta anterior, y Evogene ahora cumple plenamente con la Regla de Listado 5550(a)(2).

Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN)은 Nasdaq의 최소 종가 입찰가 규정을 성공적으로 복원했습니다. 회사는 자사의 보통주에 대한 최소 입찰가 $1.00를 유지해야 한다는 요건을 충족했음을 Nasdaq로부터 공식적으로 통보받았습니다. 이 규정을 준수한 것은 Evogene의 종가 입찰가가 10영업일 연속으로 $1.00 이상 유지되면서 달성되었습니다. 결과적으로 Nasdaq은 이전 입찰가 부족 사안을 종결하였으며, Evogene은 이제 완전히 Listing Rule 5550(a)(2)를 준수하게 되었습니다.

Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN) a réussi à rétablir sa conformité avec la règle du prix d'offre de clôture minimum de Nasdaq. La société a reçu une notification formelle de Nasdaq lui indiquant qu'elle avait respecté l'exigence de maintenir un prix d'offre minimum de 1,00 $ par action pour ses actions ordinaires. Cette conformité a été atteinte après que le prix d'offre de clôture d'Evogene soit resté à 1,00 $ ou plus pendant 10 jours ouvrables consécutifs. En conséquence, Nasdaq a clos l'affaire précédente sur le manque de prix d'offre, et Evogene est désormais pleinement conforme à la Règle de cotation 5550(a)(2).

Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN) hat erfolgreich die Einhaltung der Mindestschlusskursregel von Nasdaq wiederhergestellt. Das Unternehmen erhielt eine offizielle Mitteilung von Nasdaq, dass es die Anforderung erfüllt hat, einen Mindestgebotswert von 1,00 USD pro Aktie seiner Stammaktien aufrechtzuerhalten. Diese Konformität wurde erreicht, nachdem der Schlusskurs von Evogene für 10 aufeinanderfolgende Handelstage bei oder über 1,00 USD blieb. Infolgedessen hat Nasdaq die vorherige Angelegenheit mit dem Gebotsmangel abgeschlossen, und Evogene entspricht nun vollständig der Listing-Regel 5550(a)(2).

  • Regained compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement
  • Avoided potential delisting from Nasdaq
  • None.

Evogene's regaining of Nasdaq compliance is a positive development for the company's market standing. This news alleviates the immediate risk of delisting, which could have severely impacted investor confidence and the company's ability to raise capital. However, it's important to note that this compliance doesn't directly reflect on Evogene's financial performance or business prospects.

The $1.00 minimum bid price is a key threshold for maintaining Nasdaq listing and falling below it often signals financial distress to investors. While regaining compliance is encouraging, it's important to consider the underlying factors that led to the initial price decline. Investors should closely monitor Evogene's financial reports and business developments to gauge the company's long-term viability and growth potential in the competitive computational biology sector.

REHOVOT, Israel, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Evogene Ltd. (Nasdaq: EVGN) (TASE: EVGN) (the "Company", "Evogene"), a leading computational biology company targeting to revolutionize life-science product discovery and development across multiple market segments, today reported the receipt of a formal notification from The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC ("Nasdaq") that the Company has regained compliance with Listing Rule 5550(a)(2), which requires the Company's ordinary shares to maintain a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share.


The Nasdaq staff made this determination of compliance after the closing bid price of the Company's ordinary shares was at $1.00 per share or greater for the prior 10 consecutive business days. Accordingly, the Company has regained compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) and Nasdaq considers the prior bid price deficiency matter now closed.

About Evogene Ltd.:

Evogene Ltd. (Nasdaq: EVGN, TASE: EVGN) is a computational biology company leveraging big data and artificial intelligence, aiming to revolutionize the development of life-science-based products by utilizing cutting-edge technologies to increase the probability of success while reducing development time and cost.

Evogene established three unique tech-engines - MicroBoost AIChemPass AI and GeneRator AI. Each tech-engine is focused on the discovery and development of products based on one of the following core components: microbes (MicroBoost AI), small molecules (ChemPass AI), and genetic elements (GeneRator AI).

Evogene uses its tech-engines to develop products through strategic partnerships and collaborations, and its five subsidiaries including:

  1. Biomica Ltd. ( developing and advancing novel microbiome-based therapeutics to treat human disorders powered by MicroBoost AI;
  2. Lavie Bio Ltd. ( - developing and commercially advancing, microbiome based ag-biologicals powered by MicroBoost AI;
  3. AgPlenus Ltd. ( -developing next generation ag chemicals for effective and sustainable crop protection powered by ChemPass AI;
  4. Casterra Ag Ltd. (– developing and marketing superior castor seed varieties producing high yield and high-grade oil content, on an industrial scale for the biofuel and other industries powered by GeneRator AI.

For more information, please visit:

Evogene Investor Contact

Rachel Pomerantz Gerber

Head of Investor Relations at Evogene 

Tel: +972-8-9311901

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SOURCE Evogene


What Nasdaq rule did Evogene (EVGN) regain compliance with?

Evogene regained compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2), which requires a company's ordinary shares to maintain a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share.

How long did Evogene (EVGN) need to maintain a $1.00 bid price to regain Nasdaq compliance?

Evogene needed to maintain a closing bid price of $1.00 or greater for 10 consecutive business days to regain compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price rule.

What was the outcome of Evogene's (EVGN) compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price rule?

Nasdaq has closed the prior bid price deficiency matter for Evogene, considering the company fully compliant with Listing Rule 5550(a)(2).

When did Evogene (EVGN) receive notification of regaining Nasdaq compliance?

Evogene received formal notification from Nasdaq that it had regained compliance on August 12, 2024.



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