Aditxt Completes Third Parent Equity Investment Under Amended and Restated Merger Agreement With Evofem

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Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX) has completed the Third Parent Equity Investment in Evofem Biosciences (OTCQB: EVFM) under their Amended and Restated Merger Agreement. Aditxt purchased 460 shares of Evofem Series F-1 Convertible Preferred Stock for $460,000, bringing their total investment to $1.72 million. Aditxt plans to complete the Fourth Parent Equity Investment of $2.28 million by October 31, 2024.

Evofem has expanded from a single-product company to offering diversified solutions in women's health, including Phexxi (contraceptive gel) and SOLOSEC (antibiotic). They are preparing to launch the Mitomic Endometriosis Test in mid-2025 and have signed a licensing agreement with Pharma 1 Drug Store to bring Phexxi to the Gulf Cooperation Council region.

Aditxt aims to accelerate innovative health companies through its business platform, which includes subsidiaries Adimune (immune health) and Pearsanta (precision health). Both companies believe the merger will strengthen Evofem's ability to expand access to women's health products globally.

Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX) ha completato il Terzo Investimento di Capitale Parentale in Evofem Biosciences (OTCQB: EVFM) nell'ambito del loro Accordo di Fusione Modificato e Ristampato. Aditxt ha acquistato 460 azioni della Preferenza Convertibile di Serie F-1 di Evofem per $460.000, portando il loro investimento totale a $1,72 milioni. Aditxt prevede di completare il Quarto Investimento di Capitale Parentale di $2,28 milioni entro il 31 ottobre 2024.

Evofem si è espansa da un'azienda con un singolo prodotto a offrire soluzioni diversificate nella salute femminile, inclusi Phexxi (gel contraccettivo) e SOLOSEC (antibiotico). Si stanno preparando a lanciare il Test Mitomic per l'Endometriosi a metà 2025 e hanno firmato un accordo di licenza con Pharma 1 Drug Store per portare Phexxi nella regione del Consiglio di Cooperazione del Golfo.

Aditxt mira ad accelerare le aziende sanitarie innovative attraverso la sua piattaforma commerciale, che include le sussidiarie Adimune (salute immunitaria) e Pearsanta (salute di precisione). Entrambe le aziende credono che la fusione rafforzerà la capacità di Evofem di espandere l'accesso ai prodotti per la salute delle donne a livello globale.

Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX) ha completado la Tercera Inversión de Capital Parent en Evofem Biosciences (OTCQB: EVFM) en virtud de su Acuerdo de Fusión Modificado y Restablecido. Aditxt compró 460 acciones de la Preferencia Convertible de Serie F-1 de Evofem por $460,000, elevando su inversión total a $1.72 millones. Aditxt planea completar la Cuarta Inversión de Capital Parent de $2.28 millones antes del 31 de octubre de 2024.

Evofem ha pasado de ser una empresa de un solo producto a ofrecer soluciones diversificadas en salud femenina, incluyendo Phexxi (gel anticonceptivo) y SOLOSEC (antibiótico). Se están preparando para lanzar la Prueba Mitómica de Endometriosis a mediados de 2025 y han firmado un acuerdo de licencia con Pharma 1 Drug Store para llevar Phexxi a la región del Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo.

Aditxt tiene como objetivo acelerar empresas de salud innovadoras a través de su plataforma comercial, que incluye las subsidiarias Adimune (salud inmunológica) y Pearsanta (salud de precisión). Ambas compañías creen que la fusión fortalecerá la capacidad de Evofem para ampliar el acceso a productos de salud femenina a nivel global.

Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX)는 수정되고 재조정된 합병 계약에 따라 Evofem Biosciences (OTCQB: EVFM)에서 세 번째 부모 지분 투자를 완료했습니다. Aditxt는 Evofem의 F-1 시리즈 전환 우선주 460주를 $460,000에 구매하여 총 투자액을 $1.72백만으로 늘렸습니다. Aditxt는 2024년 10월 31일까지 $2.28백만의 네 번째 부모 지분 투자를 완료할 계획입니다.

Evofem은 단일 제품 회사에서 여성 건강을 위한 다양한 솔루션을 제공하는 회사로 확장하였으며, 여기에는 Phexxi (피임 젤) 및 SOLOSEC (항생제)가 포함됩니다. 그들은 2025년 중반에 미토믹 자궁내막증 검사를 출시할 준비를 하고 있으며, Gulf Cooperation Council 지역에 Phexxi를 도입하기 위해 Pharma 1 Drug Store와 라이센스 계약을 체결했습니다.

Aditxt는 Adimune (면역 건강) 및 Pearsanta (정밀 건강) 자회사를 포함하는 비즈니스 플랫폼을 통해 혁신적인 건강 회사를 가속화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 두 회사 모두 합병이 Evofem이 여성 건강 제품에 대한 접근성을 전 세계적으로 확장하는 데 도움이 될 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.

Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX) a complété le Troisième Investissement en Capital Parent dans Evofem Biosciences (OTCQB: EVFM) dans le cadre de leur Accord de Fusion Modifié et Restitué. Aditxt a acheté 460 actions d'Actions Préférentielles Convertibles de Série F-1 d'Evofem pour $460,000, portant son investissement total à $1,72 million. Aditxt prévoit de compléter le Quatrième Investissement en Capital Parent de $2,28 millions d'ici le 31 octobre 2024.

Evofem est passée d'une entreprise à produit unique à l'offre de solutions diversifiées en santé féminine, y compris Phexxi (gel contraceptif) et SOLOSEC (antibiotique). Ils se préparent à lancer le Test Mitomique d'Endométriose à la mi-2025 et ont signé un accord de licence avec Pharma 1 Drug Store pour amener Phexxi dans la région du Conseil de Coopération du Golfe.

Aditxt vise à accélérer les entreprises de santé innovantes à travers sa plateforme commerciale, qui comprend les filiales Adimune (santé immunitaire) et Pearsanta (santé de précision). Les deux entreprises estiment que la fusion renforcera la capacité d'Evofem à élargir l'accès aux produits de santé féminine au niveau mondial.

Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX) hat die dritte Kapitalbeteiligung an Evofem Biosciences (OTCQB: EVFM) im Rahmen ihres geänderten und neu gefassten Fusionsvertrags abgeschlossen. Aditxt hat 460 Aktien der bevorzugten Wandelschuldverschreibungen der Serie F-1 von Evofem für $460.000 erworben, wodurch die Gesamtinvestition auf $1,72 Millionen ansteigt. Aditxt plant, die vierte Kapitalbeteiligung in Höhe von $2,28 Millionen bis zum 31. Oktober 2024 abzuschließen.

Evofem hat sich von einem Unternehmen mit einem einzigen Produkt zu einem Anbieter diversifizierter Lösungen im Bereich Frauengesundheit entwickelt, darunter Phexxi (Verhütungsgel) und SOLOSEC (Antibiotikum). Sie bereiten die Einführung des Mitomic Endometriosis Tests Mitte 2025 vor und haben einen Lizenzvertrag mit Pharma 1 Drug Store unterzeichnet, um Phexxi in die Region des Golf-Kooperationsrats zu bringen.

Aditxt hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, innovative Gesundheitsunternehmen durch seine Geschäftsplattform, zu der auch die Tochtergesellschaften Adimune (Immun-Gesundheit) und Pearsanta (Präzisionsgesundheit) gehören, zu beschleunigen. Beide Unternehmen sind überzeugt, dass die Fusion die Fähigkeit von Evofem stärken wird, den globalen Zugang zu Produkten für die Gesundheit von Frauen zu erweitern.

  • Aditxt's total investment in Evofem reaches $1.72 million, with plans for an additional $2.28 million investment
  • Evofem has diversified its product portfolio to include Phexxi, SOLOSEC, and the upcoming Mitomic Endometriosis Test
  • Evofem signed a licensing agreement with Pharma 1 Drug Store to expand Phexxi into the GCC region
  • The merger is expected to strengthen Evofem's ability to expand access to women's health products globally
  • Evofem faces financial difficulties and market barriers
  • Evofem has implemented cost-cutting measures
  • Evofem's stock is currently traded on the OTCQB market, indicating potential financial or regulatory challenges


The completion of Aditxt's Third Parent Equity Investment in Evofem is a significant step in their strategic partnership. Aditxt invested $460,000 for 460 shares of Evofem's Series F-1 Convertible Preferred Stock, bringing their total investment to $1.72 million. This move demonstrates Aditxt's commitment to the merger and Evofem's future.

Evofem's transition from a single-product company to one with diversified offerings is noteworthy. Their portfolio now includes:

  • Phexxi®: FDA-approved hormone-free contraceptive gel
  • SOLOSEC®: FDA-approved antibiotic for bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis
  • Mitomic® Endometriosis Test: planned launch in mid-2025

The international licensing deal with Pharma 1 Drug Store for Phexxi in the GCC region marks Evofem's first step towards global expansion and revenue diversification. This strategy could potentially open up new revenue streams and market opportunities.

However, investors should note that Evofem has faced financial difficulties and market barriers. The merger with Aditxt and the subsequent investments are aimed at providing the necessary resources and support for Evofem's growth strategy. The success of this merger and Evofem's ability to execute its expansion plans will be important for the company's future performance and potential return on investment.

Evofem's diversification into diagnostic testing with the Mitomic® Endometriosis Test (MET™) is a significant development. Endometriosis affects approximately 10% of reproductive-age women globally, yet it's often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. A non-invasive, blood-based test could revolutionize early detection and management of this condition.

The company's expansion from contraception (Phexxi®) to treatment (SOLOSEC®) and now diagnostics (MET™) creates a more comprehensive women's health portfolio. This diversification strategy could potentially:

  • Reduce reliance on a single product
  • Create synergies across product lines
  • Address multiple unmet needs in women's health

The planned re-launch of SOLOSEC in the U.S. through a dedicated women's health commercial team could boost market penetration. However, success will depend on effective marketing strategies and differentiation in a competitive antibiotics market.

The company's focus on next-generation products to improve outcomes for women of all ages and life stages aligns with growing market demand for innovative women's health solutions. This approach, combined with Aditxt's resources and platform, could potentially accelerate Evofem's R&D efforts and market expansion, positioning it as a more comprehensive player in the women's health sector.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. & SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Aditxt, Inc. (“Aditxt” ) (NASDAQ: ADTX), an innovation platform dedicated to accelerating promising health innovations, and Evofem Biosciences, Inc. (“Evofem”) (OTCQB: EVFM), a pioneer in women's health, today announced the completion of the Third Parent Equity Investment under the Amended and Restated Merger Agreement, as amended (the “Agreement”). This investment further strengthens the strategic and collaborative relationship between the two companies as they jointly seek to expand access to healthcare solutions for women globally.

Aditxt completed the Third Parent Equity Investment under the Agreement by purchasing 460 shares of Evofem Series F-1 Convertible Preferred Stock (“Evofem Preferred Stock”) for $460,000. The Company’s previous investments in Evofem total $1.72 million, in aggregate. Aditxt intends to complete the required Fourth Parent Equity Investment by purchasing an additional 2,280 shares of Evofem Preferred Stock for $2.28 million by October 31, 2024.

From Evofem

As we advance towards completing this transaction, we believe that transitioning to the Aditxt ecosystem will enable us to more effectively execute our strategy to improve women’s lives through healthcare solutions that address their unmet and underserved needs. Facing numerous challenges, from financial difficulties to market barriers, we have persevered by making tough decisions, implementing cost-cutting measures, and through sheer tenacity.

Evofem has transitioned from a single-product company to one with diversified offerings in prevention, treatment, and monitoring. Beginning with Phexxi® (lactic acid, citric acid and potassium bitartrate), our FDA-approved hormone-free contraceptive gel, we have expanded into treatment with the acquisition of SOLOSEC® (secnidazole) 2g oral granules, an FDA-approved single-dose oral antibiotic to treat bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis. Preparations are underway to re-launch SOLOSEC in the U.S. through our dedicated women’s health commercial team. In collaboration with Pearsanta, we are also preparing to launch the Mitomic® Endometriosis Test (MET™) in the U.S. in mid-2025. This non-invasive, blood-based diagnostic test uses a novel mitochondrial DNA biomarker to provide earlier and more accurate monitoring and diagnosis of endometriosis.

We are simultaneously advancing our strategy to maximize the potential of our women’s health products by forging commercial partnerships in international markets. Our recent licensing agreement with Pharma 1 Drug Store, Phexxi’s first global licensing deal, will bring Phexxi to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, starting with the United Arab Emirates. This agreement is a significant milestone, setting the stage for continued global expansion and revenue diversification through strategic partnerships in additional international markets.

Building on this momentum, we plan to continue to deploy next-generation products to bridge gaps in women’s health and improve outcomes for women of all ages and life stages. With the completion of the Aditxt transaction and as part of Aditxt’s social innovation platform, we believe we will be better positioned to catalyze our growth, execute our mission, and substantially impact women’s health globally.

From Aditxt

At Aditxt, our mission is to accelerate the growth of innovative health companies addressing some of the most critical health challenges. We identify and seek to acquire companies that align with our mission and drive their development through our evolving business acceleration platform. We currently have two subsidiaries: Adimune, which focuses on immune health, and Pearsanta, which specializes in precision health by advancing the early detection of cancers and other diseases.

We believe that women’s health must remain in the hands of those committed to making a meaningful impact. With our stakeholders' support, we believe that following closing Evofem, we can continue to build on its recent progress and drive its mission to provide innovative healthcare solutions for women. Our platform has the potential to strengthen Evofem’s ability to expand access to essential products and improve women’s health globally.

We believe Evofem is on track to become a leader in women’s health and that our combined efforts, following closing, will continue to drive innovation, expand access, and improve health outcomes for women worldwide.

About Aditxt, Inc.

Aditxt, Inc.® is an innovation platform dedicated to accelerating promising health innovations. Aditxt’s ecosystem of research institutions, industry partners, and shareholders collaboratively drives their mission to "Make Promising Innovations Possible Together." The innovation platform is the cornerstone of Aditxt’s strategy, where multiple disciplines drive disruptive growth and address significant societal challenges. Aditxt operates a unique model that democratizes innovation, ensures every stakeholder’s voice is heard and valued and empowers collective progress.

Aditxt currently operates two programs focused on immune health and precision health. The Company plans to introduce two additional programs dedicated to public health and women’s health. For these, Aditxt has entered into an Arrangement Agreement with Appili Therapeutics Inc. (“Appili”) (TSX: APLI; OTCPink: APLIF), which focuses on infectious diseases, and a Merger Agreement with Evofem Biosciences, Inc. (OTCQB: EVFM). Each program will be designed to function autonomously while collectively advancing Aditxt’s mission of discovering, developing, and deploying innovative health solutions to tackle some of the most urgent health challenges. The closing of each of the transactions with Appili and Evofem is subject to the successful satisfaction of several closing conditions, including but not limited to approval of the transactions by the respective target shareholders and Aditxt raising sufficient capital to fund its obligations at closing of each of the transactions. No assurance can be given that all of the conditions to closing will be obtained or satisfied or that either of the transactions will ultimately close.

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About Evofem Biosciences

Evofem Biosciences, Inc. is commercializing innovative products to address unmet needs in women's sexual and reproductive health. The Company's first FDA-approved product, Phexxi® (lactic acid, citric acid, and potassium bitartrate), is a hormone-free, on-demand prescription contraceptive vaginal gel. It comes in a box of 12 pre-filled applicators and is applied 0-60 minutes before each act of sex. Learn more at and

In July 2024 Evofem broadened its commercial offering with SOLOSEC® (secnidazole) 2g oral granules, an FDA-approved oral antibiotic for the treatment of two sexual health diseases: trichomoniasis, a common sexually transmitted infection (STI), in people 12 years of age and older and bacterial vaginosis (BV), a common vaginal infection, in females 12 years of age and older. SOLOSEC provides a complete course of therapy in just one dose.

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Phexxi® and SOLOSEC® are registered trademarks of Evofem Biosciences, Inc.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the Company’s intentions, beliefs, projections, outlook, analyses, or current expectations concerning, among other things, the Company’s ongoing and planned product and business development; the Company’s ability to finance and execute its strategic M&A initiatives; the Company’s ability to obtain the necessary funding and partner to commence clinical trials; the Company’s intellectual property position; the Company’s ability to develop commercial functions; expectations regarding product launch and revenue; the Company’s results of operations, cash needs, spending, financial condition, liquidity, prospects, growth, and strategies; the Company’s ability to raise additional capital; the industry in which the Company operates; and the trends that may affect the industry or the Company. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, as well as market and other conditions and those risks more fully discussed in the section titled “Risk Factors” in Aditxt’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, as well as discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in the Company’s other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All such statements speak only as of the date made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

Media Relations Contact:

Mary O’Brien

(516) 753-9933

Amy Raskopf

(917) 673-5775

Source: Aditxt, Inc.


What is the total amount Aditxt (ADTX) has invested in Evofem Biosciences?

Aditxt has invested a total of $1.72 million in Evofem Biosciences, with the most recent investment being $460,000 for 460 shares of Evofem Series F-1 Convertible Preferred Stock.

When is Aditxt (ADTX) planning to complete the Fourth Parent Equity Investment in Evofem?

Aditxt plans to complete the Fourth Parent Equity Investment of $2.28 million by purchasing 2,280 shares of Evofem Preferred Stock by October 31, 2024.

What new products has Evofem Biosciences added to its portfolio?

Evofem has expanded its portfolio to include Phexxi (a hormone-free contraceptive gel), SOLOSEC (an antibiotic for bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis), and is preparing to launch the Mitomic Endometriosis Test in mid-2025.

What international expansion has Evofem Biosciences achieved recently?

Evofem has signed a licensing agreement with Pharma 1 Drug Store to bring Phexxi to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, starting with the United Arab Emirates.



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