Recent clinical data confirms significantly improved predictive power of Evaxion's AI-Immunology™ platform

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Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) has reported significant improvements in its AI-Immunology™ platform's predictive power for clinically relevant vaccine targets. In the ongoing phase 2 trial of their personalized cancer vaccine EVX-01, 79% of the AI-predicted vaccine targets triggered a tumor-specific immune response, up from 58% in the phase 1 trial.

This improvement is attributed to iterative learning and integration of advanced bioinformatics and machine learning techniques. The company believes this enhanced precision boosts the potential of its AI-derived vaccine candidates and is important for clinical efficacy and commercial potential.

CEO Christian Kanstrup emphasized the importance of this progress, stating that the 79% response rate compares favorably to other personalized cancer neoantigen trials. He also noted that the strong clinical outcome data provides Evaxion with a compelling AI-Immunology™ derived investigational vaccine candidate.

Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) ha riportato significativi miglioramenti nella potenza predittiva della sua piattaforma AI-Immunology™ per obiettivi vaccinali clinicamente rilevanti. Nella fase 2 della sperimentazione del loro vaccino personalizzato contro il cancro EVX-01, il 79% degli obiettivi vaccinali previsti dall'AI ha attivato una risposta immunitaria specifica per il tumore, rispetto al 58% nella fase 1.

Questo miglioramento è attribuito a un apprendimento iterativo e all'integrazione di tecniche avanzate di bioinformatica e machine learning. L'azienda ritiene che questa precisione migliorata accresca il potenziale dei suoi candidati vaccinali derivati dall'AI ed è importante per l'efficacia clinica e il potenziale commerciale.

Il CEO Christian Kanstrup ha sottolineato l'importanza di questo progresso, affermando che il tasso di risposta del 79% è comparabile in modo favorevole ad altri trial di neoantigeni personalizzati contro il cancro. Ha anche notato che i forti dati sugli esiti clinici forniscono a Evaxion un candidato vaccinale investigativo convincente derivato dall'AI-Immunology™.

Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) ha informado sobre mejoras significativas en la capacidad predictiva de su plataforma AI-Immunology™ para objetivos de vacunas clínicamente relevantes. En el ensayo de fase 2 de su vacuna personalizada contra el cáncer EVX-01, el 79% de los objetivos vacúnales predichos por la IA desencadenaron una respuesta inmune específica del tumor, un aumento del 58% en comparación con el ensayo de fase 1.

Esta mejora se atribuye a un aprendizaje iterativo y la integración de técnicas avanzadas de bioinformática y aprendizaje automático. La empresa cree que esta precisión mejorada aumenta el potencial de sus candidatos a vacunas derivados de IA y es importante para la eficacia clínica y el potencial comercial.

El CEO Christian Kanstrup enfatizó la importancia de este progreso, señalando que la tasa de respuesta del 79% se compara favorablemente con otros ensayos de neoantígenos personalizados contra el cáncer. También destacó que los sólidos datos de resultados clínicos proporcionan a Evaxion un candidato a vacuna investigativa convincente derivado de AI-Immunology™.

Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX)는 AI-Immunology™ 플랫폼의 임상적으로 관련된 백신 목표에 대한 예측 능력이 크게 향상되었다고 보고했습니다. 개인화된 암 백신 EVX-01의 진행 중인 2상 시험에서, AI가 예측한 백신 목표의 79%가 종양 특이적 면역 반응을 유도했다, 이는 1상 시험의 58%에서 증가한 수치입니다.

이 개선은 반복 학습과 고급 생물정보학 및 기계 학습 기술의 통합에 기인합니다. 회사는 이 향상된 정밀도가 AI 기반 백신 후보의 잠재력을 높이며, 임상 효능 및 상업적 잠재력에 중요하다고 믿고 있습니다.

CEO Christian Kanstrup는 이 진행의 중요성을 강조하며, 79%의 반응률이 다른 개인화된 암 신항원 시험과 비교하여 유리하다고 언급했습니다. 그는 또한 강력한 임상 결과 데이터가 Evaxion에게 AI-Immunology™에서 파생된 설계 백신 후보를 제공한다고 덧붙였습니다.

Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) a rapporté des améliorations significatives de la puissance prédictive de sa plateforme AI-Immunology™ pour des cibles de vaccins cliniquement pertinentes. Dans l'essai de phase 2 de son vaccin personnalisé contre le cancer EVX-01, 79 % des cibles vaccinales prédaites par l'IA ont déclenché une réponse immunitaire spécifique au tumeur, contre 58 % dans l'essai de phase 1.

Cette amélioration est attribuée à un apprentissage itératif et à l'intégration de techniques avancées de bioinformatique et d'apprentissage automatique. L'entreprise estime que cette précision accrue augmente le potentiel de ses candidats vaccins dérivés de l'IA et est importante pour l'efficacité clinique et le potentiel commercial.

Le PDG Christian Kanstrup a souligné l'importance de ces progrès, déclarant que le taux de réponse de 79 % se compare favorablement à d'autres essais de néoantigènes personnalisés du cancer. Il a également noté que les solides données sur les résultats cliniques offrent à Evaxion un candidat vaccin investigatif convaincant dérivé de l'AI-Immunology™.

Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) hat bedeutende Verbesserungen der Vorhersagekraft seiner AI-Immunologie™-Plattform für klinisch relevante Impfziele berichtet. In der laufenden Phase-2-Studie ihres personalisierten Krebs-Impfstoffs EVX-01, triggereten 79% der von der KI vorhergesagten Impfziele eine tumor-spezifische Immunantwort, gegenüber 58% in der Phase-1-Studie.

Diese Verbesserung wird auf iteratives Lernen und die Integration fortschrittlicher Bioinformatik- und Maschinellen Lerntechniken zurückgeführt. Das Unternehmen glaubt, dass diese verbesserte Präzision das Potenzial seiner AI-abgeleiteten Impfstoffkandidaten steigert und für die klinische Wirksamkeit sowie das kommerzielle Potenzial wichtig ist.

CEO Christian Kanstrup betonte die Bedeutung dieses Fortschritts und erklärte, dass die 79%ige Antwortrate im Vergleich zu anderen personalisierten Krebs-Neoantigen-Studien günstig abschneidet. Er bemerkte auch, dass die starken klinischen Ergebnisdaten Evaxion einen überzeugenden, aus AI-Immunologie™ abgeleiteten experimentellen Impfstoffkandidaten bieten.

  • 79% of AI-predicted vaccine targets triggered tumor-specific immune response in phase 2 trial, up from 58% in phase 1
  • Improved precision of AI-Immunology™ platform enhances potential of AI-derived vaccine candidates
  • Strong clinical outcome data reported for EVX-01 personalized cancer vaccine
  • None.


The clinical data from Evaxion's ongoing phase 2 trial for EVX-01 demonstrates significant progress in their AI-Immunology™ platform's predictive capabilities. The increase from 58% to 79% in vaccine targets triggering tumor-specific immune responses is a substantial improvement that could translate to enhanced clinical efficacy.

This advancement positions Evaxion's AI-driven approach favorably in the competitive landscape of personalized cancer vaccines. The ability to consistently elicit broad tumor-specific immune responses across patients is important for clinical success and commercial viability. If these results hold up in larger studies, it could potentially accelerate the development timeline and increase the likelihood of regulatory approval.

Investors should note that while these results are promising, they are still from an ongoing phase 2 trial. The true value of this technology will be determined by its ability to demonstrate improved clinical outcomes and survival rates in later-stage trials. The company's focus on iterative learning and integration of advanced AI techniques suggests a scalable and potentially adaptable platform, which could be a significant asset in the rapidly evolving field of immunotherapy.

Evaxion's improvement in predictive accuracy from 58% to 79% represents a significant leap in AI performance for vaccine target identification. This advancement showcases the power of iterative learning in AI systems, particularly when applied to complex biological problems.

The integration of advanced bioinformatics and machine learning techniques has clearly yielded tangible benefits. This suggests that Evaxion's AI-Immunology™ platform is not static but evolving, which is important in maintaining a competitive edge in the biotech AI space.

The platform's ability to consistently identify effective targets across all patients is particularly noteworthy. This uniformity in performance indicates a robust and generalizable AI model, which is often challenging to achieve in highly variable biological systems. If this trend continues, it could set a new standard for AI applications in personalized medicine.

However, it's important to note that the true test of this AI system will be in its ability to translate these predictive improvements into better clinical outcomes. The correlation between immune response and clinical efficacy will be a key metric to watch in future trial results.

  • Improved precision of the AI-Immunology™ platform in predicting clinically relevant vaccine targets boosts the potential of its AI-derived vaccine candidates
  • The improvement has been achieved through iterative learning and the integration of advanced bioinformatics and machine learning techniques
  • In the ongoing phase 2 trial with personalized cancer vaccine EVX-01, 79% of the AI-Immunology™ predicted vaccine targets triggered a tumor-specific immune response, a significant increase from 58% observed in the EVX-01 phase 1 trial
  • The precision level seen with AI-Immunology™ in predicting targets triggering the desired immune response is very encouraging compared to other approaches
  • The ability to select vaccine targets eliciting a tumor-specific immune response is pivotal for a vaccine’s clinical efficacy and resulting commercial potential

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, October 3, 2024 – Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) (“Evaxion”), a clinical-stage TechBio company specializing in developing AI-Immunology™ powered vaccines, continues to gather clinical evidence for the steady improvement of its AI-Immunology™ platform.

The platform’s precision has significantly improved between the two clinical trials with Evaxion’s personalized cancer vaccine EVX-01. In the ongoing phase 2 trial, 81 out of 103 (79%) vaccine targets assessed to date triggered a tumor-specific immune response, a notable increase from the 58% observed in the phase 1 trial completed last year.

The high number of immune-active vaccine targets is observed across all patients. The ability to trigger a broad and consistent tumor-specific immune response is pivotal for a vaccine’s clinical efficacy and, thereby, critical for the vaccine’s commercial potential and ability to address unmet medical needs.

“As a truly AI-first TechBio company, Evaxion rests on our leading AI-Immunology™ platform and its continued improvement remains a top priority for us. It is, of course, very pleasing to see that we are successful in that work, reaching 79% of identified vaccine targets triggering an immune response in the ongoing EVX-01 phase 2 trial. This compares very favorably to data reported from other personalized cancer neoantigen trials. We are further pleased that the clinical outcome data are also very strong, providing us with a compelling AI-Immunology™ derived investigational vaccine candidate.” says Christian Kanstrup, CEO of Evaxion.

The improvement of the AI-Immunology™ platform's predictive capabilities results from iterative learning loops, optimization based on clinical data and the integration of novel bioinformatic and machine learning methodologies.

About AI-Immunology™
AI-Immunology™ is a scalable and adaptable artificial intelligence technology platform at the forefront of vaccine discovery for infectious diseases and cancers. By integrating the collective power of proprietary AI models PIONEER™, EDEN™, RAVEN™, and ObsERV™, the platform can model the complexity of the patient’s immune system. AI-Immunology™ advanced computational modeling swiftly and uniquely identifies, predicts, and designs vaccine candidates, revolutionizing the landscape of immunotherapy by offering a holistic and personalized approach to combat fast-evolving pathogens and malignant cells.

Contact information 
Evaxion Biotech A/S
Mads Kronborg
Vice President, Investor Relations & Communication
+45 53 54 82 96 

Evaxion Biotech A/S is a pioneering TechBio company based upon its AI platform, AI-Immunology™. Evaxion’s proprietary and scalable AI prediction models harness the power of artificial intelligence to decode the human immune system and develop novel immunotherapies for cancer, bacterial diseases, and viral infections. Based upon AI-Immunology™, Evaxion has developed a clinical-stage oncology pipeline of novel personalized vaccines and a preclinical infectious disease pipeline in bacterial and viral diseases with high unmet medical needs. Evaxion is committed to transforming patients’ lives by providing innovative and targeted treatment options. For more information about Evaxion and its groundbreaking AI-Immunology™ platform and vaccine pipeline, please visit our website.

Forward-looking statement 
This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The words “target,” “believe,” “expect,” “hope,” “aim,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “anticipate,” “contemplate,” “continue,” “estimate,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “will,” “can have,” “likely,” “should,” “would,” “could,” and other words and terms of similar meaning identify forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, risks related to: our financial condition and need for additional capital; our development work; cost and success of our product development activities and preclinical and clinical trials; commercializing any approved pharmaceutical product developed using our AI platform technology, including the rate and degree of market acceptance of our product candidates; our dependence on third parties including for conduct of clinical testing and product manufacture; our inability to enter into partnerships; government regulation; protection of our intellectual property rights; employee matters and managing growth; our ADSs and ordinary shares, the impact of international economic, political, legal, compliance, social and business factors, including inflation, and the effects on our business from the worldwide ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing conflict in the region surrounding Ukraine and Russia and the Middle East; and other uncertainties affecting our business operations and financial condition. For a further discussion of these risks, please refer to the risk factors included in our most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which are available at We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by law. 


What percentage of AI-predicted vaccine targets triggered an immune response in Evaxion's EVX-01 phase 2 trial?

In Evaxion's ongoing phase 2 trial for EVX-01, 79% (81 out of 103) of the AI-Immunology™ predicted vaccine targets triggered a tumor-specific immune response.

How has Evaxion improved its AI-Immunology™ platform's predictive capabilities?

Evaxion has improved its AI-Immunology™ platform through iterative learning loops, optimization based on clinical data, and the integration of novel bioinformatic and machine learning methodologies.

What is the significance of the improved predictive power for Evaxion's vaccine candidates?

The improved predictive power enhances the potential of Evaxion's AI-derived vaccine candidates, as it is important for clinical efficacy and commercial potential. It allows for better selection of vaccine targets that elicit tumor-specific immune responses.

How does Evaxion's recent clinical data compare to other personalized cancer neoantigen trials?

According to Evaxion's CEO, the 79% of identified vaccine targets triggering an immune response in the ongoing EVX-01 phase 2 trial compares very favorably to data reported from other personalized cancer neoantigen trials.

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