Evaxion reports convincing one-year data from phase 2 trial on AI-designed personalized cancer vaccine EVX-01

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Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) reports promising one-year data from its phase 2 trial of EVX-01, an AI-designed personalized cancer vaccine for advanced melanoma. Key findings include:

- 69% Overall Response Rate (11 out of 16 patients)
- Tumor reduction in 15 out of 16 patients
- 79% of vaccine targets triggered immune responses
- Positive correlation between AI-Immunology™ platform predictions and immune responses (p=0.00013)

The trial combines EVX-01 with MSD's KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab). These results validate Evaxion's AI-Immunology™ platform and position the company as a leader in AI immunology. With the global melanoma treatment market projected to reach $7.4 billion by 2029, EVX-01 shows significant commercial potential.

Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) riporta dati promettenti a un anno dal suo studio di fase 2 su EVX-01, un vaccino personalizzato contro il cancro progettato dall'IA per il melanoma avanzato. I risultati principali includono:

- 69% Tasso di Risposta Complessiva (11 su 16 pazienti)
- Riduzione del tumore in 15 su 16 pazienti
- 79% degli obiettivi del vaccino ha scatenato risposte immunitarie
- Correlazione positiva tra le previsioni della piattaforma AI-Immunology™ e le risposte immunitarie (p=0.00013)

Lo studio combina EVX-01 con KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) di MSD. Questi risultati convalideranno la piattaforma AI-Immunology™ di Evaxion e posizionano l'azienda come leader nell'immunologia basata sull'IA. Con il mercato globale del trattamento del melanoma previsto raggiungere 7,4 miliardi di dollari entro il 2029, EVX-01 mostra un potenziale commerciale significativo.

Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) informa sobre datos prometedores de un año de su ensayo de fase 2 de EVX-01, una vacuna personalizada contra el cáncer diseñada por IA para melanoma avanzado. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- 69% Tasa de Respuesta General (11 de 16 pacientes)
- Reducción tumoral en 15 de 16 pacientes
- 79% de los objetivos de la vacuna activaron respuestas inmunitarias
- Correlación positiva entre las predicciones de la plataforma AI-Immunology™ y las respuestas inmunitarias (p=0.00013)

El ensayo combina EVX-01 con KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) de MSD. Estos resultados validan la plataforma AI-Immunology™ de Evaxion y posicionan a la empresa como líder en inmunología basada en IA. Con el mercado global de tratamientos para el melanoma proyectado para alcanzar los 7.4 mil millones de dólares para 2029, EVX-01 muestra un potencial comercial significativo.

Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX)는 고급 멜라노마를 위한 AI 설계 개인 맞춤형 암 백신인 EVX-01의 2상 시험에서 1년 간의 유망한 데이터를 보고합니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 전체 응답률 69% (16명 중 11명)
- 16명 중 15명의 종양 축소
- 백신 표적의 79%가 면역 반응을 유발
- AI-Immunology™ 플랫폼의 예측과 면역 반응 간의 긍정적인 상관관계 (p=0.00013)

이 시험은 EVX-01과 MSD의 KEYTRUDA® (펨브롤리주맙)를 결합합니다. 이 결과는 Evaxion의 AI-Immunology™ 플랫폼을 검증하고 회사를 AI 면역학의 선두주자로 자리매김하게 합니다. 2029년까지 전 세계 멜라노마 치료 시장이 74억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됨에 따라, EVX-01은 상당한 상업적 잠재력을 보여줍니다.

Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) rapporte des données prometteuses sur un an de son essai de phase 2 concernant EVX-01, un vaccin personnalisé contre le cancer conçu par IA pour le mélanome avancé. Les résultats clés incluent :

- 69% Taux de Réponse Global (11 sur 16 patients)
- Réduction tumorale chez 15 sur 16 patients
- 79% des cibles du vaccin ont déclenché des réponses immunitaires
- Corrélation positive entre les prévisions de la plateforme AI-Immunology™ et les réponses immunitaires (p=0.00013)

L'essai allie EVX-01 avec KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) de MSD. Ces résultats valident la plateforme AI-Immunology™ d'Evaxion et positionnent l'entreprise comme un leader en immunologie basée sur l'IA. Avec un marché mondial du traitement du mélanome prévu d'atteindre 7,4 milliards de dollars d'ici 2029, EVX-01 montre un potentiel commercial significatif.

Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) berichtet über vielversprechende Ein-Jahres-Daten aus seiner Phase-2-Studie zu EVX-01, einem KI-gestalteten personalisierten Krebsimpfstoff für fortgeschrittenes Melanom. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

- 69% Gesamtansprechrate (11 von 16 Patienten)
- Tumorverkleinerung bei 15 von 16 Patienten
- 79% der Impfzielstrukturen lösten immunologische Reaktionen aus
- Positive Korrelation zwischen den Vorhersagen der AI-Immunology™-Plattform und den Immunreaktionen (p=0.00013)

Die Studie kombiniert EVX-01 mit KEYTRUDA® (Pembrolizumab) von MSD. Diese Ergebnisse validieren die AI-Immunology™-Plattform von Evaxion und positionieren das Unternehmen als führend in der KI-immunologie. Da der globale Markt für Melanombehandlungen voraussichtlich bis 2029 7,4 Milliarden Dollar erreichen wird, zeigt EVX-01 erhebliches kommerzielles Potenzial.

  • 69% Overall Response Rate in phase 2 trial of EVX-01 for advanced melanoma
  • Tumor reduction observed in 15 out of 16 patients
  • 79% of EVX-01's vaccine targets triggered immune responses
  • Positive correlation between AI-Immunology™ platform predictions and immune responses (p=0.00013)
  • Potential for EVX-01 to treat other solid tumor cancers, expanding commercial opportunities
  • None.

The one-year data from Evaxion's phase 2 trial of EVX-01 shows promising results for advanced melanoma treatment. The 69% Overall Response Rate and tumor reduction in 15 out of 16 patients are particularly impressive. The 79% immunogenicity rate of EVX-01's neoantigens is exceptional, surpassing historical observations. This validates the AI-Immunology™ platform's precision in identifying effective vaccine targets.

The positive correlation between AI predictions and immune responses (p=0.00013) further supports the platform's efficacy. These results position EVX-01 as a potential game-changer in personalized cancer vaccines, offering hope for improved melanoma treatment options. However, it's important to await final results expected in Q3 2025 for a comprehensive evaluation of EVX-01's long-term efficacy and safety profile.

Evaxion's positive phase 2 trial results for EVX-01 could significantly impact its market position. With melanoma cases projected to reach 510,000 by 2040 and a global market estimated at $7.4 billion by 2029, EVX-01 presents a substantial commercial opportunity. The strong efficacy data may attract potential partnerships or licensing deals, enhancing Evaxion's financial prospects.

However, investors should consider that final results are still pending and the path to market approval remains long. The company's ability to scale production and navigate regulatory hurdles will be crucial. While the news is positive, Evaxion's financial stability and cash runway should be closely monitored as it progresses towards potential commercialization. The AI-Immunology™ platform's success could also open doors to other cancer indications, potentially expanding Evaxion's market reach.

Evaxion's AI-Immunology™ platform demonstrates significant potential in revolutionizing cancer vaccine development. The strong correlation (p=0.00013) between AI predictions and actual immune responses validates the platform's accuracy in identifying effective neoantigens. This success showcases AI's power in accelerating and improving drug discovery processes.

The platform's ability to achieve a 79% immunogenicity rate is particularly noteworthy, as it outperforms traditional approaches. This breakthrough could lead to more efficient and personalized cancer treatments. However, it's important to consider the scalability of this AI-driven approach and potential challenges in data processing and integration with existing healthcare systems. As the field of AI in healthcare evolves, Evaxion's platform could set new standards for precision medicine, potentially attracting partnerships with major pharmaceutical companies and tech giants interested in AI-driven healthcare solutions.

  • 11 out of 16 patients had objective clinical responses, equaling a 69% Overall Response Rate
  • 15 out of the 16 patients had a reduction of their tumors (target lesions)
  • 79% of EVX-01’s vaccine targets triggered a targeted immune response, which compares very favorably to what is seen with other approaches
  • A positive correlation was observed between the AI-Immunology™ platform predictions and neoantigen immune response (p=0.00013)
  • EVX-01 as a novel potential melanoma treatment holds a significant commercial potential for Evaxion
  • Data will be discussed at a webinar with key opinion leader Professor Georgina V. Long on September 18, 2024

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) (“Evaxion”), a clinical-stage TechBio company specializing in developing AI-Immunology™ powered vaccines, announces positive one-year data from the ongoing phase 2 trial with its lead asset EVX-01, an AI-designed personalized cancer vaccine.

“We are thrilled to present this groundbreaking data, which underscores the significant therapeutic potential of EVX-01. Among several promising individual data points, the 69% Overall Response Rate (ORR) is particularly impressive and encouraging. Building on an already strong data package for EVX-01, these new findings strengthen our confidence that we can meaningfully improve treatment options for advanced melanoma,” says Birgitte Rønø, CSO of Evaxion.

“The clinical findings are another validation of our AI-Immunology™ platform as a leading AI technology for fast and effective vaccine target discovery and design and clearly positions us as a leader in the field of AI immunology. The observed reduction in tumors in 15 out of 16 patients is offering great hope for patients with melanoma. We are looking very much forward to engaging with stakeholders to present the compelling clinical profile of EVX-01 as a transformative personalized cancer vaccine,” says Christian Kanstrup, CEO of Evaxion.

The data stems from a one-year interim analysis of the ongoing phase 2 trial investigating EVX-01 in combination with MSD’s (Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA) anti-PD-1 therapy, KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) in patients with advanced melanoma (skin cancer). The data was presented during the weekend at a poster session at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Spain.

Unique profile of EVX-01 supported by both clinical efficacy and immune data
The data demonstrates 69% ORR, reduction in tumor target lesions in 15 out of 16 patients, an immunogenicity rate of 79%, and a positive correlation between Evaxion’s AI-Immunology™ platform predictions and immune responses induced by the individual neoantigens in the EVX-01 vaccine (p=0.00013). Neoantigens are newly formed antigens generated from cancer-specific mutations. As a neoantigen vaccine, EVX-01 aims at triggering the patient’s immune system to target these specific antigens and thereby eradicate the cancer cells.

The 69% ORR is calculated based on 11 out of 16 patients in the trial having objective clinical responses. This rate may increase as more data are collected but will not decrease. Final results are expected in the third quarter of 2025.

Further to the encouraging clinical data, the immunogenicity data from the trial are also impressive, demonstrating that 79% of EVX-01’s neoantigens triggered a targeted immune response. This immunogenicity rate stands out as unprecedented compared to historical observations and compares very favorably to what is seen with other approaches. It also underlines and validates the precision of the AI-Immunology™ platform in identifying neoantigens which leads to detectable signals in patients.

The new data also confirms the strong predictive capabilities of AI-Immunology™ with a positive correlation between its predictions and the neoantigen immune response detected in the patients with a p-value of p=0.00013. In other words, the data confirms that the neoantigens identified by the platform as the most relevant vaccine targets are also the ones that trigger specific immune responses in patients.

Significant commercial potential
The global burden from melanoma is estimated to increase to 510,000 new cases and 96,000 deaths by 2040 (Arnold et al., JAMA Dermatology 2022), and the global market for melanoma treatments is estimated to grow to $7.4 billion by 2029 (GlobalData).

Considering the prevalence of the disease and the size of the market, the development of EVX-01 as a novel potential melanoma treatment holds a significant commercial potential for Evaxion. As EVX-01 is also thought to have the potential to treat several other solid tumor cancers, the total commercial opportunity could be further enhanced by expanding into other indications.

Webinar on September 18

Evaxion will be hosting an online webinar featuring key opinion leader and the trial’s principal investigator, Professor Georgina V. Long, on September 18, 2024, at 19.00 CEST/13.00 EDT. The webinar can be attended through registration via this link.

In the webinar, Professor Long will present the data from the one-year interim analysis and discuss challenges in the medical treatment of advanced melanoma. In the end, a Q&A session will be held, and participants are encouraged to present questions.

About EVX-01

EVX-01 is a personalized peptide-based cancer vaccine intended for first-line treatment of multiple advanced solid cancers. It is Evaxion’s lead clinical asset.

EVX-01 is a personalized therapy designed with our AI-Immunology™ platform and is tailored to target the unique tumor profile and immune characteristics of each patient. It engages the patient's immune system to fight off cancer by mounting a targeted response against tumors.

In the completed Phase 1/2a clinical trial (NCT03715985), assessing EVX-01 in combination with a PD-1 inhibitor, eight of twelve metastatic melanoma patients (67%) had objective clinical responses with two complete and six partial responses.

In addition, vaccine-induced T cells were detected in all patients and a significant correlation between clinical response and the AI-Immunology™ predictions was observed, underlining the predictive power of the platform.

About EVX-01 phase 2 clinical trial  

The Phase 2 clinical study (NCT05309421) is a self-sponsored open-label, single-arm, multi-center trial carried out in collaboration with leading principal investigators and research centers from Italy and Australia. The trial aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of EVX-01 vaccination in combination with MSD’s anti-PD1 therapy KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) in treatment-naive patients with metastatic or unresectable malignant stage III or IV melanoma. KEYTRUDA® is a registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC, a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA. Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC supplies KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) for the trial.

Contact information 
Evaxion Biotech A/S
Mads Kronborg
Vice President, Investor Relations & Communication
+45 53 54 82 96 

Evaxion Biotech A/S is a pioneering TechBio company based upon its AI platform, AI-Immunology™. Evaxion’s proprietary and scalable AI prediction models harness the power of artificial intelligence to decode the human immune system and develop novel immunotherapies for cancer, bacterial diseases, and viral infections. Based upon AI-Immunology™, Evaxion has developed a clinical-stage oncology pipeline of novel personalized vaccines and a preclinical infectious disease pipeline in bacterial and viral diseases with high unmet medical needs. Evaxion is committed to transforming patients’ lives by providing innovative and targeted treatment options. For more information about Evaxion and its groundbreaking AI-Immunology™ platform and vaccine pipeline, please visit our website.

Forward-looking statement 
This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The words “target,” “believe,” “expect,” “hope,” “aim,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “anticipate,” “contemplate,” “continue,” “estimate,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “will,” “can have,” “likely,” “should,” “would,” “could,” and other words and terms of similar meaning identify forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, risks related to: our financial condition and need for additional capital; our development work; cost and success of our product development activities and preclinical and clinical trials; commercializing any approved pharmaceutical product developed using our AI platform technology, including the rate and degree of market acceptance of our product candidates; our dependence on third parties including for conduct of clinical testing and product manufacture; our inability to enter into partnerships; government regulation; protection of our intellectual property rights; employee matters and managing growth; our ADSs and ordinary shares, the impact of international economic, political, legal, compliance, social and business factors, including inflation, and the effects on our business from the worldwide ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing conflict in the region surrounding Ukraine and Russia and the Middle East; and other uncertainties affecting our business operations and financial condition. For a further discussion of these risks, please refer to the risk factors included in our most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which are available at We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by law. 


What is the Overall Response Rate for Evaxion's EVX-01 in the phase 2 trial for melanoma?

The Overall Response Rate (ORR) for Evaxion's EVX-01 in the phase 2 trial for advanced melanoma is 69%, with 11 out of 16 patients showing objective clinical responses.

How many patients in the EVX-01 trial experienced tumor reduction?

15 out of 16 patients in the EVX-01 phase 2 trial experienced a reduction in their tumors (target lesions).

What percentage of EVX-01's vaccine targets triggered an immune response in the trial?

79% of EVX-01's vaccine targets triggered a targeted immune response in the phase 2 trial.

Is there a correlation between Evaxion's AI-Immunology™ platform predictions and immune responses?

Yes, there is a positive correlation between Evaxion's AI-Immunology™ platform predictions and neoantigen immune responses, with a statistical significance of p=0.00013.

When are the final results of the EVX-01 phase 2 trial expected for EVAX stock?

The final results of the EVX-01 phase 2 trial for Evaxion Biotech A/S (NASDAQ: EVAX) are expected in the third quarter of 2025.

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