European Energy Metals Discovers Widespread Spodumene Bearing Pegmatite Mineralization in Central Finland
European Energy Metals (TSXV: FIN) (FSE: W28) has discovered widespread Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum (LCT) pegmatite mineralization on its Central Finland Lithium Project. Key findings include:
- Multiple new spodumene-bearing LCT-type pegmatite boulder clusters identified
- 450 rock chip grab samples collected and submitted for analysis
- Pegmatite boulder trains traced over 1200 metres
- Large spodumene pegmatite boulders up to 4+ meters in diameter
- Five new Exploration License applications totaling 10,220 hectares submitted
The company's total holdings now reach 15,770 hectares, with new licenses contiguous to Keliber's and within 1 km of known lithium pegmatite deposits. Significant discoveries were made at Nabba, Jylha, and Tastula prospects, with multiple spodumene-bearing boulder clusters identified.
European Energy Metals (TSXV: FIN) (FSE: W28) ha scoperto ampie mineralizzazioni di pegmatite di Litio-Cesio-Tantalio (LCT) nel suo Progetto Litio in Finlandia Centrale. I risultati chiave includono:
- Identificati numerosi nuovi grappoli di boulder di pegmatite LCT contenenti spodumene
- Raccolti e inviati per analisi 450 campioni di roccia
- Tracciati treni di boulder di pegmatite su oltre 1200 metri
- Grandi boulders di pegmatite di spodumene fino a oltre 4 metri di diametro
- Presentate cinque nuove domande di Licenza di Esplorazione per un totale di 10.220 ettari
Le partecipazioni totali della società ora raggiungono 15.770 ettari, con nuove licenze contigue a quelle di Keliber e a meno di 1 km dai noti depositi di pegmatite litiosa. Scoperte significative sono state fatte presso i progetti di Nabba, Jylha e Tastula, con numerosi grappoli di boulder contenenti spodumene identificati.
European Energy Metals (TSXV: FIN) (FSE: W28) ha descubierto una amplia mineralización de pegmatita de Litio-Cesio-Tantalio (LCT) en su Proyecto de Litio en Finlandia Central. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
- Se han identificado múltiples nuevos grupos de boulders de pegmatita tipo LCT que contienen espodumeno
- Se han recolectado y enviado para análisis 450 muestras de roca
- Se han trazado trenes de boulders de pegmatita a lo largo de más de 1200 metros
- Boulders grandes de pegmatita de espodumeno de hasta más de 4 metros de diámetro
- Se han presentado cinco nuevas solicitudes de Licencias de Exploración que suman 10,220 hectáreas
Las tenencias totales de la compañía ahora alcanzan 15,770 hectáreas, con nuevas licencias contiguas a las de Keliber y a menos de 1 km de depósitos conocidos de pegmatita de litio. Se realizaron descubrimientos significativos en los prospectos de Nabba, Jylha y Tastula, con múltiples grupos de boulders que contienen espodumeno identificados.
European Energy Metals (TSXV: FIN) (FSE: W28)는 핀란드 중부의 리튬 프로젝트에서 리튬-세슘-탄탈럼(LCT) 페그마타이트 광상 광물화를 발견했습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 스포듐원석이 포함된 LCT 유형 페그마타이트 바위 덩어리 클러스터가 여러 개 확인됨
- 450개의 암석 칩 샘플이 수집되어 분석을 위해 제출됨
- 페그마타이트 바위 덩어리의 기차가 1200미터 이상 tracing됨
- 직경이 4미터가 넘는 큰 스포듐원석 페그마타이트 바위 덩어리 발견
- 10,220 헥타르에 달하는 5개의 새로운 탐사 라이센스 신청서 제출
회사의 보유 지분은 현재 15,770 헥타르에 달하며, 새로운 라이센스는 켈리버의 라이센스와 인접해 있으며, 알려진 리튬 페그마타이트 광상에서 1킬로미터 이내에 위치합니다. 나바, 율해, 타술라 프로젝트에서 중요한 발견이 있었으며, 스포듐이 포함된 여러 바위 덩어리 클러스터가 확인되었습니다.
European Energy Metals (TSXV: FIN) (FSE: W28) a découvert une large minéralisation de pegmatite Lithium-Césium-Tantal (LCT) dans son projet de lithium en Finlande centrale. Les principaux résultats incluent :
- Plusieurs nouveaux clusters de boulders de pegmatite de type LCT contenant du spodumène identifiés
- 450 échantillons de roche ont été collectés et soumis à des analyses
- Des trains de boulders de pegmatite ont été tracés sur plus de 1200 mètres
- De gros boulders de pegmatite de spodumène atteignant plus de 4 mètres de diamètre
- Cinq nouvelles demandes de licence d'exploration totalisant 10 220 hectares déposées
Les avoirs totaux de la société s'élèvent désormais à 15 770 hectares, avec de nouvelles licences contiguës à celles de Keliber et à moins de 1 km des dépôts de pegmatite de lithium connus. Des découvertes significatives ont été faites sur les prospects de Nabba, Jylha et Tastula, avec plusieurs clusters de boulders contenant du spodumène identifiés.
European Energy Metals (TSXV: FIN) (FSE: W28) hat weit verbreitete Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum (LCT) Pegmatit-Mineralisierung in seinem Lithiumprojekt in Zentralfinland entdeckt. Wichtige Ergebnisse beinhalten:
- Mehrere neue mit Spodumen unterlagerte LCT-typ Pegmatitblockcluster identifiziert
- 450 Gesteinsproben wurden entnommen und zur Analyse eingereicht
- Pegmatitblockzüge über 1200 Meter nachverfolgt
- Große Spodumen-Pegmatitblöcke mit einem Durchmesser von über 4 Metern
- Fünf neue Explorationslizenzanträge mit insgesamt 10.220 Hektar eingereicht
Die Gesamtflächen des Unternehmens belaufen sich jetzt auf 15.770 Hektar, wobei die neuen Lizenzen angrenzend an die von Keliber liegen und weniger als 1 km von bekannten Lithium-Pegmatit-Lagerstätten entfernt sind. Bedeutende Entdeckungen wurden in den Projekten Nabba, Jylha und Tastula gemacht, wobei mehrere Spodumen-haltige Blockcluster identifiziert wurden.
- Discovery of widespread LCT pegmatite mineralization in Central Finland
- Expansion of exploration area to 15,770 hectares
- Proximity to known lithium pegmatite deposits and Keliber's Spodumene Concentrator Plant
- Multiple spodumene-bearing boulder clusters identified across prospects
- Large individual boulders up to 4+ meters in diameter found
- Assay results for 450 rock chip grab samples still pending
- Discoveries based on boulder fields, source mineralization not yet confirmed
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 22, 2024) - European Energy Metals (TSXV: FIN) (FSE: W28) ("European Energy" or the "Company") is pleased to report that is has identified additional new areas of widespread Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum (LCT) pegmatite mineralization on its exploration licenses at its
Key Takeaways:
Multiple new spodumene-bearing LCT-type pegmatite boulder clusters and trends have been identified and sampled during the first two months of the 2024 campaign
A total of 450 rock chip grab samples have been collected and submitted to ALS Laboratory for analysis, with assays pending
Pegmatite boulder trains individually traced over 1200 metres ("m")
Large individual boulders/blocks of spodumene pegmatite locally up to + 4 m diameter
Five new Exploration License (ELs) applications totaling 10,220 hectares (ha) were recently submitted bringing the Company's total holdings to 15,770 ha (see Aug 15, 2024 press release)
New ELs largely contiguous with Keliber's licenses and within 1 km of known lithium pegmatite deposits and the Keliber Spodumene Concentrator Plant
Figure 1. The Finland Lithium Pegmatite Project - New Spodumene Mineralization
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Nabba Prospects
The highlight of 2023 was the discovery of the Kyrola prospect on the Nabba EL, where an 850m by 110m spodumene-bearing boulder field was discovered, comprised of 49 rock chip grab samples assaying from
The initial prospecting at Nabba in 2024 has identified new spodumene bearing LCT pegmatites mineralization in multiple areas. One of which was located 2.3 km west of Kyrola within an LCT pegmatite boulder cluster, with three boulders containing course visible 30
Jylha and Tastula Prospects
The new Jylha and Tastula ELs are contiguous with the western boundary of Keliber's ELs. Spodumene-bearing LCT-type pegmatites have been identified in multiple clusters and/or trends (minimum of six) over a total distance of 12.5 km.
The Jylha North prospect comprises a cluster of 58 LCT pegmatite boulders of which 22 contain visible spodumene. Individual boulders range in size from 10s of centimetres to over 3 m in diameter. This occurrence is situated approximately 1 km south-southeast of the Emmes Lithium Pegmatite deposit which comprises 1.08 million tonnes grading
The Morkyla Prospect, which lies approximately 1.5 km west of the Levikangas Lithium Pegmatite deposit (0.47 million tonnes grading
Figure 2. Morkyla Prospect
Morkyla discovery boulder (left); course spodumene crystals in same boulder (right)
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Tastula Prospects
Three separate clusters of spodumene -bearing LCT pegmatite boulders were identified during initial reconnaissance prospecting. These occur over an approximate 2 km by 4 km area with individual boulders being over 1.5 m in diameter.
The Company's projects are in the Kaustinen-Seinajoki region, which is highly prospective for LCT pegmatite deposits, as evidenced by the success of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) and subsequently Keliber Oy in discovering significant Li-bearing spodumene pegmatite prospects and deposits in the region. The Company's success in identifying widespread spodumene-rich LCT pegmatitic boulders is very encouraging, as the area is topographically flat and extensively covered by a thin veneer of glacial overburden.
It is important to note that all the significant deposit and prospect discoveries (with one exception) in the belt were found by tracing boulders back to source and identifying the source ultimately through drilling. The GTK/Keliber Oy discoveries demonstrate that boulders are generally located within 300 - 500 m of their source suggests excellent potential for discovery on the Company's licenses.
European Energy Metals cautions investors grab samples are selective samples by their nature and are not necessarily indicative of mineralization on the property. The Company further cautions the presence of lithium mineralization on Keliber Oy's properties is not necessarily indicative of similar mineralization on the Company's mineral reservations.
"Through multiple phases of exploration our team continues to discover new, highly prospective areas of LCT mineralization which has led to a tripling of our project size" commented Jeremy Poirier, CEO of European Energy Metals. "This is a testament to the strength of our exploration team in their ability to discover the expressions and ultimately the source of these lithium rich deposits. Our exploration program remains fully-funded and ongoing with assays from the first batch of samples expected in the coming weeks."
QA/QC Statement
Samples were submitted to ALS Laboratories in Sodankyla Finland. ALS inserted internal standards, blanks and pulp duplicates within each sample batch as part of their own internal monitoring of quality control protocols. European Energy Metals monitors precision and bias performance by inserting certified lithium standards (OREAS 750 and OREAS 753) as well as blanks into each batch submitted to ALS at a rate of 1:25.
The major element oxides and trace elements including Li, Cs, Ta and Be were analysed by ALS analytical package ME-MS89L + B-MS89L involving digestion by Na2O2 fusion followed by ALS's super trace ICP-MS methodology. QAQC results to date do not indicate any analytical accuracy issues with all standards returning values Li values within 3 standard deviations of their certified mean and blanks returning expected values.
Mike Basha, P.Eng., P.Geo. (NL), VP Exploration of European Energy Metals Corp., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has prepared this press release and compiled the results discussed herein.
About European Energy Metals Corp.
European Energy Metals Corp. is a junior mining company currently focussed on the Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Finnish Pegmatite Project in central Finland. Governing bodies in Europe and Finland are legislating environmentally friendly and energy independent laws and policies. One of the key components is access to REE and, specifically, lithium. The company's exploration licenses are located within 1 kms of the Keliber mine and production complex, currently under construction and expected to begin production in H2 2025.
An estimated €600 million investment by Keliber's parent company Sibanye-Stillwater Limited (NYSE: SBSW) in partnership with the Finnish Minerals Group ( is underway in the Kautinen Region and will see the development of open-pit and underground mining from several deposits, construction of a central spodumene concentrator plant and a lithium hydroxide chemical plant at tidewater in Kokkola. When completed, this complex will comprise a complete hard-rock spodumene pegmatite lithium supply chain (source:
The Company also has several 100 percent owned precious metals projects in Northern Finland. They are located in the Paleo-Proterozoic Greenstone Terrane of Northern Finland comprised of multiple greenstone belts including the CLGB which hosts world-class gold (eg Kittila Deposit, owned by Agnico Eagle and Ikkari Deposit, owned by Rupert Resources) and base metal deposits (eg Kevitsa owned by Boliden and Sakatti owned by Aglo-American). The belt's potential is also suggested by the presence of several major mining companies in the belt. The belt has very recently garnered significant interest following an offer from Rupert Resources to buy B2Gold's
Jeremy Poirier, CEO
Telephone: 604-722-9842
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Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward Looking Information
This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information is typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. Such statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the future results of operations, performance and achievements of the Company, including the presence of lithium mineralization at, and the exploration and development potential of, the Finland Pegmatite Project. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that such expectations will prove to be correct. All such forward-looking information is based on certain assumptions and analyses made by the Company in light of their experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors management believes are appropriate in the circumstances. This information, however, is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from this forward-looking information include the costs of any anticipated work programs and the ability to fund such costs, required approvals in connection with any work programs and the ability to obtain such approvals, risks inherent in exploration as well as those described under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" in the Company's most recently filed MD&A. The Company does not intend, and expressly disclaims any obligation to, update or revise the forward-looking information contained in this news release, except as required by law. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.
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