Top 10 Impostor Utility Scams To Watch Out For
Entergy joins Utilities United Against Scams to support International Fraud Awareness Week and recognize Utility Scam Awareness Day. The initiative aims to educate customers about common utility impostor scams, which caused a median loss of $463 per victim in 2023 according to the BBB.
The top 10 scams include: disconnection deception, bill payment cons, equipment repair fees, overpayment tricks, power restoration rip-offs, phishing variants (smishing, vishing, quishing), contractor cons, home improvement schemes, solar scams, and bogus bills. To protect customers, Entergy emphasizes using only authorized payment methods and verifying the identity of utility workers.
Entergy si unisce a Utilities United Against Scams per sostenere la Settimana Internazionale di Sensibilizzazione contro le Frodi e riconoscere la Giornata di Sensibilizzazione contro le Frodi nelle Utilities. L'iniziativa mira a educare i clienti riguardo ai comuni inganni da impostore nel settore dell'utility, che hanno causato una perdita media di $463 per vittima nel 2023, secondo il BBB.
Le 10 truffe principali includono: inganno della disconnessione, frodi nei pagamenti delle bollette, costi di riparazione degli impianti, trucchi per sovrapagamenti, truffe sul ripristino dell'energia, varianti di phishing (smishing, vishing, quishing), truffe da appaltatori, schemi di miglioramento della casa, frodi solari e bollette false. Per proteggere i clienti, Entergy sottolinea l'importanza di utilizzare solo metodi di pagamento autorizzati e di verificare l'identità dei lavoratori delle utilities.
Entergy se une a Utilities United Against Scams para apoyar la Semana Internacional de Concienciación sobre Fraudes y reconocer el Día de Concienciación sobre Fraudes en Utilidades. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo educar a los clientes sobre las estafas comunes de impostores en el sector de las utilidades, que causaron una pérdida media de $463 por víctima en 2023, según la BBB.
Las 10 principales estafas incluyen: engaño de desconexión, fraudes en el pago de facturas, tarifas de reparación de equipos, trucos de sobrepago, estafas de restauración de energía, variantes de phishing (smishing, vishing, quishing), fraudes de contratistas, esquemas de mejora del hogar, estafas solares y facturas falsas. Para proteger a los clientes, Entergy enfatiza la importancia de utilizar solo métodos de pago autorizados y verificar la identidad de los trabajadores de servicios públicos.
Entergy는 국제 사기 인식 주간을 지원하고 유틸리티 사기 인식의 날을 기념하기 위해 Utilities United Against Scams에 합류합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 고객을 교육하여 2023년 BBB에 따르면 피해자당 중간 손실이 $463에 달하는 일반적인 유틸리티 사기와 사기꾼에 대한 경각심을 높이는 것을 목표로 합니다.
상위 10가지 사기에는 차단 착각, 청구서 지불 사기, 장비 수리 요금, 과지불 트릭, 전력 복구 사기, 피싱 변형(스미싱, 비싱, 쿠이싱), 계약자 사기, 주택 개선 계획, 태양광 사기 및 허위 청구서가 포함됩니다. 고객 보호를 위해 Entergy는 승인된 결제 수단만 사용하고 유틸리티 작업자의 신원을 확인할 것을 강조합니다.
Entergy rejoint Utilities United Against Scams pour soutenir la Semaine Internationale de Sensibilisation aux Fraudes et reconnaître la Journée de Sensibilisation aux Fraudes dans les Services publics. L'initiative vise à informer les clients sur les escroqueries courantes des imposteurs dans le secteur, qui ont entraîné une perte médiane de 463 $ par victime en 2023, selon le BBB.
Les 10 principales escroqueries comprennent : tromperie de déconnexion, arnaques au paiement des factures, frais de réparation d'équipement, astuces de trop-perçus, escroqueries de rétablissement d'énergie, variantes de phishing (smishing, vishing, quishing), arnaques de sous-traitants, projets de rénovation domiciliaire, arnaques solaires et fausses factures. Pour protéger les clients, Entergy souligne l'importance d'utiliser uniquement des méthodes de paiement autorisées et de vérifier l'identité des travailleurs des services publics.
Entergy schließt sich den Utilities United Against Scams an, um die Internationale Fraud Awareness Week zu unterstützen und den Utility Scam Awareness Day anzuerkennen. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, Kunden über gängige Betrugsmaschen im Bereich der Versorgungsunternehmen aufzuklären, die im Jahr 2023 laut BBB einen mittleren Verlust von 463 USD pro Opfer verursacht haben.
Die Top 10 Betrugsmaschen umfassen: Abschaltungstricks, Betrügereien bei der Rechnungszahlung, Gebühren für GeräteReparaturen, Überzahlungsbetrügereien, Tricks bei der Stromwiderherstellung, Phishing-Varianten (Smishing, Vishing, Quishing), Betrug durch Auftragnehmer, Heimverbesserungsschemata, Solar-Betrügereien und gefälschte Rechnungen. Um die Kunden zu schützen, betont Entergy die Nutzung nur autorisierter Zahlungsmethoden und die Überprüfung der Identität von Versorgungsmitarbeitern.
- None.
- None.
By: Rob Pettit | Manager, Customer Communications
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 19, 2024 / Entergy Corporation

Entergy joins Utilities United Against Scams this week to support International Fraud Awareness Week and to recognize the ninth annual Utility Scam Awareness Day on Wednesday, November 20. Utility Scam Awareness Day is an advocacy and awareness campaign focused on educating customers and exposing scammer tactics.
For years, scammers have posed as utility workers and attempted to steal financial information or obtain immediate payment from customers by threatening service interruptions. These utility impostor scams represent real financial loss for customers. In 2023, the Better Business Bureau reported that the median loss to customers who fell victim to utility scams as
Disconnection deception
Scammers call threatening disconnection of your utility service, demanding immediate payment by prepaid cards purchased at a local retail store (or credit card, debit card, bank draft, wiring money, etc.), and insisting you call them back with the card information to make payment. Entergy will send you one or more disconnection notices in the mail before disconnecting or shutting off your utility service, and we offer several bill payment options without specifying the type of payment you need to make.
Bill payment or credit con
Scammers may provide you with a phony account routing number for you to use to pay your utility bills, receive a credit, or obtain federal assistance. In exchange for personal information that can be used for identity theft, you may get a payment account number. If the number is entered during an online transaction, it may appear that your bill is paid, but no funds are actually paid to the utility, the account balance remains due, and you may be charged a returned payment fee by your utility.
Equipment or repair bogus fee
Scammers call demanding a separate payment to replace or install a utility-related device or meter. If a utility needs to upgrade or replace a piece of equipment, Entergy will contact you ahead of time as a courtesy. If there is a charge related to work on equipment you might own, it will typically be included in your monthly bill.
Overpayment trick
Scammers call claiming you have overpaid your utility bill, and you need to provide personal bank account information or a credit card number to facilitate a refund. Entergy will usually apply any overpayments you have made to your utility account, allowing the credit balance to cover any future charges, or refund any overpayment by mailing a check.
Power restoration rip off
Scammers call offering to restore power quickly or in a preferential order for immediate payment or an upfront "reconnection fee," typically in the aftermath of hurricanes and other severe storms causing widespread power outages. Entergy does not require payment to restore electricity after a natural disaster or other related outage.
Going phishing with smishing, vishing and quishing scams
Phishing occurs when scammers send potential victims an email to convince the recipient to transfer money, send a password or provide other personal data. While customers have learned to open emails with caution, they may not be familiar with the latest versions of these phishing attempts.
Smishing, short for SMS phishing, attempts to trick mobile phone users into giving scammers personal information, which can be used for identity theft, via a text or SMS message. Scammers like smishing, as consumers tend to be more inclined to trust text messages. Utility companies typically do not text you unless you have signed up for a specific notification service offered by your utility.
Vishing, or voice phishing, is a type of phishing attack where scammers use phone calls to trick individuals into revealing personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers, by pretending to be a legitimate entity. This type of scam can be executed by real humans or via pre-recorded robocalls.
Quishing, or QR code phishing, is a relatively new scam where fraudsters have covered legitimate QR codes with their own to guide users to websites designed to steal personal information. For utility customers, if you are presented with a QR code in situations where payment is being requested always exercise caution and make sure you are using only Entergy-approved payment methods to complete transactions.
Contractor con
Scammers posing as utility workers or contractors affiliated with Entergy may knock on your door claiming to be employed or hired by us to reset, repair, replace, or inspect your utility meter or other utility-related device. If a utility employee or authorized contractor needs access to your home, an appointment will be scheduled in advance, and proper identification will be provided for your review.
Home improvement huckster
Scammers posing as utility workers may appear unannounced at your front door offering a free energy audit, efficiency inspection, or some other service. While Entergy does offer these types of programs to customers, these unsolicited intruders may be pitching unnecessary expensive products or attempting to steal items from you. Unless your Entergy has notified you in advance, or you initiated a request for such a service, exercise caution and do not let them into your home or business without verifying their identity.
Solar scammers
If you're interested in solar panels, be careful when evaluating installation offers. Scammers use misleading sales tactics to trick homeowners out of money and personal information. There are reputable solar companies and contractors out there, but before accepting an unsolicited offer from a door-to-door salesperson, you should investigate the facts. Entergy does not partner with third-party solar companies for at-home solar solutions. While some Entergy contractors do perform solar work, they are prohibited from using their affiliation with Entergy to solicit solar business. Verify a salesperson's identity by asking to see their badge or call us at 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749) to speak with a customer service representative.
Bogus bills
Scammers send suspicious emails that appear to be a bill sent by your utility company, potentially featuring your utility's logo and color scheme. Do not click on any links or attachments in any email unless you have verified the sender. You may be directed to a scam website designed to steal your personal information, or you might install malicious software onto your computer without ever knowing it. Utility companies typically send bills by mail, unless you have opted to receive your bill by email.
How to safely pay your Entergy bill
Customers should only use the following Entergy-approved payment methods with valid and authorized banking information to pay their bills:
Pay online (no fee) - For no additional charge, conveniently pay your bill online by electronic check. Log in securely to myEntergyto view and pay your bills.
Pay by phone (fee) - Pay your bill by phone using a bank account, credit or debit card by calling 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749) or calling SpeedPay directly at 1-888-822-0553. Our pay-by-phone provider will charge a
$2.50 convenience fee with Speedpay. Speedpay is the only credit card or debit card vendors authorized to process these payments over the phone.Pay by credit/debit card (fee) - There are currently four approved options to pay your utility bill with a credit card or debit card.
Pay online through our authorized credit or debit card vendor, Speedpay, for a
$1.60 convenience fee. Access these sites by visiting myEntergy to ensure secure payment options.Pay by moBillsTM through your smartphone's native wallet with Speedpay for a
$1.60 convenience fee.Pay by Text for with your mobile phone with Speedpay for a
$1.60 convenience fee. Receive a text message notification on your cell phone when your bill is ready. Simply reply to the text to pay your bill.Pay by phone through Speeday with a
$2.50 convenience fee by calling 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749).
Walk-in payment centers- Pay your utility bill in person with cash, check or money order at one of the authorized Quick Payment Centers in your community. A convenience fee may apply.
Auto pay- Avoid late fees, writing checks and paying for postage by having your bill automatically deduct from your bank account when you enroll in AutoPay. We'll provide a monthly billing statement to you for your records, showing the usage, bill amount and due date.
Pay by mail- Simply mail in your monthly payment in the envelope provided with your bill. It's fast, easy and one stamp is all it takes for your payment to reach us. Please note, you may see delays in payment processing through this option due. To reduce delays, always provide your Entergy bill stub with your check payment in the courtesy envelope provided.
Customers who suspect that they have been victims of fraud should contact Entergy by calling 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749) Be sure to have all details and any supporting documents available to discuss the suspicious activity on your utility account with an Entergy representative. You should also contact the proper authorities, such as the local police, the state attorney general's office, Better Business Bureau or Federal Trade Commission.
Visit for information and tips on how you can protect yourself from impostor utility scams.
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Spokesperson: Entergy Corporation
SOURCE: Entergy Corporation
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What are the most common utility scams targeting Entergy customers in 2024?
How much money did utility scam victims lose on average in 2023?
What is Utility Scam Awareness Day 2024?