Entergy Spreads Holiday Cheer and Thousands of Toys at the Annual Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund
Entergy sponsored the 129th annual Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund gift giveaway in New Orleans, continuing their support since 2016. The event, hosted at Xavier University of Louisiana, involved over 30 Entergy employees distributing toys, school supplies, and snacks to families in need. Co-sponsored by The Times-Picayune, WVUE-TV, and Element, the initiative follows last year's successful distribution of more than 12,000 gifts throughout the metro area. Deanna Rodriguez, president and CEO of Entergy New Orleans, emphasized the event's significance in creating joy for community families, particularly meaningful given current economic challenges from rising living costs and inflation.
Entergy ha sponsorizzato la 129esima edizione annuale della distribuzione di regali del Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund a New Orleans, continuando il suo supporto dal 2016. L'evento, ospitato alla Xavier University of Louisiana, ha visto oltre 30 dipendenti di Entergy distribuire giocattoli, forniture scolastiche e snack a famiglie bisognose. Co-sponsorizzato da The Times-Picayune, WVUE-TV ed Element, l'iniziativa segue la riuscita distribuzione di oltre 12.000 regali nell'area metropolitana dello scorso anno. Deanna Rodriguez, presidente e CEO di Entergy New Orleans, ha sottolineato l'importanza dell'evento nel creare gioia per le famiglie della comunità, particolarmente significativo date le attuali sfide economiche legate all'aumento del costo della vita e all'inflazione.
Entergy patrocinó la 129ª entrega de regalos del Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund en Nueva Orleans, continuando su apoyo desde 2016. El evento, realizado en la Xavier University of Louisiana, involucró a más de 30 empleados de Entergy que distribuyeron juguetes, útiles escolares y refrigerios a familias necesitadas. Co-patrocinado por The Times-Picayune, WVUE-TV y Element, la iniciativa sigue a la exitosa distribución del año pasado de más de 12,000 regalos en toda el área metropolitana. Deanna Rodriguez, presidenta y CEO de Entergy New Orleans, enfatizó la importancia del evento para crear alegría en las familias de la comunidad, especialmente significativo dado los actuales desafíos económicos por el aumento en el costo de vida y la inflación.
Entergy는 2016년부터 계속해서 후원하고 있는 뉴올리언스의 129번째 연례 타임스-피카윤 인형 및 장난감 기금 선물 증정 행사를 후원했습니다. 루이지애나 Xavier University에서 진행된 이 행사에는 30명 이상의 Entergy 직원이 참여하여 어려운 가정에 장난감, 학용품, 간식을 배포했습니다. The Times-Picayune, WVUE-TV 및 Element가 공동 후원하는 이 이니셔티브는 지난해 메트로 지역에서 12,000개 이상의 선물을 성공적으로 분배한 데 이어 진행된 것입니다. Deanna Rodriguez, Entergy New Orleans의 회장 및 CEO는 이 행사가 지역 사회의 가족들에게 기쁨을 주는 데 중요하다고 강조했으며, 특히 생활비 증가와 인플레이션으로 인한 현재의 경제적 도전과 관련하여 그 의미가 더욱 깊다고 했습니다.
Entergy a sponsorisé la 129e remise de cadeaux du Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund à La Nouvelle-Orléans, poursuivant son soutien depuis 2016. L'événement, qui s'est tenu à la Xavier University of Louisiana, a impliqué plus de 30 employés d'Entergy distribuant des jouets, des fournitures scolaires et des collations à des familles dans le besoin. Co-sponsorisé par The Times-Picayune, WVUE-TV et Element, cette initiative fait suite à la distribution réussie de plus de 12 000 cadeaux dans la région métropolitaine l'an dernier. Deanna Rodriguez, présidente et PDG d'Entergy New Orleans, a souligné l'importance de cet événement pour créer de la joie pour les familles de la communauté, ce qui est particulièrement significatif compte tenu des défis économiques actuels liés à l'augmentation du coût de la vie et à l'inflation.
Entergy hat die 129. jährliche Geschenkverteilung des Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund in New Orleans gesponsert und unterstützt dies seit 2016. Die Veranstaltung, die an der Xavier University of Louisiana stattfand, umfasste über 30 Entergy-Mitarbeiter, die Spielzeuge, Schulmaterial und Snacks an bedürftige Familien verteilten. Co-sponsert von The Times-Picayune, WVUE-TV und Element, folgt die Initiative auf die erfolgreiche Verteilung von mehr als 12.000 Geschenken in der Metropolregion im vergangenen Jahr. Deanna Rodriguez, Präsidentin und CEO von Entergy New Orleans, betonte die Bedeutung der Veranstaltung, um Freude in die Gemeinschaftsfamilien zu bringen, was angesichts der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen durch steigende Lebenshaltungskosten und Inflation besonders wichtig ist.
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NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 17, 2024 / Entergy Corporation
By: Cristina del Canto | Senior Communications Specialist

This holiday season, Entergy proudly sponsored the annual gift giveaway for The Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund in New Orleans, a heartwarming tradition celebrating its 129th year. Our leadership team and employees gathered to spread holiday cheer and donate thousands of toys to children and families in need. Since 2016, Entergy has been a leading sponsor of this event.
Hosted at Xavier University of Louisiana, our team of more than 30 employees dedicated their day to unboxing and distributing the gifts to families facing hardships across the New Orleans area. This year's giveaway, co-sponsored by The Times-Picayune, Entergy, WVUE-TV, and Element, followed a successful yearlong campaign to collect donations that would provide toys, school supplies and snacks to those in need over the holidays.
"The success of the Doll and Toy Fund event embodies the spirit of the holidays and the importance of giving back," said Deanna Rodriguez, president and CEO of Entergy New Orleans. "It's an honor to partner on an initiative that creates such joy for families in our community."
Thousands of grateful families lined the Convocation Center's parking lot, eager to partake in this annual tradition. Last year, the fund distributed more than 12,000 gifts throughout the metro area, and this season's event proved equally impactful. Many parents expressed that rising living costs and inflation have posed significant challenges, yet the joy on their children's faces brought immense relief and hope during this special time of year.
At Entergy, our commitment to giving back extends well beyond the holiday season. Alongside our efforts to keep the lights on, we are dedicated to helping the communities we serve shine a little brighter through our diverse initiatives.
Discover more about how we strive to make a meaningful difference here.
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SOURCE: Entergy Corporation
View the original press release on accesswire.com
How many gifts did the Entergy-sponsored Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund distribute in 2023?
How long has Entergy been sponsoring the Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund?
How many Entergy employees participated in the 2024 toy distribution event?