Entergy Sends Power Restoration Teams to Florida Ahead of Hurricane Milton’s Landfall

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Entergy is sending power restoration teams to Florida in anticipation of Hurricane Milton's landfall. More than 1,000 employees and contractors currently supporting Hurricane Helene restoration efforts will be deployed, with approximately half remaining to support Helene restoration and the other half moving to Florida. Milton, currently a Category 5 hurricane, is forecast to make landfall as a Category 3 or 4, bringing catastrophic storm surge and damaging winds to the Florida Peninsula.

Louis Dabdoub, vice president of incident response, expressed gratitude for the team's ability to help and pride in the company's commitment to assisting industry peers. The deployment is part of long-standing mutual assistance agreements between utilities. Entergy participates in four different mutual assistance organizations, meeting bi-annually and providing labor and materials when needed.

Entergy sta inviando squadre di ripristino dell'energia in Florida in previsione dell'arrivo di Uragano Milton. Più di 1.000 dipendenti e appaltatori attualmente supportano gli sforzi di ripristino per Uragano Helene e saranno dispiegati, con circa metà che rimarrà per assistere il ripristino di Helene e l'altra metà che si sposterà in Florida. Milton, attualmente un uragano di categoria 5, è previsto atterrare come un uragano di categoria 3 o 4, portando un'onda di tempesta catastrofica e venti distruttivi sulla penisola della Florida.

Louis Dabdoub, vicepresidente della risposta agli incidenti, ha espresso gratitudine per la capacità del team di aiutare e orgoglio per l'impegno dell'azienda ad assistere i colleghi del settore. Il dispiegamento fa parte di accordi di mutua assistenza di lunga data tra le utilities. Entergy partecipa a quattro diverse organizzazioni di mutua assistenza, riunendosi due volte all'anno e fornendo manodopera e materiali quando necessario.

Entergy está enviando equipos de restauración de energía a Florida en anticipación a la llegada del Huracán Milton. Más de 1,000 empleados y contratistas que actualmente apoyan los esfuerzos de restauración del Huracán Helene serán desplegados, aproximadamente la mitad se quedará para apoyar la restauración de Helene y la otra mitad se trasladará a Florida. Milton, que actualmente es un huracán de categoría 5, se prevé que toque tierra como un huracán de categoría 3 o 4, trayendo una oleada de tormenta catastrófica y vientos dañinos a la península de Florida.

Louis Dabdoub, vicepresidente de respuesta a incidentes, expresó su gratitud por la habilidad del equipo para ayudar y orgullo por el compromiso de la empresa de asistir a sus colegas de la industria. El despliegue es parte de acuerdos de asistencia mutua de larga data entre las compañías de servicios. Entergy participa en cuatro organizaciones diferentes de asistencia mutua, reuniéndose dos veces al año y proporcionando mano de obra y materiales cuando es necesario.

Entergy허리케인 밀턴의 상륙을 대비하여 플로리다에 전력 복구 팀을 보내고 있습니다. 현재 허리케인 헬렌 복구 작업을 지원하는 1,000명 이상의 직원과 계약자가 배치될 예정이며, 그중 절반은 헬렌 복구를 지원하기 위해 남고 나머지 절반은 플로리다로 이동하게 됩니다. 현재 5등급 허리케인밀턴은 3 또는 4등급으로 상륙할 것으로 예보되어 있으며, 플로리다 반도에 파괴적인 폭풍 해일과 강풍을 가져올 것입니다.

루이 다브두브, 사고 대응 부 vicepresident는 팀이 돕고 산업 동료들을 지원하는 회사의 헌신에 대해 감사를 표했습니다. 이번 배치는 관리 기관 간의 오랜 상호 지원 협정의 일환입니다. Entergy는 서로 다른 4개의 상호 지원 조직에 참여하고 있으며, 매년 두 번 만나 필요 시 인력과 자재를 제공합니다.

Entergy envoie des équipes de restauration de l'énergie en Floride en prévision de l'arrivée de l'ouragan Milton. Plus de 1 000 employés et entrepreneurs soutenant actuellement les efforts de restauration de l'ouragan Helene seront déployés, environ la moitié restant pour soutenir la restauration de Helene et l'autre moitié se rendant en Floride. Milton, actuellement un ouragan de catégorie 5, devrait toucher terre en tant qu'ouragan de catégorie 3 ou 4, apportant une onde de tempête catastrophique et des vents destructeurs sur la péninsule de Floride.

Louis Dabdoub, vice-président de la réponse aux incidents, a exprimé sa gratitude pour la capacité de l'équipe à aider et sa fierté quant à l'engagement de l'entreprise à assister ses collègues du secteur. Le déploiement fait partie d'accords d'assistance mutuelle de longue date entre les entreprises de services publics. Entergy participe à quatre organisations d'assistance mutuelle différentes, se réunissant deux fois par an et fournissant main-d'œuvre et matériaux lorsque cela est nécessaire.

Entergy sendet Stromversorgungsteams nach Florida in Erwartung des Hurrikans Milton. Mehr als 1.000 Mitarbeiter und Auftragnehmer, die derzeit die Wiederherstellungsbemühungen des Hurrikans Helene unterstützen, werden bereitgestellt, wobei etwa die Hälfte bleibt, um Helene zu betreuen und die andere Hälfte nach Florida wechselt. Milton, der derzeit ein Hurrikan der Kategorie 5 ist, wird voraussichtlich als Hurrikan der Kategorie 3 oder 4 auf Land treffen, was katastrophale Sturmfluten und schädliche Winde auf die Halbinsel Florida bringen wird.

Louis Dabdoub, Vizepräsident für Vorfallreaktionen, äußerte Dankbarkeit für die Fähigkeit des Teams zu helfen und Stolz auf das Engagement des Unternehmens, anderen in der Branche zu helfen. Der Einsatz ist Teil langjähriger Mutual Assistance Agreements zwischen Versorgungsunternehmen. Entergy ist Mitglied in vier verschiedenen Organisationen für gegenseitige Hilfe, die sich halbjährlich treffen und Arbeitskräfte sowie Materialien bereitstellen, wenn dies erforderlich ist.

  • Entergy demonstrates industry leadership by providing assistance to peer utilities in Florida
  • The company maintains strong mutual assistance partnerships, participating in four different organizations
  • Deployment of resources to Florida may potentially impact Entergy's own operations and response capabilities

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2024 / Entergy Corporation
By: Adrienne Bourgeois | Senior Communications Specialist, Utility Communications

More than 1,000 employees and contractors currently supporting Hurricane Helene restoration efforts will begin to deploy to support peer utilities in Florida following anticipated power outages caused by Hurricane Milton.

Approximately half of those still working in the areas devastated by Helene will remain in support of Helene restoration while the other half of the workforce will move into Florida in anticipation of Milton's landfall. Over the next few days, we expect to shift additional resources that are released from Helene to support Florida utilities. Entergy will continue to offer as many workers as possible to the affected area while balancing people and resources here to meet the needs of its customers.

Milton, currently a Category 5 hurricane, is forecast to make landfall later this week as a Category 3 or Category 4 hurricane. The storm is expected to bring catastrophic and deadly storm surge, as well as damaging hurricane-force winds over the Florida Peninsula still recovering from the impact of Hurricane Helene.

"Forecast predicted this storm season would be an active season," said Louis Dabdoub, vice president, incident response. "I am grateful our team is in the position to lend a helping hand to our neighbors. My prayers are with everyone who will be impacted by this storm, and all of those recovering from the damage caused by Hurricane Helene. I am proud our company values community and is committed to helping our industry peers in their time of need."

Sending power restoration crews to help is part of long-standing mutual assistance agreements where utilities support one another in times of need. When requested, Entergy's utilities will send as many workers as they can spare to the affected area while keeping enough at home to meet the needs of our customers.

In addition to meeting bi-annually, mutual assistance companies provide labor and materials to each other when needed to strengthen their partnership. Entergy participates in four different mutual assistance organizations.

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SOURCE: Entergy Corporation

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How many Entergy employees are being sent to Florida for Hurricane Milton?

Approximately 500 Entergy employees and contractors are being sent to Florida to support power restoration efforts in anticipation of Hurricane Milton's landfall.

What category is Hurricane Milton expected to be when it makes landfall in Florida?

Hurricane Milton is forecast to make landfall as a Category 3 or Category 4 hurricane, bringing catastrophic storm surge and damaging winds to the Florida Peninsula.

How does Entergy's mutual assistance program work?

Entergy participates in long-standing mutual assistance agreements where utilities support one another in times of need. They send workers to affected areas while maintaining enough staff to meet their own customers' needs, and participate in four different mutual assistance organizations.

Entergy Corporation


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