Entergy Mississippi Helps Customers Keep Cool and Save Money This Summer
Entergy Mississippi is taking proactive steps to help customers manage high electricity costs during extreme summer heat. The company has launched an online Bill Toolkit connecting customers to bill management, energy efficiency, and financial assistance resources. Key initiatives include:
1. myAdvisor dashboard for tracking energy usage and costs
2. Flexible payment options like Pick-A-Date and Level Billing
3. 'Beat the Heat' program providing assistance to low-income customers
4. Partnerships with local organizations for financial aid
Entergy Mississippi emphasizes its commitment to maintaining low electricity rates while helping customers control their energy usage and costs during periods of extreme temperatures.
Entergy Mississippi sta adottando misure proattive per aiutare i clienti a gestire i costi elevati dell'elettricità durante il caldo estremo estivo. L'azienda ha lanciato un Toolkit per le Bollette online che connette i clienti a risorse per la gestione delle bollette, l'efficienza energetica e assistenza finanziaria. Le iniziative principali includono:
1. Dashboard myAdvisor per monitorare l'uso e i costi energetici
2. Opzioni di pagamento flessibili come Pick-A-Date e Livellamento della Bolletta
3. Programma 'Sconfiggi il Caldo' che fornisce assistenza ai clienti a basso reddito
4. Collaborazioni con organizzazioni locali per aiuti finanziari
Entergy Mississippi sottolinea il suo impegno a mantenere tariffe elettriche basse mentre aiuta i clienti a controllare il loro consumo energetico e i costi durante periodi di temperature estreme.
Entergy Mississippi está tomando medidas proactivas para ayudar a los clientes a gestionar los altos costos de electricidad durante el calor extremo del verano. La empresa ha lanzado un Kit de Herramientas para Facturas en línea que conecta a los clientes con recursos para la gestión de facturas, eficiencia energética y asistencia financiera. Las iniciativas clave incluyen:
1. Panel myAdvisor para rastrear el uso y los costos de energía
2. Opciones de pago flexibles como Pick-A-Date y Facturación Nivelada
3. Programa 'Derrotar el Calor' que brinda asistencia a clientes de bajos ingresos
4. Alianzas con organizaciones locales para ayuda financiera
Entergy Mississippi enfatiza su compromiso de mantener tarifas eléctricas bajas mientras ayuda a los clientes a controlar su consumo de energía y costos durante períodos de temperaturas extremas.
Entergy Mississippi는 극심한 여름 더위 동안 고객이 높은 전기 비용을 관리할 수 있도록 사전 조치를 취하고 있습니다. 회사는 고객을 청구서 관리, 에너지 효율성 및 재정 지원 리소스에 연결하는 온라인 청구서 도구 키트를 출시했습니다. 주요 이니셔티브는 다음과 같습니다:
1. 에너지 사용량 및 비용을 추적할 수 있는 myAdvisor 대시보드
2. Pick-A-Date 및 평준화 청구와 같은 유연한 지불 옵션
3. 저소득 고객에게 지원을 제공하는 '더위를 이겨내자' 프로그램
4. 재정 지원을 위한 지역 단체와의 파트너십
Entergy Mississippi는 극심한 온도 동안 고객이 에너지 사용량과 비용을 통제할 수 있도록 도우면서 낮은 전기 요금을 유지하려는 의지를 강조합니다.
Entergy Mississippi prend des mesures proactives pour aider les clients à gérer les coûts élevés de l'électricité pendant la chaleur estivale extrême. La société a lancé un Kit d'Outils de Facturation en ligne qui relie les clients à des ressources sur la gestion des factures, l'efficacité énergétique et l'assistance financière. Les principales initiatives incluent :
1. Tableau de bord myAdvisor pour suivre la consommation d'énergie et les coûts
2. Options de paiement flexibles comme Pick-A-Date et Facturation Équilibrée
3. Programme 'Battre la Chaleur' fournissant une aide aux clients à faible revenu
4. Partenariats avec des organisations locales pour une aide financière
Entergy Mississippi souligne son engagement à maintenir des tarifs électriques bas tout en aidant les clients à contrôler leur consommation d'énergie et leurs coûts pendant les périodes de températures extrêmes.
Entergy Mississippi ergreift proaktive Maßnahmen, um Kunden während extremer Sommerhitze bei der Bewältigung hoher Stromkosten zu helfen. Das Unternehmen hat ein Online- Rechnungs-Toolkit gestartet, das Kunden mit Ressourcen zur Rechnungsverwaltung, Energieeffizienz und finanzieller Unterstützung verbindet. Zu den wichtigsten Initiativen gehören:
1. myAdvisor Dashboard zur Verfolgung des Energieverbrauchs und der Kosten
2. Flexible Zahlungsmöglichkeiten wie Pick-A-Date und Level Billing
3. Program 'Hitze bezwingen', das Unterstützung für einkommensschwache Kunden bietet
4. Partnerschaften mit lokalen Organisationen für finanzielle Hilfe
Entergy Mississippi betont sein Engagement, niedrige Strompreise aufrechtzuerhalten, während es den Kunden hilft, ihren Energieverbrauch und ihre Kosten während extremer Temperaturen zu kontrollieren.
- Launch of online Bill Toolkit to help customers manage energy costs
- Offering flexible payment options to customers
- Implementation of 'Beat the Heat' program to assist low-income customers
- Partnerships with local organizations for financial assistance
- Record-level temperatures leading to high electricity usage and costs
- Potential increase in customer bills due to extreme heat
Entergy Mississippi's proactive approach to customer assistance is a strategic move that could positively impact its financial stability. By helping customers manage their energy costs, the company may reduce bad debt expenses and improve cash flow. The introduction of the Bill Toolkit and various payment options demonstrates a customer-centric strategy that could enhance customer retention and satisfaction, potentially leading to long-term revenue stability.
However, the financial impact of these initiatives is likely to be minimal in the short term. The company's focus on low-income customers and energy efficiency might slightly reduce revenue per customer, but this could be offset by reduced operating costs associated with fewer late payments and disconnections. Investors should view this as a long-term investment in customer relationships rather than an immediate profit driver.
Entergy Mississippi's customer assistance programs reflect a broader industry trend towards improved customer engagement and support, especially in the face of extreme weather events. This approach aligns with growing consumer expectations for utilities to provide more than just power – they want tools and resources to manage their energy use effectively.
The company's emphasis on digital tools like myAdvisor and flexible payment options caters to the increasing demand for personalized, tech-driven solutions. This strategy could give Entergy a competitive edge in customer satisfaction metrics, which are becoming increasingly important in regulated utility markets. However, the real test will be in the adoption rates of these tools and their impact on customer behavior, which will take time to materialize and assess.
JACKSON, MS / ACCESSWIRE / August 29, 2024 / Entergy Corporation:
Extreme heat can increase electricity use and costs, and the past two summers have brought record-level temperatures to our service area and high electricity usage by our customers. Entergy Mississippi is committed to helping our customers stay cool and save money this summer with bill management tools, customer assistance events and programs.
Entergy's newly launched online Bill Toolkit connects customers to bill management, energy efficiency and financial assistance resources. This new resource helps our customers explore simple ways they can lower their electricity use and costs.
"In the face of extreme temperatures, we're continuing to take steps to keep costs down for customers with some of the lowest electricity rates in the country," said Robbie Kemp, vice president of customer service. "To help our customers take control of their budget and save money in extreme heat, we are connecting them with tools to monitor their energy use, manage their bills and find financial assistance."
Track your energy usage
Bill management tools like myAdvisor empower our customers to set electricity usage alerts and monitor how much energy they use each day. Tracking electricity usage over time can help customers identify habits that contribute to higher usage and budget their monthly expenses. With their myAdvisor dashboard, customers have access to usage and cost details, bill history, bill projections and analyzer tools and more.
Manage your bills your way
Entergy Mississippi offers several flexible payment options so customers can choose when, where and how they receive their bills.
Pick-A-Date allows customers to pay their bills when it works best for them.
Level Billing allows customers to "level out" seasonal energy use fluctuations, making their bills more consistent every month.
PaperFREE billing allows customers to get their bills emailed as soon as they post and instant access to two years of billing history.
AutoPay allows customers to avoid late fees, writing checks and paying for postage by having bills automatically deduct from their bank accounts.
Entergy Mississippi encourages customers who may need additional payment options to reach out before a payment is due. To see if customers automatically qualify for deferred payment arrangements or payment extensions, they can visit our mobile app or myEntergy.
Find financial assistance
For customers needing assistance to pay their bills, Entergy Mississippi is here to help. Throughout this summer, Entergy Mississippi is implementing a series of measures through its "Beat the Heat" program focused on helping our low-income customers and communities stay cool and pay their bills.
Most recently, the program assisted than 400 customers in Cleveland, Mississippi. Entergy volunteers partnered with local community advocate organization Boss Lady Economic Planning Development to distribute energy efficiency kits, box fans, cases of water, lawn chairs, and plastic swimming pools. Customers in Jackson received energy efficiency kits and box fans at a drive-thru event held in partnership with New Horizon Church.
In addition, Entergy Mississippi partners with local and state organizations to connect qualifying customers with financial assistance including:
The Power to Care program provides emergency bill payment assistance to older adults and customers with disabilities.
Single Stop makes it easy for customers to quickly and confidentially check their eligibility for federal, state and local financial assistance.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program provides financial assistance for energy bills and other energy-related expenses.
For more ways to save energy and money, customers can visit BillToolkit.entergy.com.
About Entergy Mississippi
Entergy Mississippi, LLC provides electricity to approximately 459,000 customers in 45 counties. Entergy Mississippi is a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation, a Fortune 500 electric company. Entergy powers life for 3 million customers through our operating companies in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. We're investing in the reliability and resilience of the energy system while helping our region transition to cleaner, more efficient energy solutions. With roots in our communities for more than 100 years, Entergy is a nationally recognized leader in sustainability and corporate citizenship. Since 2018, we have delivered more than

Customers in Jackson received energy efficiency kits and box fans at a drive-thru event held in partnership with New Horizon Church.
View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Entergy Corporation on 3blmedia.com.
Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Entergy Corporation
Website: https://www.3blmedia.com/profiles/entergy-corporation
Email: info@3blmedia.com
SOURCE: Entergy Corporation
View the original press release on accesswire.com
What tools does Entergy Mississippi offer to help customers manage their electricity bills?
How can Entergy Mississippi customers track their energy usage?
What financial assistance programs are available for Entergy Mississippi customers?