Entergy Mississippi Donates $650K To Help Vulnerable Customers Save Money This Summer

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Entergy Mississippi has donated $650,000 through its Beat the Heat program to assist low-income customers during the summer. The initiative provided bill payment assistance, fans, energy efficiency kits, and home weatherization. Key aspects of the program include:

- Over $641,000 donated to The Power to Care program for energy bill assistance
- More than $9,000 in grants for free resources like electric fans and weatherization kits
- Distribution of 200 free electric fans and 650 energy efficiency kits
- A customer engagement event serving 400 customers with various resources

Entergy Mississippi aims to support vulnerable customers in managing their energy bills and staying comfortable during extreme temperatures.

Entergy Mississippi ha donato 650.000 dollari attraverso il suo programma Beat the Heat per aiutare i clienti a basso reddito durante l'estate. L'iniziativa ha fornito assistenza per il pagamento delle bollette, ventilatori, kit per l'efficienza energetica e isolamento domestico. Gli aspetti chiave del programma includono:

- Oltre 641.000 dollari donati al programma The Power to Care per assistenza alle bollette energetiche
- Più di 9.000 dollari in sovvenzioni per risorse gratuite come ventilatori elettrici e kit di isolamento
- Distribuzione di 200 ventilatori elettrici gratuiti e 650 kit di efficienza energetica
- Un evento per l'engagement dei clienti che ha servito 400 clienti con varie risorse

Entergy Mississippi mira a supportare i clienti vulnerabili nella gestione delle loro bollette energetiche e nel rimanere comodi durante le temperature estreme.

Entergy Mississippi ha donado $650,000 a través de su programa Beat the Heat para ayudar a los clientes de bajos ingresos durante el verano. La iniciativa proporcionó asistencia para el pago de facturas, ventiladores, kits de eficiencia energética, y aislamiento del hogar. Los aspectos clave del programa incluyen:

- Más de $641,000 donados al programa The Power to Care para asistencia en las facturas de energía
- Más de $9,000 en subvenciones para recursos gratuitos como ventiladores eléctricos y kits de aislamiento
- Distribución de 200 ventiladores eléctricos gratuitos y 650 kits de eficiencia energética
- Un evento de participación del cliente que atendió a 400 clientes con diversos recursos

Entergy Mississippi tiene como objetivo apoyar a los clientes vulnerables en la gestión de sus facturas de energía y en mantenerse cómodos durante temperaturas extremas.

엔터지 미시시피는 여름 동안 저소득 고객을 지원하기 위해 Beat the Heat 프로그램을 통해 650,000달러를 기부했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 청구서 지급 지원, 선풍기, 에너지 효율 키트 및 홈 단열재를 제공했습니다. 프로그램의 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

- 에너지 요금 지원을 위해 The Power to Care 프로그램에 641,000달러 이상 기부
- 전기 선풍기 및 단열 키트와 같은 무료 리소스를 위한 9,000달러 이상의 보조금
- 200개의 무료 전기 선풍기650개의 에너지 효율 키트 배포
- 다양한 리소스를 제공하는 고객 참여 행사에서 400명의 고객 서비스

엔터지 미시시피는 고객들이 에너지 요금을 관리하고 극한의 온도에서 편안하게 지낼 수 있도록 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Entergy Mississippi a fait don de 650 000 $ à travers son programme Beat the Heat pour aider les clients à faibles revenus pendant l'été. L'initiative a fourni une assistance au paiement des factures, des ventilateurs, des kits d'efficacité énergétique et l'isolation des logements. Les principaux aspects du programme incluent :

- Plus de 641 000 $ donnés au programme The Power to Care pour l'aide aux factures d'énergie
- Plus de 9 000 $ de subventions pour des ressources gratuites comme des ventilateurs électriques et des kits d'isolation
- Distribution de 200 ventilateurs électriques gratuits et 650 kits d'efficacité énergétique
- Un événement d'engagement des clients servant 400 clients avec diverses ressources

Entergy Mississippi vise à soutenir les clients vulnérables dans la gestion de leurs factures d'énergie et à rester confortables lors de températures extrêmes.

Entergy Mississippi hat 650.000 Dollar durch sein Programm Beat the Heat gespendet, um einkommensschwache Kunden während des Sommers zu unterstützen. Die Initiative bot Unterstützung bei der Rechnungszahlung, Ventilatoren, Energiewirtschafts-Kits und Wohnungsisolierung. Wichtige Aspekte des Programms umfassen:

- Über 641.000 Dollar wurden an das Programm The Power to Care für die Unterstützung bei Energiekosten gespendet
- Mehr als 9.000 Dollar an Subventionen für kostenlose Ressourcen wie Elektroventilatoren und Isolierkits
- Verteilung von 200 kostenlosen Elektroventilatoren und 650 Energiespar-Kits
- Eine Kundenengagement-Veranstaltung, die 400 Kunden mit verschiedenen Ressourcen bediente

Entergy Mississippi zielt darauf ab, verletzliche Kunden dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Energiekosten zu verwalten und während extremer Temperaturen komfortabel zu bleiben.

  • Donation of $650,000 to assist low-income customers
  • Over $641,000 provided for energy bill assistance through The Power to Care program
  • Distribution of 200 free electric fans and 650 energy efficiency kits to customers
  • Customer engagement event serving 400 customers with various resources
  • None.


Entergy Mississippi's $650,000 donation through its Beat the Heat program is a relatively small financial commitment for a company of Entergy's size, with a market cap of $28.4 billion. While the initiative demonstrates corporate social responsibility, its direct impact on the company's financial performance is likely minimal.

The program's focus on energy efficiency and bill assistance could have some indirect benefits:

  • Potentially reducing bad debt expenses by helping customers pay bills
  • Improving customer relations and brand image in the regulated utility market
  • Aligning with regulatory expectations for utility companies to support vulnerable customers

However, the financial impact is not significant enough to materially affect Entergy's stock price or investor sentiment. The program's costs are likely already factored into the company's operating expenses and regulatory considerations.

Entergy Mississippi's Beat the Heat program aligns with broader industry trends and regulatory expectations for utilities to address energy affordability and efficiency. Key aspects include:

  • Shareholder contributions to bill assistance programs, which are becoming more common in the utility sector
  • Focus on energy efficiency through weatherization and LED bulbs, supporting long-term demand management
  • Collaboration with local organizations, enhancing community relations

While the program's scale is modest, it demonstrates Entergy's proactive approach to addressing energy poverty and climate resilience. This could positively influence regulatory relationships and potentially support future rate case arguments. However, the program's direct impact on Entergy's operations or financial performance is , making it a neutral factor for investors considering the company's overall strategy and market position.

JACKSON, MS / ACCESSWIRE / October 4, 2024 / This summer, Entergy Mississippi provided $650,000 through its Beat the Heat program focused on helping its low-income customers and communities stay cool and pay their bills throughout the summer. Customers received bill payment assistance, fans, energy efficiency kits, home weatherization and invaluable support from local community partners.

"We are dedicated to supporting our customers in need by providing bill payment assistance, essential cooling resources and energy efficiency offerings for homes so they can better manage their energy bills," said Robbie Kemp, Entergy Mississippi vice president of customer service. "Our commitment is to be there for our customers, especially during extreme temperatures. We understand the economic difficulties many are experiencing, and we are here to help."

Entergy Mississippi regularly partners with local organizations to ease the burden of hot summer temperatures that cause increased usage and higher energy costs for our most vulnerable customers. Year after year, the Beat the Heat program provides our customers with energy bill assistance, tools and resources, and support during the critical summer months. Through this program the company:

  • Donated more than $641,000 in funds from Entergy shareholders, employees and customers to The Power to Care program, which provides energy bill assistance to older adults and customers with disabilities.

  • Provided customers with free access to Single Stop, an online resource that connects households in need with financial assistance and more.

  • Awarded more than $9,000 in grants to vulnerable customers to provide free resources like electric fans and home weatherization kits.

  • Donated to local organizations that weatherized homes for customers in need.

  • Held a customer engagement event, providing more than 400 customers with assistance and resources to help manage their bills, energy efficiency kits, pro bono legal aid, Kids to College savings accounts and more.

  • Provided more than 200 free electric fans to help customers beat high temperatures and save on electricity bills throughout the summer.

  • Distributed 650 energy efficiency kits to customers. The kits included money-saving LED lightbulbs, advanced power strips, bathroom faucet aerators and V-seal weather-stripping.

Entergy Mississippi is dedicated to ensuring all customers have access to the resources and support they need to stay safe and comfortable year-round. To learn more about our customer assistance programs, visit

About Entergy Mississippi

Entergy Mississippi, LLC provides electricity to approximately 459,000 customers in 45 counties. Entergy Mississippi is a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation, a Fortune 500 electric company. Entergy powers life for 3 million customers through our operating companies in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. We're investing in the reliability and resilience of the energy system while helping our region transition to cleaner, more efficient energy solutions. With roots in our communities for more than 100 years, Entergy is a nationally recognized leader in sustainability and corporate citizenship. Since 2018, we have delivered more than $100 million in economic benefits each year to local communities through philanthropy, volunteerism and advocacy. Entergy is headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, and has approximately 12,000 employees. For the latest news from Entergy Mississippi, visit the Newsroom and connect with @EntergyMS on social media.

Delta customers received tools, resources and information to help them manage their energy usage and bills at a customer engagement event held recently in Cleveland.

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Spokesperson: Entergy Corporation

SOURCE: Entergy Corporation

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How much did Entergy Mississippi donate through its Beat the Heat program in 2024?

Entergy Mississippi donated $650,000 through its Beat the Heat program in 2024 to help low-income customers during the summer months.

What types of assistance did Entergy Mississippi provide through the Beat the Heat program?

Entergy Mississippi provided bill payment assistance, free electric fans, energy efficiency kits, home weatherization, and support from local community partners through the Beat the Heat program.

How many energy efficiency kits did Entergy Mississippi distribute in 2024?

Entergy Mississippi distributed 650 energy efficiency kits to customers in 2024 as part of the Beat the Heat program.

What was included in the energy efficiency kits provided by Entergy Mississippi?

The energy efficiency kits included LED lightbulbs, advanced power strips, bathroom faucet aerators, and V-seal weather-stripping.

Entergy Corporation


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