Entergy makes 10-year, $20M commitment to empower Historically Black Colleges and Universities and students

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Entergy has announced a 10-year, $20 million commitment to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and their students across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. This expansion of Entergy's The Power of Prosperity program aims to enhance education, career readiness, and workforce development programs.

The commitment includes:

  • Twenty $5,000 annual scholarships for high-achieving HBCU students
  • An annual competitive grant program for facility improvements, research, and endowments
  • 10 annual internships and targeted recruitment events at Entergy
  • Partnerships with Single Stop for financial support and resources
  • Seeded investment accounts and financial literacy education through Stackwell Capital

This initiative seeks to break down barriers to student success, equip students with tools for building multigenerational wealth, and develop future generations of the U.S. energy workforce.

Entergy ha annunciato un impegno di 10 anni per 20 milioni di dollari per sostenere le Università e i Collegi Storicamente Neri (HBCUs) e i loro studenti in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi e Texas. Questa espansione del programma di Entergy Il Potere della Prosperità ha l'obiettivo di migliorare l'istruzione, la preparazione professionale e i programmi di sviluppo della forza lavoro.

L'impegno include:

  • Venti borse di studio annuali da 5.000 dollari per studenti HBCU di alto rendimento
  • Un programma annuale di sovvenzioni competitive per miglioramenti delle strutture, ricerca e endowment
  • 10 tirocini annuali e eventi di reclutamento mirati presso Entergy
  • Partnership con Single Stop per supporto finanziario e risorse
  • Conti d'investimento iniziali e educazione alla literacità finanziaria tramite Stackwell Capital

Questa iniziativa si propone di abbattere le barriere al successo degli studenti, fornire agli studenti gli strumenti per costruire ricchezze multigenerazionali e sviluppare le future generazioni della forza lavoro energetica degli Stati Uniti.

Entergy ha anunciado un compromiso de 10 años por 20 millones de dólares para apoyar a los Colegios y Universidades Históricamente Negros (HBCUs) y a sus estudiantes en Arkansas, Luisiana, Mississippi y Texas. Esta expansión del programa de Entergy El Poder de la Prosperidad tiene como objetivo mejorar la educación, la preparación profesional y los programas de desarrollo de la fuerza laboral.

El compromiso incluye:

  • Veinte becas anuales de 5,000 dólares para estudiantes HBCU de alto rendimiento
  • Un programa anual de subvenciones competitivas para mejoras de instalaciones, investigación y dotaciones
  • 10 prácticas anuales y eventos de reclutamiento específicos en Entergy
  • Asociaciones con Single Stop para apoyo financiero y recursos
  • Cuentas de inversión inicial y educación financiera a través de Stackwell Capital

Esta iniciativa busca derribar las barreras para el éxito estudiantil, equipar a los estudiantes con herramientas para construir riqueza multigeneracional y desarrollar las futuras generaciones de la fuerza laboral energética de EE.UU.

Entergy는 아칸소, 루이지애나, 미시시피, 텍사스 전역의 역사적으로 흑인 대학 및 대학원(HBCU) 및 그 학생들을 지원하기 위해 10년간 2천만 달러의 약속을 발표했습니다. Entergy의 번영의 힘 프로그램의 이 확장은 교육, 경력 준비 및 직업 개발 프로그램을 향상하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 약속에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 우수한 성적을 거둔 HBCU 학생들을 위한 연간 5,000달러 장학금 20개
  • 시설 개선, 연구 및 기부금 지원을 위한 연간 경쟁 보조금 프로그램
  • Entergy에서의 연간 10개의 인턴십 및 목표 채용 행사
  • 재정 지원 및 리소스를 위한 Single Stop과의 파트너십
  • Stackwell Capital을 통한 초기 투자 계좌 및 금융 교육

이 이니셔티브는 학생들의 성공을 위한 장벽을 허물고, 학생들에게 다세대 부를 축적할 도구를 제공하며, 미국 에너지 산업의 미래 세대를 발전시키고자 합니다.

Entergy a annoncé un engagement de 10 ans d'un montant de 20 millions de dollars pour soutenir les Collèges et Universités Historiquement Noires (HBCUs) et leurs étudiants dans l'Arkansas, la Louisiane, le Mississippi et le Texas. Cette expansion du programme Le Pouvoir de la Prospérité d'Entergy vise à améliorer l'éducation, la préparation à la carrière et les programmes de développement de la main-d'œuvre.

L'engagement comprend :

  • Vingt bourses annuelles de 5 000 dollars pour les étudiants HBCU performants
  • Un programme de subventions compétitives annuel pour les améliorations d'installations, la recherche et les dotations
  • 10 stages annuels et des événements de recrutement ciblés chez Entergy
  • Partenariats avec Single Stop pour un soutien et des ressources financières
  • Comptes d'investissement de démarrage et éducation à la littératie financière par le biais de Stackwell Capital

Cette initiative vise à éliminer les obstacles au succès des étudiants, à fournir aux étudiants les outils nécessaires pour bâtir une richesse multigénérationnelle et à développer les futures générations de la main-d'œuvre énergétique américaine.

Entergy hat ein 10-jähriges, 20 Millionen Dollar umfassendes Engagement angekündigt, um historisch schwarze Colleges und Universitäten (HBCUs) und deren Studierende in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi und Texas zu unterstützen. Diese Erweiterung von Entergys Das Power of Prosperity-Programm zielt darauf ab, Bildung, berufliche Vorbereitung und Programme zur Entwicklung der Arbeitskräfte zu verbessern.

Das Engagement umfasst:

  • Zwanzig jährliche Stipendien in Höhe von 5.000 Dollar für leistungsstarke HBCU-Studierende
  • Ein jährliches wettbewerbliches Förderprogramm für Anlagenverbesserungen, Forschung und Stiftungen
  • 10 jährliche Praktika und gezielte Rekrutierungsveranstaltungen bei Entergy
  • Partnerschaften mit Single Stop für finanzielle Unterstützung und Ressourcen
  • Investitionskonten und finanzielle Bildungsprogramme durch Stackwell Capital

Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, Barrieren für den Erfolg von Studierenden abzubauen, den Studierenden Werkzeuge zum Aufbau von multigenerationalem Wohlstand an die Hand zu geben und die zukünftigen Generationen der US-Energiearbeitskräfte zu entwickeln.

  • 10-year, $20 million commitment to support HBCUs and their students
  • Expansion of The Power of Prosperity program to enhance education and career development
  • Annual scholarships and competitive grants for HBCU students and institutions
  • Internship opportunities and targeted recruitment events at Entergy
  • Partnerships with Single Stop and Stackwell Capital to provide financial support and education
  • None.


Entergy's $20 million commitment to HBCUs over 10 years is a significant corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative, but its impact on the company's financial performance and stock value is likely to be neutral. Here's why:

  • Long-term investment: The $2 million annual commitment is relatively small compared to Entergy's overall financials, representing less than 0.1% of its 2022 operating revenues.
  • Indirect benefits: While this initiative may enhance Entergy's reputation and potentially improve talent acquisition, these effects are difficult to quantify and may not significantly impact short-term financial performance.
  • Industry alignment: This commitment aligns with broader industry trends towards diversity and inclusion, but doesn't necessarily give Entergy a competitive edge.
  • Workforce development: The program's focus on developing future energy industry talent could provide long-term benefits, but these are speculative and far-reaching.

From an investor's perspective, while this initiative demonstrates Entergy's commitment to social responsibility and long-term workforce development, it's unlikely to have a material impact on the company's near-term financial performance or stock price. The program's value lies more in its potential to enhance Entergy's corporate image and contribute to long-term sustainability goals.

Entergy's decade-long commitment to HBCUs is a strategic move that addresses critical aspects of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the energy sector. Here's a breakdown of its potential impact:

  • Talent pipeline: By investing in HBCU students, Entergy is cultivating a diverse talent pool, potentially addressing the industry's lack of representation.
  • Innovation boost: Diverse teams are known to drive innovation. This initiative could lead to fresh perspectives and ideas within Entergy in the long run.
  • Community relations: The program strengthens Entergy's ties with communities in its service area, potentially improving its social license to operate.
  • Industry leadership: This commitment positions Entergy as a leader in DEI efforts within the energy sector, which could enhance its reputation among stakeholders.

However, it's important to note that the true impact of this initiative on Entergy's performance and the broader energy landscape will take years to materialize. Investors should view this as a long-term investment in human capital and community relations rather than expecting immediate financial returns. The program's success will largely depend on its execution and the company's ability to integrate HBCU graduates into its workforce effectively.

Over the next decade, HBCU students will be equipped with tools for success through education, career and workforce development programs

NEW ORLEANS, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Entergy recently announced a 10-year, $20 million commitment to elevate and empower Historically Black Colleges and Universities and their students across the company's service area in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Through the expansion of Entergy's The Power of Prosperity program, the donation will support HBCUs and students with enhanced education, career readiness and workforce development programs.

Drew Marsh, Entergy's chair and CEO, announced the company's commitment during an event at the National Urban League Conference last week in New Orleans. Year after year, this event brings together key leaders from various sectors, including business, government, and social advocacy, who are dedicated to exploring critical issues and initiatives that profoundly impact communities nationwide.

"With roots in our service area for more than 100 years, what matters to our neighbors and our communities, matters to us," said Marsh. "That's why Entergy is proud to continue our longstanding support of Historically Black Colleges and Universities with our 10-year, $20 million commitment to elevate and empower these institutions and their students. As an energy industry leader, it's important that we help develop future generations of the U.S. energy workforce by strengthening awareness and promoting the advantages of careers in our field."

Entergy's commitment will provide academic scholarships, facility grants and endowments, workforce development programming, internship experiences, access to resources and financial aid, seeded investment accounts and generational wealth building for HBCU students. This includes:

  • Awarding twenty $5,000 scholarships annually over a decade to high-achieving students enrolled in any HBCU within Entergy's service states.
  • An annual competitive grant program to fund facility improvements, research endeavors, and endowments at HBCUs in the Entergy service area, aimed at addressing inequalities and enhancing the long-term viability of these institutions.
  • Offering pathways to employment at Entergy for top-performing HBCU students through workforce development initiatives, including 10 annual internships, targeted college recruitment events, strategic partnerships with university administration and faculty, and more.

The Power of Prosperity, initially piloted last year in New Orleans, aims to break down barriers to student success and equip students with the knowledge and tools to build multigenerational wealth. Through Entergy's partnership with Single Stop, HBCU students and their families gain free access to financial support and resources. Single Stop, a national nonprofit, makes it easy for individuals to access support in areas such as finance, food, education, healthcare, childcare, tax help, utility payments and more through their "one-stop shop" program.

In addition, students will be provided with seeded investment accounts and access to financial literacy education and coaching through Entergy's partnership with Stackwell Capital, a digital investment platform designed to help close the racial wealth gap by empowering more people in the Black community to use the power of the stock market to grow their wealth.

Over the course of the next decade, Entergy's strategic partnerships will help remove barriers to student success, equip them with tools and knowledge and build a path to multigenerational wealth for a brighter tomorrow.

Learn more about Entergy's commitment to power life today and for future generations of scholars.

About Entergy

Entergy is a Fortune 500 company that powers life for 3 million customers through our operating companies in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. We're investing in the reliability and resilience of the energy system while helping our region transition to cleaner, more efficient energy solutions. With roots in our communities for more than 100 years, Entergy is a nationally recognized leader in sustainability and corporate citizenship. Since 2018, we have delivered more than $100 million in economic benefits each year to local communities through philanthropy, volunteerism and advocacy. Entergy is headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, and has approximately 12,000 employees. Learn more at and connect with @Entergy on social media. #WePowerLife

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What is Entergy's new commitment to HBCUs?

Entergy has announced a 10-year, $20 million commitment to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and their students across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas through enhanced education, career readiness, and workforce development programs.

How many scholarships will Entergy provide annually to HBCU students?

Entergy will award twenty $5,000 scholarships annually over a decade to high-achieving students enrolled in any HBCU within Entergy's service states.

What workforce development initiatives does Entergy offer for HBCU students?

Entergy offers pathways to employment for top-performing HBCU students through 10 annual internships, targeted college recruitment events, and strategic partnerships with university administration and faculty.

How does Entergy's partnership with Single Stop benefit HBCU students?

Through Entergy's partnership with Single Stop, HBCU students and their families gain free access to financial support and resources in areas such as finance, food, education, healthcare, childcare, tax help, and utility payments.

What is the purpose of Entergy's partnership with Stackwell Capital?

Entergy's partnership with Stackwell Capital provides HBCU students with seeded investment accounts and access to financial literacy education and coaching, aiming to help close the racial wealth gap by empowering more people in the Black community to use the stock market to grow their wealth.

Entergy Corp


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