Entergy Hosts Poverty Simulations To Help Employees Better Understand Customer Challenges
Entergy recently organized poverty simulations to help employees better understand customer challenges in their service areas of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Over 140 employees participated in immersive role-playing scenarios set in the fictional "Realville, USA". Participants were assigned unique identities and faced real-life situations such as transportation issues, food access, and managing chronic illnesses.
The simulations, supported by the System Planning Organization, aimed to provide insight into the difficulties faced by individuals in need. Participants navigated four simulated weeks in 15-minute segments, dealing with scenarios like homelessness, unemployment, and navigating social services. The goal was to foster empathy, inspire perspective shifts, and cultivate advocates within the workforce to improve resources and support for customers and communities in need.
Entergy ha recentemente organizzato simulazioni della povertà per aiutare i dipendenti a comprendere meglio le sfide dei clienti nelle loro aree di servizio in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi e Texas. Oltre 140 dipendenti hanno partecipato a scenari di gioco di ruolo immersivi ambientati nella fittizia "Realville, USA". I partecipanti sono stati assegnati a identità uniche e hanno affrontato situazioni reali come problemi di trasporto, accesso al cibo e gestione di malattie croniche.
Le simulazioni, supportate dall'Organizzazione della Pianificazione del Sistema, miravano a fornire intuizioni sulle difficoltà affrontate dalle persone in difficoltà. I partecipanti hanno navigato attraverso quattro settimane simulate in segmenti di 15 minuti, affrontando scenari come senza tetto, disoccupazione e gestione dei servizi sociali. L'obiettivo era quello di favorire l'empatia, ispirare un cambiamento di prospettiva e coltivare sostenitori all'interno della forza lavoro per migliorare le risorse e il supporto per i clienti e le comunità in difficoltà.
Entergy organizó recientemente simulaciones de pobreza para ayudar a los empleados a comprender mejor los desafíos de los clientes en sus áreas de servicio en Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi y Texas. Más de 140 empleados participaron en escenarios de juegos de rol inmersivos ambientados en la ficticia "Realville, USA". A los participantes se les asignaron identidades únicas y enfrentaron situaciones de la vida real como problemas de transporte, acceso a alimentos y manejo de enfermedades crónicas.
Las simulaciones, apoyadas por la Organización de Planificación del Sistema, tenían como objetivo proporcionar información sobre las dificultades que enfrentan las personas necesitadas. Los participantes navegaron a través de cuatro semanas simuladas en segmentos de 15 minutos, lidiando con escenarios como la falta de vivienda, el desempleo y la gestión de servicios sociales. El objetivo era fomentar la empatía, inspirar cambios de perspectiva y cultivar defensores dentro de la fuerza laboral para mejorar los recursos y el apoyo a los clientes y comunidades necesitadas.
엔터지(Entergy)는 최근 빈곤 시뮬레이션을 조직하여 직원들이 아칸소, 루이지애나, 미시시피, 텍사스 서비스 지역의 고객들이 직면한 문제를 더 잘 이해하도록 도왔습니다. 140명 이상의 직원이 허구의 "리얼빌, USA"에서 설정된 몰입형 역할 놀이 시나리오에 참여했습니다. 참가자들은 고유한 정체성을 부여받았고, 교통 문제, 식품 접근성, 만성 질환 관리와 같은 실제 상황에 직면했습니다.
시뮬레이션은 시스템 계획 조직의 지원을 받아 도움이 필요한 개인이 직면한 어려움에 대한 통찰력을 제공하는 것을 목표로 했습니다. 참가자들은 15분씩 나누어진 시뮬레이션된 4주를 탐색하며, 주택 없앰, 실업, 사회 복지 서비스의 탐색과 같은 시나리오를 다루었습니다. 목표는 공감을 키우고, 관점 전환을 유도하며, 고객과 필요한 커뮤니티를 위한 자원과 지원을 개선하기 위해 직원들 안에서 옹호자를 양성하는 것이 었습니다.
Entergy a récemment organisé des simulations de pauvreté pour aider les employés à mieux comprendre les défis des clients dans leurs zones de service en Arkansas, Louisiane, Mississippi et Texas. Plus de 140 employés ont participé à des scénarios immersifs de jeu de rôle situés dans la fictive "Realville, USA". Les participants se sont vu attribuer des identités uniques et ont dû faire face à des situations réelles telles que des problèmes de transport, l'accès à la nourriture et la gestion des maladies chroniques.
Les simulations, soutenues par l'Organisation de Planification du Système, visaient à offrir un aperçu des difficultés rencontrées par les personnes dans le besoin. Les participants ont navigué à travers quatre semaines simulées en segments de 15 minutes, traitant de scénarios tels que l'itinérance, le chômage et la navigation dans les services sociaux. L'objectif était de favoriser l'empathie, d'inspirer des changements de perspective et de cultiver des défenseurs au sein de la main-d'œuvre pour améliorer les ressources et le soutien aux clients et aux communautés dans le besoin.
Entergy hat kürzlich Armuts-Simulationen organisiert, um den Mitarbeitern zu helfen, die Herausforderungen der Kunden in ihren Dienstgebieten in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi und Texas besser zu verstehen. Über 140 Mitarbeiter nahmen an immersiven Rollenspielen teil, die im fiktiven "Realville, USA" stattfanden. Den Teilnehmern wurden einzigartige Identitäten zugewiesen, und sie mussten sich mit realen Situationen wie Transportproblemen, Zugang zu Lebensmitteln und der Bewältigung chronischer Krankheiten auseinandersetzen.
Die Simulationen, unterstützt von der Systemplanungsorganisation, hatten das Ziel, Einblicke in die Schwierigkeiten zu geben, mit denen bedürftige Menschen konfrontiert sind. Die Teilnehmer durchliefen in 15-Minuten-Segmenten vier simulierte Wochen und mussten Szenarien wie Obdachlosigkeit, Arbeitslosigkeit und die Navigation durch soziale Dienste bewältigen. Das Ziel war es, Empathie zu fördern, Perspektivwechsel zu inspirieren und Befürworter innerhalb der Belegschaft zu entwickeln, um die Ressourcen und die Unterstützung für Kunden und Gemeinden in Not zu verbessern.
- Increased employee awareness and understanding of customer challenges
- Potential for improved customer service and support based on enhanced empathy
- Cultivation of internal advocates for better policies and resources for low-income customers
- None.
By: Cristina del Canto • Senior Communications Specialist
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 8, 2024 / Poverty is a reality for many individuals and families. But unless one has experienced poverty, it's difficult to truly understand. Recognizing this, Entergy's low-income initiatives team recently organized poverty simulations aimed at providing our employees with a firsthand understanding of the struggles faced by our customers living in our service area of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.

With the support of the System Planning Organization, over 140 employees participated in these immersive simulations held in Louisiana and Texas. Through role-playing scenarios set in the fictitious "Realville, USA" city, participants were able to step into the shoes of individuals facing poverty and experience the daily hurdles they must overcome.
During the simulations, participants were assigned unique identities and encountered real-life scenarios such as the need for reliable transportation, access to food or managing a chronic illness. They experienced various scenarios over four weeks, simulated in 15-minute segments, that reflected the lives of individuals who were recently homeless, unemployed, navigating the social services system, surviving on public assistance, and facing other challenges.
"The goal of the simulation was to help our employees gain insight into the difficulties and tough decisions that individuals in need have to make," said Liz Brister, director of low-income initiatives. "Whether it's dealing with childcare issues, job losses or any unexpected expenses, the simulation helps us understand these challenges so that we can better serve our customers, promote policies that will provide better safety nets and assist them in achieving success."
The simulation took place in a large room where participants were seated with their assigned "families" in the center. Surrounding them were tables representing community resources and services such as a community action agency, a school, an employer, a utility company, and a payday and title loan facility.
In addition to managing budgets with low incomes, accessing assistance resources, and dealing with unexpected issues, the simulation also included chance "wild cards" like illegal evictions, school suspensions, job losses, and more.
Beyond expanding our employees' understanding, the simulations aimed to foster empathy towards individuals living through these experiences and inspire a shift in perspective. By cultivating advocates within our workforce, we continue to seek to improve the resources and support available for our customers and communities in need.
Learn more about our commitment to giving back and supporting our communities.
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Spokesperson: Entergy Corporation
Website: https://www.3blmedia.com/profiles/entergy-corporation
Email: info@3blmedia.com
SOURCE: Entergy Corporation
View the original press release on accesswire.com
What was the purpose of Entergy's poverty simulations?
How many Entergy employees participated in the poverty simulations?
What scenarios did participants experience during Entergy's poverty simulations?