Entergy Employees Recognized for Donating Over $230,000 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

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Entergy has been recognized among the top 25 workplace giving contributors for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, with employee donations exceeding $230,000 through payroll contributions. The announcement was made on August 29, 2024, during the company's Northern Regional employee meeting.

The donations, matched dollar-for-dollar by company shareholders, span across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. These contributions help St. Jude provide cutting-edge treatments at no cost to families, contributing to increasing childhood cancer survival rates from 20% to over 80% since 1962.

The recognition ceremony included a check presentation with executives from ALSAC, St. Jude's fundraising organization, highlighting Entergy's commitment to powering life beyond energy services through strategic community partnerships.

Entergy è stata riconosciuta tra i primi 25 contribuenti per donazioni sul posto di lavoro a favore del St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, con donazioni dei dipendenti che superano i 230.000 dollari tramite contributi in busta paga. L'annuncio è stato fatto il 29 agosto 2024, durante l'incontro dei dipendenti della regione settentrionale dell'azienda.

Le donazioni, pari a dollar-for-dollar dai soci azionari dell'azienda, provengono da Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi e Texas. Questi contributi aiutano St. Jude a fornire trattamenti all'avanguardia senza costi per le famiglie, contribuendo ad aumentare i tassi di sopravvivenza ai tumori infantili dal 20% a oltre l'80% dal 1962.

La cerimonia di riconoscimento ha incluso la presentazione di un assegno, con dirigenti di ALSAC, l'organizzazione di raccolta fondi di St. Jude, mettendo in evidenza l'impegno di Entergy a rafforzare la vita oltre i servizi energetici attraverso partnership strategiche con la comunità.

Entergy ha sido reconocida entre los 25 principales contribuyentes de donaciones en el lugar de trabajo para el Hospital de Investigación Infantil St. Jude, con donaciones de empleados que superan los 230,000 dólares a través de contribuciones por nómina. El anuncio se realizó el 29 de agosto de 2024, durante la reunión de empleados de la región norte de la empresa.

Las donaciones, igualadas dólar por dólar por los accionistas de la empresa, provienen de Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi y Texas. Estas contribuciones ayudan a St. Jude a proporcionar tratamientos de vanguardia sin costo para las familias, contribuyendo a aumentar las tasas de supervivencia contra el cáncer infantil del 20% a más del 80% desde 1962.

La ceremonia de reconocimiento incluyó la presentación de un cheque, con ejecutivos de ALSAC, la organización de recaudación de fondos de St. Jude, destacando el compromiso de Entergy de potenciar la vida más allá de los servicios energéticos a través de asociaciones estratégicas con la comunidad.

Entergy세인트 주드 아동 연구 병원에게 직장에서의 기부자를 기준으로 상위 25위 안에 선정되었으며, 직원 기부금은 급여 기부를 통해 $230,000를 초과했습니다. 이 발표는 2024년 8월 29일 회사의 북부 지역 직원 회의에서 이루어졌습니다.

이 기부금은 주주들에 의해 1달러당 1달러 매칭되어 아칸소, 루이지애나, 미시시피, 텍사스 전역에서 모였습니다. 이러한 기부는 세인트 주드가 가족에게 무료로 최첨단 치료를 제공하는 데 도움을 주며, 1962년 이후 소아 암 생존율을 20%에서 80% 이상으로 증가시키는 데 기여하고 있습니다.

인정식에서는 세인트 주드의 모금 단체인 ALSAC의 경영진이 참석한 가운데 기부금 수표가 전달되었으며, 에너지 서비스 이상의 삶을 지원하기 위한 Entergy의 지역 사회 파트너십에 대한 헌신을 강조했습니다.

Entergy a été reconnue parmi les 25 principaux contributeurs de dons au travail pour l'Hôpital de recherche pour enfants St. Jude, avec des dons des employés dépassant 230 000 dollars par le biais de contributions sur salaire. L'annonce a été faite le 29 août 2024, lors de la réunion des employés de la région nord de l'entreprise.

Les dons, égalés dollar pour dollar par les actionnaires de l'entreprise, proviennent de l'Arkansas, de la Louisiane, du Mississippi et du Texas. Ces contributions aident St. Jude à fournir des traitements de pointe sans frais pour les familles, contribuant à l'augmentation des taux de survie au cancer pédiatrique de 20 % à plus de 80 % depuis 1962.

La cérémonie de reconnaissance a inclus la présentation d'un chèque avec des dirigeants d'ALSAC, l'organisation de collecte de fonds de St. Jude, soulignant l'engagement d'Entergy à soutenir la vie au-delà des services énergétiques grâce à des partenariats communautaires stratégiques.

Entergy wurde als einer der 25 besten Arbeitgeber für Spenden zur Unterstützung des St. Jude Children's Research Hospital anerkannt, wobei die Spenden der Mitarbeiter über 230.000 Dollar durch Gehaltsabzüge hinausgingen. Die Bekanntgabe erfolgte am 29. August 2024 während der Mitarbeiterversammlung der Nordregion des Unternehmens.

Die Spenden, die von den Aktionären des Unternehmens dollar-for-dollar matched werden, stammen aus Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi und Texas. Diese Beiträge helfen St. Jude, modernste Behandlungen ohne Kosten für die Familien anzubieten, was dazu beiträgt, die Überlebensraten bei Kinderkrebs seit 1962 von 20 % auf über 80 % zu erhöhen.

Die Anerkennungszeremonie beinhaltete die Übergabe eines Schecks mit Führungskräften von ALSAC, der Fundraising-Organisation von St. Jude, und unterstrich Entergys Engagement, Leben jenseits von Energiedienstleistungen durch strategische Partnerschaften mit der Gemeinschaft zu unterstützen.

  • None.
  • None.

By: Cristina del Canto • Senior Communications Specialist

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 31, 2024 / Entergy Corporation

Entergy was recognized this year as one of the top 25 workplace giving contributors for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, donating more than $230,000 through the company's employee payroll contributions across its service areas. The recognition was announced Aug. 29, 2024, during the company's Northern Regional employee meeting. Each year, Entergy employees actively participate in United Way campaigns to raise funds for their communities. To further amplify the impact of these contributions, company shareholders match employee donations dollar-for-dollar.

During a special check presentation, Entergy executives and employees met with executives from ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude, where they presented the check for the overall amount of employee contributions made to St. Jude in 2023 across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas - where Entergy employees live and work.

"Because of partners like Entergy and the generosity of its employees, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital can continue to lead the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases," said Richard C. Shadyac Jr., President and CEO of ALSAC. "St. Jude is grateful for every generous donation provided through programs like payroll contributions. These simple acts of kindness make a major impact on the future of research and treatment for kids with cancer in the U.S. and around the world."

When St. Jude opened in 1962, childhood cancer was largely considered incurable. Since then, St. Jude has helped push the overall survival rate from 20% to more than 80% today. With support from Entergy, St. Jude can continue to provide children with cutting-edge treatments that are not covered by insurance, at no cost to families.

At Entergy, our vision "We Power Life" extends beyond simply delivering essential energy services to our customers. Through strategic partnerships, we are committed to implementing various initiatives that address poverty, promote education and workforce development, provide financial assistance to our vulnerable customers, and enhance both our communities and the environment.

Entergy is dedicated to investing in critical programs and initiatives that foster the growth and prosperity of the communities where we live, work, and serve. Learn more about Entergy's community engagement efforts.

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Spokesperson: Entergy Corporation

SOURCE: Entergy Corporation

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How much did Entergy employees donate to St. Jude in 2023?

Entergy employees donated more than $230,000 to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital through payroll contributions in 2023.

Does Entergy match employee donations to St. Jude?

Yes, Entergy shareholders match employee donations to St. Jude dollar-for-dollar, effectively doubling the impact of contributions.

Which states are covered by Entergy's St. Jude donations?

Entergy's donations to St. Jude cover four states: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, where Entergy employees live and work.

When was Entergy recognized for its St. Jude contributions?

Entergy was recognized for its St. Jude contributions on August 29, 2024, during the company's Northern Regional employee meeting.

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