Entergy Employees Raise Nearly $900,000 To Support Neighbors in Need Through the Power to Care
Entergy employees have raised $868,167 for The Power to Care program in 2024, marking the highest amount raised from special events in nearly 20 years. The program provides emergency bill assistance to vulnerable customers, including older adults and individuals with disabilities.
Various fundraising events were organized across the service area, including golf tournaments, softball games, fishing tournaments, and pickleball competitions. Notable contributions came from regional golf tournaments: Entergy Texas ($245,852), Entergy New Orleans ($150,000), Entergy Mississippi ($127,600), and Entergy Arkansas ($126,868).
Since 2008, The Power to Care has raised over $50 million and assisted more than 250,000 people in need. The program operates through partnerships with local nonprofits, employees, and customer contributions to provide emergency bill payment assistance during financial crises.
I dipendenti di Entergy hanno raccolto $868,167 per il programma Power to Care nel 2024, il che segna l'importo più alto raccolto da eventi speciali in quasi 20 anni. Il programma fornisce assistenza per le bollette d'emergenza ai clienti vulnerabili, tra cui anziani e persone con disabilità.
Vari eventi di raccolta fondi sono stati organizzati nell'area di servizio, tra cui tornei di golf, partite di softball, tornei di pesca e competizioni di pickleball. Le contribuzioni più significative sono arrivate dai tornei di golf regionali: Entergy Texas ($245,852), Entergy New Orleans ($150,000), Entergy Mississippi ($127,600) e Entergy Arkansas ($126,868).
Dal 2008, il programma Power to Care ha raccolto oltre $50 milioni e ha assistito più di 250,000 persone bisognose. Il programma opera attraverso partnership con organizzazioni no-profit locali, dipendenti e contributi dei clienti per fornire assistenza al pagamento delle bollette in situazioni di crisi finanziaria.
Los empleados de Entergy han recaudado $868,167 para el programa Power to Care en 2024, marcando la cantidad más alta recaudada en eventos especiales en casi 20 años. El programa proporciona asistencia de emergencia para el pago de facturas a clientes vulnerables, incluidos ancianos e individuos con discapacidades.
Se organizaron varios eventos de recaudación de fondos en toda el área de servicio, incluidos torneos de golf, partidos de softbol, torneos de pesca y competiciones de pickleball. Las contribuciones notables provienen de torneos de golf regionales: Entergy Texas ($245,852), Entergy New Orleans ($150,000), Entergy Mississippi ($127,600) y Entergy Arkansas ($126,868).
Desde 2008, el programa Power to Care ha recaudado más de $50 millones y ha ayudado a más de 250,000 personas necesitadas. El programa opera a través de asociaciones con organizaciones no lucrativas locales, empleados y contribuciones de clientes para proporcionar asistencia de pago de facturas durante crisis financieras.
Entergy 직원들이 2024년 Power to Care 프로그램을 위해 $868,167를 모금했습니다. 이는 거의 20년 동안 특별 이벤트에서 모금된 가장 높은 금액입니다. 이 프로그램은 노인과 장애인을 포함한 취약 고객에게 긴급 전기 요금 지원을 제공합니다.
서비스 지역 전역에서 골프 대회, 소프트볼 게임, 낚시 대회 및 픽클볼 대회를 포함한 다양한 모금 이벤트가 조직되었습니다. 특히 눈에 띄는 기부는 지역 골프 대회에서 나왔습니다: Entergy Texas ($245,852), Entergy New Orleans ($150,000), Entergy Mississippi ($127,600) 및 Entergy Arkansas ($126,868).
2008년 이래로 Power to Care 프로그램은 5천만 달러 이상의 기금을 모금했으며, 25만 명 이상의 도움이 필요한 사람들을 도왔습니다. 이 프로그램은 지역 비영리 단체, 직원 및 고객 기부와의 파트너십을 통해 재정적 위기 상황에서의 긴급 요금 지불 지원을 제공합니다.
Les employés d'Entergy ont collecté 868 167 $ pour le programme Power to Care en 2024, ce qui représente le montant le plus élevé recueilli lors d'événements spéciaux depuis près de 20 ans. Ce programme fournit une assistance d'urgence pour les factures aux clients vulnérables, y compris les personnes âgées et les personnes en situation de handicap.
Divers événements de collecte de fonds ont été organisés dans toute la zone de service, y compris des tournois de golf, des matchs de softball, des tournois de pêche et des compétitions de pickleball. Les contributions notables proviennent des tournois de golf régionaux : Entergy Texas (245 852 $), Entergy New Orleans (150 000 $), Entergy Mississippi (127 600 $) et Entergy Arkansas (126 868 $).
Depuis 2008, le programme Power to Care a collecté plus de 50 millions de dollars et a aidé plus de 250 000 personnes dans le besoin. Le programme fonctionne à travers des partenariats avec des organisations à but non lucratif locales, des employés et des contributions des clients pour fournir une assistance au paiement des factures en cas de crise financière.
Die Mitarbeiter von Entergy haben im Jahr 2024 $868,167 für das Programm Power to Care gesammelt, was den höchsten Betrag darstellt, der in fast 20 Jahren aus Sonderveranstaltungen gesammelt wurde. Das Programm bietet Notfallhilfe zur Begleichung von Rechnungen für gefährdete Kunden, einschließlich älterer Menschen und Personen mit Behinderungen.
Verschiedene Fundraising-Veranstaltungen wurden im gesamten Versorgungsgebiet organisiert, darunter Golfturniere, Softballspiele, Angeltourniere und Pickleball-Wettbewerbe. Bedeutende Beiträge kamen von regionalen Golfturnieren: Entergy Texas ($245,852), Entergy New Orleans ($150,000), Entergy Mississippi ($127,600) und Entergy Arkansas ($126,868).
Seit 2008 hat Power to Care über 50 Millionen Dollar gesammelt und mehr als 250.000 bedürftige Menschen unterstützt. Das Programm arbeitet durch Partnerschaften mit lokalen gemeinnützigen Organisationen, Mitarbeitern und Kundenbeiträgen, um in finanziellen Krisen Unterstützung bei der Begleichung von Rechnungen zu bieten.
- None.
- None.
By: Cristina del Canto | Senior Communications Specialist
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 5, 2024 / Entergy Corporation

This year, Entergy employees raised
Throughout our service area, Entergy employees came together to organize a series of fundraisers, including the Boston Marathon, golf tournaments, softball games, a fishing tournament, and pickleball competitions. These events not only fostered camaraderie among team members but also united everyone in a shared mission: to serve our customers and uplift our communities.
"We are immensely grateful to our dedicated employees who poured their time and energy into organizing these events to support our vulnerable customers," said Patty Riddlebarger, Entergy's vice president of corporate social responsibility. "This year marks the highest amount we have raised from special events in nearly 20 years, and we are truly humbled by the generosity of our employees."
Highlights from The Power to Care 2024 fundraisers:
Entergy Texas Golf Tournament,
$245,852 Entergy New Orleans Golf Tournament,
$150,000 Entergy Mississippi Golf Tournament,
$127,600 Entergy Arkansas Golf Tournament,
$126,868 Entergy Louisiana Softball Tournament,
$103,500 Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans joint Watt-A-Catch Fishing Rodeo,
$59,300 Entergy Nuclear Pickleball Tournament,
$53,035 Boston Marathon,
Through Entergy's The Power to Care program, local nonprofits, employees, and generous customers have helped provide emergency bill payment assistance to vulnerable customers experiencing a time of financial crisis. Since 2008, The Power to Care has raised more than
The collective efforts of Entergy employees this year highlight the power of community but also reinforces our commitment to supporting those in need. To contribute or learn more about our program, visit The Power to Care. Together, we can continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our neighbors.
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SOURCE: Entergy Corporation
View the original press release on accesswire.com
How much did Entergy (ETR) employees raise for The Power to Care in 2024?
Which Entergy (ETR) regional event raised the most money in 2024?
How many people has Entergy's Power to Care program helped since 2008?