Behind the Scenes: Hidden Heroes Supporting Entergy’s Storm Restoration Efforts
Entergy 's Louisiana Distribution Operations Center played a important role in restoring power after Hurricane Francine. The center, described as the "nerve center and heartbeat of the grid" by manager Felton Coleman, coordinates restoration efforts across Louisiana. Employees analyze real-time data on large screens, managing information to ensure efficient and safe power restoration.
The center operates with a chain of command, assessing outages and determining solutions. Two-way communication between operators and field crews is constant. Thanks to this teamwork, Entergy restored power to over 90% of customers within three days after Francine. The storm response team peaked at 8,000 people, including frontline workers and support personnel working 16-hour days until all customers regained power.
Il Centro Operativo di Distribuzione della Entergy in Louisiana ha svolto un ruolo importante nel ripristino dell'energia dopo l'uragano Francine. Il centro, descritto come il “centro nevralgico e il battito del sistema elettrico” dal manager Felton Coleman, coordina gli sforzi di ripristino in tutta la Louisiana. I dipendenti analizzano dati in tempo reale su schermi di grandi dimensioni, gestendo informazioni per garantire un ripristino dell'energia efficiente e sicuro.
Il centro opera con una catena di comando, valutando le interruzioni e determinando soluzioni. La comunicazione bidirezionale tra gli operatori e le squadre sul campo è costante. Grazie a questo lavoro di squadra, Entergy ha ripristinato l'energia a oltre il 90% dei clienti entro tre giorni dopo Francine. Il team di risposta alla tempesta ha raggiunto il picco di 8.000 persone, compresi lavoratori in prima linea e personale di supporto che ha lavorato per 16 ore al giorno fino al ripristino dell'energia per tutti i clienti.
El Centro de Operaciones de Distribución de Entergy en Louisiana desempeñó un papel importante en la restauración de la energía después del huracán Francine. El centro, descrito como el “centro neurálgico y corazón de la red” por el gerente Felton Coleman, coordina los esfuerzos de restauración en toda Louisiana. Los empleados analizan datos en tiempo real en pantallas grandes, gestionando información para asegurar una restauración eficiente y segura de la energía.
El centro opera con una cadena de mando, evaluando las interrupciones y determinando soluciones. La comunicación bidireccional entre los operadores y los equipos de campo es constante. Gracias a este trabajo en equipo, Entergy restauró la energía a más del 90% de los clientes en tres días después de Francine. El equipo de respuesta a la tormenta alcanzó un pico de 8,000 personas, incluidos trabajadores de primera línea y personal de apoyo que trabajó 16 horas al día hasta que todos los clientes recuperaron energía.
엔터지의 루이지애나 배급 운영 센터는 허리케인 프랜신 이후 전력 복구에 중요한 역할을 했습니다. 이 센터는 매니저 펠튼 콜맨에 의해 “전력망의 신경 센터이자 심장박동”으로 설명되며, 루이지애나 전역에서 복구 작업을 조정합니다. 직원들은 대형 화면에서 실시간 데이터를 분석하고, 정보를 관리하여 효율적이고 안전한 전력 복구를 보장합니다.
센터는 명령 체계를 기반으로 운영되며, 정전 상황을 평가하고 해결책을 결정합니다. 운영자와 현장 팀 간의 쌍방향 통신이 끊임없이 이루어집니다. 이러한 팀워크 덕분에 엔터지는 프랜신 이후 3일 이내에 90% 이상의 고객에게 전력을 복구했습니다. 폭풍 응답 팀은 8,000명의 인원으로 피크를 기록했으며, 일선 근무자 및 지원 인력이 포함되어 모든 고객이 전력을 복구할 때까지 16시간 근무했습니다.
Le Centre des opérations de distribution d'Entergy en Louisiane a joué un rôle important dans la restauration de l'électricité après l'ouragan Francine. Le centre, décrit par le gestionnaire Felton Coleman comme le “centre névralgique et le cœur du réseau”, coordonne les efforts de restauration à travers la Louisiane. Les employés analysent des données en temps réel sur de grands écrans, gérant des informations pour assurer une restauration de l'électricité efficace et sûre.
Le centre fonctionne avec une chaîne de commandement, évaluant les pannes et déterminant des solutions. La communication bidirectionnelle entre les opérateurs et les équipes de terrain est constante. Grâce à ce travail d'équipe, Entergy a rétabli l'électricité à plus de 90 % des clients en trois jours après Francine. L'équipe de réponse à la tempête a culminé à 8 000 personnes, y compris des travailleurs en première ligne et du personnel de soutien travaillant 16 heures par jour jusqu'à ce que tous les clients retrouvent l'électricité.
Das Vertriebsoperationszentrum von Entergy in Louisiana spielte eine wichtige Rolle bei der Wiederherstellung der Stromversorgung nach dem Hurrikan Francine. Das Zentrum, das von Manager Felton Coleman als „Nervenzentrum und Herzschlag des Netzes“ beschrieben wird, koordiniert die Wiederherstellungsbemühungen in ganz Louisiana. Die Mitarbeiter analysieren Echtzeitdaten auf großen Bildschirmen und verwalten Informationen, um eine effiziente und sichere Stromwiederherstellung zu gewährleisten.
Das Zentrum arbeitet mit einer Kommandokette, bewertet Ausfälle und bestimmt Lösungen. Die zwei-Wege-Kommunikation zwischen Betreibern und Einsatzteams ist durchgehend. Dank dieser Teamarbeit hat Entergy über 90 % der Kunden innerhalb von drei Tagen nach Francine wieder mit Strom versorgt. Das Sturmschutzteam erreichte einen Höchststand von 8.000 Personen, einschließlich Frontmitarbeitern und Unterstützungspersonal, das bis alle Kunden wieder Strom haben, 16 Stunden am Tag arbeitet.
- Entergy restored power to over 90% of customers within 3 days after Hurricane Francine
- The company mobilized a storm response team of 8,000 people for efficient restoration
- Advanced real-time data analysis and communication systems for coordinating restoration efforts
- None.
By: David Freese | Senior Communications Specialist
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 18, 2024 / Entergy Corporation

Drew Angelloz, Entergy operations coordinator, and Timothy Santos, Entergy distribution dispatch supervisor, and Felton Coleman, Entergy Louisiana distribution control center manager, are pictured in the switch room at the Louisiana Distribution Operations Center in Baton Rouge.
Three days after Hurricane Francine made landfall, Felton Coleman, manager of Entergy's Louisiana Distribution Operations Center, stood in a Baton Rouge facility that few know about but that plays a crucial role in restoring power after storms. With hands on the table, Coleman listened intently as his team discussed the latest steps being taken to help restore power to customers across Louisiana.
"Everything dealing with Entergy's electric distribution system in Louisiana flows through here," Coleman explained. "It's the nerve center and the heartbeat of our grid. We're managing a huge amount of information to ensure restoration efforts move efficiently and, most importantly, safely for the frontline workers in the field."
Inside what Coleman calls the "switch room" and "operating floor," workers sit in front of large computer screens that display real-time data on Entergy's electric grid. Brightly colored lines and shapes flash across the screens, giving them instant visibility into the system across the state. In these rooms, dozens of employees analyze the data and coordinate next steps in the restoration process.
During storm recovery, the operations center is divided into sections that each focus on different regions affected by outages. Operations coordinators, floor leads and supervisors collaborate to form a chain of command, assessing outages and determining how best to address them.
Breakers and smart devices located at the top of utility poles relay information back to the center, giving the team a real-time view of field conditions. Two-way communication flows constantly between operators at the center and crews in the field. Crews assess the damage, and if necessary, request "switching orders" - a sequence of steps taken to safely deenergize or isolate parts of the grid so that tree trimmers and lineworkers can safely remove debris, make repairs and restore power.
Thanks to the teamwork between frontline workers and those behind the scenes, Entergy has impressively restored power to more than
Much like the crews on the ground, the employees at the distribution operations center work 16-hour days and play a crucial role in the restoration effort. "When a storm hits, it's a commitment to being here until every customer has power back ON," Coleman added.
But it's not just the workers at the distribution operations center who are the hidden heroes of the storm restoration process. Behind every lineworker or tree trimmer, there are hundreds of employees, contractors and support personnel working in various command centers across Entergy's service territory. Teams from planning, resource management, logistics and customer service ensure that frontline workers have meals, lodging, fuel and the necessary supplies to complete their assignments.
At its peak, Entergy's storm response team for Francine swelled to more than 8,000 people, all working together to help customers regain a sense of normalcy.
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SOURCE: Entergy Corporation
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How quickly did Entergy restore power after Hurricane Francine?
What is the role of Entergy's Louisiana Distribution Operations Center during storm restoration?
How many people were involved in Entergy's storm response team for Hurricane Francine?