Eaton Vehicle-To-Home Charging Capabilities Enable Customers to Keep the Power on at Home and Will Be Featured at CES 2025
Eaton is showcasing its AbleEdge home energy management system at CES 2025, demonstrating vehicle-to-home (V2H) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capabilities that enable electric vehicle batteries to power homes during outages. The system can provide 10-20 hours of home power using EV batteries, addressing the average 5.5 hours of annual power outages in U.S. homes.
The company is collaborating with automotive OEMs, energy storage, and solar providers to create interoperable solutions. Through partnership with Treehouse, Eaton is streamlining installations and avoiding costly electrical panel upgrades. The company has also partnered with Munich Electrification to develop a battery configuration switch for enhanced EV charging flexibility.
Eaton reported revenues of $23.2 billion in 2023 and serves customers in over 160 countries. The company will demonstrate its solutions at CES 2025 booth 10341 and its Pittsburgh Experience Center.
Eaton sta presentando il suo systema di gestione dell'energia domestica AbleEdge al CES 2025, dimostrando le capacità di veicolo-a-casa (V2H) e veicolo-a-rete (V2G) che consentono alle batterie dei veicoli elettrici di alimentare le abitazioni durante le interruzioni di corrente. Il sistema può fornire da 10 a 20 ore di energia per la casa utilizzando le batterie dei veicoli elettrici, affrontando così le 5,5 ore di interruzioni di corrente annuali in media nelle abitazioni statunitensi.
L'azienda sta collaborando con OEM automobilistici, fornitori di stoccaggio energetico e solare per creare soluzioni interoperabili. Attraverso una partnership con Treehouse, Eaton sta semplificando le installazioni ed evitando costosi aggiornamenti dei pannelli elettrici. L'azienda ha anche collaborato con Munich Electrification per sviluppare un interruttore di configurazione delle batterie per una maggiore flessibilità nella ricarica dei veicoli elettrici.
Eaton ha riportato ricavi di 23,2 miliardi di dollari nel 2023 e serve clienti in oltre 160 paesi. L'azienda dimostrerà le sue soluzioni al CES 2025, stand 10341, e presso il suo Pittsburgh Experience Center.
Eaton está presentando su sistema de gestión de energía doméstica AbleEdge en CES 2025, demostrando capacidades de vehículo-a-hogar (V2H) y vehículo-a-rede (V2G) que permiten a las baterías de vehículos eléctricos alimentar hogares durante cortes de energía. El sistema puede proporcionar de 10 a 20 horas de energía para el hogar utilizando baterías de vehículos eléctricos, abordando así las 5,5 horas de cortes de energía anuales en los hogares de EE. UU.
La empresa está colaborando con fabricantes de equipos originales (OEM) automotrices, proveedores de almacenamiento de energía y solar para crear soluciones interoperables. A través de una asociación con Treehouse, Eaton está simplificando las instalaciones y evitando costosas actualizaciones de paneles eléctricos. La empresa también se ha asociado con Munich Electrification para desarrollar un interruptor de configuración de batería para una mayor flexibilidad en la carga de vehículos eléctricos.
Eaton reportó ingresos de 23.2 mil millones de dólares en 2023 y atiende a clientes en más de 160 países. La empresa demostrará sus soluciones en CES 2025, stand 10341, y en su Pittsburgh Experience Center.
이튼은 CES 2025에서 AbleEdge 홈 에너지 관리 시스템을 선보이며, 전기차 배터리가 정전 시 가정을 전력 공급할 수 있도록 하는 차량-가정(V2H) 및 차량-그리드(V2G) 기능을 시연하고 있습니다. 이 시스템은 전기차 배터리를 사용하여 10-20시간의 가정용 전력을 제공할 수 있으며, 이는 미국 가정의 연평균 전력 중단 시간인 5.5시간을 해결합니다.
이 회사는 자동차 OEM, 에너지 저장 및 태양광 공급업체와 협력하여 상호 운용 가능한 솔루션을 만들고 있습니다. Treehouse와의 파트너십을 통해 이튼은 설치를 간소화하고 비용이 많이 드는 전기 패널 업그레이드를 피하고 있습니다. 또한 이 회사는 뮌헨 전력화와 협력하여 향상된 전기차 충전 유연성을 위한 배터리 구성 스위치를 개발하고 있습니다.
이튼은 2023년에 232억 달러의 수익을 보고하며 160개국 이상에서 고객에게 서비스를 제공합니다. 이 회사는 CES 2025의 10341번 부스와 피츠버그 체험 센터에서 솔루션을 시연할 예정입니다.
Eaton présente son système de gestion de l'énergie domestique AbleEdge lors du CES 2025, démontrant les capacités de véhicule-à-maison (V2H) et de véhicule-à-réseau (V2G) qui permettent aux batteries de véhicules électriques d'alimenter les maisons pendant les pannes de courant. Le système peut fournir de 10 à 20 heures d'énergie domestique en utilisant des batteries de VE, répondant ainsi aux 5,5 heures de pannes de courant annuelles en moyenne dans les maisons américaines.
L'entreprise collabore avec des OEM automobiles, des fournisseurs de stockage d'énergie et d'énergie solaire pour créer des solutions interopérables. Grâce à un partenariat avec Treehouse, Eaton rationalise les installations et évite des mises à niveau coûteuses des panneaux électriques. L'entreprise s'est également associée à Munich Electrification pour développer un interrupteur de configuration de batterie pour une flexibilité accrue dans la charge des VE.
Eaton a rapporté des revenus de 23,2 milliards de dollars en 2023 et sert des clients dans plus de 160 pays. L'entreprise présentera ses solutions au CES 2025 au stand 10341 et dans son centre d'expérience de Pittsburgh.
Eaton präsentiert sein AbleEdge-Hausenergie-Managementsystem auf der CES 2025 und demonstriert die Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) und Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Funktionen, die es ermöglichen, dass Batterien von Elektrofahrzeugen Haushalte während Stromausfällen versorgen. Das System kann 10-20 Stunden Haushaltsstrom mit EV-Batterien bereitstellen und damit die durchschnittlichen 5,5 Stunden jährlicher Stromausfälle in US-Haushalten angehen.
Das Unternehmen arbeitet mit Automobil-OEMs, Energ speicher- und Solaranbietern zusammen, um interoperable Lösungen zu schaffen. Durch die Partnerschaft mit Treehouse optimiert Eaton die Installationen und vermeidet kostspielige Elektroinstallations-Upgrades. Das Unternehmen hat außerdem eine Partnerschaft mit Munich Electrification geschlossen, um einen Batteriekonfigurationsschalter für verbesserte Flexibilität beim Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen zu entwickeln.
Eaton berichtete von Einnahmen in Höhe von 23,2 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2023 und bedient Kunden in über 160 Ländern. Das Unternehmen wird seine Lösungen auf der CES 2025 an Stand 10341 und im Pittsburgh Experience Center präsentieren.
- Revenue of $23.2 billion in 2023
- Strategic partnership with Munich Electrification for EV charging technology
- Launch of AbleEdge system addressing power outage solutions
- Cost-saving installation process through Treehouse collaboration
- None.
Eaton's AbleEdge system represents a significant advancement in vehicle-to-home (V2H) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology. The system's ability to power homes for 10-20 hours using EV batteries during outages addresses a critical market need, considering the average U.S. home faces 5.5 hours of power interruption annually. The integration with Treehouse for streamlined installation and the partnership with Munich Electrification for battery configuration switching demonstrates a comprehensive ecosystem approach.
The technology's interoperability with various DERs (Distributed Energy Resources) and focus on cybersecurity positions Eaton favorably in the growing home energy management market. Their solution's ability to avoid costly electrical panel upgrades provides a compelling value proposition for homeowners. This aligns with the broader industry trend toward smart grid integration and distributed energy systems.
The solution addresses key market pain points: infrastructure cost reduction, installation simplification and power reliability improvement. Eaton's established presence in power management across multiple sectors (data centers, industrial, commercial) provides competitive advantages in distribution and implementation. The technology demonstration at CES 2025 could catalyze partnerships and market adoption.
- AbleEdge home energy management system transforms electric vehicle batteries into energy assets to keep power on and reduce energy spend
Eaton delivers industry-leading interoperability and cybersecurity, advancing vehicle-to-home and vehicle-to-grid technologies to be used with any DER - Collaboration with Treehouse enables high-quality, cost-effective electrification programs at scale for automotive OEMs, utilities and hardware manufacturers
The average
“EV batteries present an enormous opportunity to enable home energy systems that work smarter, harder and more effectively — keeping the power on and reducing home energy costs,” said Paul Ryan, general manager of Connected Solutions and EV Charging at
The company is showcasing how its solutions support more resilient, sustainable and affordable power for homes, vehicles, buildings, factories, data centers and on the grid at CES 2025 in
Sankaran Subramaniam, Ph.D, will explore AI at the Edge: Transforming Industries and the Workplace on January 7 at 2 p.m. in the
Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC), North Level 2, N261 - Mark Kelly will address The Energy Infrastructure of the Future on January 9 at 9 a.m. in the LVCC, North Level 2, N261
- John Krzeszewski will participate in the Automotive Cybersecurity Revs Up session on January 9 at 9 a.m. in the LVCC, West Level 2, W219
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Kristin Somers
Regina Parundik
Cobblestone Communications
How long can Eaton's V2H technology power a home using an EV battery?
What was Eaton's (ETN) revenue in 2023?
How does Eaton's AbleEdge system help reduce home energy costs?
Where can investors see Eaton's (ETN) V2H capabilities demonstration?