ETC Announces Fiscal 2025 Second Quarter Results

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Environmental Tectonics (OTC Pink: ETCC) reported strong financial results for the fiscal 2025 second quarter ended August 23, 2024. The company saw a 56% increase in net sales to $14.1 million, driven by significant growth in Aircrew Training Systems (ATS), Advanced Disaster Management Simulators (ADMS), and Sterilizer Systems. Net income improved to $1.7 million ($0.09 per diluted share) compared to a net loss of $0.4 million in the prior year quarter.

Gross profit margin increased to 29.8%, up 4.4 percentage points year-over-year. Operating margin improved from -0.8% to 14.0%. The company ended the quarter with a backlog of $109 million, positioning it well for future growth. For the fiscal 2025 first half, net sales increased 65.3% to $27.6 million, with net income of $3.1 million ($0.17 per diluted share) compared to a net loss of $1.5 million in the prior year period.

Environmental Tectonics (OTC Pink: ETCC) ha riportato risultati finanziari solidi per il secondo trimestre fiscale 2025 conclusosi il 23 agosto 2024. L'azienda ha registrato un aumento del 56% delle vendite nette, raggiungendo 14,1 milioni di dollari, spinta da una crescita significativa nei Sistemi di Formazione per Equipaggi Aerei (ATS), Simulatori Avanzati per la Gestione delle Catastrofi (ADMS) e Sistemi di Sterilizzazione. Il reddito netto è migliorato a 1,7 milioni di dollari (0,09 dollari per azione diluita), rispetto a una perdita netta di 0,4 milioni di dollari nello stesso trimestre dell'anno precedente.

Il margine di profitto lordo è aumentato al 29,8%, con un incremento di 4,4 punti percentuali rispetto all'anno precedente. Il margine operativo è migliorato dal -0,8% al 14,0%. L'azienda ha concluso il trimestre con un portafoglio ordini di 109 milioni di dollari, posizionandosi bene per una crescita futura. Per il primo semestre fiscale 2025, le vendite nette sono aumentate del 65,3% a 27,6 milioni di dollari, con un reddito netto di 3,1 milioni di dollari (0,17 dollari per azione diluita) rispetto a una perdita netta di 1,5 milioni di dollari nello stesso periodo dell'anno precedente.

Environmental Tectonics (OTC Pink: ETCC) reportó resultados financieros sólidos para el segundo trimestre fiscal 2025 que terminó el 23 de agosto de 2024. La compañía vio un aumento del 56% en las ventas netas alcanzando 14,1 millones de dólares, impulsada por un crecimiento significativo en Sistemas de Entrenamiento para Tripulación Aérea (ATS), Simuladores Avanzados de Gestión de Desastres (ADMS) y Sistemas de Esterilización. Los ingresos netos mejoraron a 1,7 millones de dólares (0,09 dólares por acción diluida) en comparación con una pérdida neta de 0,4 millones de dólares en el trimestre del año anterior.

El margen de ganancia bruta aumentó al 29,8%, lo que representa un incremento de 4,4 puntos porcentuales en comparación con el año anterior. El margen operativo mejoró de -0,8% a 14,0%. La empresa cerró el trimestre con un pedido pendiente de 109 millones de dólares, lo que la posiciona bien para el crecimiento futuro. Para el primer semestre fiscal 2025, las ventas netas aumentaron un 65,3% a 27,6 millones de dólares, con un ingreso neto de 3,1 millones de dólares (0,17 dólares por acción diluida) en comparación con una pérdida neta de 1,5 millones de dólares en el mismo período del año anterior.

Environmental Tectonics (OTC Pink: ETCC)는 2024년 8월 23일로 종료된 2025 회계연도 2분기 강력한 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 회사는 항공 승무원 훈련 시스템(ATS), 고급 재해 관리 시뮬레이터(ADMS), 및 살균 시스템에서의 유의미한 성장을 통해 순 매출이 56% 증가하여 1,410만 달러에 도달했습니다. 순이익이 170만 달러로 개선되었습니다 (희석주당 $0.09) 전년 동기에는 40만 달러의 순손실이 있었습니다.

총 이익률은 29.8%로 증가했으며, 지난해 대비 4.4%포인트 상승했습니다. 운영 마진은 -0.8%에서 14.0%로 개선되었습니다. 회사는 1억 9백만 달러의 백로그를 가지고 분기를 마감하여 향후 성장에 대한 좋은 위치를 차지하고 있습니다. 2025 회계연도 상반기 동안 순매출은 65.3% 증가하여 2,760만 달러에 달하며, 순이익은 310만 달러 (희석주당 $0.17)로 전년 동기 순손실 150만 달러와 비교되었습니다.

Environmental Tectonics (OTC Pink: ETCC) a annoncé de solides résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre de l'exercice 2025, clôturé le 23 août 2024. L'entreprise a enregistré un augmentation de 56% des ventes nettes atteignant 14,1 millions de dollars, grâce à une croissance significative des systèmes de formation pour équipages aériens (ATS), simulateurs avancés de gestion des catastrophes (ADMS) et systèmes de stérilisation. Le revenu net a amélioré à 1,7 million de dollars (0,09 dollar par action diluée) par rapport à une perte nette de 0,4 million de dollars au même trimestre de l'année précédente.

La marge brute a augmenté à 29,8 %, en hausse de 4,4 points de pourcentage par rapport à l'année précédente. La marge opérationnelle est passée de -0,8 % à 14,0 %. L'entreprise a terminé le trimestre avec un carnet de commandes de 109 millions de dollars, se positionnant ainsi bien pour une croissance future. Pour le premier semestre de l'exercice 2025, les ventes nettes ont augmenté de 65,3 % pour atteindre 27,6 millions de dollars, avec un revenu net de 3,1 millions de dollars (0,17 dollar par action diluée) contre une perte nette de 1,5 million de dollars au cours de la même période de l'année précédente.

Environmental Tectonics (OTC Pink: ETCC) hat starke finanzielle Ergebnisse für das zweite Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2025 berichtet, das am 23. August 2024 endete. Das Unternehmen verzeichnete einen Umsatzanstieg von 56% auf 14,1 Millionen US-Dollar, getrieben durch signifikantes Wachstum in den Bereichen Luftcrew-Trainingssysteme (ATS), fortschrittliche Katastrophenmanagement-Simulatoren (ADMS) und Sterilisationssysteme. Der Nettogewinn verbesserte sich auf 1,7 Millionen US-Dollar (0,09 US-Dollar pro verwässerter Aktie) im Vergleich zu einem Nettverlust von 0,4 Millionen US-Dollar im Vorjahresquartal.

Die Bruttogewinnspanne stieg auf 29,8%, was einem Anstieg von 4,4 Prozentpunkten im Jahresvergleich entspricht. Die operative Marge verbesserte sich von -0,8% auf 14,0%. Das Unternehmen schloss das Quartal mit einem Auftragsbestand von 109 Millionen US-Dollar ab, was es gut für zukünftiges Wachstum positioniert. Für die erste Hälfte des Geschäftsjahres 2025 stiegen die Nettoumsätze um 65,3% auf 27,6 Millionen US-Dollar, mit einem Nettoergebnis von 3,1 Millionen US-Dollar (0,17 US-Dollar pro verwässerter Aktie) im Vergleich zu einem Nettverlust von 1,5 Millionen US-Dollar im Vorjahreszeitraum.

  • 56.2% increase in net sales to $14.1 million in Q2 2025
  • Net income improved to $1.7 million in Q2 2025 from a net loss of $0.4 million in Q2 2024
  • Gross profit margin increased to 29.8%, up 4.4 percentage points year-over-year
  • Operating margin improved from -0.8% to 14.0% in Q2 2025
  • Strong backlog of $109 million at the end of Q2 2025
  • 65.3% increase in net sales to $27.6 million for the first half of fiscal 2025
  • Net income of $3.1 million for the first half of fiscal 2025 compared to a net loss of $1.5 million in the prior year period
  • Cash used in operating activities of $2.1 million during the first half of fiscal 2025
  • Increase in borrowings under the company's credit facility

SOUTHAMPTON, Pa., Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Environmental Tectonics Corporation (OTC Pink: ETCC) (“ETC” or the “Company”) today reported its financial results for the thirteen week period ended August 23, 2024 (the “2025 fiscal second quarter”) and the twenty-six week period ended August 23, 2024.

Robert L. Laurent, Jr., ETC’s Chief Executive Officer and President stated, “We are pleased with the overall 56% increase in 2025 fiscal second quarter sales vs. prior year, as well our improvements in gross margin, operating margin and our $2.1 million increase in net income in the 2025 fiscal second quarter versus the prior year. We ended the 2025 fiscal second quarter with a backlog of $109 million. The large backlog positions us well moving forward.”

2025 Fiscal Second Quarter Results of Operations

Net Income (Loss)

Net income was $1.7 million, or $0.09 earnings per diluted share, in the 2025 fiscal second quarter, compared to net loss of ($0.4) million during the 2024 fiscal second quarter, equating to ($0.04) earnings per diluted share. The $2.1 million variance is due primarily to increased sales and improved gross profit margin.

Net Sales

Net sales in the 2025 fiscal second quarter were $14.1 million, an increase of $5.1 million, or 56.2%, compared to 2024 fiscal second quarter net sales of $9.0 million. The increase in net sales was driven by a $4.3 million or 100.4% increase in ATS, a $0.4 million or 51.7% increase in ADMS and a $0.3 million or 10.5% increase in Sterilizer Systems net sales in 2025 fiscal second quarter compared to 2024 fiscal second quarter net sales.

Gross Profit

Gross profit for the 2025 fiscal second quarter of $4.2 million increased from $2.3 million in the 2024 fiscal second quarter, an increase of $1.9 million or 83.3%. Gross profit margin of 29.8% increased 4.4% in the 2025 fiscal second quarter compared to 25.4% in the 2024 fiscal second quarter. The increase in gross profit was due to higher net sales within the ATS, ADMS and Sterilizer Systems business units, along with an increased overhead absorption resulting from higher production levels.

Operating Expenses

Operating expenses, including sales and marketing, general and administrative, and research and development, for the 2025 fiscal second quarter were $2.2 million, a decrease of $0.1 million, or 6.1%, compared to $2.4 million for the 2024 fiscal second quarter. Operating expenses decreased due primarily to lower research and development expense for the 2025 fiscal second quarter as compared to the 2024 fiscal second quarter. The increase in sales and gross profit margin along with the decrease in operating expenses resulted in an improvement in operating margin from (-0.8%) in the 2024 second fiscal quarter to 14.0% in the 2025 fiscal second quarter.

2025 Fiscal First Half Results of Operations

Net Income (Loss)

Net income was $3.1 million, or $0.17 earnings per diluted share, in the 2025 fiscal first half, compared to net loss of ($1.5) million during the 2024 fiscal first half, equating to ($0.11) earnings per diluted share. The $4.6 million variance is attributable to an increase in sales and improved gross profit margin.

Net Sales

Net sales in the 2025 fiscal first half were $27.6 million, an increase of $10.9 million, or 65.3%, compared to 2024 fiscal first half net sales of $16.7 million. The increase in net sales is primarily attributable to a $7.7 million or 106.8% increase in ATS 2025 fiscal first half net sales and a $3.2 million or 54.1% increase in sterilizer systems net sales in the 2025 fiscal first half as compared to the 2024 fiscal first half.

Gross Profit

Gross profit for the 2025 fiscal first half was $8.7 million compared to $4.1 million in the 2024 fiscal first half, an increase of $4.6 million, or 111.5%. Gross profit margin of 31.6% increased 6.9% in the 2025 fiscal first half compared to 24.7% in the 2024 fiscal first half. The increase in gross profit was primarily due to an increase in net sales and gross profit margin within the ATS and Sterilizer Systems business units.

Operating Expenses

Operating expenses, including sales and marketing, general and administrative, and research and development, for the 2025 fiscal first half were $5.2 million, an increase of $0.2 million, or 4.4%, compared to $5.0 million for the 2024 fiscal first half. The increase in operating expenses was primarily due to increased expense related to higher sales and personnel expense and general and administrative expense slightly offset by a decrease in research and development expense. The increase in sales and gross profit margin along with the decrease in operating expenses resulted in an improvement in operating margin from (-5.1%) in the 2024 fiscal first half to 12.8% in the 2025 fiscal first half.

Interest Expense, Net

Interest expense, net for the 2025 fiscal first half was $0.3 million compared to interest expense, net of $0.4 million for the 2024 fiscal first half, a favorable variance of $0.1 million. The favorable variance was primarily attributable to an increase in interest income included in the proceeds received related to the 2020 and 2021 Employee Retention Credits received in the 2025 first fiscal first half.

Cash Flows from Operating, Investing, and Financing Activities

During the 2025 fiscal first half, the Company used $2.1 million of cash from operating activities, due primarily from an increase in contract assets and reduction in accounts payable and contract liabilities, slightly offset by an increase in net income and a decrease in accounts receivable and prepaid expenses and other assets, as compared to using $5.9 million during the 2024 fiscal first half.

Cash used for investing activities was $0.2 million during the 2025 and 2024 fiscal first half and primarily relates to funds used for capital expenditures on equipment and software development.

The Company’s financing activities included borrowings of $1.6 million during the first half of fiscal 2025 under the Company’s credit facility as compared to borrowing $4.7 million of cash during the 2024 fiscal first half under the Company’s credit facilities.

About ETC

ETC was incorporated in 1969 in Pennsylvania. For over five decades, we have provided our customers with products, services, and support. Innovation, continuous technological improvement and enhancement, and product quality are core values that are critical to our success. We are a significant supplier and innovator in the following areas: (i) software driven products and services used to create and monitor the physiological effects of flight, including high performance jet tactical flight simulation, fixed and rotary wing upset prevention and recovery and spatial disorientation, and both suborbital and orbital commercial human spaceflight, collectively, Aircrew Training Systems (“ATS”); (ii) altitude (hypobaric) chambers; (iii) hyperbaric chambers for multiple persons (multiplace chambers); (iv) Advanced Disaster Management Simulators (“ADMS”); (v) steam and gas (ethylene oxide) sterilizer systems (“Sterilizer Systems” or “Sterilizers”); and (vi) environmental testing and simulation systems (“ETSS”).

We operate in two primary business segments, Aerospace Solutions (“Aerospace”) and Commercial/Industrial Systems (“CIS”). Aerospace encompasses the design, manufacture, and sale of: (i) ATS products; (ii) altitude (hypobaric) chambers; (iii) hyperbaric chambers for multiple persons (multiplace chambers); and (iv) ADMS, as well as integrated logistics support (“ILS”) for customers who purchase these products or similar products manufactured by other parties. These products and services provide customers with an offering of comprehensive solutions for improved readiness and reduced operational costs. Sales of our Aerospace products are made principally to U.S. and foreign government agencies and to civil aviation organizations. CIS encompasses the design, manufacture, and sale of: (i) steam and gas (ethylene oxide) sterilizer systems; and (ii) ETSS; as well as parts and service support for customers who purchase these products or similar products manufactured by other parties. Sales of our CIS products are made principally to the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and automotive industries.

ETC-PZL Aerospace Industries Sp. z o.o. (“ETC-PZL”), our 100%-owned subsidiary in Warsaw, Poland, is currently our only operating subsidiary. ETC-PZL manufactures certain simulators and provides software to support products manufactured domestically within our Aerospace segment.

The majority of our net sales are generated from long-term contracts with U.S. and foreign government agencies (including foreign military sales (“FMS”) contracted through the U.S. Government) for the research, design, development, manufacture, integration, and sustainment of ATS products, including Chambers and the simulators manufactured and sold through ETC-PZL, collectively, ATS. The Company also enters into long-term contracts with domestic customers for the sale of sterilizers and ETSS. Net sales of ADMS are generally much shorter term in nature and vary between domestic and international customers. We generally provide our products and services under fixed-price contracts.

ETC’s unique ability to offer complete systems, designed and produced to high technical standards, sets it apart from its competition. ETC’s headquarters is located in Southampton, PA. For more information about ETC, visit


Forward-looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements, which are based on management’s expectations and are subject to uncertainties and changes in circumstances. Words and expressions reflecting something other than historical fact are intended to identify forward-looking statements, and these statements may include words such as “may”, “will”, “should”, “expect”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “future”, “predict”, “potential”, “intend”, or “continue”, and similar expressions. We base our forward-looking statements on our current expectations and projections about future events or future financial performance. Our forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions about ETC and its subsidiaries that may cause actual results to be materially different from any future results implied by these forward-looking statements. We caution you not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.

- Financial Tables Follow -

Table A        
Environmental Tectonics Corporation
Summary Table of Results
(in thousands, except per share information) 
  Thirteen weeks ended Variance  
  August 23, 2024
  August 25, 2023
  ($) (%) 
Net sales$ 14,083  $ 9,016  $ 5,067  56.2  
Cost of goods sold 9,886   6,726   3,160  47.0  
Gross Profit 4,197   2,290   1,907  83.3  
  Gross profit margin % 29.8%   25.4%   4.4%  17.3%  
Operating expenses 2,219   2,364   (145) -6.1  
Operating income (loss) 1,978   (74)  2,052  2772.9  
  Operating margin % 14.0%   -0.8%  14.8%  1799.0%  
Interest expense, net 233   228   5  2.2  
Other expense, net 29   93   (64) -69.0  
Income (loss) before income taxes 1,716   (395)  2,111  534.4  
  Pre-tax margin % 12.2%   -4.4%  16.6%  377.3%  
Income tax provision 20   40   (20) -50.0  
Net income (loss) 1,696   (435)  2,131  489.9  
Preferred Stock dividends (121)  (121)  -  0.0  
Income (loss) attributable to common and         
Participating shareholders$ 1,575  $ (556) $ 2,131  383.2  
Per share information:        
Basic earnings (loss) per common and participating share:        
Distributed earnings per share:        
Common$-  $-  $-    
Preferred$0.02  $0.02  $-  0.0  
Undistributed earnings (loss) per share:        
Common$0.10  $(0.04) $0.14  350.0  
Preferred$0.10  $(0.04) $0.14  350.0  
Earnings (loss) per diluted share$ 0.09  $ (0.04) $ 0.13  325.0  
Total basic weighted average common and participating shares  15,569   15,569      
Total diluted weighted average shares 16,725   15,569      

Table B        
Environmental Tectonics Corporation 
Summary Table of Results
(in thousands, except per share information) 
  Twenty-six weeks ended Variance  
  August 23, 2024 August 25, 2023
  ($) (%) 
Net sales$ 27,575  $ 16,683  $ 10,892  65.3  
Cost of goods sold 18,851   12,559   6,292  50.1  
Gross Profit 8,724   4,124   4,600  111.5  
  Gross profit margin % 31.6%   24.7%   6.9%  27.9%  
Operating expenses 5,194   4,973   221  4.4  
Operating income (loss)  3,530   (849)  4,379  515.8  
  Operating margin % 12.8%   -5.1%  17.9%  351.0%  
Interest expense, net  349   426   (77) -18.1  
Other expense, net 85   143   (58) -40.6  
Income (loss) before income taxes 3,096   (1,418)  4,514  318.3  
  Pre tax margin % 11.2%   -8.5%  19.7%  231.8%  
Income tax provision 40   80   (40) -50.0  
Net (loss) income 3,056   (1,498)  4,554  304.0  
Preferred Stock Dividends (242)  (242)  -  0.0  
Income (loss) attributable to common and         
Participating shareholders$ 2,814  $ (1,740) $ 4,554  261.7  
Per share information:        
Basic earnings (loss) per common and participating share:        
Distributed earnings per share:        
Common$-  $-      
Preferred$0.04  $0.04  $-  0.0  
Undistributed (loss) per share:        
Common$0.18  $(0.11) $0.29  263.6  
Preferred$0.18  $(0.11) $0.29  263.6  
Earnings (loss) per diluted share$ 0.17  $ (0.11) $ 0.28  254.5  
Total basic weighted average common and participating shares 15,569   15,569      
Total diluted weighted average shares 16,725   15,569      


What was ETCC's net income for Q2 fiscal 2025?

Environmental Tectonics (ETCC) reported a net income of $1.7 million, or $0.09 earnings per diluted share, for the second quarter of fiscal 2025.

How much did ETCC's net sales increase in Q2 fiscal 2025?

ETCC's net sales increased by 56.2%, reaching $14.1 million in the second quarter of fiscal 2025, compared to $9.0 million in the same period of fiscal 2024.

What was ETCC's backlog at the end of Q2 fiscal 2025?

Environmental Tectonics (ETCC) reported a backlog of $109 million at the end of the second quarter of fiscal 2025.

How did ETCC's gross profit margin change in Q2 fiscal 2025?

ETCC's gross profit margin increased to 29.8% in Q2 fiscal 2025, up 4.4 percentage points from 25.4% in Q2 fiscal 2024.

What were ETCC's financial results for the first half of fiscal 2025?

For the first half of fiscal 2025, ETCC reported net sales of $27.6 million, a 65.3% increase, and net income of $3.1 million ($0.17 per diluted share), compared to a net loss of $1.5 million in the prior year period.



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Aerospace & Defense
United States of America