Elastic Announces Open Source License for Elasticsearch and Kibana Source Code

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Elastic (NYSE: ESTC) has announced the addition of the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL) as a licensing option for a subset of Elasticsearch and Kibana source code. This OSI-approved open source license will be available alongside the existing Server Side Public License 1.0 (SSPL 1.0) and Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2). The move aims to officially classify Elasticsearch and Kibana as open source, enabling users to use, modify, redistribute, and collaborate on Elastic's source code under a well-known open source license.

This change is expected to increase engagement and adoption, particularly in areas like vector search and GenAI applications. Importantly, the addition of AGPL does not affect existing users of SSPL or ELv2, nor does it impact Elastic's binary distributions or client libraries, which will continue to be licensed under Apache 2.0.

Elastic (NYSE: ESTC) ha annunciato l'aggiunta della GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL) come opzione di licenza per un sottoinsieme del codice sorgente di Elasticsearch e Kibana. Questa licenza open source approvata dall'OSI sarà disponibile insieme alla Server Side Public License 1.0 (SSPL 1.0) e alla Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2). Questa mossa ha lo scopo di classificare ufficialmente Elasticsearch e Kibana come open source, consentendo agli utenti di utilizzare, modificare, redistribuire e collaborare sul codice sorgente di Elastic sotto una licenza open source ben nota.

Ciò è atteso per aumentare l'impegno e l'adozione, in particolare in settori come la ricerca vettoriale e le applicazioni GenAI. È importante notare che l'aggiunta dell'AGPL non influisce sugli utenti esistenti di SSPL o ELv2, né impatta le distribuzioni binarie di Elastic o le librerie client, che continueranno ad essere concesse in licenza sotto Apache 2.0.

Elastic (NYSE: ESTC) ha anunciado la adición de la GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL) como una opción de licencia para un subconjunto del código fuente de Elasticsearch y Kibana. Esta licencia de código abierto aprobada por la OSI estará disponible junto a la Server Side Public License 1.0 (SSPL 1.0) y la Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2). Este movimiento tiene como objetivo clasificar oficialmente a Elasticsearch y Kibana como código abierto, permitiendo a los usuarios usar, modificar, redistribuir y colaborar en el código fuente de Elastic bajo una licencia de código abierto bien conocida.

Se espera que este cambio incremente el compromiso y la adopción, particularmente en áreas como la búsqueda vectorial y las aplicaciones de GenAI. Es importante destacar que la adición de AGPL no afecta a los usuarios existentes de SSPL o ELv2, ni impacta las distribuciones binarias de Elastic o las bibliotecas cliente, que continuarán estando licenciadas bajo Apache 2.0.

Elastic (NYSE: ESTC)는 Elasticsearch 및 Kibana 소스 코드의 하위 집합에 대해 GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL)를 라이선스 옵션으로 추가한다고 발표했습니다. 이 OSI 승인 오픈소스 라이선스는 기존의 Server Side Public License 1.0 (SSPL 1.0) 및 Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2)와 함께 제공될 것입니다. 이 조치는 Elasticsearch와 Kibana를 공식적으로 오픈소스로 분류하고, 사용자들이 Elastic의 소스 코드를 사용하고, 수정하고, 재배포하고, 협력할 수 있도록 하려는 것입니다.

이번 변경은 벡터 검색 및 GenAI 응용 프로그램과 같은 분야에서 특히 참여와 채택이 증가할 것으로 기대됩니다. 중요한 것은 AGPL의 추가가 SSPL 또는 ELv2의 기존 사용자에게 영향을 미치지 않으며, Elastic의 바이너리 배포 및 클라이언트 라이브러리에 영향을 미치지 않고, 이들은 계속해서 Apache 2.0 하에 라이선스될 것입니다.

Elastic (NYSE: ESTC) a annoncé l'ajout de la GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL) comme option de licence pour un sous-ensemble du code source d'Elasticsearch et de Kibana. Cette licence open source approuvée par l'OSI sera disponible aux côtés de la Server Side Public License 1.0 (SSPL 1.0) et de la Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2). Ce mouvement vise à classer officiellement Elasticsearch et Kibana comme open source, permettant aux utilisateurs de utiliser, modifier, redistribuer et collaborer sur le code source d'Elastic sous une licence open source bien connue.

Ce changement devrait accroître l'engagement et l'adoption, en particulier dans des domaines tels que la recherche vectorielle et les applications GenAI. Il est important de noter que l'ajout de l'AGPL n'affecte pas les utilisateurs actuels de la SSPL ou de l'ELv2, ni n'impacte les distributions binaires d'Elastic ou les bibliothèques clientes, qui continueront à être sous licence Apache 2.0.

Elastic (NYSE: ESTC) hat die Hinzufügung der GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL) als Lizenzoption für einen Teil des Quellcodes von Elasticsearch und Kibana angekündigt. Diese von der OSI genehmigte Open-Source-Lizenz wird zusammen mit der bestehenden Server Side Public License 1.0 (SSPL 1.0) und der Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2) verfügbar sein. Diese Maßnahme zielt darauf ab, Elasticsearch und Kibana offiziell als Open Source zu klassifizieren, was es den Benutzern ermöglicht, den Quellcode von Elastic zu verwenden, zu modifizieren, weiterzugeben und zusammenzuarbeiten unter einer gut bekannten Open-Source-Lizenz.

Diese Änderung wird voraussichtlich das Engagement und die Akzeptanz erhöhen, insbesondere in Bereichen wie vektorsuche und GenAI-Anwendungen. Wichtig ist, dass die Hinzufügung von AGPL keine bestehenden Benutzer von SSPL oder ELv2 betrifft und auch keine Auswirkungen auf die binären Verteilungen von Elastic oder die Client-Bibliotheken hat, die weiterhin unter Apache 2.0 lizenziert werden.

  • Addition of OSI-approved AGPL license enhances open source status
  • Potential for increased engagement and adoption in vector search and GenAI applications
  • No changes for existing users or binary distributions, maintaining stability
  • None.

The addition of the AGPL license to Elasticsearch and Kibana's source code is a significant development in the open-source software landscape. This move effectively reintroduces these products to the official open-source community, as AGPL is OSI-approved. For investors, this could potentially broaden Elastic's user base and increase adoption rates, particularly in sectors sensitive to licensing issues.

However, it's important to note that this change doesn't affect existing users or Elastic's binary distributions. The strategic implications are more long-term, potentially enhancing Elastic's position in the competitive search and analytics market. The move may also mitigate some legal risks associated with the previously controversial SSPL license, potentially reducing future litigation concerns for the company.

Elastic's decision to add AGPL licensing is a shrewd technical move. It addresses concerns in the developer community about the openness of Elasticsearch and Kibana, potentially leading to increased contributions and innovations. This is particularly relevant for vector search and GenAI applications, areas where community-driven development could significantly accelerate progress.

The maintenance of Apache 2.0 licensing for client libraries ensures that application developers can continue to integrate Elastic's products without licensing concerns. This dual approach balances open-source principles with Elastic's business needs, potentially leading to faster feature development and improved product robustness. For investors, this could translate to enhanced product competitiveness and potentially increased market share in the rapidly evolving AI and search markets.

From a market perspective, Elastic's licensing change is a strategic repositioning that could yield significant benefits. By aligning with OSI-approved licensing, Elastic may improve its standing among open-source purists and potentially attract more enterprise customers who have strict open-source policies. This move could also help Elastic compete more effectively against both proprietary and open-source alternatives in the search and analytics space.

The emphasis on vector search and GenAI applications suggests Elastic is positioning itself for growth in these emerging technologies. If successful, this could lead to increased market share and potentially higher revenue streams. However, investors should monitor how this licensing change affects Elastic's ability to monetize its products effectively, as open-source models can sometimes challenge traditional revenue strategies.

OSI-approved AGPL license will be added for a subset of Elasticsearch and Kibana source code

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Elastic (NYSE: ESTC), the Search AI Company, today announced that it is adding the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL) as an option for users to license the free part of the Elasticsearch and Kibana source code that is available under Server Side Public License 1.0 (SSPL 1.0) and Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2).

With the addition of AGPL, an open source license approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Elasticsearch and Kibana will be officially considered open source and enable Elastic’s customers and community to use, modify, redistribute, and collaborate on Elastic’s source code under a well-known open source license.

“We’re delighted to reintroduce an OSI-approved open source license to Elasticsearch and Kibana. Elastic has always strongly believed in the ethos of open source and the clarity and transparency that it enables,” said Shay Banon, founder and chief technology officer for Elastic. “Adding AGPL will also enable greater engagement and adoption across our users in areas including vector search, further increasing the popularity of Elasticsearch as the runtime platform for RAG and building GenAI applications.”

The addition of AGPL as a license option does not affect existing users working with either SSPL or ELv2, and there will be no change to Elastic’s binary distributions. Similarly, for users building applications or using plugins on Elasticsearch or Kibana, nothing changes — Elastic’s client libraries will continue to be licensed under Apache 2.0.

For more information, read the blog or see the FAQs here and here.

About Elastic

Elastic (NYSE: ESTC), the Search AI Company, enables everyone to find the answers they need in real-time using all their data, at scale. Elastic’s solutions for search, observability and security are built on the Elastic Search AI Platform, the development platform used by thousands of companies, including more than 50% of the Fortune 500. Learn more at

Elastic and associated marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Elastic N.V. and its subsidiaries. All other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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Source: Elastic N.V.


What new license is Elastic (ESTC) adding for Elasticsearch and Kibana source code?

Elastic is adding the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL), an OSI-approved open source license, as an option for licensing a subset of Elasticsearch and Kibana source code.

How does the AGPL license addition affect existing Elastic (ESTC) users?

The addition of AGPL does not affect existing users working with either SSPL or ELv2. There will be no change to Elastic's binary distributions or client libraries.

What impact is expected from Elastic's (ESTC) new AGPL licensing option?

The AGPL option is expected to enable greater engagement and adoption across users, particularly in areas like vector search, potentially increasing the popularity of Elasticsearch as a platform for RAG and building GenAI applications.

Will Elastic's (ESTC) client libraries be affected by the new AGPL license option?

No, Elastic's client libraries will continue to be licensed under Apache 2.0, unaffected by the addition of the AGPL license option.

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