Winter Wonderland in the Heart of NYC: The Empire State Building Celebrates the Holiday Season with Extravagant Holiday Décor, Festive Movie Screenings, Special Lightings, and More
Empire State Building announces its holiday season celebrations featuring extensive decorations, festive events, and special activities. The Observatory Experience will be adorned with wreaths, lights, tinsel, and a giant menorah, offering dedicated photo opportunities with Santa Claus on select dates in December. Special attractions include Ghirardelli Chocolate's hot cocoa service on the 86th Floor Observatory, holiday movie screenings of classics like 'Elf' and 'Home Alone 2', and a Starbucks Reserve® Winter Wonderland pop-up featuring exclusive offerings. The building's iconic tower will feature special lightings for Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, and New Year's Eve, complemented by a holiday music-to-light show.
Empire State Building annuncia le celebrazioni della stagione festiva con decorazioni elaborate, eventi festivi e attività speciali. L'Osservatorio sarà adornato con ghirlande, luci, festoni e una gigantesca menorah, offrendo opportunità fotografiche con Babbo Natale in date selezionate di dicembre. Attrazioni speciali includono il servizio di cioccolata calda di Ghirardelli al 86° Piano dell'Osservatorio, proiezioni di film festivi come 'Elf' e 'Mamma ho perso l'aereo 2', e un pop-up Starbucks Reserve® Winter Wonderland con offerte esclusive. La torre iconica dell'edificio presenterà illuminazioni speciali per il Giorno del Ringraziamento, Chanukah, Natale e Capodanno, completate da uno spettacolo di luci a tema musicale festivo.
Empire State Building anuncia sus celebraciones de la temporada navideña, que incluirán decoraciones extensas, eventos festivos y actividades especiales. La Experiencia del Observatorio estará adornada con coronas, luces, brillantina y una gigantesca menorá, ofreciendo oportunidades dedicadas para fotografías con Santa Claus en fechas seleccionadas de diciembre. Atracciones especiales incluyen el servicio de chocolate caliente de Ghirardelli en el Observatorio del 86° piso, proyecciones de películas clásicas navideñas como 'Elf' y 'Mi pobre angelito 2', y un pop-up de Starbucks Reserve® Winter Wonderland con ofertas exclusivas. La icónica torre del edificio contará con iluminaciones especiales para el Día de Acción de Gracias, Janucá, Navidad y la víspera de Año Nuevo, complementadas por un espectáculo de luces con música navideña.
엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩이 화려한 장식, 축제 행사 및 특별 활동으로 구성된 연휴 시즌 축제를 발표했습니다. 전망대는 화환, 조명, 반짝이 및 거대한 메노라로 장식되어 12월에 선택된 날짜에 산타클로스와의 사진 촬영 기회를 제공합니다. 특별 명소로는 86층 전망대에서 제공되는 기라델리 초콜릿의 핫코코아 서비스, '엘프'와 '엄마, 집을 나갔어요 2' 같은 명절 영화 상영, 독점 상품이 포함된 스타벅스 리저브® 윈터 원더랜드 팝업이 있습니다. 건물의 상징적인 탑은 추수 감사절, 하누카, 크리스마스 및 새해 전날에 맞춘 특별 조명으로 장식되며, 축제 음악에 맞춘 조명 쇼가 함께 진행됩니다.
Empire State Building annonce ses célébrations de la saison des fêtes, comprenant de nombreuses décorations, des événements festifs et des activités spéciales. L'Expérience du Belvédère sera ornée de couronnes, de lumières, de guirlandes et d'une énorme menorah, offrant des opportunités de photo dédiées avec le Père Noël à des dates sélectionnées en décembre. Attractions spéciales comprennent le service de chocolat chaud de Ghirardelli au 86e étage de l'Observatoire, des projections de films de Noël classiques comme 'Elf' et 'Maman, j'ai raté l'avion 2', et un pop-up Starbucks Reserve® Winter Wonderland proposant des offres exclusives. La tour emblématique du bâtiment sera illuminée de manière spéciale pour Thanksgiving, Hanouka, Noël et le Réveillon du Nouvel An, accompagnée d'un spectacle de lumières synchronisé avec de la musique de fête.
Empire State Building kündigt seine Feierlichkeiten zur Feiertagssaison an, die umfangreiche Dekorationen, festliche Veranstaltungen und besondere Aktivitäten umfassen. Das Observatorium wird mit Kränzen, Lichtern, Lametta und einer riesigen Menora geschmückt, wobei an ausgewählten Terminen im Dezember spezielle Fotomöglichkeiten mit dem Weihnachtsmann angeboten werden. Sonderattraktionen umfassen den heißem Kakao-Service von Ghirardelli auf der 86. Etage des Observatoriums, die Vorführung von Weihnachtsklassikern wie 'Elf' und 'Kevin – Allein in New York', sowie ein Starbucks Reserve® Winter Wonderland Pop-up mit exklusiven Angeboten. Der ikonische Turm des Gebäudes wird mit besonderen Lichtern für Erntedankfest, Chanukka, Weihnachten und Silvester erleuchtet, begleitet von einer Feiertagsmusik-zu-Lichtshow.
- None.
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Winter Wonderland in the Heart of NYC: The
“There is no place quite like
Topped with Tinsel
Every corner of the
Once they reach the iconic 86th Floor Observatory, guests can pose in a dedicated Ghirardelli corner decorated with a candy cane arch, holiday greenery, twinkle lights, and Ghirardelli’s fan-favorite peppermint bark squares.
Guests will conclude their Observatory visit in the building’s famed Fifth Avenue Lobby – featured in the holiday classic, “Elf” – that is decorated with classic holiday decorations like hanging twinkle lights, wreaths, and an oversized Christmas tree. The iconic Fifth Avenue Windows depict scenes of sleighs full of elaborately wrapped gifts, teddy bears, and holiday ice cream sundaes by Ghirardelli Chocolate.
Tenants and visitors who pass through the Fifth Avenue Lobby from Monday through Friday in the month of December will hear holiday tunes performed by professional pianists.
The Man with the Bag
On Nov. 30 and Dec. 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, and 20, Santa Claus himself will spread holiday cheer and pose for photos with Observatory guests in his dedicated corner on the building’s 80th Floor. More information on Santa visits can be found at
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
From Nov. 13 throughout the holiday season, Ghirardelli Chocolate will reside on the
Starbucks Reserve® Winter Wonderland
Holiday magic comes alive in the iconic Starbucks Reserve®
Holiday Classics
Fans can purchase tickets to view classic holiday films on the Observatory’s 80th Floor which include:
- “Elf” on Dec. 2, 8, 10, 15, and 17
- “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York” on Dec. 5 and 11
- And “The Nightmare Before Christmas” on Dec. 13.
Tickets to these special holiday screenings will each include themed drinks and snacks, and full access to ESB’s second floor museum and the 86th and 102nd Floor Observatories.
Special Lightings
Hi-res imagery can be downloaded here.
More information about the
About the
Since 2011, the building has been fully powered by renewable wind electricity, and its many floors house a diverse array of office tenants such as LinkedIn and Shutterstock, as well as retail options like STATE Grill and Bar, Tacombi, and Starbucks. For more information and Observatory Experience tickets visit or follow the building's Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Weibo, YouTube, or TikTok.
Source: Empire State Realty Trust, Inc.
Category: Observatory
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Empire State Realty Trust
Jamie Steinberg
Source: Empire State Realty Trust, Inc.
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