ES Bancshares, Inc. Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results; Reports Double Digit Percent Organic Deposit Growth, Sees Net Interest Margin Expansion

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ES Bancshares, Inc. (OTCQX: ESBS) reported a net income of $158,000 or $0.02 per diluted common share for Q2 2024, compared to a net loss of $103,000 in Q1 2024. Key highlights include:

10% increase in retail deposits from December 31, 2023
• Net interest margin expansion to 2.21% from 2.12% in Q1 2024
• Replacement of $30 million high-cost wholesale funding with lower-cost organic deposits
7% increase in total revenues to $8.4 million compared to Q1 2024

The company's focus on realigning the deposit portfolio and bringing in core low-cost deposits has shown progress. Total assets increased by 2% to $651.7 million, while loans receivable decreased slightly by 0.7%. The Allowance for Credit Losses on Loans stood at 0.90% of gross loans.

ES Bancshares, Inc. (OTCQX: ESBS) ha riportato un utile netto di $158.000, equivalente a $0,02 per azione comune diluita per il Q2 2024, rispetto a una perdita netta di $103.000 nel Q1 2024. I punti salienti includono:

Aumento del 10% nei depositi al dettaglio dal 31 dicembre 2023
• Espansione del margine di interesse netto al 2,21% rispetto al 2,12% del Q1 2024
• Sostituzione di $30 milioni di finanziamenti all'ingrosso ad alto costo con depositi organici a costo inferiore
Aumento del 7% nei ricavi totali a $8,4 milioni rispetto al Q1 2024

Il focus dell'azienda sulla riallocazione del portafoglio dei depositi e sull'attrazione di depositi core a basso costo ha mostrato progressi. Il totale degli attivi è aumentato del 2% a $651,7 milioni, mentre i crediti in sofferenza sono diminuiti leggermente dello 0,7%. L'Accantonamento per Perdite Crediti sui Prestiti si è attestato allo 0,90% dei prestiti lordi.

ES Bancshares, Inc. (OTCQX: ESBS) reportó un ingreso neto de $158,000 o $0.02 por acción común diluida para el segundo trimestre de 2024, comparado con una pérdida neta de $103,000 en el primer trimestre de 2024. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

Aumento del 10% en los depósitos minoristas desde el 31 de diciembre de 2023
• Expansión del margen de interés neto al 2.21% desde el 2.12% en el primer trimestre de 2024
• Reemplazo de $30 millones en financiamiento mayorista de alto costo por depósitos orgánicos de menor costo
Aumento del 7% en los ingresos totales a $8.4 millones en comparación con el primer trimestre de 2024

El enfoque de la empresa en la realineación de la cartera de depósitos y en atraer depósitos centrales de bajo costo ha mostrado progreso. Los activos totales aumentaron un 2% a $651.7 millones, mientras que los préstamos por cobrar disminuyeron ligeramente en un 0.7%. La Provisión por Pérdidas de Créditos sobre Préstamos fue del 0.90% de los préstamos brutos.

ES Bancshares, Inc. (OTCQX: ESBS)는 2024년 2분기에 $158,000의 순이익, 즉 희석된 보통주 1주당 $0.02를 보고했으며, 이는 2024년 1분기에 $103,000의 순손실에 비해 개선된 수치입니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

소매 예금의 10% 증가 (2023년 12월 31일 기준)
• 순이자 마진이 2.21%로 증가 (2024년 1분기: 2.12%)
• $30백만 고비용 도매 자금을 저비용의 유기적 예금으로 대체
총 수익 7% 증가로 $8.4백만 (2024년 1분기 대비)

회사는 예금 포트폴리오를 재조정하고 저비용의 핵심 예금을 유치하는 데 초점을 두고 있으며, 이는 진전을 보이고 있습니다. 총 자산은 2% 증가하여 $651.7백만에 도달했고, 대출금은 약간 0.7% 감소했습니다. 대출 손실 준비금은 총 대출의 0.90%에 해당합니다.

ES Bancshares, Inc. (OTCQX: ESBS) a annoncé un bénéfice net de 158 000 USD, soit 0,02 USD par action ordinaire diluée pour le 2e trimestre 2024, contre une perte nette de 103 000 USD au 1er trimestre 2024. Les points saillants comprennent :

Augmentation de 10 % des dépôts de détail depuis le 31 décembre 2023
• Expansion de la marge d'intérêt nette à 2,21 %, contre 2,12 % au 1er trimestre 2024
• Remplacement de 30 millions de dollars de financement wholesale à coût élevé par des dépôts organiques à coût inférieur
Augmentation de 7 % des revenus totaux à 8,4 millions de dollars par rapport au 1er trimestre 2024

Le focus de l'entreprise sur la réalignement du portefeuille de dépôts et l'attraction de dépôts de base à faible coût a montré des progrès. L'actif total a augmenté de 2 % pour atteindre 651,7 millions de dollars, tandis que les prêts créances ont légèrement diminué de 0,7 %. La provision pour pertes de crédit sur les prêts était de 0,90 % des prêts bruts.

ES Bancshares, Inc. (OTCQX: ESBS) meldete für das 2. Quartal 2024 einen Nettogewinn von 158.000 USD oder 0,02 USD pro verwässerter Stammaktie, verglichen mit einem Nettoverlust von 103.000 USD im 1. Quartal 2024. Zu den wichtigsten Highlights gehören:

10% Anstieg der Einzelhandels-Einlagen seit dem 31. Dezember 2023
• Erhöhung der Nettzinsmarge auf 2,21% im Vergleich zu 2,12% im 1. Quartal 2024
• Ersatz von 30 Millionen USD hochverzinslichem Großfinanzierung durch kostengünstigere organische Einlagen
7% Anstieg der Gesamterlöse auf 8,4 Millionen USD im Vergleich zum 1. Quartal 2024

Das Unternehmen hat Fortschritte bei der Umstrukturierung des Einlagenportfolios und der Generierung von kostengünstigen Kern-Einlagen erzielt. Die Gesamtaktiva stiegen um 2% auf 651,7 Millionen USD, während die Forderungen aus Krediten leicht um 0,7% zurückgingen. Die Rückstellung für Kreditverluste auf Kredite betrug 0,90% der Bruttokredite.

  • Net income improved from a loss of $103,000 in Q1 2024 to a profit of $158,000 in Q2 2024
  • Retail deposits increased by 10% or $42 million from December 31, 2023
  • Net interest margin expanded to 2.21% from 2.12% in Q1 2024
  • Total revenues increased by 7% to $8.4 million compared to Q1 2024
  • Nonperforming assets decreased to 0.19% of total assets from 0.22% at the end of 2023
  • Operating expenses decreased by 4.8% for the six months ended June 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023
  • Net income for the six months ended June 30, 2024 ($55,000) was significantly lower than the same period in 2023 ($1.2 million)
  • Net interest income for the six months ended June 30, 2024 decreased by 21% compared to the same period in 2023
  • Book value per share decreased to $6.74 from $6.83 at December 31, 2023
  • Tangible book value per share decreased to $6.65 from $6.74 at December 31, 2023

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y., July 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ES Bancshares, Inc. (OTCQX: ESBS) (the “Company”) the holding company for Empire State Bank, (the “Bank”) today reported net income of $158 thousand, or $0.02 per diluted common share, for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to a net loss of $103 thousand or ($0.02) per diluted common share for the quarter ended March 31, 2024.

Key Quarterly Financial Data 2024 Highlights
Performance Metrics2Q241Q242Q23  
Return(loss) on average assets (%)0.10         (0.07)0.42 • Retail Deposits increased $42 million or 10% from December 31, 2023

Return(loss) on average equity (%)1.37(0.09)5.81 
Return(loss) on average tangible equity (%)1.38         (0.91)5.89 • For 3 months ended June 30, 2024 the Company’s net interest margin increased to 2.21% compared to the 2.12% for the 3 months ended March 31 2024. Over the same period asset yields increased 13 basis points while cost of funds increased 4 basis points.
Net interest margin (%) 
Income Statement (a)2Q241Q242Q23 
Net interest income$3,447$3,203$4,297 
Non-interest income$329$215$328 
Net income(loss) $158$        (103)$656  
Earnings(loss) per diluted common share$0.02$       (0.02)$0.10 • The Company has replaced $30 million of higher-costing wholesale funding with lower cost organic deposits over the six-months in 2024. 

Balance Sheet (a)2Q241Q242Q23 
Average total loans$565,363$567,526$548,441 • Total Revenues for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 totaled $8.4 million or a 7% increased from the prior quarter total revenues of $7.8 million.
Average total deposits$510,050$486,323$494,137 
Book value per share$6.74$6.75$6.77 
Tangible book value per share$6.65$6.67$6.68  
(a) In thousands except for per share amounts 

Phil Guarnieri, Director, and Chief Executive Officer of ES Bancshares said “ESBS delivered improved results in the second quarter, featuring increased revenue, a widening net interest margin and well controlled expenses. We continue to focus on the realigning of the deposit portfolio, bringing in core low-cost deposits. While additional progress is necessary, 10% overall core deposit growth six months into the year sets a strong tone for the back half of 2024, while of course further strengthening liquidity.”

Selected Balance Sheet Information:

June 30, 2024 vs. December 31, 2023

As of June 30, 2024, total assets were $651.7 million, an increase of $13.0 million, or 2.0%, as compared to total assets of $638.7 million on December 31, 2023. The increase can be attributed to a larger cash and cash equivalents position stemming from deposit growth, partially offset by repayments made towards borrowed funds.

Loans receivable, net of Allowance for Credit Losses on Loans totaled $560.1 million, a decrease of 0.7% from December 31, 2023. As of June 30, 2024, the Allowance for Credit Losses on Loans as a percentage of gross loans was 0.90%.

Nonperforming assets, which includes nonaccrual loans and foreclosed real estate were $1.2 million or 0.19% of total assets, as of June 30, 2024, decreasing from $1.4 million or 0.22% of total assets at December 31, 2023. The ratio of nonaccrual loans to loans receivable was 0.22%, as of June 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023.

Total liabilities increased $12.4 million to $605.3 at June 30, 2024 from $592.9 million at December 31, 2023. The majority of the increase can be attributed to growth in core deposits, partially offset by repayments of brokered deposits and Federal Home Loan (FHLB) borrowings. The growth in deposits was driven by an increase in interest-bearing, non-maturity deposit accounts substantially lower than market rates.

As of June 30, 2024, the Bank's Tier 1 capital leverage ratio, common equity tier 1 capital ratio, Tier 1 capital ratio and total capital ratios were 9.30%, 13.81%, 13.81% and 15.06%, respectively, all in excess of the ratios required to be deemed "well-capitalized." During the second quarter 2024 the Company did not repurchase shares under its stock repurchase program. Book value per common share was $6.74 at June 30, 2024 compared to $6.83 at December 31, 2023. Tangible common book value per share (which represents common equity less goodwill, divided by the number of shares outstanding) was $6.65 at June 30, 2024 compared to $6.74 at December 31, 2023. The majority of the decrease can be attributed to equity awards exercised or made during 2024.

Financial Performance Overview:

Three Months Ended June 30, 2024 vs. March 31, 2024

For the three months ended June 30, 2024, the Company net income totaled $158 thousand compared to a net loss of $103 thousand for the three months ended March 31, 2024. The improvement can be attributed to an expanded margin quarter over quarter.

Net interest income for the three months ended June 30, 2024, increased $244 thousand, to $3.4 million from $3.2 million at three months ended March 31, 2024. The Company’s net interest margin widened by nine basis points to 2.21% for the three months ended June 30, 2024, as compared to 2.12% for the three months ended March 31, 2024. The increase in margin can be attributed to increased yields earned on assets.

There was a provision for credit losses of $9 thousand expensed for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to a $39 thousand provision for credit losses taken for the three months ended March 31, 2024.

Non-interest income increased $114 thousand, to $329 thousand for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared with non-interest income of $215 thousand for the three months ended March 31, 2024. The majority of the increase can be attributed to a $60 thousand recapture of previously unrecognized income.

Non-interest expenses remained relatively unchanged totaling $3.5 million for the three months ended June 30, 2024, and for the three months ended March 31, 2024. The largest fluctuations quarter over quarter pertain to occupancy and equipment expenses, which decreased $63 thousand to a more normalized level during the quarter ended June 30, 2024, and professional fees which increased by $44 thousand or 24% quarter over quarter. The increased professional fees mainly relate to legal expenses which are not expected to recur.

Six months ended June 30, 2024 vs. June 30, 2023

For the six months ended June 30, 2024, net income totaled $55 thousand in comparison to $1.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023. The decrease can mainly be attributed to higher costs paid on deposit which increased $3.8 million year over year.

Net interest income for the six months ended June 30, 2024, decreased 21% or $1.8 million, to $6.7 million from $8.5 million at June 30, 2023. The decrease can be attributed to increased interest expense for deposits, partially offset by increased interest income earned on the loan portfolio.

Provision for credit losses totaled $48 thousand for the six months ended June 30, 2024, compared to a $17 thousand provision for the six months ended June 30, 2023.

Non-interest income totaled $544 thousand for the six months ended June 30, 2024, compared with noninterest income of $502 thousand for the six months ended June 30, 2023. The increase can be attributed to increased charges and fees collected alongside the aforementioned $60 thousand write-off partially offset by decreased in gain on sale of loans period over period.

Operating expenses totaled $7.0 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, compared to $7.3 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023, or a decrease of 4.8%. The decrease in non-interest expense can be attributed to initiatives taking effect from the cost-cutting program launched in 2024.

About ES Bancshares Inc.
ES Bancshares, Inc. (the “Company”) is incorporated under Maryland law and serves as the holding company for Empire State Bank (the “Bank”). The Company is subject to regulation by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System while the Bank is primarily subject to regulation and supervision by the New York State Department of Financial Services. Currently, the Company does not transact any material business other than through the Bank, its subsidiary.

The Bank was organized under federal law in 2004 as a national bank regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. The Bank's deposits are insured up to legal limits by the FDIC. In March 2009, the Bank converted its charter to a New York State commercial bank charter. The Bank’s principal business is attracting commercial and retail deposits in New York and investing those deposits primarily in loans, consisting of commercial real estate loans, and other commercial loans including SBA and mortgage loans secured by one-to-four-family residences. In addition, the Bank invests in mortgage-backed securities, securities issued by the U.S. Government and agencies thereof, corporate securities and other investments permitted by applicable law and regulations.

We operate from our five Banking Center locations, a Loan Production Office and our Corporate Headquarters located in Staten Island, New York. The Company’s website address is The Company’s annual report, quarterly earnings releases and all press releases are available free of charge through its website, as soon as reasonably practicable.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. For this purpose, any statements contained in this release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Without limiting the foregoing, words such as “may”, “will”, “expect”, “believe”, “anticipate”, “estimate” or “continue” or comparable terminology, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements by their nature involve substantial risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially depending on a variety of factors, many of which are not within ES Bancshares, Inc’s. control. The forward-looking statements included in this release are made only as of the date of this release. We have no intention, and do not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements.

Investor Contact:
Peggy Edwards, Corporate Secretary
(845) 451-7825

ES Bancshares, Inc. 
Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition 
(in thousands) 
  June 30,December 31, June 30, 
2024 2023 2023  
    |----(unaudited)----|  |----(unaudited)----| 
Cash and cash equivalents$50,951 32,728  39,264  
Securities, net 14,725 15,220  15,342  
Loans receivable, net:      
     Real estate mortgage loans 547,581 551,250  532,309  
     Commercial and Lines of Credit 12,701 12,823  13,841  
     Home Equity and Consumer Loans693 700  768  
     Deferred costs 4,201 4,233  4,329  
     Allowance for Loan Credit Losses(5,094)(5,086) (4,917) 
          Total loans receivable, net 560,082 563,920  546,330  
Accrued interest receivable 2,645 2,625  2,361  
Investment in restricted stock, at cost 4,573 5,191  4,233  
Goodwill 581 581  581  
Bank premises and equipment, net 5,256 5,600  5,801  
Repossessed assets - -  164  
Right of use lease assets 6,322 6,415  6,459  
Bank Owned Life Insurance 5,412 5,341  5,270  
Other Assets 1,158 1,129  2,147  
     Total Assets$651,705 638,750  627,952  
Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity      
Non-Interest-Bearing Deposits 106,262 107,849  124,570  
Interest-Bearing Deposits 373,618 329,695  336,232  
Brokered Deposits 40,929 56,581  40,262  
     Total Deposits 520,809 494,125  501,064  
Bond Issue, net of costs 13,731 13,708  13,689  
Borrowed Money 55,448 70,805  49,600  
Lease Liability 6,590 6,672  6,691  
Other Liabilities 8,750 7,578  11,468  
     Total Liabilities 605,328 592,888  582,512  
Stockholders' equity 46,377 45,862  45,440  
     Total liabilities and stockholders' equity$651,705 638,750  627,952  


 ES Bancshares, Inc.
 Consolidated Statements of Income
 (in thousands)
 Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
 June 30, 2024March 31, 2024 June 30, 2023 June 30, 2024June 30, 2023
 |--------------(unaudited)--------------| |----(unaudited)----|
Interest income       
Loans$7,345 $7,208  $6,505 $14,553 $12,569  
Securities 121  115   112  236  225  
Other interest-earning assets 561  263   454  824  821  
     Total Interest Income 8,027  7,586   7,071  15,613  13,615  
Interest expense       
Deposits 3,837  3,585   2,032  7,422  3,648  
Borrowings 743  798   742  1,541  1,510  
     Total Interest Expense 4,580  4,383   2,774  8,963  5,158  
          Net Interest Income 3,447  3,203   4,297  6,650  8,457  
Prov for Credit Losses 9  39   34  48  17  
          Net Interest Income after Prov for Credit Losses 3,438  3,164   4,263  6,602  8,440  
Non-interest income       
Service charges and fees 200  172   166  372  303  
Gain on loan sales -  1   126  1  126  
Other 129  42   36  171  73  
     Total non-interest income 329  215   328  544  502  
Non-interest expenses       
Compensation and benefits 1,728  1,721   1,953  3,449  3,808  
Occupancy and equipment 605  668   640  1,273  1,281  
Data processing service fees 317  326   340  643  642  
Professional fees 225  181   213  406  432  
FDIC & NYS Banking Assessments 99  97   57  196  112  
Advertising 85  75   99  160  198  
Insurance 46  50   41  96  86  
Other 401  337   397  738  753  
     Total non-interest expense 3,506  3,455   3,740  6,961  7,312  
          Income(loss) prior to tax expense 261  (76)  851  185  1,630  
Income taxes 103  27   195  130  375  
          Net Income(loss)$158 $(103) $656 $55 $1,255  

 ES Bancshares, Inc.
 Average Balance Sheet Data
 For the Three Months Ended (dollars in thousands)
 June 30, 2024March 31, 2024June 30, 2023
 Avg BalInterestAverageAvg BalInterestAverageAvg BalInterestAverage
Assets 3 Mos. 3 Mos.Yield/Cost 3 Mos. 3 Mos.Yield/Cost 3 Mos. 3 Mos.Yield/Cost
Interest-earning assets:         
    Loans receivable$565,363$7,3455.20%$567,526$7,2085.08%$548,441$6,5054.74%
    Investment securities 15,513 1213.13% 15,814 1152.90% 16,194 1122.77%
    Other interest-earning assets 41,652 5615.33% 19,828 2635.25% 37,007 4544.80%
       Total interest-earning assets 622,528 8,0275.16% 603,168 7,5865.03% 601,642 7,0714.70%
Non-interest earning assets 16,398   16,812   17,924  
       Total assets$638,926  $619,980  $619,566  
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity         
Interest-bearing liabilities:         
    Interest-bearing checking$36,692$710.77%$30,943$260.34%$27,694$260.37%
    Savings accounts 175,686 1,6293.72% 153,609 1,4133.69% 138,362 4491.29%
    Certificates of deposit 194,806 2,1374.40% 201,926 2,1464.26% 206,246 1,5573.03%
       Total interest-bearing deposits 407,184 3,8373.78% 386,479 3,5853.72% 372,302 2,0322.19%
    Borrowings 55,510 5223.77% 59,541 5773.88% 52,853 5213.95%
    Subordinated debenture 13,726 2216.46% 13,714 2216.47% 13,681 2216.48%
       Total interest-bearing liabilities 476,420 4,5803.86% 459,734 4,3833.82% 438,836 2,7742.53%
Non-interest-bearing demand deposits 102,866   99,844   121,834  
Other liabilities 13,429   14,396   13,975  
       Total non-interest-bearing liabilities 116,295   114,240   135,810  
Stockholders' equity 46,211   46,005   44,921  
       Total liabilities and stockholders' equity$638,926  $619,980  $619,566  
Net interest income $3,447  $3,203  $4,297 
Average interest rate spread  1.30%  1.21%  2.17%
Net interest margin  2.21%  2.12%  2.86%

Five Quarter Performance Ratio HighlightsThree Months Ended
June 30, 2024March 31, 2024December 31, 2023September 30, 2023June 30, 2023 
Performance Ratios (%) - annualized      
 Return(loss) on Average Assets 0.10  (0.07) 0.05 0.09 0.42 
 Return(loss) on Average Equity 1.37  (0.90) 0.73 1.17 5.81 
 Return(loss) on Average Tangible Equity 1.38  (0.91) 0.74 1.18 5.89 
 Efficiency Ratio 92.86 101.08  99.31 93.89 80.86 
Yields / Costs (%)      
 Average Yield - Interest Earning Assets 5.16 5.03  4.92 4.79 4.70 
 Cost of Funds 3.86 3.82  3.55 2.93 2.53 
 Net Interest Margin 2.21 2.12  2.28 2.67 2.86 
Capital Ratios (%)      
 Equity / Assets 7.12 7.34  7.18 7.24 7.24 
 Tangible Equity / Assets 7.03 7.26  7.09 7.15 7.15 
 Tier I leverage ratio (a) 9.30 9.52  9.45 9.54 9.40 
 Common equity Tier I capital ratio (a) 13.81 13.63  13.60 13.47 13.67 
 Tier 1 Risk-based capital ratio (a) 13.81 13.63  13.60 13.47 13.67 
 Total Risk-based capital ratio (a) 15.06 14.88  14.85 14.63 14.92 
Stock Valuation      
 Book Value$6.74$6.75 $6.83$6.79$6.77 
 Tangible Book Value$6.65$6.67 $6.74$6.71$6.68 
 Shares Outstanding (b) 6,884 6,834  6,714 6,714 6,714 
Asset Quality (%)      
 ACL / Total Loans 0.90 0.89  0.89 0.89 0.89 
 Non Performing Loans / Total Loans 0.22 0.24  0.22 0.25 0.25 
 Non Performing Assets / Total Assets 0.19 0.21  0.22 0.25 0.25 
 (a) Ratios at Bank level (b) Shares information presented in thousands    


What was ES Bancshares' (ESBS) net income for Q2 2024?

ES Bancshares (ESBS) reported a net income of $158,000 or $0.02 per diluted common share for Q2 2024.

How much did ES Bancshares' (ESBS) retail deposits increase in the first half of 2024?

ES Bancshares' (ESBS) retail deposits increased by $42 million or 10% from December 31, 2023 to June 30, 2024.

What was ES Bancshares' (ESBS) net interest margin in Q2 2024?

ES Bancshares' (ESBS) net interest margin expanded to 2.21% in Q2 2024, up from 2.12% in Q1 2024.

How did ES Bancshares' (ESBS) total revenues change in Q2 2024 compared to Q1 2024?

ES Bancshares' (ESBS) total revenues increased by 7% to $8.4 million in Q2 2024 compared to $7.8 million in Q1 2024.



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Banks - Regional
Financial Services
United States of America
Staten Island