InduSuiteTM Launches FloCloud, a Cloud-Based Gas Monitoring Software

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ESAB's InduSuite platform has launched FloCloud, a cloud-based gas monitoring software solution. FloCloud combines GCE's gas control products with InduSuite's WeldCloud software to create a gas manifold with Mesh WiFi-enabled sensors that communicate data to an online application. The software features an analytics dashboard that tracks gas consumption, sends notifications for pressure drops or flow issues, and provides cost analysis for job estimating.

Early adopters have reported significant benefits, including:

  • A petrochemical industry customer saved over €1 million on gas spend and 240,000 liters in welding gas use
  • Another customer eliminated €6,000 daily losses from production line shutdowns due to gas cylinder swaps
FloCloud is designed for mid- to high-volume gas users in industries such as oil and gas, shipyards, and manufacturing, with future applications planned for specialty gases in food and beverage, hospitals, and laboratories.

La piattaforma InduSuite di ESAB ha lanciato FloCloud, una soluzione software per il monitoraggio dei gas basata su cloud. FloCloud combina i prodotti di controllo dei gas di GCE con il software WeldCloud di InduSuite per creare un manifolds di gas con sensori abilitati Mesh WiFi che comunicano i dati a un'applicazione online. Il software presenta un dashboard analitico che tiene traccia dei consumi di gas, invia notifiche per cali di pressione o problemi di flusso e fornisce analisi dei costi per la stima dei lavori.

I primi utilizzatori hanno segnalato vantaggi significativi, tra cui:

  • Un cliente dell'industria petrolchimica ha risparmiato oltre 1 milione di euro nella spesa per gas e 240.000 litri nell'uso di gas di saldatura
  • Un altro cliente ha eliminato perdite quotidiane di 6.000 euro causate da fermi della linea di produzione dovuti a sostituzioni dei cilindri di gas
FloCloud è progettato per utenti di gas a medio e alto volume in settori come petrolio e gas, cantieri navali e manifatturiero, con applicazioni future pianificate per gas speciali in alimenti e bevande, ospedali e laboratori.

La plataforma InduSuite de ESAB ha lanzado FloCloud, una solución de software para la monitorización de gases basada en la nube. FloCloud combina los productos de control de gases de GCE con el software WeldCloud de InduSuite para crear un manifold de gas con sensores habilitados para WiFi Mesh que comunican datos a una aplicación en línea. El software cuenta con un tablero de análisis que rastrea el consumo de gas, envía notificaciones por caídas de presión o problemas de flujo, y proporciona análisis de costos para estimaciones de trabajo.

Los primeros usuarios han informado beneficios significativos, incluyendo:

  • Un cliente de la industria petroquímica ahorró más de 1 millón de euros en gastos de gas y 240,000 litros en el uso de gas de soldadura
  • Otro cliente eliminó pérdidas diarias de 6,000 euros debido a paradas en la línea de producción por el cambio de cilindros de gas
FloCloud está diseñado para usuarios de gas de volumen medio a alto en industrias como petróleo y gas, astilleros y manufactura, con aplicaciones futuras planificadas para gases especiales en alimentos y bebidas, hospitales y laboratorios.

ESAB의 InduSuite 플랫폼은 클라우드 기반의 가스 모니터링 소프트웨어 솔루션인 FloCloud를 출시했습니다. FloCloud는 GCE의 가스 제어 제품과 InduSuite의 WeldCloud 소프트웨어를 결합하여 온라인 애플리케이션에 데이터를 전송하는 Mesh WiFi 지원 센서를 갖춘 가스 매니폴드를 생성합니다. 이 소프트웨어는 가스 소비를 추적하고, 압력 하강 또는 유량 문제에 대한 알림을 전송하며, 작업 추정을 위한 비용 분석을 제공하는 분석 대시보드를 제공합니다.

초기 사용자들은 다음과 같은 significant 이점을 보고했습니다:

  • 석유화학 산업 고객이 가스 비용으로 100만 유로 이상 절감하고 용접 가스 사용량을 240,000리터 줄였습니다
  • 또 다른 고객은 가스 실린더 교체로 인한 생산 라인 중단으로 하루 6,000 유로의 손실을 없앴습니다
FloCloud는 석유 및 가스, 조선소, 제조업과 같은 산업에서 중간에서 고용량 가스 사용자를 대상으로 설계되었으며, 향후 식음료, 병원, 실험실의 특수 가스를 위한 응용 프로그램이 계획되어 있습니다.

La plateforme InduSuite d'ESAB a lancé FloCloud, une solution logiciel de surveillance des gaz basée sur le cloud. FloCloud combine les produits de contrôle des gaz de GCE avec le logiciel WeldCloud d'InduSuite pour créer un collecteur de gaz avec des capteurs compatibles Mesh WiFi qui communiquent les données à une application en ligne. Le logiciel dispose d'un tableau de bord analytique qui suit la consommation de gaz, envoie des notifications pour les baisses de pression ou les problèmes de débit, et fournit une analyse des coûts pour l'estimation des travaux.

Les premiers utilisateurs ont rapporté des avantages significatifs, notamment:

  • Un client de l'industrie pétrochimique a économisé plus d'1 million d'euros en dépenses de gaz et 240 000 litres en utilisation de gaz de soudage
  • Un autre client a éliminé 6 000 euros de pertes quotidiennes dues à des arrêts de ligne de production causés par des remplacements de bouteilles de gaz
FloCloud est conçu pour les utilisateurs de gaz de volume moyen à élevé dans des secteurs tels que le pétrole et le gaz, les chantiers navals et la fabrication, avec des applications futures prévues pour des gaz spéciaux dans les aliments et boissons, les hôpitaux et les laboratoires.

Die InduSuite-Plattform von ESAB hat FloCloud gestartet, eine cloud-basierte Softwarelösung zur Gasmessung. FloCloud kombiniert die Gasregelprodukte von GCE mit der WeldCloud-Software von InduSuite, um ein Gasverteiler mit Mesh-WiFi-fähigen Sensoren zu schaffen, die Daten an eine Online-Anwendung übermitteln. Die Software verfügt über ein Analyse-Dashboard, das den Gasverbrauch verfolgt, Benachrichtigungen bei Druckabfällen oder Durchflussproblemen sendet und Kostenanalysen für die Arbeitskalkulation bereitstellt.

Frühe Anwender berichteten von erheblichen Vorteilen, darunter:

  • Ein Kunde aus der petrochemischen Industrie hat über 1 Million Euro bei den Gaskosten gespart und 240.000 Liter beim Schweißgasverbrauch eingespart
  • Ein anderer Kunde beseitigte tägliche Verluste von 6.000 Euro aufgrund von Produktionsstillständen durch den Wechsel von Gaszylindern
FloCloud ist für mittlere bis hochvolumige Gasnutzer in Branchen wie Öl und Gas, Werften und Fertigung konzipiert, mit zukünftigen Anwendungen, die für Spezialgase in der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie, Krankenhäusern und Laboren geplant sind.

  • Launch of FloCloud, a new cloud-based gas monitoring software solution
  • Early adopter in petrochemical industry saved over €1 million on gas spend
  • Another customer eliminated €6,000 daily losses from production line shutdowns
  • Provides cost analysis for more accurate job bidding and improved profitability
  • Expands ESAB's digital solutions offering in the welding and cutting industry
  • None.

FloCloud's launch marks a significant advancement in gas monitoring technology for industrial applications. The integration of GCE's hardware with InduSuite's software creates a powerful IoT solution that addresses critical issues in gas management. Key benefits include real-time leak detection, consumption tracking and cost allocation, which are important for improving operational efficiency and profitability.

The system's ability to provide data-driven insights for job estimating and preventative maintenance could be a game-changer for industries with high gas consumption. Early adopters reporting €1 million in savings and 240,000 liters reduction in gas use demonstrate the potential for substantial ROI. This could lead to increased demand for ESAB's products and services, potentially boosting their market position in the industrial gas management sector.

While specific financial figures for FloCloud aren't provided, the product launch could significantly impact ESAB's revenue streams. The software-as-a-service (SaaS) model of FloCloud suggests a potential for recurring revenue, which investors typically value highly. The reported cost savings for early adopters (€1 million and €6,000 per day) are substantial, indicating a strong value proposition that could drive rapid adoption.

The product's applicability across various industries (petrochemical, shipyards, manufacturing) suggests a large addressable market. If ESAB can capitalize on this opportunity, it could lead to significant growth in their digital solutions segment. Investors should monitor future earnings reports for indications of FloCloud's contribution to revenue and any changes in ESAB's guidance related to this new product line.

FloCloud's launch aligns with growing industry trends towards sustainability and resource efficiency. By enabling precise monitoring and reduction of gas consumption, the technology addresses both economic and environmental concerns. The reported 240,000 liter reduction in welding gas use by one customer not only represents cost savings but also a significant decrease in resource consumption and potential emissions.

This product positions ESAB favorably in the context of increasing environmental regulations and corporate sustainability goals. As companies face pressure to reduce their carbon footprint, solutions like FloCloud that offer tangible reductions in resource use could see high demand. This could enhance ESAB's reputation as an environmentally conscious supplier, potentially attracting environmentally focused investors and customers.

NORTH BETHESDA, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- To enable the industry to track gas process parameters, analyze gas consumption and identify gas leaks and over-consumption, InduSuiteTM, ESAB’s platform of software applications for welding, cutting and robotics, has introduced FloCloud, a gas monitoring software solution. FloCloud combines GCE’s® trusted brand of gas control products with InduSuite’s proven WeldCloud software application platform to build a gas manifold with Mesh WiFi enabled pressure and flow sensors that communicate data to the FloCloud online application.

FloCloud’s dashboard provides complete gas consumption usage from manifold to torch to track analyze and report any over- or under-consumption events. (Graphic: Business Wire)

FloCloud’s dashboard provides complete gas consumption usage from manifold to torch to track analyze and report any over- or under-consumption events. (Graphic: Business Wire)

FloCloud features an easy-to-use analytics dashboard and reporting system that tracks every end user point and sends notifications if gas pressure drops or if gas flow is outside of WPS (Weld Procedure Specification) parameters, improving real-time data and reducing the need for manual checks.

Additionally, FloCloud tracks complete gas consumption per welding job, per welding operator and per overall project. This information is valuable for cost analysis and job estimating by easily allocating gas cost to a specific job/project to be more competitive in quotes and more profitable in projects. Knowing exactly how much gas is used within the gas supply system also helps regulate preventative maintenance to replace seals and other consumables.

“Fabricators and manufacturers struggle with high gas consumption and have limited knowledge on how much gas is wasted in leaks and overuse,” says Jon Hofmann, Director of Product Management Digital Solutions, InduSuite, an ESAB brand. “Additionally, our customers asked for a tool that provides cost analysis on gas consumption so that they can bid jobs accurately. FloCloud can solve these issues and provide an immediate ROI.”

InduSuite customers with early access to FloCloud have seen the following advantages:

  • Stopping leaks and over-consumption saved a large gas consumer in the petrochemical industry more than €1 million on its gas spend and more than 240,000 l (8,475 cu. ft.) in welding gas use.
  • Another customer was losing €6,000 per day by shutting the line down to swap gas cylinders. With FloCloud’s tracking mechanism and knowing exactly how much gas is needed per job, the user now never runs out of gas in the middle of a shift and cylinder swaps are completed during scheduled breaks or shift changes.

FloCloud is built to withstand rigorous environments for mid- to high-volume gas users, which include gas distribution companies, welding in oil, gas and petrochemical operations, shipyard and off-shore applications, manufacturers of transportation, construction, mining and agricultural equipment with future offerings coming for specialty gases in food and beverage, hospital and laboratory applications.

To learn more about this new gas monitoring solution, visit FloCloud (

About ESAB Corporation

Founded in 1904, ESAB Corporation is a focused premier industrial compounder. The Company’s rich history of innovative products, workflow solutions and its business system ESAB Business Excellence (EBX), enables the Company’s purpose of Shaping the world we imagine.TM ESAB Corporation is based in North Bethesda, Maryland and employs approximately 9,000 associates and serves customers in approximately 150 countries. To learn more, visit

ESAB Trade Media Contact:

Chuck Schroeder

Tel +1 (262) 618-4427

Corporate Media Contact:

Tilea Coleman

Tel +1 (301) 323-9092

Source: ESAB Corporation


What is FloCloud and how does it benefit welding operations?

FloCloud is a cloud-based gas monitoring software solution launched by ESAB's InduSuite. It benefits welding operations by tracking gas consumption, identifying leaks and over-consumption, providing real-time notifications for pressure drops or flow issues, and offering cost analysis for more accurate job estimating and improved profitability.

How much did an early adopter in the petrochemical industry save using FloCloud?

An early adopter in the petrochemical industry saved over €1 million on gas spend and more than 240,000 liters (8,475 cu. ft.) in welding gas use by using FloCloud to stop leaks and over-consumption.

What industries is FloCloud designed for?

FloCloud is designed for mid- to high-volume gas users in industries such as gas distribution, oil and gas, petrochemical operations, shipyards, and manufacturers of transportation, construction, mining, and agricultural equipment. Future offerings are planned for specialty gases in food and beverage, hospital, and laboratory applications.

How does FloCloud help with job estimating and profitability?

FloCloud tracks complete gas consumption per welding job, operator, and project, allowing for easy allocation of gas costs to specific jobs or projects. This information enables more competitive quotes and improved profitability by providing accurate cost analysis for job estimating.

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