159 Plaintiffs Sue Cape Asbestos Over Decades of Negligence and Fraud Stemming from Asbestos Exposure

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(Very Negative)

Over 150 plaintiffs have filed a lawsuit against Cape PLC, its subsidiaries and affiliates including Anglo American, De Beer Group, and ESAB Corp for importing and distributing carcinogenic asbestos in the United States. The lawsuit alleges that Cape, which sold more than 95% of asbestos used in industry and U.S. Navy ships, concealed known health risks and created complex corporate structures to avoid liability. The case includes plaintiffs suffering from mesothelioma and lung cancer, as well as families of deceased victims. A South Carolina court has appointed a receiver after the companies and insurers failed to respond to previous lawsuits.

Oltre 150 querelanti hanno intentato una causa contro Cape PLC, le sue filiali e affiliate, tra cui Anglo American, De Beer Group e ESAB Corp, per aver importato e distribuito amianto cancerogeno negli Stati Uniti. La causa sostiene che Cape, che ha venduto più del 95% dell'amianto utilizzato nell'industria e nelle navi della Marina Militare statunitense, ha occultato i noti rischi per la salute e ha creato complesse strutture aziendali per evitare responsabilità. Il caso include querelanti affetti da mesotelioma e cancro ai polmoni, così come le famiglie delle vittime decedute. Un tribunale della Carolina del Sud ha nominato un curatore dopo che le aziende e le assicurazioni non hanno risposto a precedenti cause legali.

Más de 150 demandantes han presentado una demanda contra Cape PLC, sus subsidiarias y afiliadas, incluyendo Anglo American, De Beer Group y ESAB Corp, por importación y distribución de asbesto carcinógeno en los Estados Unidos. La demanda alega que Cape, que vendió más del 95% del asbesto utilizado en la industria y en los barcos de la Marina de EE. UU., ocultó los riesgos conocidos para la salud y creó estructuras corporativas complejas para evadir responsabilidades. El caso incluye demandantes que padecen mesotelioma y cáncer de pulmón, así como familias de víctimas fallecidas. Un tribunal de Carolina del Sur ha nombrado un receptor después de que las empresas y las aseguradoras no respondieran a demandas anteriores.

150명 이상의 원고가 Cape PLC와 그 자회사 및 제휴사인 Anglo American, De Beer Group, ESAB Corp를 상대로 미국에서 발암물질인 석면을 수입하고 유통한 혐의로 소송을 제기했습니다. 이 소송은 미국 산업과 해군 선박에 사용된 석면의 95% 이상을 판매한 Cape가 알려진 건강 위험을 숨기고 책임을 회피하기 위해 복잡한 기업 구조를 만들었다고 주장합니다. 이 사건에는 메소텔리오마와 폐암으로 고통받는 원고와 사망한 희생자의 가족이 포함되어 있습니다. 사우스캐롤라이나주 법원은 기업과 보험사들이 이전 소송에 응답하지 않자 수탁인을 임명했습니다.

Plus de 150 plaignants ont déposé une plainte contre Cape PLC, ses filiales et affiliés, y compris Anglo American, De Beer Group et ESAB Corp, pour l'importation et la distribution d'amiante cancérogène aux États-Unis. La plainte allègue que Cape, qui a vendu plus de 95 % de l'amiante utilisé dans l'industrie et les navires de la marine américaine, a dissimulé des risques pour la santé connus et créé des structures d'entreprise complexes pour éviter toute responsabilité. L'affaire comprend des plaignants souffrant de mésothéliome et de cancer du poumon, ainsi que des familles de victimes décédées. Un tribunal de Caroline du Sud a nommé un séquestre après que les entreprises et les assureurs ont échoué à répondre aux précédentes poursuites.

Über 150 Kläger haben eine Klage gegen die Cape PLC, ihre Tochtergesellschaften und Partner, darunter Anglo American, De Beer Group und ESAB Corp, eingereicht, weil sie krebserregendes Asbest in die Vereinigten Staaten importiert und vertrieben haben. Die Klage behauptet, dass Cape, das mehr als 95 % des in der Industrie und auf US-Marineschiffen verwendeten Asbests verkauft hat, bekannte Gesundheitsrisiken verschleierte und komplexe Unternehmensstrukturen schuf, um sich der Haftung zu entziehen. Der Fall umfasst Kläger, die an Mesotheliom und Lungenkrebs leiden, sowie Familien von verstorbenen Opfern. Ein Gericht in South Carolina hat einen Verwalter eingesetzt, nachdem die Unternehmen und Versicherer nicht auf frühere Klagen reagiert hatten.

  • None.
  • ESAB faces significant legal liability as defendant in mass lawsuit with 159 plaintiffs over asbestos-related health damages
  • Company potentially exposed to substantial financial settlements and legal costs
  • Reputational damage from allegations of concealing known health risks and avoiding liability


This mass tort litigation against ESAB and other companies represents a significant legal and financial risk. With 159 plaintiffs alleging decades of asbestos-related negligence and fraud, the potential liability could be substantial. Historical asbestos litigation settlements have often reached into hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.

The appointment of a receiver by the South Carolina court is particularly concerning, as it indicates the companies and insurers have failed to respond to previous lawsuits. This could complicate ESAB's defense strategy and potentially impact insurance coverage. The allegations of deliberate concealment and corporate restructuring to avoid liability could lead to punitive damages, which are typically not covered by insurance.

The involvement of prominent plaintiff firms and the detailed allegations of corporate malfeasance suggest this case has been thoroughly researched and could have merit. Investors should monitor this litigation closely as it could materially impact ESAB's financial position and reputation.

Mass legal action claims South Carolina importer covered up deadly effects of asbestos, caused widespread fatal health consequences across the US

COLUMBIA, S.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- More than 150 plaintiffs have filed suit against Cape, PLC, its subsidiaries and global affiliates including Anglo American (OTCQX: NGLOY), De Beer Group PLC (OTCQX: AAUKF), and ESAB Corp. (NYSE: ESAB), which imported and distributed carcinogenic asbestos in the United States for decades.

“Cape and its related entities, by its own admission, sold more than 95% of the type of asbestos commonly used in industry and on U.S. Navy ships for decades. That asbestos is responsible for untold death and despair among the workers of South Carolina and the nation,” said Trey Branham, partner at Dean Omar Branham Shirley, LLP, who along with co-counsel Theile McVey of Kassel McVey represents the plaintiffs.

The mass action lawsuit alleges that Cape and its subsidiaries are liable for diseases caused by asbestos exposure suffered by residents of the state and beyond. It includes plaintiffs suffering from asbestos-related illnesses, including mesothelioma and lung cancer, as well as the families of those who have died from exposure to the deadly carcinogen.

According to the lawsuit, Cape led efforts in the U.S. to hide from consumers and its own employees the risks that it knew existed from the South African asbestos it processed. When asbestos-related lawsuits began surfacing in the 1970s, Cape took measures to shield itself from legal action by creating new entities and then fleeing the U.S.

“This case is about finally bringing this company to the forefront for the harm they’ve caused,” said Ms. McVey, managing partner of Kassel McVey. “We intend to hold these bad actors to account for the damage they have inflicted on so many lives.”

The lawsuit details how Cape set up an elaborate structure of affiliated companies in South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States to avoid financial responsibility for the harm it knew it was causing. Since those companies and their insurers have failed to respond to lawsuits brought on behalf of those injured or killed by asbestos-related diseases, a South Carolina court has appointed a receiver to respond on their behalf.

The case is Augustus A. Adams et al. v Cape PLC et al., No. 2024-CP-40-06639 in the Court of Common Pleas, County of Richland for the Fifth Judicial Circuit.

Dean Omar Branham Shirley, LLP, is a nationally recognized trial firm that handles cases across the country for individuals who have suffered catastrophic injuries or have died as a result of the irresponsible conduct of others. For more information, visit

Kassel McVey is the preeminent plaintiffs’ firm in South Carolina, headed by the former president of the South Carolina Association for Justice, Theile McVey. For more information visit

BeLynn Hollers


Source: Dean Omar Branham Shirley, LLP


How many plaintiffs are suing ESAB and other companies over asbestos exposure?

159 plaintiffs have filed a lawsuit against ESAB Corp and other companies including Cape PLC, Anglo American, and De Beer Group PLC.

What are the main allegations in the 2024 asbestos lawsuit against ESAB?

The lawsuit alleges that the companies imported and distributed carcinogenic asbestos while concealing known health risks, leading to cases of mesothelioma and lung cancer.

What percentage of industrial asbestos did the defendants reportedly sell in the US?

According to the lawsuit, Cape and its related entities sold more than 95% of the type of asbestos commonly used in industry and on U.S. Navy ships.



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