Ericsson & Wipro Transform Odido’s Billing Experience for Customers

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Ericsson and Wipro have successfully transformed the billing experience for Odido's mobile customers in the Netherlands by migrating to the cloud-native Ericsson Billing platform hosted on AWS. The migration, completed in August 2024, transitioned 5 million customers over a single weekend, following the earlier transition of 700,000 Ben MVNO users in November 2023.

This transformation allows Odido to offer innovative 5G services, including the newly-launched Klik&Klaar fixed-wireless access (FWA) solution, with improved operational efficiency and customer experience. Wipro served as the end-to-end system integrator, working closely with Ericsson and Odido to design and implement the solution.

The new billing system provides Odido with a future-proof solution that enhances automation, improves billing accuracy, and enables efficient scaling of new services while reducing operating costs. This migration is a key step in Odido's strategy to deliver exceptional customer experience and monetize the growing demand for 5G services.

Ericsson e Wipro hanno trasformato con successo l'esperienza di fatturazione per i clienti mobili di Odido nei Paesi Bassi migrando alla piattaforma di fatturazione cloud-native di Ericsson ospitata su AWS. La migrazione, completata nell'agosto 2024, ha coinvolto 5 milioni di clienti in un solo weekend, dopo la transizione iniziale di 700.000 utenti MVNO Ben nel novembre 2023.

Questa trasformazione consente a Odido di offrire servizi 5G innovativi, inclusa la soluzione di accesso fisso senza fili (FWA) Klik&Klaar, con efficienza operativa migliorata e un'esperienza cliente ottimizzata. Wipro ha svolto il ruolo di integratore di sistema end-to-end, collaborando strettamente con Ericsson e Odido per progettare e implementare la soluzione.

Il nuovo sistema di fatturazione fornisce a Odido una soluzione a prova di futuro che migliora l'automazione, aumenta l'accuratezza della fatturazione e consente una scalabilità efficiente dei nuovi servizi riducendo i costi operativi. Questa migrazione rappresenta un passo fondamentale nella strategia di Odido per offrire un'esperienza cliente eccezionale e monetizzare la crescente domanda di servizi 5G.

Ericsson y Wipro han transformado con éxito la experiencia de facturación para los clientes móviles de Odido en los Países Bajos al migrar a la plataforma de facturación nativa en la nube de Ericsson alojada en AWS. La migración, completada en agosto de 2024, trasladó a 5 millones de clientes en un solo fin de semana, tras la transición anterior de 700,000 usuarios de MVNO Ben en noviembre de 2023.

Esta transformación permite a Odido ofrecer servicios 5G innovadores, incluida la recién lanzada solución de acceso inalámbrico fijo (FWA) Klik&Klaar, con una mayor eficiencia operativa y una mejor experiencia del cliente. Wipro actuó como el integrador de sistemas de extremo a extremo, trabajando en estrecha colaboración con Ericsson y Odido para diseñar e implementar la solución.

El nuevo sistema de facturación proporciona a Odido una solución a prueba de futuro que mejora la automatización, aumenta la precisión de la facturación y posibilita una escalabilidad eficiente de nuevos servicios mientras reduce los costos operativos. Esta migración es un paso clave en la estrategia de Odido para ofrecer una experiencia excepcional al cliente y monetizar la creciente demanda de servicios 5G.

에릭슨과 위프로는 네덜란드에서 오디도의 모바일 고객들을 위한 청구 경험을 성공적으로 변화시켰습니다. 클라우드 네이티브 에릭슨 청구 플랫폼으로 AWS에 호스팅되며, 이 이주 작업은 2024년 8월에 완료되었으며, 500만 고객이 단 하루만에 전환되었습니다. 이는 2023년 11월에 70만 벤 MVNO 사용자의 전환 이후 이루어진 것입니다.

이번 변화로 오디도는 혁신적인 5G 서비스를 제공할 수 있게 되었으며, 최근 출시된 Klik&Klaar 고정 무선 액세스(FWA) 솔루션을 포함한 서비스는 운영 효율성과 고객 경험이 개선되었습니다. 위프로는 엔드 투 엔드 시스템 통합자로서 에릭슨 및 오디도와 밀접하게 협력하여 솔루션을 설계하고 구현했습니다.

새로운 청구 시스템은 오디도에 미래 지향적인 솔루션을 제공하여 자동화를 개선하고 청구 정확성을 높이며, 새로운 서비스의 효율적인 확장을 가능하게 하면서 운영 비용을 절감합니다. 이 마이그레이션은 오디도의 뛰어난 고객 경험을 제공하고 증가하는 5G 서비스 수요를 수익화하는 전략의 중요한 단계입니다.

Ericsson et Wipro ont transformé avec succès l'expérience de facturation pour les clients mobiles d'Odido aux Pays-Bas en migrant vers la plateforme de facturation cloud-native d'Ericsson hébergée sur AWS. La migration, achevée en août 2024, a permis de transférer 5 millions de clients en un seul week-end, suivant la transition antérieure de 700 000 utilisateurs MVNO Ben en novembre 2023.

Cette transformation permet à Odido d'offrir des services 5G innovants, y compris la solution d'accès sans fil fixe (FWA) récemment lancée Klik&Klaar, avec une efficacité opérationnelle améliorée et une expérience client optimisée. Wipro a agi en tant qu'intégrateur de système de bout en bout, travaillant en étroite collaboration avec Ericsson et Odido pour concevoir et mettre en œuvre la solution.

Le nouveau système de facturation offre à Odido une solution évolutive qui améliore l'automatisation, augmente la précision de la facturation et permet une montée en charge efficace des nouveaux services tout en réduisant les coûts opérationnels. Cette migration est une étape clé dans la stratégie d'Odido pour offrir une expérience client exceptionnelle et monétiser la demande croissante de services 5G.

Ericsson und Wipro haben erfolgreich das Abrechnungserlebnis für Odidos Mobilkunden in den Niederlanden transformiert, indem sie auf die cloud-native Ericsson-Abrechnungsplattform umgestiegen sind, die auf AWS gehostet wird. Die Migration, die im August 2024 abgeschlossen wurde, hat 5 Millionen Kunden an nur einem Wochenende übertragen, nach der vorherigen Migration von 700.000 Ben MVNO-Nutzern im November 2023.

Diese Transformation ermöglicht es Odido, innovativen 5G-Dienstleistungen anzubieten, einschließlich der neu eingeführten Klik&Klaar-Lösungen für festen drahtlosen Zugang (FWA), mit verbesserter Betriebseffizienz und Kundenservice. Wipro fungierte als End-to-End-Systemintegrator und arbeitete eng mit Ericsson und Odido zusammen, um die Lösung zu entwerfen und umzusetzen.

Das neue Abrechnungssystem bietet Odido eine zukunftsfähige Lösung, die Automatisierung verbessert, die Abrechnungsgenauigkeit erhöht und eine effiziente Skalierung neuer Dienstleistungen ermöglicht, während die Betriebskosten gesenkt werden. Diese Migration ist ein wichtiger Schritt in Odidos Strategie, ein außergewöhnliches Kundenerlebnis zu bieten und die wachsende Nachfrage nach 5G-Dienstleistungen zu monetarisieren.

  • Successful migration of 5 million customers to cloud-native Ericsson Billing platform
  • Improved operational efficiency and customer experience
  • Enables offering of innovative 5G services, including FWA solution
  • Reduced operating costs and simplified customer journey
  • Enhanced automation and improved billing accuracy
  • Future-proof solution allowing efficient scaling of new services
  • None.


The successful migration of Odido's billing system to Ericsson's cloud-native platform marks a significant technological leap for the Dutch telecom operator. This transformation enables Odido to enhance operational efficiency and improve customer experience, important factors in the competitive telecom market.

The migration's flawless execution, transitioning 5 million customers in a single weekend, demonstrates exceptional project management and technical prowess. This achievement positions Odido to capitalize on 5G opportunities, particularly with the launch of their Klik&Klaar fixed-wireless access service.

For investors, this development signals Odido's commitment to modernization and future-readiness. The cloud-native billing system provides scalability and flexibility, potentially leading to reduced operating costs and faster time-to-market for new services. These factors could contribute to improved financial performance and competitive positioning in the long term.

The adoption of Ericsson Billing hosted on AWS represents a strategic move towards cloud-native infrastructure in the telecom sector. This shift offers several advantages:

  • Scalability: Easily adjust resources to meet demand fluctuations
  • Cost-efficiency: Pay-as-you-go model can optimize operational expenses
  • Innovation acceleration: Faster deployment of new services and features
  • Enhanced security: Leveraging AWS's robust security measures

The successful migration demonstrates the maturity of cloud solutions for critical telecom operations. For Wipro, this project showcases its capabilities in complex system integration, potentially opening doors to similar high-value contracts in the telecom industry. The collaboration between Ericsson, Wipro and AWS also highlights the growing trend of multi-vendor partnerships in delivering comprehensive telecom solutions.

  • 5 million customers have been flawlessly migrated to the cloud-native Ericsson Billing, hosted on AWS, in one weekend.
  • The new capabilities will catalyze the creation and roll-out of innovative 5G services like the Netherland’s first 5G fixed-wireless access (FWA) service, Odido’s Klik&Klaar.
  • The migration was executed by Wipro as the end-to-end system integrator in close collaboration with Ericsson, ensuring seamless integration with Odido’s existing IT landscape.

AMSTERDAM & BENGALURU, India--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) and Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT, BSE: 507685, NSE: WIPRO) today announced the successful transformation of the billing experience for all Odido brand mobile customers in the Netherlands by migrating to the cloud-native Ericsson Billing platform hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This achievement allows Odido to offer innovative 5G services, including the newly-launched Klik&Klaar fixed-wireless access (FWA) solution, with improved operational efficiency and customer experience.

The migration, completed in August 2024, transitioned 5 million customers over a single weekend. The migration to Ericsson Billing follows the earlier transition of 700,000 Ben MVNO users in November 2023, marking a major milestone in Odido’s modernization. The successful migration means all Odido’s mobile customers, whether B2B or B2C, are now served by Ericsson Billing, hosted on AWS.

The project was executed with Wipro as an end-to-end system integrator, working in close collaboration with Ericsson and Odido to design and implement the solution. The seamless integration into Odido’s IT landscape lowers Odido’s technical debt, simplifies the customer journey, and reduces operating costs.

Søren Abildgaard, Chief Executive Officer of Odido, commented on this migration: “We’ve just done a billing migration with 0 faults in it. A billing migration is like an open-heart surgery, on a marathon runner, while they run. And we managed to do that.”

Mats Karlsson, Head of Solution Area Business & Operations Support Systems at Ericsson, added: “This transformation ensures that Odido can deliver superior service experiences at scale. Our cloud-native billing platform offers the flexibility and scalability needed to meet the demands of 5G and beyond. It positions Odido for future growth, as it continues to innovate and expand its offerings.”

Sarat Chand, Managing Director - Northern Europe, Wipro Limited, said: “As a trusted and strategic partner to Odido, we are very proud to deliver such a complex Billing Transformation program for the client. This milestone enables Odido to embrace fully automated billing capabilities and state-of-the-art operations on a fully scalable cloud infrastructure. Odido can leverage new billing solutions to launch more cutting-edge propositions and enhanced customer experience in the Dutch market. This initiative underscores our deep partnership with Ericsson and Odido and reaffirms our commitment to continuously simplifying and future-proofing our customers’ IT.”

Future-Ready and Scalable

Ericsson Billing is a cloud-native product, certified on AWS, which delivers a convergent, end-to-end billing system. Odido’s transition to Ericsson Billing, hosted on AWS, provides a future-proof solution that enhances automation, improves billing accuracy, and enables the company to scale new services efficiently. The open solution not only transforms Odido’s IT capabilities but also serves as a catalyst for collaboration, being designed with flexibility in mind, enabling other system integrators to effortlessly leverage and integrate it into CSP's IT network. The new system offers the agility to support future growth and technology advancements, while reducing operating costs.

Robert Purdy, Chief Information Officer of Odido, emphasized: “This migration is a key step in our strategy to deliver exceptional customer experience. Partnering with Ericsson and Wipro has allowed us to modernize our billing infrastructure, ensuring we are ready to monetize the growing demand for 5G services.”

About Wipro Limited

Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT, BSE: 507685, NSE: WIPRO) is a leading technology services and consulting company focused on building innovative solutions that address clients’ most complex digital transformation needs. Leveraging our holistic portfolio of capabilities in consulting, design, engineering, and operations, we help clients realize their boldest ambitions and build future-ready, sustainable businesses. With over 230,000 employees and business partners across 65 countries, we deliver on the promise of helping our customers, colleagues, and communities thrive in an ever-changing world. For additional information, visit us at


Ericsson’s high-performing, programmable networks provide connectivity for billions of people every day. For nearly 150 years, we’ve been pioneers in creating technology for communication. We offer mobile communication and connectivity solutions for service providers and enterprises. Together with our customers and partners, we make the digital world of tomorrow a reality.

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Source: Wipro Limited


How many Odido customers were migrated to the new Ericsson Billing platform?

5 million Odido mobile customers were migrated to the cloud-native Ericsson Billing platform over a single weekend in August 2024.

What role did Wipro (WIT) play in Odido's billing transformation?

Wipro (WIT) acted as the end-to-end system integrator, working closely with Ericsson and Odido to design and implement the billing solution.

What are the benefits of Odido's new billing system?

The new billing system enhances automation, improves billing accuracy, enables efficient scaling of new services, reduces operating costs, and supports the delivery of innovative 5G services.

When was the Ericsson Billing platform migration completed for Odido?

The migration of 5 million Odido mobile customers to the Ericsson Billing platform was completed in August 2024.

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