Equitable Survey Finds 80% of Americans Concerned About Affordability, Regardless of Income Level
Equitable's latest quarterly survey reveals that 80% of Americans are concerned about affordability of everyday living costs, regardless of income level. Nearly half of the 1,000 respondents plan to modify their financial habits in 2025, with many focusing on increasing monthly savings.
The survey highlights that 40% of respondents aim to increase savings by $500 or more monthly, with this figure rising to 70% among mass affluent individuals (income ≥$90,000/year). Additional financial goals include increasing household income and reducing spending.
Inflation remains the primary obstacle to achieving financial goals, cited more than twice as frequently as other challenges. 60% of respondents view the economy as highly volatile. The survey also found that while 90% of respondents value lifetime income features, less than half are confident in their understanding of annuities.
Il sondaggio trimestrale più recente di Equitable rivela che l'80% degli americani è preoccupato per l'affordabilità dei costi quotidiani, indipendentemente dal livello di reddito. Quasi la metà dei 1.000 intervistati prevede di modificare le proprie abitudini finanziarie nel 2025, con molti che si concentrano sull'aumento dei risparmi mensili.
Il sondaggio evidenzia che il 40% degli intervistati mira ad aumentare i risparmi di $500 o più al mese, con questa cifra che sale a 70% tra gli individui benestanti (reddito ≥$90.000/anno). Ulteriori obiettivi finanziari includono l'aumento del reddito familiare e la riduzione della spesa.
L'inflazione rimane l'ostacolo principale al raggiungimento degli obiettivi finanziari, citata più di due volte rispetto ad altre sfide. Il 60% degli intervistati considera l'economia altamente volatile. Il sondaggio ha anche rilevato che, mentre il 90% degli intervistati apprezza le caratteristiche di reddito a vita, meno della metà si sente sicura della propria comprensione delle rendite.
La última encuesta trimestral de Equitable revela que el 80% de los estadounidenses está preocupado por la asequibilidad de los costos de vida diarios, independientemente del nivel de ingresos. Casi la mitad de los 1,000 encuestados planea modificar sus hábitos financieros en 2025, con muchos enfocados en aumentar sus ahorros mensuales.
La encuesta destaca que el 40% de los encuestados tiene como objetivo aumentar sus ahorros en $500 o más al mes, cifra que se eleva al 70% entre individuos de clase alta (ingreso ≥$90,000/año). Otros objetivos financieros incluyen aumentar los ingresos del hogar y reducir el gasto.
La inflación sigue siendo el principal obstáculo para alcanzar los objetivos financieros, citada más del doble que otros desafíos. El 60% de los encuestados ve la economía como altamente volátil. La encuesta también encontró que, aunque el 90% de los encuestados valora las características de ingresos de por vida, menos de la mitad se siente segura de su comprensión de las anualidades.
Equitable의 최신 분기 조사에 따르면, 80%의 미국인이 소득 수준에 관계없이 일상 생활 비용의 적정성에 대해 우려하고 있습니다. 응답자 1,000명 중 거의 절반이 2025년에 재정 습관을 수정할 계획이며, 많은 사람들이 월 저축 증가에 집중하고 있습니다.
조사에 따르면 40%의 응답자가 매달 $500 이상 저축을 늘릴 계획이며, 이 수치는 자산이 많은 개인(소득 ≥$90,000/년) 중에서 70%로 증가합니다. 추가 재정 목표로는 가계 소득 증가와 지출 감소가 포함됩니다.
인플레이션은 재정 목표 달성의 주요 장애물로 남아 있으며, 다른 도전 과제보다 두 배 이상 자주 언급되고 있습니다. 60%의 응답자는 경제가 매우 변동성이 크다고 생각합니다. 조사 결과, 90%의 응답자가 평생 소득 기능을 중요하게 여기지만, 그 중 절반도 안 되는 사람들이 연금에 대한 이해에 자신감을 느끼고 있습니다.
La dernière enquête trimestrielle d'Equitable révèle que 80% des Américains s'inquiètent de l'accessibilité des coûts de la vie quotidienne, quel que soit leur niveau de revenu. Près de la moitié des 1 000 répondants prévoient de modifier leurs habitudes financières en 2025, beaucoup se concentrant sur l'augmentation de leurs économies mensuelles.
L'enquête souligne que 40% des répondants visent à augmenter leurs économies de 500 $ ou plus par mois, ce chiffre passant à 70% parmi les individus aisés (revenu ≥90 000 $/an). D'autres objectifs financiers incluent l'augmentation du revenu du ménage et la réduction des dépenses.
L'inflation demeure le principal obstacle à l'atteinte des objectifs financiers, citée plus de deux fois plus souvent que d'autres défis. 60% des répondants considèrent l'économie comme très volatile. L'enquête a également révélé que, bien que 90% des répondants apprécient les caractéristiques de revenu à vie, moins de la moitié se sentent confiants dans leur compréhension des rentes.
Die aktuelle vierteljährliche Umfrage von Equitable zeigt, dass 80% der Amerikaner besorgt über die Erschwinglichkeit der täglichen Lebenshaltungskosten sind, unabhängig von ihrem Einkommen. Fast die Hälfte der 1.000 Befragten plant, ihre finanziellen Gewohnheiten im Jahr 2025 zu ändern, wobei viele darauf abzielen, ihre monatlichen Ersparnisse zu erhöhen.
Die Umfrage hebt hervor, dass 40% der Befragten beabsichtigen, ihre Ersparnisse um 500 $ oder mehr pro Monat zu erhöhen, wobei dieser Wert bei wohlhabenden Personen (Einkommen ≥90.000 $/Jahr) auf 70% steigt. Weitere finanzielle Ziele sind die Erhöhung des Haushaltseinkommens und die Reduzierung der Ausgaben.
Die Inflation bleibt das Haupthindernis für die Erreichung finanzieller Ziele und wird mehr als doppelt so häufig genannt wie andere Herausforderungen. 60% der Befragten betrachtet die Wirtschaft als sehr volatil. Die Umfrage ergab auch, dass, während 90% der Befragten lebenslange Einkommensmerkmale schätzen, weniger als die Hälfte sich in ihrem Verständnis von Renten sicher fühlt.
- None.
- None.
The survey revealed that
Among those aiming to change their financial habits, a majority plan to increase the amount they save each month. Specifically, four in 10 respondents intend to increase their savings by
When it comes to achieving their financial goals, Americans continue to report inflation as the most common obstacle. In fact, survey respondents cite it more than twice as much compared to other issues. This has stayed relatively consistent in each quarterly survey over the past year, despite inflation being down significantly from its 40-year peak in June 2022. Further, six in 10 survey respondents view the economy as highly volatile.
“It’s encouraging to see so many people aiming to improve their financial habits. Yet, with concerns about affordability, inflation and the economy still weighing heavily on many Americans, transforming those intentions into actions can feel daunting,” said Nick Lane, President of Equitable. “This is where a financial professional can help by offering guidance to navigate today's ever-changing and uncertain landscape. They can create a personalized plan that considers your purpose, aspirations and financial goals so you can look to the future with confidence.”
As Americans evaluate their financial security, nine in 10 survey respondents indicated they value lifetime income features. However, less than half reported being confident about their understanding of annuities. This interest in lifetime income products comes at a time when large sums of wealth are changing hands at historic levels. Referred to as “Peak 65,” the majority of the estimated 73 million Baby Boomers will hit peak retirement age of 65 by 2025.1 By the end of the decade, more than 30 trillion in assets are expected to transfer to surviving spouses and the next generation.2
In a separate study commissioned by Equitable on “How to Plan for the Great Wealth Transfer,” eight in 10 survey respondents plan to work with a financial advisor to help manage their new wealth.3 As a result, the need for trusted advice is only expected to grow, as more Americans turn to a financial professional for guidance and education on a wide range of strategies, including annuities, to help build a secure financial future and not outlive their savings in retirement.
About the survey
Equitable’s consumer finance survey was conducted by an independent, global consumer and B2B panel provider. Respondents include 1,000
About Equitable
Equitable, a principal franchise of Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH), has been one of America’s leading financial services providers since 1859. With the mission to help clients secure their financial well-being, Equitable provides advice, protection and retirement strategies to individuals, families and small businesses. Equitable has more than 8,000 employees and Equitable Advisors financial professionals and serves 3 million clients across the country. Please visit equitable.com for more information.
Reference to the 1859 founding applies specifically and exclusively to Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company.
1 America Counts Staff, “2020 Census Will Help Policymakers Prepare for the Incoming Wave of Aging Boomers,” United States Census Bureau, December 10, 2019; Ansberry, Clare, “America Has Never Had So Many 65-Year-Olds. They’re Redefining the Milestone,” The Wall Street Journal, February 6, 2024.
2 McKinsey Study, “Women as the next wave of growth in
3 The “How to Plan for the Great Wealth Transfer” study was commissioned by Equitable and conducted by The Wall Street Journal’s Intelligence unit. The study presents the key findings of a survey of 500 retail investors representing household finance decision-makers aged 35-64. Survey respondents have household incomes of more than
Equitable is the brand name of the retirement and protection subsidiaries of Equitable Holdings, Inc., including Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (Equitable Financial) (NY, NY) and Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America (Equitable America), an AZ stock company with an administrative office in
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250227756850/en/
Media Contact
Bill Sutton
(315) 373-9685
Source: Equitable
What percentage of Americans are worried about affordability according to Equitable's (EQH) survey?
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