Equitable Excellence Scholarship® Application Opens

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Equitable, a leading financial services organization and principal franchise of Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH), has opened applications for its 2025 Equitable Excellence Scholarship®. The program will award 100 high school seniors $5,000 per academic year for four years, totaling $20,000 per recipient. Applications are being accepted online through December 18, 2024.

The scholarship goes beyond financial support, offering resources like mental wellness skills, resume building, career exploration workshops, and mentorship programs. Last year, 100% of scholarships went to students with financial need, with 63% going to first-generation college students. The program achieved a 98% matriculation rate over the last two years.

Equitable is collaborating with Common App® for the third year, aiming to increase access and equity in college admissions. The Equitable Excellence Scholarship® is the flagship program of Equitable Foundation, supported by partnerships with Scholarship America, Common App, and the National College Attainment Network.

Equitable, una delle principali organizzazioni di servizi finanziari e franchising principale di Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH), ha aperto le iscrizioni per la 2025 Equitable Excellence Scholarship®. Il programma assegnerà 100 borse di studio di $5,000 per anno accademico per quattro anni, per un totale di $20,000 per beneficiario. Le domande vengono accettate online fino al 18 dicembre 2024.

La borsa di studio va oltre il supporto finanziario, offrendo risorse come abilità per il benessere mentale, costruzione di curriculum, laboratori di esplorazione professionale e programmi di mentoring. Lo scorso anno, il 100% delle borse di studio è stato assegnato a studenti con bisogno finanziario, di cui il 63% a studenti universitari di prima generazione. Il programma ha raggiunto un tasso di immatricolazione del 98% negli ultimi due anni.

Equitable collabora con Common App® per il terzo anno, con l'obiettivo di aumentare l'accesso e l'equità nelle ammissioni universitarie. La Equitable Excellence Scholarship® è il programma di punta della Equitable Foundation, supportato da partnership con Scholarship America, Common App e il National College Attainment Network.

Equitable, una de las principales organizaciones de servicios financieros y franquicia principal de Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH), ha abierto las solicitudes para su 2025 Equitable Excellence Scholarship®. El programa otorgará 100 becas de $5,000 por año académico durante cuatro años, totalizando $20,000 por destinatario. Las solicitudes se aceptarán en línea hasta el 18 de diciembre de 2024.

La beca va más allá del apoyo financiero, ofreciendo recursos como habilidades para el bienestar mental, creación de currículums, talleres de exploración profesional y programas de mentoría. El año pasado, el 100% de las becas fueron otorgadas a estudiantes con necesidad financiera, de los cuales el 63% eran estudiantes de primera generación. El programa logró una tasa de matriculación del 98% en los últimos dos años.

Equitable está colaborando con Common App® por tercer año, con el objetivo de aumentar el acceso y la equidad en las admisiones universitarias. La Equitable Excellence Scholarship® es el programa principal de la Equitable Foundation, apoyado por asociaciones con Scholarship America, Common App y el National College Attainment Network.

Equitable은 선도적인 금융 서비스 조직이자 Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH)의 주요 프랜차이즈로서 2025 Equitable Excellence Scholarship®에 대한 신청을 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 100명의 고등학교 졸업생에게 4년 동안 매년 $5,000의 장학금을 수여하여 총 수혜자당 $20,000에 달합니다. 신청은 2024년 12월 18일까지 온라인으로 접수됩니다.

이 장학금은 재정 지원을 넘어서 정신적 웰빙 기술, 이력서 작성, 직업 탐색 워크숍 및 멘토십 프로그램과 같은 자원을 제공합니다. 작년에 장학금의 100%가 재정적 필요가 있는 학생들에게 제공되었습니다, 그 중 63%는 첫 번째 세대 대학생이었습니다. 이 프로그램은 지난 2년 동안 98%의 입학률을 달성했습니다.

Equitable은 대학 입학에서의 접근성과 형평성을 높이기 위해 3년 연속으로 Common App®와 협력하고 있습니다. Equitable Excellence Scholarship®은 Equitable Foundation의 주요 프로그램으로, Scholarship America, Common App 및 National College Attainment Network와의 파트너십으로 지원받고 있습니다.

Equitable, une organisation de services financiers leader et franchise principale de Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH), a ouvert les candidatures pour sa 2025 Equitable Excellence Scholarship®. Ce programme attribuera 100 bourses de 5 000 $ par an académique pendant quatre ans, totalisant 20 000 $ par bénéficiaire. Les candidatures sont acceptées en ligne jusqu'au 18 décembre 2024.

La bourse va au-delà du soutien financier, offrant des ressources telles que des compétences en bien-être mental, la construction de CV, des ateliers d'exploration de carrière et des programmes de mentorat. L'année dernière, 100 % des bourses ont été attribuées à des étudiants ayant des besoins financiers, dont 63 % à des étudiants de première génération. Le programme a atteint un taux d'immatriculation de 98 % au cours des deux dernières années.

Equitable collabore avec Common App® pour la troisième année, visant à accroître l'accès et l'équité dans les admissions universitaires. La Equitable Excellence Scholarship® est le programme phare de la Equitable Foundation, soutenu par des partenariats avec Scholarship America, Common App et le National College Attainment Network.

Equitable, eine führende Finanzdienstleistungsorganisation und Hauptfranchise von Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH), hat die Bewerbungen für das 2025 Equitable Excellence Scholarship® geöffnet. Das Programm vergibt 100 Stipendien in Höhe von 5.000 $ pro Studienjahr für vier Jahre, insgesamt also 20.000 $ pro Empfänger. Bewerbungen werden bis zum 18. Dezember 2024 online akzeptiert.

Das Stipendium bietet mehr als nur finanzielle Unterstützung und umfasst Ressourcen wie psychisches Wohlbefinden, Lebenslaufgestaltung, Berufserkundungsworkshops und Mentorenprogramme. Im letzten Jahr gingen 100% der Stipendien an Studenten mit finanziellen Bedürfnissen, wobei 63% der Stipendien an Studenten der ersten Generation vergeben wurden. Das Programm erreichte in den letzten zwei Jahren eine 98%ige Immatrikulationsrate.

Equitable arbeitet im dritten Jahr mit Common App® zusammen, um den Zugang und die Chancengleichheit bei den Hochschulzulassungen zu erhöhen. Das Equitable Excellence Scholarship® ist das Flaggschiff-Programm der Equitable Foundation, das von Partnerschaften mit Scholarship America, Common App und dem National College Attainment Network unterstützt wird.

  • Awarding 100 students $20,000 each in scholarship funds over four years
  • 100% of last year's scholarships went to students with financial need
  • 63% of scholarships went to first-generation college students
  • 98% matriculation rate achieved over the last two years
  • Collaboration with Common App® to increase access and equity in college admissions
  • None.

Annual scholarship underscores Equitable’s dedication to creating pathways to higher education

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Equitable, a leading financial services organization and principal franchise of Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH), today announced the call for applications for its 2025 Equitable Excellence Scholarship®. The long-running annual scholarship program is open to high school seniors across the country, underscoring the company’s belief in the societal benefits of creating pathways to higher education.

Scholarships are granted based on financial need, academic performance and submission of a brief essay. Applications for the 2025 program are being accepted online through December 18, 2024.

To support students in their academic pursuits, Equitable will award 100 students a $5,000 scholarship per academic year for four years, for a total of $20,000 per recipient. In addition to financial support, the Equitable Excellence Scholarship® program provides ongoing support to help students get to and through college, including mental wellness skills, resume building, personal branding, career exploration workshops, peer networking opportunities and mentorship programs.

“We believe that education is the key to unlocking potential and transforming lives. Our scholarship program goes beyond financial support, providing comprehensive resources to help students navigate the challenges of higher education, while also empowering educators who play a crucial role in shaping young minds,” said Nick Lane, President of Equitable. “By investing in education and career advancement, we're not just supporting individual students and teachers—we're fostering social mobility and building stronger, more vibrant communities for generations to come."

For the third year in a row, Equitable is collaborating with Common App®, a non-profit membership organization focused on pursing access, equity and integrity in the college admissions process. Each year, more than one million students, a third of whom are first-generation, apply to college, research financial aid and scholarships and connect to college counseling resources through Common App. During last year’s scholarship cycle, 100% of Equitable Excellence Scholarships® went to students with financial need, with 63% of scholarships going to first-generation college students.

“We aspire to help students get not just to college, but all the way through college. Our goal is to deeply understand the challenges that students face and provide them with programs that focus on the life skills that they need to be successful,” said Jarian Kerekes, Head of Social Impact and Community Engagement at Equitable. “We are proud of these students, who achieved a 98% matriculation rate over the last two years, further validating that our program can make a difference.”

Equitable Excellence® is the flagship program of Equitable Foundation, the company’s charitable-giving arm. The scholarship program is supported through strategic partnerships between Equitable Foundation and Scholarship America, Common App and the National College Attainment Network to assist students who apply for the scholarship and are seeking resources to support the college application process.

To learn more about Equitable’s social impact work, please read Equitable’s 2023 ESG report.

About Equitable:
Equitable, a principal franchise of Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH), has been one of America’s leading financial services providers since 1859. With the mission to help clients secure their financial well-being, Equitable provides advice, protection and retirement strategies to individuals, families and small businesses. Equitable has more than 8,000 employees and Equitable Advisors financial professionals and serves 3 million clients across the country. Please visit for more information. Reference to the 1859 founding applies specifically and exclusively to Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (NY, NY). Equitable Advisors is the brand name of Equitable Advisors, LLC, member FINRA, SIPC (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI and TN). GE-7204114.1(10/24)(exp.10/34)


Laura Yagerman

(212) 314-2010

Source: Equitable


When is the application deadline for the 2025 Equitable Excellence Scholarship?

The application deadline for the 2025 Equitable Excellence Scholarship is December 18, 2024.

How much is the Equitable Excellence Scholarship worth for EQH?

The Equitable Excellence Scholarship awards $5,000 per academic year for four years, totaling $20,000 per recipient.

What percentage of Equitable Excellence Scholarships went to first-generation college students?

63% of Equitable Excellence Scholarships went to first-generation college students in the last scholarship cycle.

What is the matriculation rate for Equitable Excellence Scholarship recipients?

The Equitable Excellence Scholarship program achieved a 98% matriculation rate over the last two years.

What additional support does the Equitable Excellence Scholarship program provide besides financial aid?

The program provides mental wellness skills, resume building, personal branding, career exploration workshops, peer networking opportunities, and mentorship programs.

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