Sunrise Records 132% Surge in First-Half Sales Volume, Featured in Guizhou TV Report as a Leading Anode Materials Manufacturer

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Sunrise New Energy Co., (NASDAQ: EPOW) has reported a significant 132% increase in sales volume for the first half of 2024, selling 10,400 tons of products. The company, featured in a Guizhou TV report, is recognized as a leading manufacturer of lithium-ion battery anode materials. Sunrise holds over 70 global patents and offers a wide range of anode materials including synthetic graphite, natural graphite, composite graphite, soft carbon, hard carbon, and silicon-carbon.

These products are extensively used in electronics, electric vehicles, and energy storage. The company has established R&D partnerships with industry-leading enterprises across the value chain. Sunrise's production capacity is reported to meet the increasing demand for high-end anode materials from its contracted leading enterprises. The Guizhou Provincial Radio and Television Channel commended Sunrise for its role in promoting high-quality industry development and contributing to the local economy.

Sunrise New Energy Co., (NASDAQ: EPOW) ha riportato un incremento significativo del 132% nel volume delle vendite per il primo semestre del 2024, vendendo 10.400 tonnellate di prodotti. L'azienda, protagonista di un servizio della TV di Guizhou, è riconosciuta come un leader nella produzione di materiali per anodi di batterie agli ioni di litio. Sunrise detiene oltre 70 brevetti globali e offre una vasta gamma di materiali per anodi, tra cui grafite sintetica, grafite naturale, grafite composita, carbonio morbido, carbonio duro e silicio-carbonio.

Questi prodotti sono ampiamente utilizzati nell'elettronica, nei veicoli elettrici e nello stoccaggio di energia. L'azienda ha stabilito partnership di R&D con imprese leader del settore lungo tutta la catena del valore. La capacità produttiva di Sunrise è stata segnalata come in grado di soddisfare la crescente domanda di materiali per anodi di alta gamma da parte delle sue imprese partner contrattuali. Il Canale Radio e Televisione della Provincia di Guizhou ha elogiato Sunrise per il suo ruolo nella promozione dello sviluppo dell'industria di alta qualità e nel contribuire all'economia locale.

Sunrise New Energy Co., (NASDAQ: EPOW) ha reportado un incremento significativo del 132% en el volumen de ventas durante la primera mitad de 2024, vendiendo 10,400 toneladas de productos. La compañía, destacada en un informe de Guizhou TV, es reconocida como un fabricante líder de materiales para ánodos de baterías de iones de litio. Sunrise posee más de 70 patentes a nivel global y ofrece una amplia gama de materiales para ánodos, incluyendo grafito sintético, grafito natural, grafito compuesto, carbono suave, carbono duro y silicio-carbono.

Estos productos son ampliamente utilizados en electrónica, vehículos eléctricos y almacenamiento de energía. La empresa ha establecido asociaciones de I+D con empresas líderes en la industria a lo largo de la cadena de valor. Se informa que la capacidad de producción de Sunrise es suficiente para satisfacer la creciente demanda de materiales para ánodos de alta gama por parte de sus empresas líderes contratadas. El Canal de Radio y Televisión de Guizhou elogió a Sunrise por su papel en la promoción de un desarrollo industrial de alta calidad y su contribución a la economía local.

Sunrise New Energy Co., (NASDAQ: EPOW)는 2024년 상반기 매출량에 대해 132% 증가를 보고하며 10,400톤의 제품을 판매했습니다. 구이저우 TV의 보도에 소개된 이 회사는 리튬 이온 배터리 음극 소재의 선도적인 제조업체로 인식받고 있습니다. Sunrise는 70개 이상의 글로벌 특허를 보유하고 있으며, 합성 그래파이트, 자연 그래파이트, 복합 그래파이트, 연성 탄소, 경성 탄소 및 실리콘-탄소 등 다양한 음극 소재를 제공합니다.

이들 제품은 전자기기, 전기 자동차 및 에너지 저장 시스템에서 널리 사용됩니다. 회사는 가치 사슬 전반에 걸쳐 업계 선도 기업과의 연구 개발 파트너십을 구축했습니다. Sunrise의 생산 능력은 계약된 선도 기업의 고급 음극 소재에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족할 수 있는 것으로 보고되고 있습니다. 구이저우성 라디오 및 텔레비전 채널은 Sunrise가 고품질 산업 발전을 촉진하고 지역 경제에 기여하는 역할을 높이 평가했습니다.

Sunrise New Energy Co., (NASDAQ: EPOW) a rapporté une augmentation significative de 132% du volume des ventes pour le premier semestre 2024, vendant 10 400 tonnes de produits. L'entreprise, mise en avant dans un reportage de Guizhou TV, est reconnue comme un fabricant leader de matériaux d'anodes pour batteries lithium-ion. Sunrise détient plus de 70 brevets mondiaux et propose une large gamme de matériaux d'anodes, y compris le graphite synthétique, le graphite naturel, le graphite composite, le carbone doux, le carbone dur et le silico-carbone.

Ces produits sont largement utilisés dans l'électronique, les véhicules électriques et le stockage d'énergie. L'entreprise a établi des partenariats en R&D avec des entreprises de premier plan du secteur à travers toute la chaîne de valeur. La capacité de production de Sunrise est rapportée comme étant en mesure de répondre à la demande croissante en matériaux d'anodes haut de gamme de la part de ses entreprises partenaires contractuelles. La chaîne de Radio et Télévision de la province de Guizhou a félicité Sunrise pour son rôle dans la promotion d'un développement industriel de haute qualité et sa contribution à l'économie locale.

Sunrise New Energy Co., (NASDAQ: EPOW) hat einen signifikanten Anstieg des Verkaufsvolumens von 132% für das erste Halbjahr 2024 gemeldet und 10.400 Tonnen Produkte verkauft. Das Unternehmen, das in einem Bericht des Guizhou TV vorgestellt wurde, ist als führender Hersteller von Anodenmaterialien für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien anerkannt. Sunrise hält über 70 globale Patente und bietet eine breite Palette von Anodenmaterialien an, darunter synthetisches Graphit, natürliches Graphit, Verbundgraphit, weicher Kohlenstoff, harter Kohlenstoff und Silizium-Kohlenstoff.

Diese Produkte finden breite Anwendung in der Elektronik, in Elektrofahrzeugen und in der Energiespeicherung. Das Unternehmen hat F&E-Partnerschaften mit führenden Unternehmen der Branche entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette etabliert. Sunrise wird berichtet, dass die Produktionskapazität der steigenden Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Anodenmaterialien von seinen vertraglich geregelten führenden Unternehmen gerecht wird. Der Rundfunk- und Fernsehsender der Provinz Guizhou lobte Sunrise für ihre Rolle bei der Förderung einer qualitativ hochwertigen Industrieentwicklung und für ihren Beitrag zur lokalen Wirtschaft.

  • 132% increase in sales volume for the first half of 2024
  • Over 70 global patents held
  • Wide range of anode materials offered for various applications
  • R&D partnerships established with industry-leading enterprises
  • Production capacity meeting increasing demand from contracted leading enterprises
  • None.

Sunrise's 132% year-over-year increase in sales volume for H1 2024 is a significant achievement, especially in the competitive lithium-ion battery materials market. This growth suggests strong demand for their products and effective market penetration strategies. However, it's important to note that revenue figures weren't disclosed, leaving questions about pricing and profit margins unanswered.

The company's diverse product portfolio and 70+ global patents indicate a strong commitment to R&D and innovation, which could provide a competitive edge. Partnerships with industry leaders across the value chain are positive indicators for future growth. Yet, investors should be cautious as the battery materials market is highly competitive and subject to rapid technological changes.

Sunrise's product range covering synthetic graphite, natural graphite, composite graphite, soft carbon, hard carbon and silicon-carbon demonstrates a comprehensive approach to anode materials. This diversity allows them to cater to various applications in electronics, EVs and energy storage, potentially insulating them from sector-specific downturns.

The mention of partnerships with industry-leading enterprises is particularly noteworthy. Such collaborations often lead to product improvements and can secure long-term contracts. However, the rapid pace of innovation in battery technology means Sunrise must continually invest in R&D to maintain its competitive position. The 70+ patents are a good start, but ongoing innovation will be important for long-term success in this dynamic field.

The 132% increase in sales volume is impressive, but it's important to contextualize this growth. The global lithium-ion battery market is experiencing rapid expansion, driven by increased EV adoption and renewable energy storage needs. Sunrise's growth aligns with this trend, but investors should compare it to overall market growth and competitor performance for a clearer picture.

The company's focus on high-end anode materials and partnerships with leading enterprises suggests a strong market position. However, the battery materials market is highly sensitive to technological advancements and raw material prices. Sunrise's ability to maintain its growth trajectory will depend on its continued innovation, cost management and ability to secure long-term supply contracts with major players in the EV and energy storage sectors.

ZIBO, China, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sunrise New Energy Co., Ltd. (“Sunrise”, the “Company”, “we” or “our”) (NASDAQ: EPOW), today announced that the Guizhou Provincial Radio and Television Channel's "Finance Qianxinan" program featured an interview with Mr. Haiping Hu, the founder and CEO of Sunrise.

The report highlighted that Sunrise is a leading manufacturer of lithium-ion battery anode materials, driving industrial innovation through technological innovation and has held more than 70 patents globally. Sunrise's products cover a wide range of anode materials, including synthetic graphite, natural graphite, composite graphite, soft carbon, hard carbon, and silicon-carbon, which are widely used in electronics, electric vehicles, and energy storage. Sunrise has established in-depth R&D partnerships with multiple industry-leading enterprises across the value chain.

“In the first half of 2024, Sunrise (Guizhou) New Energy Materials Co., Ltd. has sold 10,400 tons products, representing a 132% increase compared to the same period last year.” commented by Mr. Haiping Hu. “The Company’s production capacity can meet the increasing demand for high-end anode materials from multiple leading enterprises it has contracted with.”

Guizhou Provincial Radio and Television Channel commented that Sunrise strengthens the leading role of technological innovation and industrialization. The Company continuously enhances its competitiveness, effectively promoting the high-quality development of the industry, and has made a positive contribution to the economy of Guizhou Province.

About Sunrise New Energy Co., Ltd

Headquartered in Zibo, Shandong Province, China, Sunrise New Energy Co., Ltd., through its joint venture, is engaged in the manufacturing and sale of graphite anode material for lithium-ion batteries. The Company's joint venture has completed the construction of a manufacturing facility with a production capacity of 50,000 tons in Guizhou Province, China. The plant runs on inexpensive electricity from renewable sources, which helps to make Sunrise New Energy a low-cost and low–environmental-impact producer of graphite anode material. Mr. Haiping Hu, the founder and CEO of the Company, is a major pioneer for the graphite anode industry in China starting from 1999. The Company’s management team is also composed of experts with years of experiences and strong track-records of success in the graphite anode industry. In addition, the Company also operates a knowledge sharing platform in China. For further information, please visit the Company’s website at

Forward-looking statement

Certain statements in this press release regarding the Company's future expectations, plans and prospects constitute forward-looking statements as defined by Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include statements about plans, goals, objectives, strategies, future events, expected results, assumptions and any other factual statements that have not occurred. Any words that refer to "may", "will", "want", "should", "believe", "expect", "expect", "estimate", "estimate" or similar non-factual words, shall be regarded as forward-looking statements. Due to various factors, the actual results may differ materially from the historical results or the contents expressed in these forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the company's strategic objectives, the company's future plans, market demand and user acceptance of the company's products or services, technological updates, economic trends, the company's reputation and brand, the impact of industry competition and bidding, relevant policies and regulations, the ups and downs of China's macroeconomic conditions, the relevant international market conditions, and other related risks and assumptions disclosed in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F published on the SEC’s website. In view of the above and other related reasons, we urge investors to visit the SEC’s website and consider other factors that may affect the Company's future operating results. The Company is under no obligation to make public amendments to changes in these forward-looking statements unless required by law.

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IR Department


Phone: +86 4009919228


What was Sunrise New Energy's (EPOW) sales volume increase in the first half of 2024?

Sunrise New Energy Co., (NASDAQ: EPOW) reported a 132% increase in sales volume for the first half of 2024, selling 10,400 tons of products compared to the same period last year.

How many patents does Sunrise New Energy (EPOW) hold globally?

Sunrise New Energy Co., (NASDAQ: EPOW) holds more than 70 patents globally, as reported in the Guizhou TV interview with the company's CEO.

What types of anode materials does Sunrise New Energy (EPOW) manufacture?

Sunrise New Energy (EPOW) manufactures a wide range of anode materials, including synthetic graphite, natural graphite, composite graphite, soft carbon, hard carbon, and silicon-carbon.

In which industries are Sunrise New Energy's (EPOW) products used?

Sunrise New Energy's (EPOW) anode materials are widely used in electronics, electric vehicles, and energy storage industries.

Sunrise New Energy Co., Ltd


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