Enterprise Products Partners L.P. 2024 Form 10-K Now Available
Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) has announced the filing of its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024 with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The report is now accessible on the company's website, with hard copies available upon request.
As one of the largest publicly traded partnerships, EPD is a leading North American midstream energy services provider with extensive infrastructure including:
- Over 50,000 miles of pipelines
- More than 300 million barrels of storage capacity for NGLs, crude oil, petrochemicals and refined products
- 14 billion cubic feet of natural gas storage capacity
The company provides comprehensive services including natural gas gathering, treating, processing, transportation and storage; NGL operations; crude oil logistics; petrochemical and refined products services; and marine transportation across key U.S. inland and intracoastal waterway systems.
Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) ha annunciato il deposito del suo Rapporto Annuale sul Modulo 10-K per l'anno conclusosi il 31 dicembre 2024 presso la Securities and Exchange Commission. Il rapporto è ora accessibile sul sito web della società, con copie cartacee disponibili su richiesta.
Come una delle più grandi partnership quotate in borsa, EPD è un fornitore leader di servizi energetici midstream in Nord America con un'infrastruttura estesa che include:
- Oltre 80.000 chilometri di oleodotti
- Più di 300 milioni di barili di capacità di stoccaggio per NGL, petrolio greggio, prodotti petrolchimici e prodotti raffinati
- 14 miliardi di piedi cubi di capacità di stoccaggio di gas naturale
La società offre servizi completi che includono raccolta, trattamento, lavorazione, trasporto e stoccaggio di gas naturale; operazioni NGL; logistica del petrolio greggio; servizi di prodotti petrolchimici e raffinati; e trasporto marittimo attraverso i principali sistemi idrici interni e intracoastal degli Stati Uniti.
Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) ha anunciado la presentación de su Informe Anual en el Formulario 10-K para el año que finalizó el 31 de diciembre de 2024 ante la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores. El informe ya está accesible en el sitio web de la empresa, con copias impresas disponibles a solicitud.
Como una de las asociaciones que cotizan en bolsa más grandes, EPD es un proveedor líder de servicios energéticos midstream en América del Norte con una infraestructura extensa que incluye:
- Más de 80,000 millas de oleoductos
- Más de 300 millones de barriles de capacidad de almacenamiento para NGL, petróleo crudo, productos petroquímicos y productos refinados
- 14 mil millones de pies cúbicos de capacidad de almacenamiento de gas natural
La empresa proporciona servicios integrales que incluyen recolección, tratamiento, procesamiento, transporte y almacenamiento de gas natural; operaciones de NGL; logística de petróleo crudo; servicios de productos petroquímicos y refinados; y transporte marítimo a través de los principales sistemas de vías navegables interiores e intracosteras de EE.UU.
Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD)는 2024년 12월 31일 종료된 연도의 10-K 양식 연례 보고서를 증권 거래 위원회에 제출했다고 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 회사 웹사이트에서 접근할 수 있으며, 요청 시 인쇄본도 제공됩니다.
EPD는 가장 큰 상장 파트너십 중 하나로, 북미의 주요 중간 에너지 서비스 제공업체로서 다음과 같은 광범위한 인프라를 보유하고 있습니다:
- 50,000마일 이상의 파이프라인
- 300백만 배럴 이상의 NGL, 원유, 석유화학 및 정제 제품 저장 용량
- 140억 입방피트의 천연가스 저장 용량
회사는 천연가스 수집, 처리, 가공, 운송 및 저장; NGL 운영; 원유 물류; 석유화학 및 정제 제품 서비스; 그리고 미국의 주요 내륙 및 해안 수로 시스템을 통한 해상 운송을 포함한 종합 서비스를 제공합니다.
Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) a annoncé le dépôt de son Rapport Annuel sur le Formulaire 10-K pour l'année se terminant le 31 décembre 2024 auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission. Le rapport est désormais accessible sur le site Web de la société, avec des copies papier disponibles sur demande.
En tant que l'un des plus grands partenariats cotés en bourse, EPD est un fournisseur leader de services énergétiques midstream en Amérique du Nord avec une infrastructure étendue comprenant :
- Plus de 80 000 miles de pipelines
- Plus de 300 millions de barils de capacité de stockage pour les NGL, le pétrole brut, les produits pétrochimiques et les produits raffinés
- 14 milliards de pieds cubes de capacité de stockage de gaz naturel
La société fournit des services complets comprenant la collecte, le traitement, le traitement, le transport et le stockage de gaz naturel ; les opérations NGL ; la logistique du pétrole brut ; les services de produits pétrochimiques et raffinés ; et le transport maritime à travers les principaux systèmes de voies navigables intérieures et intracoastales des États-Unis.
Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) hat die Einreichung seines Jahresberichts auf Formular 10-K für das am 31. Dezember 2024 endende Jahr bei der Securities and Exchange Commission bekannt gegeben. Der Bericht ist nun auf der Website des Unternehmens verfügbar, gedruckte Kopien sind auf Anfrage erhältlich.
Als eine der größten börsennotierten Partnerschaften ist EPD ein führender Anbieter von Midstream-Energiedienstleistungen in Nordamerika mit umfangreicher Infrastruktur, die umfasst:
- Über 80.000 Meilen von Pipelines
- Mehr als 300 Millionen Barrel Lagerkapazität für NGLs, Rohöl, petrochemische Produkte und raffinerierte Produkte
- 14 Milliarden Kubikfuß Lagerkapazität für Erdgas
Das Unternehmen bietet umfassende Dienstleistungen an, darunter die Sammlung, Behandlung, Verarbeitung, den Transport und die Lagerung von Erdgas; NGL-Betrieb; Rohöllogistik; petrochemische und raffinierte Produktdienstleistungen; sowie den maritimen Transport über wichtige Binnen- und Intraküstenwasserstraßensysteme der USA.
- Extensive infrastructure network with 50,000+ miles of pipelines
- Large storage capacity of 300+ million barrels for various products
- Significant natural gas storage capacity of 14 billion cubic feet
- Diversified service portfolio across multiple energy sectors
- None.
Enterprise Products Partners L.P. is one of the largest publicly traded partnerships and a leading North American provider of midstream energy services to producers and consumers of natural gas, NGLs, crude oil, refined products and petrochemicals. Services include: natural gas gathering, treating, processing, transportation and storage; NGL transportation, fractionation, storage and marine terminals; crude oil gathering, transportation, storage and marine terminals; petrochemical and refined products transportation, storage and marine terminals; and a marine transportation business that operates on key
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250228186600/en/
Libby Strait, Investor Relations (713) 381-4754 or (866) 230-0745, investor.relations@eprod.com
Rick Rainey, Media Relations (713) 381-3635, RRainey@eprod.com
Source: Enterprise Products Partners L.P.
What infrastructure assets does Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) currently operate?
What services does Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) provide in the energy sector?
Where can investors access Enterprise Products Partners' (EPD) 2024 Annual Report?