Enterprise Expanding Houston Ship Channel Export Facility

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Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) has announced a significant expansion project along the Houston Ship Channel to meet growing customer demand for natural gas liquids (NGL) export capacity. The company is increasing refrigeration capacity at its Enterprise Hydrocarbons Terminal (EHT), which will boost propane and butane export capabilities by approximately 300,000 barrels per day (BPD). This expansion, set to be operational by the end of 2026, will also enhance loading rates and create additional capacity for propylene exports.

Additionally, Enterprise is developing the Neches River Terminal (NRT) in Orange County, Texas. Phase 1 of NRT, expected to begin service in the second half of 2025, includes a new loading dock, an ethane refrigeration train with 120,000 BPD capacity, and a 900,000-barrel refrigerated tank. Phase 2, slated for the first half of 2026, will further increase ethane and propane loading capabilities.

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) ha annunciato un importante progetto di espansione lungo il Canale Navigabile di Houston per soddisfare la crescente domanda dei clienti per la capacità di esportazione di liquidi di gas naturale (NGL). L'azienda sta aumentando la capacità di refrigerazione presso il suo Terminal Hydrocarbons Enterprise (EHT), il che aumenterà le capacità di esportazione di propano e butano di circa 300.000 barili al giorno (BPD). Questa espansione, che dovrebbe essere operativa entro la fine del 2026, migliorerà anche i tassi di carico e creerà ulteriore capacità per le esportazioni di propilene.

Inoltre, Enterprise sta sviluppando il Terminal Neches River (NRT) nella Contea di Orange, Texas. La Fase 1 del NRT, prevista per entrare in servizio nel secondo semestre del 2025, comprende un nuovo molo di carico, un treno di refrigerazione per etano con una capacità di 120.000 BPD e un serbatoio refrigerato da 900.000 barili. La Fase 2, prevista per la prima metà del 2026, aumenterà ulteriormente le capacità di carico di etano e propano.

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) ha anunciado un importante proyecto de expansión a lo largo del Canal de Navegación de Houston para satisfacer la creciente demanda de los clientes de capacidad de exportación de líquidos de gas natural (NGL). La empresa está aumentando la capacidad de refrigeración en su Terminal de Hidrocarburos Enterprise (EHT), lo que mejorará las capacidades de exportación de propano y butano en aproximadamente 300.000 barriles por día (BPD). Esta expansión, que se espera esté operativa para finales de 2026, también mejorará las tasas de carga y generará capacidad adicional para las exportaciones de propileno.

Además, Enterprise está desarrollando el Terminal del Río Neches (NRT) en el Condado de Orange, Texas. La Fase 1 del NRT, que se espera inicie operaciones en la segunda mitad de 2025, incluye un nuevo muelle de carga, un tren de refrigeración de etano con capacidad de 120.000 BPD y un tanque refrigerado de 900.000 barriles. La Fase 2, programada para la primer mitad de 2026, aumentará aún más las capacidades de carga de etano y propano.

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD)는 증가하는 고객의 액화 천연가스(NGL) 수출 용량에 대한 수요를 충족하기 위해 휴스턴 항로를 따라 중요한 확장 프로젝트를 발표했습니다. 회사는 냉각 용량을 증가시키고 있으며, 이를 통해 프로판 및 부탄의 수출 능력이 약 300,000 배럴/일 (BPD) 증가할 것입니다. 이 확장은 2026년 말까지 운영될 예정이며, 하역 비율을 향상시키고 프로필렌 수출을 위한 추가 용량을 창출하게 됩니다.

또한 Enterprise는 텍사스 오렌지 카운티에 있는 네체스 강 터미널(NRT)을 개발하고 있습니다. NRT의 1단계는 2025년 하반기에 서비스를 시작할 것으로 예상되며, 새로운 하역 부두, 120,000 BPD의 용량을 가진 에탄 냉각 트레인, 그리고 900,000 배럴 용량의 냉각 탱크를 포함합니다. 2단계는 2026년 상반기에 예정되어 있으며, 에탄 및 프로판의 하역 능력을 더욱 증가시킬 것입니다.

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) a annoncé un projet d'expansion important le long du Houston Ship Channel afin de répondre à la demande croissante des clients pour la capacité d'exportation de liquides de gaz naturel (NGL). L'entreprise augmente sa capacité de réfrigération à son Terminal Hydrocarbons Enterprise (EHT), ce qui permettra d'augmenter les capacités d'exportation de propane et de butane d'environ 300 000 barils par jour (BPD). Cette expansion, qui devrait être opérationnelle d'ici la fin de 2026, améliorera également les taux de chargement et créera une capacité supplémentaire pour les exportations de propylène.

De plus, Enterprise développe le Terminal Neches River (NRT) dans le comté d'Orange, Texas. La phase 1 du NRT, qui devrait entrer en service dans la deuxième moitié de 2025, comprend un nouveau quai de chargement, un train de réfrigération d'éthane d'une capacité de 120 000 BPD et un réservoir réfrigéré de 900 000 barils. La phase 2, prévue pour la première moitié de 2026, augmentera encore les capacités de chargement d'éthane et de propane.

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) hat ein bedeutendes Expansionsprojekt entlang des Houston Ship Channels angekündigt, um der wachsenden Kundennachfrage nach Exportkapazitäten für Flüssiggas (NGL) gerecht zu werden. Das Unternehmen erhöht die Kühlkapazität seines Enterprise Hydrocarbons Terminal (EHT), was die Exportmöglichkeiten für Propan und Butan um etwa 300.000 Barrel pro Tag (BPD) steigern wird. Diese Expansion, die bis Ende 2026 betriebsbereit sein soll, wird auch die Ladequoten verbessern und zusätzliche Kapazitäten für Propylenausfuhren schaffen.

Zusätzlich entwickelt Enterprise das Neches River Terminal (NRT) im Orange County, Texas. Phase 1 des NRT, die voraussichtlich in der zweiten Hälfte von 2025 in Betrieb gehen wird, umfasst ein neues Ladeberth, eine Ethan-Kühlanlage mit einer Kapazität von 120.000 BPD und einen gekühlten Tank mit 900.000 Barrel. Phase 2, die für die erste Hälfte von 2026 angesetzt ist, wird die Ladefähigkeiten für Ethan und Propan weiter erhöhen.

  • Expansion of EHT to increase propane and butane export capacity by 300,000 BPD
  • Development of Neches River Terminal with phased capacity increases
  • Increased loading rates for propane, butane, and propylene exports
  • Strong customer demand for U.S. hydrocarbons and export capacity
  • Growth capital for projects within existing forecasted expenditure ranges
  • None.

Enterprise Products Partners' expansion of its Houston Ship Channel export facility is a significant development for the energy infrastructure sector. The addition of refrigeration capacity at the Enterprise Hydrocarbons Terminal (EHT) will increase propane and butane export capabilities by 300,000 barrels per day, a substantial boost to the company's liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) export capacity.

This expansion, coupled with the ongoing development of the Neches River Terminal (NRT), demonstrates Enterprise's strategic positioning to capitalize on the growing global demand for U.S. hydrocarbons. The phased approach at NRT, with its flexible product capacity, showcases the company's adaptability to market needs.

From an investor's perspective, these expansions are likely to strengthen Enterprise's market position in the midstream energy sector. The projects fit within the company's existing growth capital expenditure forecasts, suggesting prudent financial management. The increased export capabilities could potentially lead to higher throughput volumes and revenues, especially given the strong customer demand mentioned.

However, investors should consider potential risks such as:

  • Global energy market volatility
  • Regulatory changes affecting exports
  • Competition from other export facilities

Overall, this expansion aligns with the broader trend of increasing U.S. hydrocarbon exports and positions Enterprise to potentially benefit from this growing market.

Enterprise Products Partners' expansion project represents a strategic investment in its export infrastructure. While specific financial figures for the expansion aren't provided, the company's statement that the growth capital fits within existing forecasted ranges for 2024-2026 is noteworthy. This suggests the expansion is well-planned and budgeted, potentially minimizing financial strain or the need for additional capital raising.

The increased export capacity could translate into higher revenue streams in the medium to long term. With an additional 300,000 barrels per day of propane and butane export capability at EHT, plus the phased capacity increases at NRT, Enterprise is positioning itself to capture a larger share of the growing U.S. hydrocarbon export market.

Investors should consider the following financial implications:

  • Potential for increased revenue and cash flow once the expansions are operational
  • Possible improvement in asset utilization rates
  • Enhanced competitive position in the midstream sector

However, it's important to monitor the execution of these projects, as delays or cost overruns could impact the expected returns. Additionally, the long-term profitability will depend on global demand for LPG and ethane, as well as Enterprise's ability to secure long-term contracts for the new capacity.

Given Enterprise's track record and the apparent strong customer demand driving these expansions, this move appears to be a positive development for the company's long-term financial outlook.

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE: EPD) today announced that it is moving forward with a key expansion project along the Houston Ship Channel in response to continued strong customer demand for natural gas liquids export capacity. At the Enterprise Hydrocarbons Terminal (“EHT”), the company is adding refrigeration capacity that will increase propane and butane export capabilities by approximately 300,000 barrels per day (“BPD”). In addition to providing incremental capacity for liquefied petroleum gas (“LPG”), the expansion will increase instantaneous loading rates for propane and butane, while making additional capacity available for propylene exports. The expanded service is expected to begin by the end of 2026.

The need for increased LPG capacity at EHT is being driven by the success Enterprise has had in contracting the company’s flexible product capacity at its Neches River Terminal (“NRT”) being developed in Orange County, Texas, adjacent to the company’s Beaumont East refined products terminal. Phase 1 of the NRT buildout includes the addition of a new loading dock, an ethane refrigeration train with a nameplate capacity of 120,000 BPD, and a 900,000-barrel refrigerated tank that will accommodate loading rates up to 45,000 barrels per hour. Phase 1 is expected to begin service in the second half of 2025.

Phase 2 includes a second refrigeration train that will allow Enterprise to load up to 180,000 BPD of ethane, 360,000 BPD of propane, or a combination of the two. The second phase is expected to begin service in the first half of 2026.

Growth capital associated with the EHT and NRT projects fits within the company’s existing forecasted growth capital expenditure ranges for 2024-2026.

A.J. “Jim” Teague, co-chief executive officer for Enterprise’s general partner, said, “Enterprise has received significant interest in ethane and LPG exports systemwide. Additional interest in expanded capacity reflects continued demand for U.S. hydrocarbons and Enterprise’s ability to quickly and economically expand our footprint to meet those needs.”

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. is one of the largest publicly traded partnerships and a leading North American provider of midstream energy services to producers and consumers of natural gas, NGLs, crude oil, refined products and petrochemicals. Services include: natural gas gathering, treating, processing, transportation and storage; NGL transportation, fractionation, storage and marine terminals; crude oil gathering, transportation, storage and marine terminals; petrochemical and refined products production, transportation, storage, and marine terminals and related services; and a marine transportation business that operates on key U.S. inland and intracoastal waterway systems. The partnership’s assets include more than 50,000 miles of pipelines; over 300 million barrels of storage capacity for NGLs, crude oil, refined products and petrochemicals; and 14 billion cubic feet of natural gas storage capacity. Please visit for more information.

This press release includes “forward-looking statements” as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein that address activities, events, developments or transactions that Enterprise and its general partner expect, believe or anticipate will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from expectations, including required approvals by regulatory agencies, the possibility that the anticipated benefits from such activities, events, developments or transactions cannot be fully realized, the possibility that costs or difficulties related thereto will be greater than expected, the impact of competition, and other risk factors included in Enterprise’s reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates. Except as required by law, Enterprise does not intend to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Libby Strait, Investor Relations, (713) 381-4754 or (866) 230-0745,

Rick Rainey, Media Relations, (713) 381-3635,

Source: Enterprise Products Partners L.P.


What is Enterprise Products Partners' plan to expand its Houston Ship Channel export facility?

Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) is expanding its Enterprise Hydrocarbons Terminal (EHT) by adding refrigeration capacity to increase propane and butane export capabilities by approximately 300,000 barrels per day, with the expanded service expected to begin by the end of 2026.

How much will EPD's propane and butane export capacity increase with the new expansion?

The expansion at Enterprise Products Partners' (EPD) Enterprise Hydrocarbons Terminal will increase propane and butane export capabilities by approximately 300,000 barrels per day.

When is the expanded service at EPD's Houston Ship Channel facility expected to begin?

The expanded service at Enterprise Products Partners' (EPD) Houston Ship Channel facility is expected to begin by the end of 2026.

What are the details of EPD's Neches River Terminal development?

Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) is developing the Neches River Terminal in two phases. Phase 1 includes a new loading dock, an ethane refrigeration train with 120,000 BPD capacity, and a 900,000-barrel refrigerated tank, expected to begin service in the second half of 2025. Phase 2 will add a second refrigeration train, increasing capacity further, and is expected to begin service in the first half of 2026.

Enterprise Products Partners L.P.


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Oil & Gas Midstream
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