Edgewell Personal Care Receives U.S. EPA 2024 SmartWay Excellence Award

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Edgewell Personal Care Company (NYSE: EPC) has been awarded the SmartWay® Excellence Award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its outstanding environmental performance in freight and supply chain operations. Edgewell was one of only 18 shipper companies to receive this distinction among SmartWay's 4,000+ Partners.

The company's achievements include:

  • 94% of U.S. shipping by volume and distance completed by SmartWay® carriers in FY23
  • Maximizing truckloads and consolidating shipments to reduce total freight miles
  • Optimizing logistics to advance sustainability objectives

This recognition highlights Edgewell's commitment to efficiency and sustainability in its supply chain operations, demonstrating how environmental responsibility can be a business enabler.

Edgewell Personal Care Company (NYSE: EPC) ha ricevuto il SmartWay® Excellence Award dalla U.S. Environmental Protection Agency per le sue eccezionali prestazioni ambientali nelle operazioni di trasporto e nella catena di approvvigionamento. Edgewell è stata una delle sole 18 aziende committenti a ricevere questa distinzione tra oltre 4.000 Partner di SmartWay.

I successi dell'azienda includono:

  • Il 94% delle spedizioni negli Stati Uniti per volume e distanza completate da vettori SmartWay® nel FY23
  • Massimizzazione dei carichi di camion e consolidamento delle spedizioni per ridurre i chilometri totali di trasporto
  • Ottimizzazione della logistica per promuovere obiettivi di sostenibilità

Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno di Edgewell per l'efficienza e la sostenibilità nelle sue operazioni di catena di approvvigionamento, dimostrando come la responsabilità ambientale possa essere un fattore abilitante per il business.

Edgewell Personal Care Company (NYSE: EPC) ha sido galardonada con el SmartWay® Excellence Award por parte de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE. UU. por su destacado desempeño ambiental en operaciones de carga y cadena de suministro. Edgewell fue una de las 18 empresas remitentes que recibió esta distinción entre los más de 4.000 socios de SmartWay.

Los logros de la compañía incluyen:

  • El 94% del envío en EE. UU. por volumen y distancia completado por transportistas de SmartWay® en el FY23
  • Maximización de la carga de camiones y consolidación de envíos para reducir las millas totales de carga
  • Optimización de la logística para avanzar en los objetivos de sostenibilidad

Este reconocimiento subraya el compromiso de Edgewell con la eficiencia y la sostenibilidad en sus operaciones de cadena de suministro, demostrando cómo la responsabilidad ambiental puede ser un facilitador del negocio.

엣지웰 퍼스널 케어 컴퍼니 (NYSE: EPC)는 미국 환경 보호국으로부터 화물 및 공급망 운영의 뛰어난 환경 성과로 스마트웨이(SmartWay®) 우수상을 수상했습니다. 엣지웰은 4,000개 이상의 스마트웨이 파트너 중 단 18개 화주 회사 중 하나로 이 영예를 안았습니다.

회사의 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • FY23 기준으로 미국의 총 화물량 및 거리의 94%가 스마트웨이(SmartWay®) 운송업체에 의해 완료됨
  • 트럭을 최대한 활용하고, 배송을 통합하여 총 화물 마일을 줄임
  • 지속 가능성 목표를 달성하기 위한 물류 최적화

이번 인정은 공급망 운영에서의 효율성과 지속 가능성에 대한 엣지웰의 약속을 강조하며, 환경 책임이 비즈니스의 촉진제가 될 수 있음을 보여줍니다.

Edgewell Personal Care Company (NYSE: EPC) a reçu le SmartWay® Excellence Award de l'Agence de protection de l'environnement des États-Unis pour ses performances environnementales exceptionnelles dans les opérations de fret et de chaîne d'approvisionnement. Edgewell était l'une des seules 18 entreprises expéditrices à recevoir cette distinction parmi plus de 4 000 partenaires de SmartWay.

Les réalisations de l'entreprise comprennent :

  • 94 % des expéditions aux États-Unis, en volume et en distance, réalisées par des transporteurs SmartWay® au cours de l'exercice 23
  • Maximisation des chargements de camions et consolidation des envois pour réduire le nombre total de kilomètres parcourus
  • Optimisation de la logistique pour faire avancer les objectifs de durabilité

Cette reconnaissance souligne l'engagement d'Edgewell en faveur de l'efficacité et de la durabilité dans ses opérations de chaîne d'approvisionnement, montrant comment la responsabilité environnementale peut être un catalyseur pour les affaires.

Edgewell Personal Care Company (NYSE: EPC) wurde von der U.S. Environmental Protection Agency mit dem SmartWay® Excellence Award für ihre hervorragende Umweltleistung im Fracht- und Lieferkettenbetrieb ausgezeichnet. Edgewell war eines von nur 18 Versandunternehmen, die diese Auszeichnung unter mehr als 4.000 Partnern von SmartWay erhalten haben.

Zu den Leistungen des Unternehmens gehören:

  • 94 % der Fracht in den USA, gemessen an Volumen und Distanz, wurde im Geschäftsjahr 23 von SmartWay®-Transportunternehmen erledigt
  • Maximierung der Lkw-Ladungen und Konsolidierung von Sendungen zur Reduzierung der gesamten Frachtstrecke
  • Optimierung der Logistik zur Förderung von Nachhaltigkeitszielen

Diese Anerkennung hebt das Engagement von Edgewell für Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit in seinen Lieferkettenoperationen hervor und zeigt, wie Umweltverantwortung ein Geschäftsfaktor sein kann.

  • None.
  • None.

Award Recipients are Top Environmental Performers and Leaders for Freight Supply Chain Efficiency

SHELTON, Conn., Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Edgewell Personal Care Company (NYSE: EPC) has received the SmartWay® Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as a true industry leader in freight and supply chain environmental performance, and energy efficiency. Edgewell was one of 18 shipper companies to receive this distinction, representing the best environmental performers of SmartWay's more than 4,000 Partners. 

Edgewell has earned this recognition through its deliberate efforts to better optimize and manage distribution. In fact, 94% of Edgewell's U.S. shipping by volume and distance was completed by U.S. EPA SmartWay® carriers during FY23 (versus a peer average of 80%). Additionally, Edgewell works to maximize truckloads and consolidate shipments in order to reduce the number of trucks going to any one customer – thereby making fewer, fuller journeys and reducing the total freight miles traveled.

Paul Hibbert, Edgewell's Chief Supply Chain Officer stated, "This award, recognizing Edgewell for its efficiency in Supply Chain Operations is a testament to our teammate's steadfast dedication to bettering our operations. While there's always room for continued improvement and innovation, I'm so proud of the work our team has put forth to get us to this point and am looking forward to the continued growth and innovation that lies ahead of us."

Amy Knight, Vice President of Global Sustainability said, "Optimizing our logistics is an important focus of our business strategy and also helps to advance our sustainability objectives. Being recognized as one of the top environmental performers for our operations is a meaningful moment for Edgewell and illustrates how sustainability can be a true business enabler."

To read more about Edgewell's sustainability commitments and its most recent sustainability report, visit

About Edgewell Personal Care

Edgewell is a leading pure-play consumer products company with an attractive, diversified portfolio of established brand names including Schick® and Wilkinson Sword® men's shaving products; Schick® and Billie® women's shaving products; Edge® and Skintimate® shave preparations; Playtex®, Stayfree®, Carefree® and o.b.® feminine care products; Banana Boat® and Hawaiian Tropic® sun care products; Bulldog®, Jack Black® and Cremo® grooming products; Fieldtrip™ skin care products; and Wet Ones® hygiene products. The Company has a broad global footprint and operates in more than 50 markets, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Japan, the U.K. and Australia, with approximately 6,800 employees worldwide.

About SmartWay
EPA's SmartWay Transport Partnership is a market-driven initiative that empowers businesses to move goods in the cleanest, most energy-efficient way possible, while protecting public health and reducing air pollution. Demonstrating a commitment to corporate sustainability and social responsibility through SmartWay provides for a more competitive business environment, while enabling partners to make freight decisions that have a positive impact on efficiency and the environment.

Since 2004, SmartWay Partners have avoided emitting more than 162 million metric tons of CO2, 2.8 million tons NOX, and 114,000 short tons PM, while saving $52.3 billion in fuel costs and 379 million barrels of oil -- equivalent to eliminating annual energy use in over 25 million homes.

For more information on SmartWay, please visit:

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SOURCE Edgewell Personal Care Company


What award did Edgewell Personal Care (EPC) receive in 2024?

Edgewell Personal Care (EPC) received the SmartWay® Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2024 for its outstanding environmental performance in freight and supply chain operations.

How did Edgewell Personal Care (EPC) improve its freight efficiency?

Edgewell Personal Care (EPC) improved its freight efficiency by using SmartWay® carriers for 94% of its U.S. shipping, maximizing truckloads, and consolidating shipments to reduce the total number of freight miles traveled.

What percentage of Edgewell's (EPC) U.S. shipping was done by SmartWay® carriers in FY23?

In FY23, 94% of Edgewell's (EPC) U.S. shipping by volume and distance was completed by U.S. EPA SmartWay® carriers, compared to a peer average of 80%.

How many shipper companies received the SmartWay® Excellence Award along with Edgewell (EPC)?

Edgewell Personal Care (EPC) was one of 18 shipper companies to receive the SmartWay® Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Edgewell Personal Care Company


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