EPAM Recognized for Best-In-Class AI Initiatives by Brandon Hall Group at the 2024 Human Capital Management Excellence Awards

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EPAM Systems, a digital transformation and product engineering company, has been recognized with five Brandon Hall Group Human Capital Management Excellence Awards for its AI-powered learning initiatives. The company won three gold awards for:

1. Best Use of AI for Learning: Integrating generative AI into educational courses for personalized, efficient learning.
2. Best Competencies and Skill Development: The EngX™ Program, which improved engineer skills by 23% and yielded a 500% ROI in one year.
3. Best Learning Program Supporting Change Transformation: A global AI education initiative covering AI fundamentals, applications, and ethics.

EPAM also received a silver award for Best Learning Team and a bronze for Best Learning Experience Platform Implementation. These achievements highlight EPAM's commitment to fostering an education and engineering culture that supports business transformation and client value delivery in the AI era.

EPAM Systems, un'azienda di trasformazione digitale e ingegneria dei prodotti, è stata premiata con cinque Brandon Hall Group Human Capital Management Excellence Awards per le sue iniziative di apprendimento supportate dall'IA. L'azienda ha vinto tre premi d'oro per:

1. Miglior utilizzo dell'IA per l'apprendimento: integrazione dell'IA generativa nei corsi educativi per un apprendimento personalizzato ed efficiente.
2. Miglior sviluppo delle competenze e delle abilità: il Programma EngX™, che ha migliorato le competenze degli ingegneri del 23% e ha generato un ritorno sull'investimento del 500% in un anno.
3. Miglior programma di apprendimento che supporta la trasformazione: un'iniziativa globale di educazione all'IA che copre le fondamenta, le applicazioni e l'etica dell'IA.

EPAM ha anche ricevuto un premio d'argento per il Miglior Team di Apprendimento e un bronzo per la Miglior Implementazione della Piattaforma di Apprendimento. Questi risultati sottolineano l'impegno di EPAM nel favorire una cultura di educazione e ingegneria che supporta la trasformazione aziendale e la creazione di valore per i clienti nell'era dell'IA.

EPAM Systems, una empresa de transformación digital e ingeniería de productos, ha sido reconocida con cinco premios Brandon Hall Group Human Capital Management Excellence Awards por sus iniciativas de aprendizaje impulsadas por IA. La empresa ganó tres premios de oro por:

1. Mejor uso de IA para el aprendizaje: integración de IA generativa en cursos educativos para un aprendizaje personalizado y eficiente.
2. Mejor desarrollo de competencias y habilidades: el Programa EngX™, que mejoró las habilidades de los ingenieros en un 23% y produjo un ROI del 500% en un año.
3. Mejor programa de aprendizaje que apoya la transformación del cambio: una iniciativa global de educación en IA que cubre fundamentos, aplicaciones y ética de la IA.

EPAM también recibió un premio de plata por el Mejor Equipo de Aprendizaje y un bronce por la Mejor Implementación de Plataforma de Experiencia de Aprendizaje. Estos logros resaltan el compromiso de EPAM por fomentar una cultura de educación e ingeniería que apoya la transformación empresarial y la entrega de valor al cliente en la era de la IA.

EPAM Systems는 디지털 전환 및 제품 엔지니어링 회사로서 다섯 개의 Brandon Hall Group 인적 자본 관리 우수상을 AI 기반 학습 이니셔티브로 수상했습니다. 이 회사는 세 개의 금상을 수상했습니다:

1. 학습을 위한 AI의 최적 사용: 개인화되고 효율적인 학습을 위한 생성적 AI의 교육 과정 통합.
2. 역량 및 기술 개발 최우수상: 엔지니어의 기술을 23% 향상시키고 1년 만에 500% ROI를 달성한 EngX™ 프로그램.
3. 변화 혁신을 지원하는 최고의 학습 프로그램: AI 기본 개념, 응용 프로그램 및 윤리를 다루는 글로벌 AI 교육 이니셔티브.

EPAM은 또한 최고의 학습 팀으로 은상을, 최고의 학습 경험 플랫폼 구현으로 동상을 수상했습니다. 이러한 성취는 EPAM이 교육 및 엔지니어링 문화를 촉진하여 AI 시대의 비즈니스 전환과 고객 가치 제공을 지원하려는 의지를 강조합니다.

EPAM Systems, une entreprise de transformation numérique et d'ingénierie produit, a été récompensée par cinq prix Brandon Hall Group Human Capital Management Excellence Awards pour ses initiatives d'apprentissage alimentées par l'IA. L'entreprise a remporté trois prix d'or pour :

1. Meilleure utilisation de l'IA pour l'apprentissage : intégration de l'IA générative dans des cours éducatifs pour un apprentissage personnalisé et efficace.
2. Meilleure développement des compétences et des capacités : Le programme EngX™, qui a amélioré les compétences des ingénieurs de 23% et a généré un retour sur investissement de 500% en un an.
3. Meilleur programme d'apprentissage soutenant la transformation du changement : une initiative d'éducation mondiale sur l'IA couvrant les fondamentaux, les applications et l'éthique de l'IA.

EPAM a également reçu un prix d'argent pour le meilleur équipe d'apprentissage et un bronze pour la meilleure mise en œuvre d'une plateforme d'expérience d'apprentissage. Ces réalisations soulignent l'engagement d'EPAM à favoriser une culture d'éducation et d'ingénierie qui soutient la transformation des affaires et la création de valeur pour les clients à l'ère de l'IA.

EPAM Systems, ein Unternehmen für digitale Transformation und Produktentwicklung, wurde mit fünf Brandon Hall Group Human Capital Management Excellence Awards für seine KI-gestützten Lerninitiativen ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen gewann drei Goldauszeichnungen für:

1. Beste Nutzung von KI fürs Lernen: Integration von generativer KI in Bildungskurse für personalisiertes und effizientes Lernen.
2. Beste Kompetenzen- und Fähigkeitenentwicklung: Das EngX™-Programm, das die Ingenieursfähigkeiten um 23% verbesserte und in einem Jahr eine Kapitalrendite von 500% erzielte.
3. Bestes Lernprogramm zur Unterstützung der Veränderungstransformation: Eine globale KI-Bildungsinitiative, die KI-Grundlagen, Anwendungen und Ethik abdeckt.

EPAM erhielt auch einen Silberpreis für das beste Lernteam und einen Bronze für die beste Implementierung einer Lernplattform. Diese Erfolge verdeutlichen EPAMs Engagement für die Förderung einer Bildungs- und Ingenieurskultur, die die Unternehmensveränderung und die Wertschöpfung für Kunden in der KI-Ära unterstützt.

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EPAM takes home the gold for Best Use of AI for Learning, Best Competencies and Skill Development and Best Learning Program Supporting a Change Transformation Business Strategy

NEWTOWN, Pa., Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As AI continues to revolutionize industries and impact how we work, it is critical to invest in learning and development programs that empower team members to use AI more effectively and support business transformation. EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM), a leading digital transformation services and product engineering company, today announced it won five coveted Brandon Hall Group Human Capital Management Excellence Awards®, including three gold awards recognizing its use of AI for learning and development.  

"We're honored to be recognized by Brandon Hall for building effective AI-powered learning programs that help people enhance their knowledge of AI applications and continuously upskill in a dynamic business environment," said Aleksey Didik, Senior Director, Technology Consulting at EPAM. "Our teams' knowledge and expertise are the keys to our success. As we continue to expand our end-to-end AI capabilities and make the future real, we look forward to further helping our clients accelerate productivity, automate operations and unlock new business models with AI."

EPAM won three gold awards in the following categories:

  • Best Use of AI for Learning. By integrating generative AI into educational courses, EPAM created a more efficient, customized and scalable approach to learning for employees. The AI-powered personalized learning platform improves engagement with tailored content and instant feedback upon task completion to support individual growth trajectories.
  • Best Competencies and Skill Development. EPAM's Engineering Excellence (EngX™) Program helps establish a robust engineering culture across the organization by providing engineers with up-to-date training and resources to stay competitive, improve productivity and enhance value delivery to clients. The program resulted in a 23% increase in skills among engineers, 18% reduction in code review and rework time and a 500% return on investment in one year.
  • Best Learning Program Supporting a Change Transformation Business Strategy. To embody an AI-ready organization and support business transformation, EPAM created a global AI education initiative to nurture employees' AI knowledge, aligning with current trends and addressing the dynamic demands of clients. The program covers topics such as AI fundamentals, applications and ethics.

EPAM also achieved a silver award for Best Learning Team, recognizing its in-house language learning solutions team. This cross-cultural team supports language assessments and training to help IT professionals become confident communicators and utilize English as the language underpinning communication with AI.

Recognized with a bronze award for Best Learning Experience Platform (LXP) Implementation, EPAM's Learn LXP leverages AI to offer an adaptive learning catalog curated according to individual learning patterns, interests and overall skills growth to meet industry demand.

"With more than 52,650 EPAMers across 55+ countries and regions, we needed to create easily accessible solutions and services for accelerating skills development and driving added value for clients," said Irina Kureichyk, Senior Director, Talent Development at EPAM. "We're delighted by the success of our commitment to fostering an education and engineering culture."

"Excellence Award winners are shown to be organizations that truly value their employees and invest in them through their human capital management programs. These HCM programs have been validated as best in class for business value and the impact on the employees themselves," said Brandon Hall Group Chief Operating Officer Rachel Cooke, HCM Excellence Award® program leader.

Entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, Brandon Hall Group analysts and executives based on these criteria: alignment to business need; program design, functionality and delivery; integration, user experience and innovation; and overall measurable benefits. 

To see how EPAM can revolutionize the future of your business with the power of AI, visit

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See the full list of winners at

Since 1993, EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM) has used its software engineering expertise to become a leading global provider of digital engineering, cloud and AI-enabled transformation services, and a leading business and experience consulting partner for global enterprises and ambitious startups. We address our clients' transformation challenges by fusing EPAM Continuum's integrated strategy, experience and technology consulting with our 30+ years of engineering execution to speed our clients' time to market and drive greater value from their innovations and digital investments.

We make GenAI real with our AI LLM orchestration, testing and engineering solutions, EPAM DIAL, EPAM EliteA™ and EPAM AI/RUN™, respectively.

We deliver globally, but engage locally with our expert teams of consultants, architects, designers and engineers, making the future real for our clients, our partners and our people around the world.

We believe the right solutions are the ones that improve people's lives and fuel competitive advantage for our clients across diverse industries. Our thinking comes to life in the experiences, products and platforms we design and bring to market.

Added to the S&P 500 and the Forbes Global 2000 in 2021 and recognized by Glassdoor and Newsweek as a Top 100 Best Workplace, our multidisciplinary teams serve customers across six continents. We are proud to be among the top 15 companies in Information Technology Services in the Fortune 1000 and to be recognized as a leader in the IDC MarketScapes for Worldwide Experience Build Services, Worldwide Experience Design Services and Worldwide Software Engineering Services as well as a leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Custom Software Development Services, Worldwide.*

Learn more at and follow us on LinkedIn.

*Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  

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SOURCE EPAM Systems, Inc.


What awards did EPAM win at the 2024 Brandon Hall Group Human Capital Management Excellence Awards?

EPAM won five awards, including three gold awards for Best Use of AI for Learning, Best Competencies and Skill Development, and Best Learning Program Supporting a Change Transformation Business Strategy. They also received a silver award for Best Learning Team and a bronze for Best Learning Experience Platform Implementation.

How did EPAM's Engineering Excellence (EngX™) Program impact the company?

EPAM's EngX™ Program resulted in a 23% increase in skills among engineers, an 18% reduction in code review and rework time, and a 500% return on investment in one year.

What is the focus of EPAM's global AI education initiative?

EPAM's global AI education initiative focuses on nurturing employees' AI knowledge, covering topics such as AI fundamentals, applications, and ethics to support business transformation and meet client demands.

How does EPAM's AI-powered learning platform benefit employees?

EPAM's AI-powered learning platform offers personalized content, instant feedback, and tailored learning experiences to improve engagement and support individual growth trajectories for employees.

What is EPAM's Learn LXP and how does it use AI?

EPAM's Learn LXP is a learning experience platform that leverages AI to offer an adaptive learning catalog curated according to individual learning patterns, interests, and overall skills growth to meet industry demand.



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