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The Allspring Income Opportunities Fund (EAD), Allspring Multi-Sector Income Fund (ERC), Allspring Utilities and High Income Fund (ERH), and Allspring Global Dividend Opportunity Fund (EOD) announced distributions on November 16, 2022. EAD will distribute $0.05357 monthly, ERC $0.07243 monthly, ERH $0.07496 monthly, and EOD $0.12017 quarterly. Each fund aims to provide a high level of current income, with EOD targeting long-term capital growth. The fixed annual distribution rates are 8% for EAD, ERC, and 7% for ERH, and 9% for EOD, based on average monthly NAV.
Allspring Global Investments announced that Dennis Bein, CFA, portfolio manager of the Allspring Global Dividend Opportunity Fund (NYSE: EOD), will retire from the investment industry on September 30, 2022. He will remain in his role until June 1, 2022. The fund's investment strategy will remain unchanged, with Megan Miller, CFA, and Harindra de Silva, CFA, Ph.D., overseeing the option strategy. The Allspring Global Dividend Opportunity Fund aims to provide a high level of current income and long-term capital growth, managing assets exceeding $575 billion.
The Wells Fargo Global Dividend Opportunity Fund (EOD) has announced changes to its managed distribution plan, set to take effect with the August 2021 distribution. The fund will now offer a minimum annual fixed rate distribution of 9% based on the fund’s average monthly net asset value over the past year. Distributions may come from investment income, paid-in capital, or capital gains. Shareholders can reinvest distributions under the existing plan. The Board of Trustees retains the right to modify or terminate the distribution plan, which could impact the fund's share price.
Wells Fargo Asset Management has appointed Harindra de Silva and Dennis Bein as portfolio managers for the Wells Fargo Global Dividend Opportunity Fund (NYSE: EOD), joining current manager Megan Miller. The fund maintains its investment strategy, emphasizing a high level of current income and long-term capital growth. With extensive backgrounds in investment management, de Silva and Bein bring significant expertise to the fund's strategy. This change aims to enhance portfolio management but does not indicate any change in the fund's philosophy.
What is the current stock price of Allspring Global Dividend Opportunity Fund (EOD)?