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Envestnet is enhancing its product offerings and expanding distribution capabilities to help financial advisors better serve high-net-worth (HNW) clients. According to their 2024 Advisor Perspectives Survey, nearly one-third of advisors plan to focus more on HNW or ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) clients. To support this trend, Envestnet has:

  • Expanded its national distribution efforts within its Private Wealth Consulting business by 50%
  • Enhanced its product and technology offering with solutions like direct indexing and tax overlay capabilities
  • Launched a Proposal Desk supported by its Wealth Consulting Team

These initiatives aim to provide advisors with advanced tools and resources to attract and retain HNW investors, who now control more than two-thirds of investable assets. Envestnet's platform offers holistic advice and personalized services, including tax overlay, UMA-eligible direct index solutions, alternatives, options, and structured investments.

Envestnet sta migliorando la propria offerta di prodotti ed espandendo le capacità di distribuzione per aiutare i consulenti finanziari a servire meglio i clienti ad alto patrimonio (HNW). Secondo il loro Advisor Perspectives Survey del 2024, quasi un terzo dei consulenti prevede di concentrarsi maggiormente sui clienti HNW o ultra-alto patrimonio (UHNW). Per supportare questa tendenza, Envestnet ha:

  • Espanso gli sforzi di distribuzione nazionale all'interno della sua divisione Private Wealth Consulting del 50%
  • Migliorato la propria offerta di prodotti e tecnologia con soluzioni come l'indicizzazione diretta e la sovrapposizione fiscale
  • Lanciato un Proposal Desk supportato dal suo Wealth Consulting Team

Queste iniziative mirano a fornire ai consulenti strumenti avanzati e risorse per attrarre e trattenere investitori HNW, che ora controllano più di due terzi degli asset investibili. La piattaforma di Envestnet offre consulenza olistica e servizi personalizzati, tra cui sovrapposizione fiscale, soluzioni di indicizzazione diretta idonee all'UMA, alternative, opzioni e investimenti strutturati.

Envestnet está mejorando su oferta de productos y ampliando las capacidades de distribución para ayudar a los asesores financieros a servir mejor a los clientes de alto patrimonio (HNW). Según su Encuesta de Perspectivas de Asesores de 2024, casi un tercio de los asesores planean enfocarse más en clientes HNW o de ultra alto patrimonio (UHNW). Para apoyar esta tendencia, Envestnet ha:

  • Aumentado sus esfuerzos de distribución nacional en su negocio de Consultoría de Riqueza Privada en un 50%
  • Mejorado su oferta de productos y tecnología con soluciones como la indexación directa y capacidades de superposición fiscal
  • Lanzado un Proposal Desk respaldado por su Equipo de Consultoría de Riqueza

Estas iniciativas buscan proporcionar a los asesores herramientas avanzadas y recursos para atraer y retener a los inversionistas HNW, quienes ahora controlan más de dos tercios de los activos invertibles. La plataforma de Envestnet ofrece asesoría holística y servicios personalizados, incluyendo superposición fiscal, soluciones de índice directo elegibles para UMA, alternativas, opciones e inversiones estructuradas.

Envestnet는 자산가 고유의 고객(HNW)을 더 잘 지원하기 위해 제품 제공을 강화하고 유통 능력을 확대하고 있습니다. 2024년 어드바이저 전망 조사에 따르면, 거의 3분의 1의 고문이 HNW 또는 초고자산 고객(UHNW)에 더 집중할 계획이라고 합니다. 이 트렌드를 지원하기 위해 Envestnet는:

  • 프라이빗 웰스 컨설팅 비즈니스의 국가 유통 노력을 50% 확대했습니다.
  • 직접 인덱싱 및 세금 오버레이 기능과 같은 솔루션으로 제품과 기술 제공을 향상시켰습니다.
  • 자산 상담 팀의 지원을 받는 제안 데스크를 출시했습니다.

이러한 이니셔티브는 고문들에게 HNW 투자자를 유치하고 유지하는 데 도움이 되는 고급 도구와 자원을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 지금 HNW 투자자는 투자 가능한 자산의 3분의 2 이상을 관리하고 있습니다. Envestnet의 플랫폼은 종합적인 조언과 개인화된 서비스를 제공합니다. 여기에는 세금 오버레이, UMA 적격 직접 인덱스 솔루션, 대체 투자, 옵션 및 구조적 투자가 포함됩니다.

Envestnet améliore son offre de produits et élargit ses capacités de distribution pour aider les conseillers financiers à mieux servir les clients à haute valeur nette (HNW). Selon leur Enquête sur les Perspectives des Conseillers de 2024, près d'un tiers des conseillers prévoient de se concentrer davantage sur les clients HNW ou ultra-haut revenu (UHNW). Pour soutenir cette tendance, Envestnet a :

  • Augmenté ses efforts de distribution nationale au sein de son entreprise de Conseil en Patrimoine Privé de 50%
  • Amélioré son offre de produits et de technologie avec des solutions telles que l'indexation directe et les capacités de superposition fiscale
  • Lancé un Bureau de Propositions soutenu par son Équipe de Conseil en Patrimoine

Ces initiatives visent à fournir aux conseillers des outils et ressources avancés pour attirer et fidéliser les investisseurs HNW, qui contrôlent désormais plus des deux tiers des actifs investissables. La plateforme d'Envestnet offre des conseils holistiques et des services personnalisés, y compris des superpositions fiscales, des solutions d'indexation directe éligibles pour UMA, des alternatives, des options et des investissements structurés.

Envestnet verbessert sein Produktangebot und erweitert seine Vertriebsfähigkeiten, um Finanzberatern zu helfen, wohlhabende (HNW) Kunden besser zu betreuen. Laut ihrer Advisor Perspectives Survey 2024 planen fast ein Drittel der Berater, sich stärker auf HNW- oder ultra-hochvermögende (UHNW) Kunden zu konzentrieren. Um diesem Trend zu unterstützen, hat Envestnet:

  • Seine nationalen Vertriebsbemühungen im Bereich Private Wealth Consulting um 50 % ausgeweitet
  • Sein Produkt- und Technologieangebot mit Lösungen wie direkter Indizierung und Steuer-Overlay-Funktionen verbessert
  • Ein Proposal Desk ins Leben gerufen, das von seinem Wealth Consulting Team unterstützt wird

Diese Initiativen zielen darauf ab, Beratern fortschrittliche Werkzeuge und Ressourcen zur Verfügung zu stellen, um HNW-Anleger anzuziehen und zu halten, die jetzt mehr als zwei Drittel der investierbaren Vermögenswerte kontrollieren. Die Plattform von Envestnet bietet ganzheitliche Beratung und maßgeschneiderte Dienstleistungen, einschließlich Steuer-Overlay, UMA-geeignete Direktindexlösungen, Alternativen, Optionen und strukturierte Anlagen.

  • Expansion of national distribution efforts within Private Wealth Consulting business by 50%
  • Launch of Proposal Desk to support advisors in generating outsourced managed account proposals
  • Enhancement of product and technology offerings with direct indexing and tax overlay capabilities
  • Strengthened partnerships with large asset managers for advanced custom-tailored investment strategies
  • None.


Envestnet's strategic focus on the high-net-worth (HNW) market segment is a smart move given the concentration of wealth in this demographic. The company's expansion of its Private Wealth Consulting business by 50% and the enhancement of its product offerings demonstrate a commitment to capturing market share in this lucrative segment.

The introduction of advanced HNW solutions, including tax overlay, direct indexing and alternatives, positions Envestnet to meet the sophisticated needs of wealthy clients. This could lead to increased revenue per client and potentially higher profit margins. The launch of the Proposal Desk is a value-added service that could improve advisor efficiency and client acquisition rates.

However, success will depend on Envestnet's ability to execute effectively and differentiate its offerings in a competitive market. The company will need to demonstrate clear ROI for advisors to justify any increased costs associated with these enhanced services. Overall, this strategic initiative has the potential to drive long-term growth and strengthen Envestnet's market position in wealth management technology.

Envestnet's research highlighting that 57% of advisors have less than 20% of their clients with a net worth over $5 million reveals a significant growth opportunity in the HNW space. By providing advisors with tools to better serve this segment, Envestnet is positioning itself as an enabler of practice growth.

The expansion of UMA-eligible direct index solutions and bespoke consulting for $1M+ accounts addresses the increasing demand for personalization among HNW clients. This move aligns with industry trends towards more tailored investment strategies and holistic wealth management.

The company's platform reach of over 110,000 advisors provides a substantial distribution channel for these new offerings. If Envestnet can successfully drive adoption of its HNW-focused tools, it could see a meaningful increase in assets under management and associated fees. However, the success of this initiative will depend on the quality of execution and the ability to demonstrate tangible benefits to both advisors and their HNW clients.

BERWYN, Pa., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Attracting and retaining high-net-worth (HNW) investors as lifelong clients is a critical focus for many financial advisors, yet the path to successfully engaging this lucrative client segment remains complex. Envestnet's latest research sheds light on the strategies and solutions that can help advisors better serve HNW clients and grow their practices. According to Envestnet's 2024 Advisor Perspectives Survey1, nearly one-third of advisors are set to enhance their focus on services tailored for HNW or ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) clients. This number rises to 40% among firms managing over $500 million in assets.

"More than two-thirds of investable assets are now tied to HNW and UHNW investors.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of HNW clients is crucial for advisors looking to grow their business and engage with this sophisticated client segment," said Michael Featherman, CFA, Head of Advisor Sales and Wealth Consulting at Envestnet. "At Envestnet, we're thrilled to advance our product and technology offering, and expand our distribution efforts to better enable advisors looking to succeed in this high-growth part of their business."

To support the evolving needs of advisors, Envestnet has expanded its national distribution efforts within its Private Wealth Consulting business by 50%. The geographically dispersed Envestnet Advisor Sales and Wealth Consulting team is focused on supporting HNW advisor business growth by providing the technology tools and wealth solutions they need to attract and retain HNW investors. Through holistic advice and personalized services on Envestnet's flexible and integrated wealth management platform – advisors can access advanced HNW solutions including tax overlay; UMA-eligible direct index solutions; alternatives, options and structured investments.

Further, with more advisors considering ways to incorporate greater customization within their HNW portfolios, Envestnet is enhancing its product and technology offering with solutions like direct indexing and tax overlay capabilities, to help advisors better personalize their portfolio management services. To deliver these custom solutions, the expanded distribution team can offer white glove, private wealth consulting for accounts over $1M, designed to meet an individual investor's specific needs.

In addition, and to address advisor need for proposal generation support, Envestnet has launched a Proposal Desk supported by its Wealth Consulting Team to serve as a resource that removes training barriers and allows advisors to more seamlessly and successfully generate a higher volume of outsourced managed account proposals for their HNW clients.

"Every advisor aims to work with more high-net-worth clients due to the higher revenue and valuable referrals they bring," said Phil Buchanan, Executive Chairman of the Board at Cannon Financial Institute. "However, many advisors currently have a small proportion of HNW clients. Envestnet's research shows that 57% of advisors have less than 20% of their clients with a net worth over $5 million. What Envestnet is offering through their private wealth consulting is a tremendous value for the advisors of these top clients."

"Our enhanced product and distribution efforts to help advisors expand their HNW client base are poised to significantly benefit the industry, while also providing greater value to investors," concluded Featherman.

To learn more, contact Envestnet's Advisor Sales and Wealth Consulting team, or visit Private Wealth Consulting on 

In June, Envestnet announced it was strengthening partnerships with several large asset managers to give advisors advanced tools for custom-tailored investment strategies. The program features UMA-eligible direct index solutions, Strategist UMA models for HNW and UHNW clients, and bespoke consulting for accounts over $1M. These innovations allow advisors to create highly personalized strategies, including new investment options, addressing specific client goals and circumstances, and are accessible at scale to over 110,000 advisors on the Envestnet platform.

About Envestnet
Envestnet is helping to lead the growth of wealth managers and transforming the way financial advice is delivered through its ecosystem of connected technology, advanced insights, and comprehensive solutions – backed by industry-leading service and support. Serving the wealth management industry for 25 years with more than $6.2 trillion in platform assets—more than 110,000 advisors, 17 of the 20 largest U.S. banks, 48 of the 50 largest wealth management and brokerage firms, more than 500 of the largest RIAs -- thousands of companies, depend on Envestnet technology and services to help drive business growth and productivity, and better outcomes for their clients.  Data as of 6/30/24.

Envestnet refers to the family of operating subsidiaries of the public holding company, Envestnet, Inc. (NYSE: ENV). For a deeper dive into how Envestnet is shaping the future of financial advice, visit Stay connected with us for the latest updates and insights on LinkedIn and X (@ENVintel).

Amy Norcini

Andrew Jennings | JConnelly for Envestnet

Envestnet Market Intelligence Advisor Survey, 2024,
2 Source: Cerulli U.S. High-Net Worth and Ultra High-Net Worth Markets, 2023

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SOURCE Envestnet, Inc.


What percentage of advisors plan to focus more on HNW clients according to Envestnet's 2024 survey?

According to Envestnet's 2024 Advisor Perspectives Survey, nearly one-third of advisors plan to enhance their focus on services tailored for high-net-worth (HNW) or ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) clients.

How has Envestnet (ENV) expanded its distribution efforts for HNW advisors?

Envestnet has expanded its national distribution efforts within its Private Wealth Consulting business by 50%, with a geographically dispersed Advisor Sales and Wealth Consulting team focused on supporting HNW advisor business growth.

What new services has Envestnet (ENV) introduced to support advisors serving HNW clients?

Envestnet has launched a Proposal Desk supported by its Wealth Consulting Team to help advisors generate outsourced managed account proposals for HNW clients. They've also enhanced their product offerings with direct indexing and tax overlay capabilities.

What percentage of investable assets are tied to HNW and UHNW investors according to Envestnet?

According to Envestnet, more than two-thirds of investable assets are now tied to high-net-worth (HNW) and ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) investors.



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