Enphase Energy IQ8 Microinverters Selected for Belgium Radioactive Waste Facility
Enphase Energy announced that its IQ8 Microinverters were selected for a 2.2 MW solar project at the Belgoprocess radioactive waste facility in Dessel, Belgium. The project, led by Earth, a leading installer based in Belgium, includes 4,000 IQ8HC Microinverters and will span four rooftops of the facility. There are plans to expand capacity from 2.2 MW to 6 to 8 MW in the coming years. Enphase's microinverters were chosen for their safer AC-based system architecture, cybersecurity, and superior reliability and performance.
The Belgoprocess facility manages radioactive waste from various sources, and the project is expected to be the largest Enphase project worldwide once completed in 2026. The use of Enphase microinverters allows for independent operation of each panel, enhancing system efficiency and safety by converting DC to AC at the source. This distributed architecture also provides sophisticated panel-level monitoring.
Enphase recently launched its IQ Battery 5P and IQ Energy Management Software in Belgium, further showcasing its commitment to innovation in energy technology.
Enphase Energy ha annunciato che i suoi Microinverter IQ8 sono stati selezionati per un progetto solare da 2,2 MW presso l'impianto di gestione dei rifiuti radioattivi Belgoprocess a Dessel, in Belgio. Il progetto, guidato da Earth, un installatore leader con sede in Belgio, include 4.000 Microinverter IQ8HC e si estenderà su quattro tetti della struttura. Ci sono piani per espandere la capacità da 2,2 MW a 6-8 MW nei prossimi anni. I microinverter Enphase sono stati scelti per la loro architettura di sistema AC più sicura, sicurezza informatica e superiore affidabilità e prestazioni.
L'impianto di Belgoprocess gestisce rifiuti radioattivi provenienti da varie fonti e si prevede che il progetto sarà il più grande progetto Enphase a livello mondiale una volta completato nel 2026. L'uso dei microinverter Enphase consente un funzionamento indipendente di ciascun pannello, aumentando l'efficienza e la sicurezza del sistema convertendo la DC in AC direttamente alla fonte. Questa architettura distribuita offre anche un monitoraggio sofisticato a livello di pannello.
Enphase ha recentemente lanciato la sua IQ Battery 5P e il software di gestione energetica IQ in Belgio, dimostrando ulteriormente il suo impegno per l'innovazione nella tecnologia energetica.
Enphase Energy anunció que sus Microinversores IQ8 fueron seleccionados para un proyecto solar de 2,2 MW en la instalación de residuos radiactivos de Belgoprocess en Dessel, Bélgica. El proyecto, liderado por Earth, un instalador destacado con sede en Bélgica, incluye 4,000 Microinversores IQ8HC y abarcará cuatro techos de la instalación. Hay planes para expandir la capacidad de 2,2 MW a 6-8 MW en los próximos años. Los microinversores de Enphase fueron elegidos por su arquitectura de sistema AC más segura, ciberseguridad y superior fiabilidad y rendimiento.
La instalación de Belgoprocess maneja residuos radiactivos de varias fuentes, y se espera que el proyecto sea el más grande de Enphase en todo el mundo una vez finalizado en 2026. El uso de microinversores Enphase permite la operación independiente de cada panel, mejorando la eficiencia y la seguridad del sistema al convertir DC a AC en la fuente. Esta arquitectura distribuida también proporciona un monitoreo sofisticado a nivel de panel.
Recientemente, Enphase lanzó su IQ Battery 5P y el Software de Gestión Energética IQ en Bélgica, mostrando aún más su compromiso con la innovación en la tecnología energética.
엔페이즈 에너지는 자사의 IQ8 마이크로 인버터가 벨기에 데셀에 있는 방사성 폐기물 시설인 벨고프로세스에서 2.2MW 태양광 프로젝트에 선정되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 벨기에에 본사를 둔 선도적인 설치업체인 Earth가 주도하며, 4,000개의 IQ8HC 마이크로 인버터를 포함하고 시설의 네 개 지붕에서 진행됩니다. 향후 몇 년 내에 2.2MW에서 6-8MW로 용량을 확장할 계획이 있습니다. 엔페이즈의 마이크로 인버터는 더 안전한 AC 기반 시스템 아키텍처, 사이버 보안, 그리고 우수한 신뢰성 및 성능 덕분에 선택되었습니다.
벨고프로세스 시설은 다양한 출처의 방사성 폐기물을 관리하며, 이 프로젝트가 2026년 완료되면 엔페이즈의 전 세계에서 가장 큰 프로젝트가 될 것으로 예상됩니다. 엔페이즈 마이크로 인버터를 사용하면 각 패널이 독립적으로 작동할 수 있어 원천에서 DC를 AC로 변환하여 시스템 효율성과 안전성을 높입니다. 이러한 분산 아키텍처는 또한 정교한 패널 수준의 모니터링을 제공합니다.
엔페이즈는 최근 벨기에에서 IQ Battery 5P와 IQ 에너지 관리 소프트웨어를 출시하여 에너지 기술 혁신에 대한 의지를 더욱 드러냈습니다.
Enphase Energy a annoncé que ses micro-inverseurs IQ8 ont été sélectionnés pour un projet solaire de 2,2 MW à l’installation de traitement des déchets radioactifs de Belgoprocess à Dessel, en Belgique. Le projet, dirigé par Earth, un installateur de premier plan basé en Belgique, comprend 4 000 micro-inverseurs IQ8HC et s’étendra sur quatre toits de l’établissement. Des plans sont en cours pour augmenter la capacité de 2,2 MW à 6 à 8 MW dans les années à venir. Les micro-inverseurs d’Enphase ont été choisis pour leur architecture de système AC plus sûre, cybersécurité et fiabilité et performance supérieures.
Le site de Belgoprocess gère les déchets radioactifs provenant de diverses sources, et le projet devrait devenir le plus grand projet Enphase dans le monde une fois achevé en 2026. L'utilisation des micro-inverseurs Enphase permet un fonctionnement indépendant de chaque panneau, améliorant ainsi l’efficacité et la sécurité du système en convertissant le courant continu (DC) en courant alternatif (AC) à la source. Cette architecture distribuée offre également une surveillance sophistiquée au niveau du panneau.
Enphase a récemment lancé sa IQ Battery 5P et son logiciel de gestion énergétique IQ en Belgique, soulignant encore son engagement envers l'innovation technologique dans le domaine de l'énergie.
Enphase Energy gab bekannt, dass seine IQ8-Mikroinverter für ein 2,2-MW-Solarprojekt in der radioaktiven Abfallbehandlungsanlage Belgoprocess in Dessel, Belgien, ausgewählt wurden. Das Projekt, das von Earth, einem führenden Installateur mit Sitz in Belgien, geleitet wird, umfasst 4.000 IQ8HC-Mikroinverter und wird sich über vier Dächer der Anlage erstrecken. In den kommenden Jahren sind Pläne zur Kapazitätserweiterung von 2,2 MW auf 6 bis 8 MW vorgesehen. Die Mikroinverter von Enphase wurden aufgrund ihrer sicheren AC-basierten Systemarchitektur, Cybersicherheit und überlegenen Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung ausgewählt.
Die Einrichtung von Belgoprocess verwaltet radioaktive Abfälle aus verschiedenen Quellen, und es wird erwartet, dass das Projekt nach seiner Fertigstellung im Jahr 2026 das größte Enphase-Projekt weltweit sein wird. Der Einsatz von Enphase-Mikroinvertern ermöglicht den unabhängigen Betrieb jedes Moduls, wodurch die Effizienz und Sicherheit des Systems erhöht wird, indem DC direkt an der Quelle in AC umgewandelt wird. Diese verteilte Architektur bietet zudem eine anspruchsvolle Überwachung auf Modulebene.
Enphase hat kürzlich seine IQ Battery 5P und die IQ-Energiemanagementsoftware in Belgien auf den Markt gebracht, was sein Engagement für Innovationen in der Energietechnologie weiter unterstreicht.
- Enphase IQ8 Microinverters selected for a 2.2 MW solar project at Belgoprocess facility.
- Project expansion plans from 2.2 MW to 6-8 MW.
- Largest Enphase project worldwide upon completion in 2026.
- Microinverters chosen for safer AC-based system architecture, cybersecurity, and reliability.
- None.
This 2.2 MW solar project at Belgium's radioactive waste facility represents a strategic win for Enphase, demonstrating the superior value proposition of their IQ8 microinverters in high-stakes industrial applications. The 4,000 IQ8HC Microinverters deployment showcases the technology's key differentiators - distributed AC architecture and enhanced cybersecurity - particularly important for critical infrastructure installations. The potential expansion to 6-8 MW suggests significant future revenue opportunities.
The selection by Belgoprocess validates Enphase's competitive advantage in sensitive industrial applications where safety and reliability are paramount. Their distributed architecture eliminates high-voltage DC risks, a critical feature for facilities handling radioactive materials. This reference project could unlock similar opportunities in the nuclear and sensitive industrial sectors globally, expanding Enphase's addressable market beyond residential applications.
The selection of Enphase's technology for a radioactive waste facility underscores the critical importance of their cybersecurity features and safer AC-based architecture. Traditional string inverter systems with high-voltage DC power pose greater risks in sensitive environments. The distributed nature of microinverters provides inherent security advantages - if one unit is compromised, the others continue operating independently, ensuring system resilience.
This installation sets a precedent for solar deployments in high-security facilities where system integrity is non-negotiable. The emphasis on cybersecurity and panel-level monitoring capabilities positions Enphase favorably for future critical infrastructure projects where traditional solar solutions might be deemed too risky.
This project marks Enphase's strategic expansion in the European industrial sector, particularly significant given Europe's accelerating energy transition and focus on critical infrastructure security. The potential to become Enphase's largest global installation upon completion in 2026 demonstrates the company's ability to scale beyond its traditional residential market.
The timing aligns with Enphase's recent launch of IQ Battery 5P and AI-based energy management software in Belgium, indicating a coordinated market penetration strategy. This high-profile project could accelerate Enphase's European market share growth, particularly in the industrial and utility segments where safety and reliability command premium pricing.
Enphase IQ8 Microinverters selected for safer AC system architecture, emphasis on cybersecurity, and superior reliability and performance
FREMONT, Calif., Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH), a global energy technology company and the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems, today announced that IQ8™ Microinverters were selected for a 2.2 MW solar project at the Belgoprocess radioactive waste facility in Dessel, Belgium. Earth, a leading installer of Enphase’s products based in Belgium, will lead the installation and commissioning of the project.
The project includes 4,000 IQ8HC™ Microinverters and will span four rooftops of the radioactive waste facility, with plans to expand capacity from 2.2 MW to 6 to 8 MW in the coming years. Enphase’s products were selected for safer alternating current (AC)-based system architecture using low-voltage electricity, emphasis on cybersecurity, and superior reliability and performance. Once completed in 2026, this is expected to be the largest Enphase project worldwide.
Belgoprocess is a Belgium-based environmental company dedicated to safe and responsible waste management and nuclear facility decommissioning. It specializes in managing radioactive waste generated from medical, industrial, and scientific applications, as well as nuclear power production. Belgoprocess is committed to operational excellence and takes stringent measures to ensure environmental safety throughout its processes.
“We are thrilled to partner with Enphase and Earth because of their outstanding reputations and commitment to safety and reliability,” said Wim Van Laer, chief executive officer of Belgoprocess. “Given the scale and location of this project, Enphase’s microinverters provide us with the confidence we need to ensure the safer, long-term operation of this project, as well as the ability to expand easily over time.”
“The beauty of having dedicated Enphase microinverters on every panel is that each microinverter operates independently, enhancing system efficiency and safety by converting DC to AC right at the source,” said Luc Demeyere, CEO at Earth. “This distributed architecture eliminates the risks associated with high-voltage DC power while providing the sophisticated panel-level monitoring we need. Enphase delivers the operational reliability, safety features, and long-term value that align with the interests of our customers like Belgoprocess.”
“This project with Earth and Belgoprocess not only highlights our products’ capabilities but also paves the way for groundbreaking possibilities for solar across markets,” said Sabbas Daniel, senior vice president of sales at Enphase Energy. “We are excited about this project in Belgium, as it showcases our ongoing dedication to safety, security, and reliability.”
In September, Enphase announced the launch of its IQ® Battery 5P, its most powerful home battery to date, and IQ® Energy Management Software, its new artificial intelligence-based energy management software to enable support for dynamic electricity rates and the integration of third-party EV chargers and heat pumps in Belgium.
For more information on Enphase, please visit its Belgium French and Dutch language websites. For more information on Belgoprocess, please visit its website. For more information about Earth, please visit its website.
About Enphase Energy, Inc.
Enphase Energy, a global energy technology company based in Fremont, CA, is the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems that enable people to harness the sun to make, use, save, and sell their own power—and control it all with a smart mobile app. The company revolutionized the solar industry with its microinverter-based technology and builds all-in-one solar, battery, and software solutions. Enphase has shipped approximately 78.0 million microinverters, and over 4.5 million Enphase-based systems have been deployed in more than 160 countries. For more information, visit https://enphase.com/.
©2025 Enphase Energy, Inc. All rights reserved. Enphase Energy, Enphase, the “e” logo, IQ, and certain other marks listed at https://enphase.com/trademark-usage-guidelines are trademarks or service marks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
About Earth
Gridlink, the umbrella holding company over energy companies Enbro, Gaele, Earth and Sparki, has been providing comprehensive energy consultancy and solution services to various clients since 2013. Its target market is very broad, from individuals and SMEs to industries and governments.
Hundreds of thousands of European customers rely on Enbro and Gaele as a reliable partner that relieves them of the complexity of energy management, allowing them to concentrate on their core business.
In addition, Gridlink focuses with Earth on renewable energy solutions with solar panels and batteries and with Sparki on charging infrastructure. Gridlink stands for high-quality energy solutions and acts as a reliable partner guiding customers towards a more sustainable future.
In early 2023, the Belgian Government took a stake within Gridlink.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including statements related to the expected capabilities and performance of Enphase Energy’s technology and products, including safety, quality, and reliability; and statements regarding the timing and availability Enphase Energy’s products in Belgium. These forward-looking statements are based on Enphase Energy’s current expectations and inherently involve significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those contemplated by these forward-looking statements as a result of such risks and uncertainties including those risks described in more detail in Enphase Energy’s most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, Annual Report on Form 10-K, and other documents filed by Enphase Energy from time to time with the SEC. Enphase Energy undertakes no duty or obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release as a result of new information, future events or changes in its expectations, except as required by law.
Enphase Energy
This press release was published by a CLEAR® Verified individual.

What does the ENPH buyback mean for shareholders?
What is the significance of the 2.2 MW solar project using ENPH microinverters?
When is the ENPH project at Belgoprocess expected to be completed?
Why were ENPH microinverters chosen for the Belgoprocess project?
How many ENPH microinverters will be used in the Belgoprocess project?
What are the future expansion plans for the ENPH project at Belgoprocess?