Enphase Energy Increases Deployments of Legacy NEM System Expansion Solution in California
Enphase Energy (NASDAQ: ENPH) announces increased deployments of its legacy net energy metering (NEM) solar system expansion solution in California, as utilities streamline their approval process. The solution allows homeowners to expand their solar systems while maintaining their existing NEM 1.0 and 2.0 benefits, without transitioning to NEM 3.0's lower export rates.
The new configuration uses IQ® Microinverters, IQ® Batteries, and Enphase Power Control, enabling existing systems to continue grid exports while new expansions serve increased household consumption. Hundreds of systems have already received approval, with more expected. The streamlined process creates new business opportunities for installers while helping homeowners meet rising energy needs from increased home and transportation electrification.
The company's Solargraf® design and proposal software platform supports installers in designing expanded legacy NEM systems and optimizing new projects under California's solar rules.
Enphase Energy (NASDAQ: ENPH) annuncia un aumento delle installazioni della sua soluzione di espansione dei sistemi solari a net energy metering (NEM) legacy in California, poiché le utility semplificano il loro processo di approvazione. La soluzione consente ai proprietari di casa di espandere i propri sistemi solari mantenendo i benefici esistenti del NEM 1.0 e 2.0, senza dover passare alle tariffe di esportazione inferiori del NEM 3.0.
La nuova configurazione utilizza microinverter IQ®, batterie IQ® e Enphase Power Control, consentendo ai sistemi esistenti di continuare a esportare energia nella rete mentre le nuove espansioni soddisfano il consumo domestico crescente. Centinaia di sistemi hanno già ricevuto approvazione, con ulteriori approvazioni attese. Il processo semplificato crea nuove opportunità di business per gli installatori, aiutando al contempo i proprietari di casa a soddisfare le crescenti esigenze energetiche dovute all'elettrificazione delle abitazioni e dei trasporti.
La piattaforma di progettazione e proposta Solargraf® dell'azienda supporta gli installatori nella progettazione di sistemi NEM legacy espansi e nell'ottimizzazione di nuovi progetti secondo le normative solari della California.
Enphase Energy (NASDAQ: ENPH) anuncia un aumento en las implementaciones de su solución de expansión de sistemas solares de medición neta de energía (NEM) heredados en California, a medida que las empresas de servicios públicos agilizan su proceso de aprobación. La solución permite a los propietarios de viviendas expandir sus sistemas solares mientras mantienen los beneficios existentes de NEM 1.0 y 2.0, sin tener que pasar a las tarifas de exportación más bajas de NEM 3.0.
La nueva configuración utiliza microinversores IQ®, baterías IQ® y Enphase Power Control, lo que permite que los sistemas existentes continúen exportando a la red mientras que las nuevas expansiones atienden el aumento del consumo doméstico. Cientos de sistemas ya han recibido aprobación, y se esperan más. El proceso simplificado crea nuevas oportunidades de negocio para los instaladores, al tiempo que ayuda a los propietarios de viviendas a satisfacer las crecientes necesidades energéticas derivadas de la electrificación del hogar y del transporte.
La plataforma de diseño y propuesta Solargraf® de la empresa apoya a los instaladores en el diseño de sistemas NEM heredados ampliados y en la optimización de nuevos proyectos bajo las reglas solares de California.
Enphase Energy (NASDAQ: ENPH)는 유틸리티가 승인 프로세스를 간소화함에 따라 캘리포니아에서 기존의 넷 에너지 미터링(NEM) 태양광 시스템 확장 솔루션의 배포가 증가했다고 발표했습니다. 이 솔루션은 주택 소유자가 NEM 1.0 및 2.0의 기존 혜택을 유지하면서 태양광 시스템을 확장할 수 있도록 하며, NEM 3.0의 낮은 수출 요금으로 전환할 필요가 없습니다.
새로운 구성은 IQ® 마이크로인버터, IQ® 배터리 및 Enphase Power Control를 사용하여 기존 시스템이 그리드에 전력을 계속 수출할 수 있도록 하며, 새로운 확장은 증가된 가정 소비를 충족합니다. 수백 개의 시스템이 이미 승인을 받았으며, 더 많은 승인이 예상됩니다. 간소화된 프로세스는 설치업체에게 새로운 비즈니스 기회를 창출하는 동시에 주택 소유자가 증가하는 에너지 수요를 충족할 수 있도록 돕습니다.
회사의 Solargraf® 설계 및 제안 소프트웨어 플랫폼은 설치업체가 확장된 기존 NEM 시스템을 설계하고 캘리포니아의 태양광 규정에 따라 새로운 프로젝트를 최적화하는 데 지원합니다.
Enphase Energy (NASDAQ: ENPH) annonce une augmentation des déploiements de sa solution d'expansion de système solaire à mesure nette d'énergie (NEM) héritée en Californie, alors que les services publics simplifient leur processus d'approbation. La solution permet aux propriétaires de maison d'élargir leurs systèmes solaires tout en maintenant leurs avantages NEM 1.0 et 2.0 existants, sans passer aux taux d'exportation plus bas de NEM 3.0.
La nouvelle configuration utilise micro-onduleurs IQ®, batteries IQ® et Enphase Power Control, permettant aux systèmes existants de continuer à exporter vers le réseau tandis que les nouvelles extensions répondent à la consommation croissante des ménages. Des centaines de systèmes ont déjà reçu une approbation, avec d'autres à venir. Le processus simplifié crée de nouvelles opportunités commerciales pour les installateurs tout en aidant les propriétaires à répondre à l'augmentation des besoins énergétiques dus à l'électrification des habitations et des transports.
La plateforme de conception et de proposition Solargraf® de l'entreprise soutient les installateurs dans la conception de systèmes NEM hérités élargis et l'optimisation de nouveaux projets selon les règles solaires de Californie.
Enphase Energy (NASDAQ: ENPH) kündigt eine erhöhte Bereitstellung seiner Legacy-Netz-Energie-Messung (NEM) Solar-Systemerweiterungslösung in Kalifornien an, da die Versorgungsunternehmen ihren Genehmigungsprozess straffen. Die Lösung ermöglicht es Hausbesitzern, ihre Solarsysteme zu erweitern und gleichzeitig die bestehenden NEM 1.0- und 2.0-Vorteile zu behalten, ohne zu den niedrigeren Exporttarifen von NEM 3.0 wechseln zu müssen.
Die neue Konfiguration verwendet IQ® Mikroinverter, IQ® Batterien und Enphase Power Control, die es bestehenden Systemen ermöglichen, weiterhin ins Netz zu exportieren, während neue Erweiterungen den erhöhten Haushaltsverbrauch bedienen. Hunderte von Systemen haben bereits die Genehmigung erhalten, und es werden weitere erwartet. Der straffere Prozess schafft neue Geschäftsmöglichkeiten für Installateure und hilft gleichzeitig Hausbesitzern, den steigenden Energiebedarf durch die Elektrifizierung von Wohnraum und Verkehr zu decken.
Die Design- und Vorschlagssoftwareplattform Solargraf® des Unternehmens unterstützt Installateure bei der Planung erweiterter Legacy-NEM-Systeme und der Optimierung neuer Projekte gemäß den Solarvorschriften Kaliforniens.
- Streamlined utility approval process enabling faster system deployments
- Hundreds of systems already approved with strong pipeline
- New revenue opportunity in California's legacy NEM market
- Solution maintains higher-value NEM 1.0/2.0 rates for customers
- Potential additional charges from utilities for implementing new systems
- New system expansions restricted from grid exports
Enphase Energy's announcement regarding increased deployments of its legacy NEM system expansion solution in California represents a meaningful market opportunity that addresses a critical pain point. The streamlined utility approval process removes a significant barrier that previously prevented homeowners from expanding their solar systems without losing valuable NEM 1.0 and 2.0 benefits.
This development creates a new revenue stream for Enphase by enabling sales of additional microinverters, batteries, and power control systems to an established customer base of legacy solar homeowners in California - one of the largest solar markets in the US. With hundreds of systems already approved and "many more expected," this could drive material incremental sales.
The opportunity is particularly timely as home and transportation electrification increases energy consumption, creating natural demand for system expansions. By allowing homeowners to maintain higher legacy NEM export rates while expanding capacity, Enphase has essentially unlocked a previously inaccessible market segment.
The solution also strengthens Enphase's competitive positioning through a differentiated offering that addresses a specific regulatory challenge. Strong testimonials from major installation partners (Baker Electric, Semper Solaris, Aztec Solar) indicate solid channel acceptance and deployment momentum, which should translate to accelerated revenue growth in this segment.
This development represents a strategic pivot for Enphase that transforms a regulatory challenge into a competitive advantage. By creating a technical workaround for the NEM 3.0 limitations, Enphase has effectively carved out a protected market niche targeting existing California solar customers seeking system expansions.
The timing is particularly advantageous given California's increasingly electrified environment. As homeowners add electric vehicles, heat pumps, and other electric appliances, their energy needs naturally outgrow their legacy solar systems, creating organic demand for exactly this solution. This positions Enphase to capture high-margin expansion sales without the customer acquisition costs associated with new installations.
From a competitive standpoint, this approach leverages Enphase's strength in software integration and power electronics. Their solution combines hardware (microinverters, batteries) with sophisticated power control software that enables selective non-export configurations - demonstrating the company's technical differentiation beyond basic component manufacturing.
The integration with Solargraf design software further demonstrates Enphase's platform approach, creating an ecosystem that simplifies installer workflows while encouraging the use of Enphase components. This represents the company's broader strategy of moving up the value chain from component supplier to system solution provider, potentially improving margins and customer retention over time.
California utilities streamline approval process for legacy NEM system expansions
FREMONT, Calif., March 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH), a global energy technology company and the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems, today announced increased deployments of its solution for expanding legacy net energy metering (NEM) solar energy systems in California as utilities streamline their approval process. Homeowners can now expand their systems without losing NEM status for their existing setup, thanks to new Enphase® Energy System™ configurations with IQ® Microinverters, IQ® Batteries, and Enphase Power Control.
Enphase first announced its solution for expanding legacy NEM systems in California last year. Since then, the application process for installing these systems with the top utilities in California has improved to support a more streamlined process. Hundreds of systems have been approved already, with many more expected to be approved soon.
Many California solar homeowners are consuming more energy than they produce due to increasing home and transportation electrification. Previously, those on legacy NEM programs (1.0 and 2.0) couldn’t expand their systems without transitioning to NEM 3.0, which offers lower export rates. Now, with new Enphase system configurations and a power control feature, homeowners can expand their systems while retaining legacy NEM benefits. The existing system can continue exporting to the grid, while the new system is restricted from grid exports and designed to serve increased household consumption. This will help homeowners meet rising energy needs, lower electricity bills, and create more business opportunities for installers. Installers should check with their regional California utility for details on potential charges associated with implementing the new systems. Watch an explainer video from the Enphase Training Team here.
“California utilities streamlining the approval process for expanding legacy systems has enabled us to more efficiently and effectively serve our customers,” said Mike Teresso, president at Baker Electric Home Energy. “Enphase’s solution is helping us meet growing energy demands while giving homeowners the flexibility they need for the future.”
“We appreciate utilities simplifying the approval process for legacy NEM expansions in California,” said John Almond, CEO of Semper Solaris. “Our customers want to add more solar and storage without losing the value of their existing systems, and now they can do just that. This is a win for homeowners and a huge opportunity for installers like us to help more people take control of their growing energy needs.”
“Expanding solar systems under legacy NEM used to be a challenge,” said Ed Murray, president of Aztec Solar. “Now, California’s application process is more streamlined, and Enphase’s innovative solution allows us to easily design solutions enabling savings and giving homeowners more energy independence. This is a big step forward for California solar!”
In addition, Solargraf®, Enphase’s design and proposal software platform, can help installers seamlessly design and generate proposals for expanded legacy NEM systems. For new systems, the platform can also optimize solar and battery projects to help enable maximum savings under the new California solar rules.
“This is exactly the kind of progress we want to see – utilities making it easier for homeowners to expand their clean energy systems without unnecessary barriers,” said Ken Fong, senior vice president and general manager of the Americas and APAC at Enphase Energy. “Our software and hardware solution, combined with a more efficient utility approval process, enables homeowners to get more value from solar and battery systems and installers to expand their business quickly. We’re committed to supporting installers and homeowners as they navigate these new opportunities.”
For more information about Enphase’s solution for expanding legacy NEM solar energy systems in California, please visit the Enphase website (Installers and Homeowners).
About Enphase Energy, Inc.
Enphase Energy, a global energy technology company based in Fremont, CA, is the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems that enable people to harness the sun to make, use, save, and sell their own power—and control it all with a smart mobile app. The company revolutionized the solar industry with its microinverter-based technology and builds all-in-one solar, battery, and software solutions. Enphase has shipped approximately 80.0 million microinverters, and approximately 4.7 million Enphase-based systems have been deployed in more than 160 countries. For more information, visit https://enphase.com/.
©2025 Enphase Energy, Inc. All rights reserved. Enphase Energy, Enphase, the “e” logo, IQ, and certain other marks listed at https://enphase.com/trademark-usage-guidelines are trademarks or service marks of Enphase Energy, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Other names are for informational purposes and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including statements related to the expected capabilities and performance of Enphase Power Control; expectations related to cost savings; and the timing of new features for Solargraf. These forward-looking statements are based on Enphase Energy’s current expectations and inherently involve significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those contemplated by these forward-looking statements as a result of such risks and uncertainties including those risks described in more detail in Enphase Energy’s most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, and other documents filed by Enphase Energy from time to time with the SEC. Enphase Energy undertakes no duty or obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release as a result of new information, future events, or changes in its expectations, except as required by law.
Enphase Energy
This press release was published by a CLEAR® Verified individual.

How does Enphase's legacy NEM expansion solution work in California?
What benefits do homeowners get from ENPH's NEM expansion solution?
How many legacy NEM expansion systems has ENPH deployed in California?