Ensurge Micropower ASA – Amendment of Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 11 July 2023 relating to Subsequent Offering
Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement published on 15 June 2023 by Ensurge Micropower ASA (“Ensurge“ or the “Company”) regarding a proposed subsequent offering of new shares in the Company raising a maximum amount of NOK 20 million (the “Subsequent Offering”). Further reference is made to the announcement made by the Company on 20 June 2023, such announcement containing the Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting scheduled for 11 July 2023 (“EGM”). The EGM will consider, among other things, the proposed Subsequent Offering.
The subscription period for the Subsequent Offering may not commence before a prospectus has been approved by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority (“FSA”). Due to shortage of staff at the FSA over the course of the summer, the prospectus control process will be delayed compared with the normally prescribed timeframe and approval of the prospectus is therefore not foreseeable within the dates currently proposed in agenda item 5, paragraph 4, of the Notice of the EGM. The Company is thus obliged to amend agenda item 5, paragraph 4, and the Board proposes that the EGM approves the following amended paragraphs, stated below. For the sake of good order, the amended paragraphs contain no other changes than a postponement of 14 days from the originally proposed dates.
In English:
“The subscription period for the Subsequent Offering will commence on 7 August 2023 and end on 21 August 2023 at 16:30 hrs (CET) (or at such later date as determined by the Board, but not later than commencing 30 August 2023 and ending on 13 September 2023). In the event that the Prospectus related to the Subsequent Offering has not been approved by the FSA by the end of 6 August 2023, the subscription period will commence on the first trading day on Oslo Børs following FSA approval and no later than 30 August 2023 and end at 16:30 hrs (CET) 14 calendar days later. The more detailed criteria for subscription will be determined by the Board and described in the Prospectus.”
In Norwegian:
«Tegningsperioden for Reparasjonsemisjonen starter den 7. august 2023 og utløper den 21. august 2023 klokken 16:30 (norsk tid) (eller en slik senere dato som fastsettes av styret, men tegningsperioden skal starte senest den 30. august 2023 og utløpe den 13. september 2023). Dersom Finanstilsynet per utgangen av 6. august 2023 ikke har godkjent Prospektet vedrørende Reparasjonsemisjonen, skal tegningsperioden starte den første handelsdagen på Oslo Børs etter at Prospektet er godkjent, senest 30. august 2023, og avsluttes klokken 16:30 (norsk tid) 14 kalenderdager deretter. Nærmere kriterier for tegningen fastsettes av styret og vil bli beskrevet i Prospektet.»
About Ensurge Micropower
Ensurge is Energizing Innovation(TM) with the first ultrathin, flexible, reliable, and fundamentally safe solid-state lithium microbattery for the 1 to 100 milliampere-hour (mAh) class of wearable devices, connected sensors, and beyond. The innovative Ensurge Microbattery enables energy-dense rechargeable products that are ideal for form-factor-constrained applications including hearables (hearing aids and wireless headphones), digital and health wearables, sports and fitness devices, and IoT sensor solutions that use energy harvesting to power everyday things. The company's state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, combines patented process technology and materials innovation with the scale of roll-to-roll production methods to bring the advantages of Ensurge technology to established and expanding markets.
For more information, please contact:
Terje Rogne, Chair Phone: +47 472 02 200
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.