Correction - Ensurge Micropower ASA - Subscription Rights Exercise and Employee Share Purchase Plan
Ensurge Micropower ASA has issued a correction to its 2 September 2024 announcement regarding a subscription rights exercise and the 2024 Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP). The corrected figures show 2,216,074 new shares issued under the ESPP. Upon registration, the company's share capital will be NOK 311,113,173, divided into 622,226,346 shares with a par value of NOK 0.50 each.
The ESPP allows eligible participants to subscribe for shares, with offering periods aligned with financial result disclosures. Employees can contribute up to 20% of their gross salary, with a minimum total of NOK 6,000 per offering period. The board's resolution to issue new shares is based on the authorization granted at the annual general meeting on 14 May 2024.
Ensurge Micropower specializes in ultrathin, flexible solid-state lithium microbatteries for various applications, including wearables and IoT sensors.
Ensurge Micropower ASA ha emesso una correzione al suo annuncio del 2 settembre 2024 riguardante l'esercizio dei diritti di sottoscrizione e il Piano di Acquisto di Azioni per i Dipendenti 2024 (ESPP). I numeri corretti mostrano 2.216.074 nuove azioni emesse nell'ambito dell'ESPP. Al momento della registrazione, il capitale sociale dell'azienda sarà di NOK 311.113.173, suddiviso in 622.226.346 azioni con un valore nominale di NOK 0,50 ciascuna.
L'ESPP consente ai partecipanti idonei di sottoscrivere azioni, con periodi di offerta allineati con le comunicazioni sui risultati finanziari. I dipendenti possono contribuire fino al 20% del loro stipendio lordo, con un totale minimo di NOK 6.000 per periodo di offerta. La risoluzione del consiglio di amministrazione di emettere nuove azioni si basa sull'autorizzazione concessa nell'assemblea generale annuale del 14 maggio 2024.
Ensurge Micropower è specializzata in microbatterie al litio solide e flessibili di ultrafine per varie applicazioni, tra cui dispositivi indossabili e sensori IoT.
Ensurge Micropower ASA ha emitido una corrección a su anuncio del 2 de septiembre de 2024 sobre el ejercicio de derechos de suscripción y el Plan de Compra de Acciones para Empleados de 2024 (ESPP). Las cifras corregidas muestran 2.216.074 nuevas acciones emitidas bajo el ESPP. Al momento de la inscripción, el capital social de la empresa será de NOK 311.113.173, dividido en 622.226.346 acciones con un valor nominal de NOK 0.50 cada una.
El ESPP permite a los participantes elegibles suscribirse a acciones, con períodos de oferta alineados con las divulgaciones de resultados financieros. Los empleados pueden contribuir hasta el 20% de su salario bruto, con un mínimo total de NOK 6.000 por período de oferta. La resolución del consejo de administración para emitir nuevas acciones se basa en la autorización otorgada en la reunión general anual del 14 de mayo de 2024.
Ensurge Micropower se especializa en microbaterías de litio sólidas, flexibles y ultrafinas para diversas aplicaciones, incluyendo dispositivos portátiles y sensores IoT.
Ensurge Micropower ASA는 2024년 9월 2일 발표한 구독권 행사 및 2024년 직원 주식 구매 계획(ESPP)에 대한 정정을 발표했습니다. 수정된 수치는 ESPP에 따라 발행된 2,216,074주의 신규 주식을 보여줍니다. 등록 시, 회사의 자본금은 NOK 311,113,173이 될 것이며, 622,226,346주로 나누어지며, 각 주식의 액면가는 NOK 0.50입니다.
ESPP는 적격 참가자들이 주식을 구독할 수 있게 하며, 제공 기간은 재무 결과 공시와 일치합니다. 직원들은 총 급여의 최대 20%까지 기여할 수 있으며, 제공 기간당 최소 NOK 6,000의 총액이 요구됩니다. 신규 주식을 발행하기 위한 이사회의 결의는 2024년 5월 14일의 연례 총회에서 부여된 권한에 기반합니다.
Ensurge Micropower는 웨어러블 및 IoT 센서를 포함한 다양한 응용 프로그램을 위한 초박형, 유연한 고체 리튬 마이크로배터리에 전문화되어 있습니다.
Ensurge Micropower ASA a émis une correction à son annonce du 2 septembre 2024 concernant l'exercice des droits de souscription et le Plan d'Achat d'Actions pour les Employés 2024 (ESPP). Les chiffres corrigés montrent 2.216.074 nouvelles actions émises dans le cadre de l'ESPP. Lors de l'enregistrement, le capital social de l'entreprise sera de NOK 311.113.173, réparti en 622.226.346 actions d'une valeur nominale de NOK 0,50 chacune.
L'ESPP permet aux participants éligibles de souscrire des actions, avec des périodes d'offre alignées sur les divulgations de résultats financiers. Les employés peuvent contribuer jusqu'à 20 % de leur salaire brut, avec un montant total minimum de NOK 6.000 par période d'offre. La résolution du conseil d'administration visant à émettre de nouvelles actions est basée sur l'autorisation accordée lors de l'assemblée générale annuelle du 14 mai 2024.
Ensurge Micropower se spécialise dans les microbatteries lithium solides, flexibles et ultra-fines pour diverses applications, y compris les appareils portables et les capteurs IoT.
Ensurge Micropower ASA hat eine Korrektur zu seiner Bekanntmachung vom 2. September 2024 hinsichtlich der Ausübung von Bezugsrechten und des 2024 Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP) herausgegeben. Die korrigierten Zahlen zeigen 2.216.074 neue Aktien, die im Rahmen des ESPP ausgegeben werden. Bei der Registrierung wird das Grundkapital des Unternehmens NOK 311.113.173 betragen, aufgeteilt in 622.226.346 Aktien mit einem Nennwert von NOK 0,50 pro Aktie.
Das ESPP ermöglicht es berechtigten Teilnehmern, Aktien zu zeichnen, wobei die Angebotszeiträume mit der Bekanntgabe von Finanzergebnissen übereinstimmen. Mitarbeiter können bis zu 20 % ihres Bruttogehalts beitragen, mit einem Mindestbetrag von NOK 6.000 pro Angebotszeitraum. Der Beschluss des Vorstands zur Ausgabe neuer Aktien basiert auf der Genehmigung, die bei der Jahreshauptversammlung am 14. Mai 2024 erteilt wurde.
Ensurge Micropower spezialisiert sich auf ultradünne, flexible Festkörper-Lithium-Mikrobatterien für verschiedene Anwendungen, darunter tragbare Geräte und IoT-Sensoren.
- Successful implementation of Employee Share Purchase Plan, potentially aligning employee interests with company goals
- Increase in share capital, potentially providing additional resources for company operations
- Innovative product offering in the growing market of ultrathin, flexible solid-state lithium microbatteries
- Correction of previously announced figures may indicate internal reporting or communication issues
Reference is made to Ensurge Micropower ASA’s (the “Company”) announcement on 2 September 2024 regarding a subscription rights exercise and the issuance of shares under the 2024 Employee Share Purchase Plan (2024 ESPP).
By inadvertence, the announcement contained some minor errors in the number of new shares and the share capital following the share issue under the 2024 ESPP.
The number of new shares issued under the 2024 ESPP is 2,216,074 and, upon registration of the share capital increases associated with the exercise of incentive subscription rights and the issuance of ESPP shares in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises, the Company's share capital will be NOK 311,113,173 divided into 622,226,346 shares, each having a par value of NOK 0.50.
Ensurge Micropower ASA 2024 ESPP
The ESPP is available on the Company's website. employee-share-purchase-plan.pdf
Any person who is an eligible participant has been offered to subscribe for shares in the Company in connection with the ESPP. The ESPP is structured around two offering periods, starting on the first day of the calendar month following each planned public disclosure on Oslo Børs of the half-yearly and fourth quarter financial results of the Company, such calendar months being September through February and March through August. During each offering period, a fixed amount (up to
In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the "Prospectus Regulation") Article 1 (5) h, issuance of shares in connection with the ESPP is exempt from the obligation to publish a listing prospectus.
About Ensurge Micropower:
Ensurge is Energizing Innovation (TM) with the first ultrathin, flexible, reliable, and fundamentally safe solid-state lithium microbattery for the 1 to 100 milliampere-hour (mAh) class of wearable devices, connected sensors, and beyond. The innovative Ensurge Microbattery enables energy-dense rechargeable products that are ideal for form-factor-constrained applications including hearables (hearing aids and wireless headphones), digital and health wearables, sports and fitness devices, and IoT sensor solutions that use energy harvesting to power everyday things. The Company's state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, combines patented process technology and materials innovation with the scale of roll-to-roll production methods to bring the advantages of Ensurge technology to established and expanding markets.
Lars Eikeland, Chief Executive Officer E-mail: (

How many new shares were issued under Ensurge Micropower's (ENMPY) 2024 Employee Share Purchase Plan?
What will be Ensurge Micropower's (ENMPY) total share capital after the recent share issuance?
What is the maximum contribution percentage for employees in Ensurge Micropower's (ENMPY) 2024 ESPP?