Orange Grove Solar: Delivering Clean Energy in Texas

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Enbridge has announced plans to build and operate the Orange Grove Solar project near Corpus Christi, Texas. The project, set to be completed in late 2025, will provide 130 megawatts (MW) of power to the local grid. AT&T has signed a long-term virtual power purchase agreement with Enbridge for the project's output, helping the telecom giant offset its energy expenses and reduce its carbon footprint.

Orange Grove Solar will be Enbridge's first solar project in Texas, featuring about 300,000 solar panels on 920 acres. The construction phase is expected to create between 150 and 250 jobs. This project is part of Enbridge's broader commitment to developing onshore renewable projects across North America, with the company having invested over US$7 billion in renewable energy and power transmission projects to date.

Enbridge ha annunciato piani per costruire e gestire il progetto solare di Orange Grove vicino a Corpus Christi, Texas. Il progetto, previsto per essere completato entro la fine del 2025, fornirà 130 megawatt (MW) di energia alla rete locale. AT&T ha firmato un contratto di acquisto virtuale di energia a lungo termine con Enbridge per l'output del progetto, aiutando il gigante delle telecomunicazioni a compensare le proprie spese energetiche e a ridurre la propria impronta di carbonio.

Orange Grove Solar sarà il primo progetto solare in Texas di Enbridge, che presenterà circa 300.000 pannelli solari su 920 acri. Si prevede che la fase di costruzione crei tra 150 e 250 posti di lavoro. Questo progetto fa parte del più ampio impegno di Enbridge per sviluppare progetti rinnovabili onshore in Nord America, con l'azienda che ha investito oltre 7 miliardi di dollari USA in progetti di energia rinnovabile e trasmissione di energia fino ad oggi.

Enbridge ha anunciado planes para construir y operar el proyecto solar Orange Grove cerca de Corpus Christi, Texas. El proyecto, que se espera esté completado a finales de 2025, proporcionará 130 megavatios (MW) de energía a la red local. AT&T ha firmado un acuerdo de compra de energía virtual a largo plazo con Enbridge para la producción del proyecto, ayudando al gigante de las telecomunicaciones a compensar sus gastos energéticos y reducir su huella de carbono.

Orange Grove Solar será el primer proyecto solar en Texas de Enbridge, que contará con aproximadamente 300,000 paneles solares en 920 acres. Se espera que la fase de construcción genere entre 150 y 250 empleos. Este proyecto es parte de la mayor compromiso de Enbridge para desarrollar proyectos renovables en tierra en América del Norte, con la compañía habiendo invertido más de 7 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses en proyectos de energía renovable y transmisión de energía hasta la fecha.

Enbridge는 텍사스 코퍼스 크리스티 근처에 오렌지 그로브 태양광 프로젝트를 건설하고 운영할 계획을 발표했습니다. 2025년 말에 완료 예정인 이 프로젝트는 지역 전력망에 130메가와트(MW)의 전력을 공급합니다. AT&T는 프로젝트의 생산량에 대해 Enbridge와 장기 가상 전력 구매 계약을 체결하여 통신 대기업이 에너지 비용을 상쇄하고 탄소 발자국을 줄이는 데 도움을 주고 있습니다.

오렌지 그로브 태양광은 Enbridge의 텍사스 첫 번째 태양광 프로젝트로, 약 30만 개의 태양광 패널이 920에이커에 설치될 예정입니다. 건설 단계에서는 150~250개의 일자리가 창출될 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 프로젝트는 북미 전역에서 온shore 재생 가능 프로젝트를 개발하려는 Enbridge의 광범위한 약속의 일환으로, 현재까지 재생 가능 에너지 및 전력 전송 프로젝트에 70억 달러 이상을 투자한 바 있습니다.

Enbridge a annoncé son projet de construire et d'exploiter le projet solaire Orange Grove près de Corpus Christi, au Texas. Le projet, prévu d'achever d'ici fin 2025, fournira 130 mégawatts (MW) d'énergie au réseau local. AT&T a signé un contrat d'achat d'énergie virtuelle à long terme avec Enbridge pour la production du projet, aidant ainsi le géant des télécommunications à compenser ses dépenses énergétiques et à réduire son empreinte carbone.

Orange Grove Solar sera le premier projet solaire d'Enbridge au Texas, avec environ 300 000 panneaux solaires sur 920 acres. La phase de construction devrait créer entre 150 et 250 emplois. Ce projet s'inscrit dans l'engagement plus large d'Enbridge à développer des projets d'énergie renouvelable terrestre en Amérique du Nord, l'entreprise ayant investi plus de 7 milliards de dollars américains dans des projets d'énergie renouvelable et de transmission d'énergie à ce jour.

Enbridge hat Pläne angekündigt, das Orange Grove Solar Projekt in der Nähe von Corpus Christi, Texas, zu bauen und zu betreiben. Das Projekt soll Ende 2025 fertiggestellt werden und 130 Megawatt (MW) Strom ins lokale Netz einspeisen. AT&T hat einen langfristigen virtuellen Stromabnahmevertrag mit Enbridge für die Ausgabe des Projekts unterzeichnet, um dem Telekommunikationsriesen zu helfen, seine Energiekosten auszugleichen und seinen CO2-Fußabdruck zu reduzieren.

Orange Grove Solar wird Enbridges erstes Solarprojekt in Texas sein und etwa 300.000 Solarpanels auf 920 Acres umfassen. In der Bauphase werden zwischen 150 und 250 Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. Dieses Projekt ist Teil von Enbridges breiterem Engagement für die Entwicklung von Onshore-Erneuerbare-Energie-Projekten in Nordamerika, wobei das Unternehmen bisher über 7 Milliarden US-Dollar in Projekte für erneuerbare Energien und Stromübertragung investiert hat.

  • Enbridge secures long-term virtual power purchase agreement with AT&T for Orange Grove Solar project
  • Project will provide 130 MW of clean energy to the local grid
  • Construction phase expected to create 150-250 jobs
  • Expands Enbridge's renewable energy portfolio in Texas
  • Aligns with Enbridge's commitment to develop onshore renewable projects across North America
  • None.

The Orange Grove Solar project marks a significant step in Enbridge's renewable energy expansion, particularly in Texas. With a $7 billion commitment to renewable energy, this 130MW project demonstrates Enbridge's strategic pivot towards cleaner energy sources. The long-term agreement with AT&T not only secures a stable revenue stream but also highlights the growing corporate demand for renewable energy.

The project's economic impact is noteworthy, creating 150-250 construction jobs. However, investors should consider the competitive landscape in Texas's energy market and potential regulatory changes that could affect project profitability. The diversification into solar, complementing Enbridge's existing wind assets in Texas, strengthens its portfolio but also introduces new operational challenges.

This partnership between Enbridge and AT&T exemplifies the growing trend of corporate renewable energy procurement. For AT&T, this agreement aligns with its energy management strategy, potentially leading to cost savings and improved ESG ratings. Such commitments are increasingly important for stakeholder relations and could positively impact AT&T's brand value.

However, investors should note that the real impact on AT&T's carbon footprint will depend on the specifics of the virtual power purchase agreement and how it's accounted for. The long-term nature of these agreements also carries risks related to future energy price fluctuations. Overall, this move signals AT&T's proactive approach to sustainability, which could be a positive factor for environmentally conscious investors.

Telecom giant AT&T to purchase Enbridge Texas-based project's 130MW of power, once operational

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 5, 2024 / AT&T is dialing up more renewable energy-this time, from an Enbridge solar project in Texas.

The Dallas-based multinational telecom company is growing its procurement of renewable energy as part of its energy management strategy.

Enbridge announced our plans to build and operate the Orange Grove Solar project near Corpus Christi, TX. Upon completion in late 2025, Orange Grove will provide 130 megawatts (MW) of power to the local grid.

Telecom giant AT&T has signed a long-term virtual power purchase agreement with Enbridge for the output of the project. The agreement helps AT&T offset its energy expense and reduce its carbon footprint.

Orange Grove is Enbridge's first solar project in the Lone Star State, where we already own and operate three wind energy facilities. With about 300,000 solar panels on 920 acres, the project will create between 150 and 250 jobs during the construction phase.

"Orange Grove is a key part of our commitment to develop, construct and operate onshore renewable projects across North America," says Matthew Akman, Enbridge's Executive Vice President of Corporate Strategy and President of our Power business.

"By leveraging Enbridge's extensive capabilities, we advanced the project to the construction phase and have now secured a virtual power purchase agreement with AT&T," he adds. "We look forward to expanding our renewable energy footprint in Texas in the future."

To date, Enbridge has committed more than US$7 billion in capital to renewable energy and power transmission projects, either in operation or under construction, in North America and Europe.

Enbridge currently owns and/or operates seven solar energy facilities across the U.S. in Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

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Spokesperson: Enbridge

SOURCE: Enbridge

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What is the capacity of Enbridge's (ENB) Orange Grove Solar project in Texas?

Enbridge's Orange Grove Solar project in Texas will have a capacity of 130 megawatts (MW) of power once operational.

When is Enbridge's (ENB) Orange Grove Solar project expected to be completed?

Enbridge's Orange Grove Solar project is expected to be completed in late 2025.

Who has signed a power purchase agreement for Enbridge's (ENB) Orange Grove Solar project?

AT&T has signed a long-term virtual power purchase agreement with Enbridge for the output of the Orange Grove Solar project.

How many jobs will Enbridge's (ENB) Orange Grove Solar project create during construction?

The Orange Grove Solar project is expected to create between 150 and 250 jobs during the construction phase.

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