Never Forgotten, Never Repeated: Advancing Reconciliation Through Education

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The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) in Winnipeg is supporting Truth and Reconciliation Week from Sept. 23 to 27, 2024, followed by the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30. The NCTR, evolved from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, aims to preserve the history of residential schools and promote reconciliation.

Kaila Johnston, the centre's director of education and public programming, emphasizes the importance of education in combating denialism and preventing the repetition of past injustices. The NCTR will offer educational sessions for adults and students, covering topics such as the impacts of residential schools, unconscious bias, and barriers to reconciliation.

Enbridge has provided a $50,000 Fueling Futures grant to support the NCTR's Truth and Reconciliation Week events, focusing on making education sessions more accessible across Canada. This aligns with Enbridge's Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan and commitment to strengthening relationships with Indigenous communities.

Il Centro Nazionale per la Verità e la Riconciliazione (NCTR) di Winnipeg sostiene la Settimana della Verità e della Riconciliazione dal 23 al 27 settembre 2024, seguita dalla Giornata Nazionale per la Verità e la Riconciliazione il 30 settembre. Il NCTR, evolutosi dalla Commissione della Verità e della Riconciliazione del Canada, si propone di preservare la storia delle scuole residenziali e promuovere la riconciliazione.

Kaila Johnston, direttrice dell'istruzione e della programmazione pubblica del centro, sottolinea l'importanza dell'istruzione nella lotta contro il denialismo e nella prevenzione della ripetizione delle ingiustizie passate. Il NCTR offrirà sessioni educative per adulti e studenti, trattando temi come gli impatti delle scuole residenziali, il bias inconscio e le barriere alla riconciliazione.

Enbridge ha fornito una sovvenzione di 50.000 dollari per il programma Fueling Futures a sostegno degli eventi della Settimana della Verità e della Riconciliazione del NCTR, con l'obiettivo di rendere le sessioni educative più accessibili in tutto il Canada. Questo è in linea con il Piano d'Azione per la Riconciliazione Indigena di Enbridge e il suo impegno a rafforzare le relazioni con le comunità indigene.

El Centro Nacional para la Verdad y la Reconciliación (NCTR) en Winnipeg apoya la Semana de la Verdad y la Reconciliación del 23 al 27 de septiembre de 2024, seguida del Día Nacional para la Verdad y la Reconciliación el 30 de septiembre. El NCTR, evolucionado de la Comisión de Verdad y Reconciliación de Canadá, tiene como objetivo preservar la historia de las escuelas residenciales y promover la reconciliación.

Kaila Johnston, la directora de educación y programación pública del centro, enfatiza la importancia de la educación en la lucha contra el negacionismo y en la prevención de la repetición de injusticias pasadas. El NCTR ofrecerá sesiones educativas para adultos y estudiantes, cubriendo temas como los impactos de las escuelas residenciales, el sesgo inconsciente y las barreras para la reconciliación.

Enbridge ha proporcionado una subvención de 50,000 dólares como parte del programa Fueling Futures para apoyar los eventos de la Semana de la Verdad y la Reconciliación del NCTR, enfocándose en hacer las sesiones educativas más accesibles en todo Canadá. Esto está alineado con el Plan de Acción para la Reconciliación Indígena de Enbridge y su compromiso de fortalecer las relaciones con las comunidades indígenas.

윈니펙의 진실과 화해를 위한 국가 센터(NCTR)는 2024년 9월 23일부터 27일까지 진실과 화해의 주간을 지원하며, 그 뒤를 이어 9월 30일에는 진실과 화해의 국가의 날이 있습니다. NCTR은 캐나다 진실과 화해위원회에서 발전하여, 기숙학교의 역사 보존과 화해 촉진을 목표로 합니다.

센터의 교육 및 공공 프로그래밍 책임자인 카일라 존스턴은 교육이 부정와 싸우고 과거의 불의를 반복하지 않도록 하는 데 있어 얼마나 중요한지를 강조합니다. NCTR은 성인과 학생을 위한 교육 세션을 제공하며, 기숙학교의 영향, 무의식적 편향, 화해에 대한 장벽 등 여러 주제를 다룰 예정입니다.

엔브리지는 NCTR의 진실과 화해의 주간 행사 지원을 위해 50,000달러의 Fueling Futures 보조금을 제공하며, 캐나다 전역에서 교육 세션의 접근성을 높이는 데 집중하고 있습니다. 이는 엔브리지의 원주민 화해 행동 계획 및 원주민 공동체와의 관계 강화에 대한 약속과 일치합니다.

Le Centre national pour la vérité et la réconciliation (NCTR) à Winnipeg soutient la Semaine de la vérité et de la réconciliation du 23 au 27 septembre 2024, suivie de la Journée nationale pour la vérité et la réconciliation le 30 septembre. Le NCTR, qui a évolué à partir de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation du Canada, vise à préserver l'histoire des pensionnats et à promouvoir la réconciliation.

Kaila Johnston, la directrice de l'éducation et des programmes publics du centre, souligne l'importance de l'éducation dans la lutte contre le déni et la prévention de la répétition des injustices passées. Le NCTR proposera des sessions éducatives pour les adultes et les étudiants, abordant des sujets tels que les impacts des pensionnats, les préjugés inconscients et les barrières à la réconciliation.

Enbridge a accordé une subvention de 50 000 dollars dans le cadre de son programme Fueling Futures pour soutenir les événements de la Semaine de la vérité et de la réconciliation du NCTR, en mettant l'accent sur l'accès aux sessions éducatives à travers le Canada. Cela s'inscrit dans le cadre du Plan d'action pour la réconciliation autochtone d'Enbridge et de son engagement à renforcer les relations avec les communautés autochtones.

Das Nationale Zentrum für Wahrheit und Versöhnung (NCTR) in Winnipeg unterstützt die Woche der Wahrheit und Versöhnung vom 23. bis 27. September 2024, gefolgt vom Nationalen Tag der Wahrheit und Versöhnung am 30. September. Das NCTR, das aus der Wahrheits- und Versöhnungskommission von Kanada hervorgegangen ist, hat die Aufgabe, die Geschichte der Internatsschulen zu bewahren und die Versöhnung zu fördern.

Kaila Johnston, die Direktorin für Bildung und öffentliche Programme des Zentrums, betont die Bedeutung der Bildung im Kampf gegen den Leugnung und zur Verhinderung der Wiederholung vergangener Unrecht. Das NCTR wird Bildungssitzungen für Erwachsene und Schüler anbieten, die Themen wie die Auswirkungen der Internatsschulen, unbewusste Vorurteile und Barrieren zur Versöhnung behandeln.

Enbridge hat einen Zuschuss in Höhe von 50.000 Dollar aus dem Programm Fueling Futures bereitgestellt, um die Veranstaltungen der Woche der Wahrheit und Versöhnung des NCTR zu unterstützen, wobei der Fokus auf der Schaffung eines besseren Zugangs zu den Bildungssitzungen in ganz Kanada liegt. Dies steht im Einklang mit dem Aktionsplan zur Versöhnung mit den Indigenen von Enbridge und dem Engagement zur Stärkung der Beziehungen zu indigenen Gemeinschaften.

  • Enbridge provided a $50,000 Fueling Futures grant to support NCTR's Truth and Reconciliation Week events
  • The grant focuses on making education sessions more accessible across Canada
  • Enbridge launched its first Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan (IRAP) in 2022
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2024 / Enbridge

Attendees enjoy the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation's youth empowerment event in September 2024. Photo courtesy Darcy Finley.

During this year's Truth and Reconciliation Week, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation in Winnipeg helps adult learners begin the journey to healing

September 23, 2024

It's the Survivors of residential schools who launched the journey for truth and reconciliation in Canada.

They drew strength from their painful histories and demanded government and church entities account for their actions. They called for justice through the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC).

And it is these Survivors who, after all they endured at the hands of colonizers and settlers, have offered Indigenous and non-Indigenous people a gift-the gift of reconciliation.

"I love the word ‘reconciliation' because it's subjective; your definition could differ from my definition," says Kaila Johnston, an intergenerational residential school Survivor and member of Ochapowace First Nation in southeast Saskatchewan.

"People can start a reconciliation journey for themselves and delve deep into their learning."

The work of reconciliation in Canada is supported by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, a non-profit that evolved out of the TRC. Located in Winnipeg at the University of Manitoba, the centre is the permanent home for the stories, statements, records and materials collected by the TRC for Survivors and families to gain access to their history and documents.

"The work is to help ensure that we find every child that didn't come home," says Johnston, who is the centre's director of education and public programming.

"It's to ensure that we tell the truths of our Survivors, and that those truths are used to combat denialism . . . and to ensure these things are never repeated again."

Canadians will observe this year's Truth and Reconciliation Week from Sept. 23 to 27, followed by the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30. To support learning during this period, the centre will deliver multiple educational opportunities for students and adults to unlearn the myths of colonial history in Canada.

"Knowing that there is this hunger and desire to learn and understand, we want to be able to provide more education and awareness," Johnston says.

Last year, more than 40,000 people across Canada attended NCTR's lunch-and-learn events. The adult-oriented sessions will be offered again this year, covering topics such as the impacts of residential schools and colonial systems, unconscious bias, Indigenous identity theft and barriers to reconciliation.

Each session will have English and French simultaneous interpretation as well as American Sign Language interpretation. Recordings of the sessions will be made available online.

Funding for the trilingual components was provided by Enbridge, as part of our ongoing commitment to advancing reconciliation. We contributed a $50,000 Fueling Futures grant in support of the centre's Truth and Reconciliation Week events, with a focus on making the education sessions more accessible to people across Canada.

As a company, we have a strong track record of engaging with Indigenous communities across North America. In 2022, we launched our first Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan (IRAP), which affirms our long-held commitment to strengthening relationships with Indigenous communities near our operations.

As part of our support of Truth and Reconciliation Week, Enbridge employees recently attended an empowerment summit in Winnipeg, and will also be present at a National Day of Truth and Reconciliation event on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

"We see a lot of really great pockets of learning activities happening across the country," Johnston explains, noting the strong interest of workplaces, schools and groups to educate their communities about the history of residential schools and participate meaningfully in reconciliation.

"People are utilizing (the centre's) resources to start their journey," she adds.

"We can help foster healing and reconciliation by providing access to content and ensuring this history is never forgotten-or repeated."

(TOP PHOTO: Attendees enjoy the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation's youth empowerment event in September 2024. Photo courtesy Darcy Finley.)

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When is Truth and Reconciliation Week 2024 and what is Enbridge's (ENB) involvement?

Truth and Reconciliation Week 2024 is from September 23 to 27, followed by the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. Enbridge (ENB) provided a $50,000 Fueling Futures grant to support the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation's events during this week, focusing on making education sessions more accessible across Canada.

What is the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and how does it relate to Enbridge (ENB)?

The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation is a non-profit organization in Winnipeg that preserves the history of residential schools and promotes reconciliation. Enbridge (ENB) supports the centre's work through funding, including a $50,000 grant for Truth and Reconciliation Week events in 2024.

How is Enbridge (ENB) supporting Indigenous reconciliation efforts in 2024?

In 2024, Enbridge (ENB) is supporting Indigenous reconciliation efforts by providing a $50,000 Fueling Futures grant to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation for their Truth and Reconciliation Week events. This aligns with Enbridge's Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan launched in 2022 to strengthen relationships with Indigenous communities.

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