Keeping Things 'Sheep-Shape' With Four-Legged Mowing Machines

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Enbridge has introduced a novel approach to vegetation management at its Sarnia Solar Project in Canada. The company has partnered with local sheep farmers to deploy a flock of about 270 Rideau Arcott sheep to graze on an 85-acre section of the solar property. This pilot program aims to provide several benefits, including:

1. Reduced risk of damage to solar panels from conventional mowing debris
2. Decreased fire hazard from motorized equipment
3. Effective grazing close to infrastructure
4. Potential elimination of pesticide use
5. Support for native flowering plant growth

The initiative aligns with Enbridge's ongoing efforts to preserve the ecosystem at the 1,100-acre site, which houses 1.3 million solar panels and generates 80 MW of electricity. Previous conservation efforts include preserving endangered plants, restoring woodlands and wetlands, and introducing honeybee colonies as part of a pollinator program.

Enbridge ha introdotto un approccio innovativo alla gestione della vegetazione presso il suo Progetto Solare di Sarnia in Canada. L'azienda ha collaborato con agricoltori locali di pecore per schierare un gregge di circa 270 pecore Rideau Arcott che pascoleranno su una sezione di 85 acri della proprietà solare. Questo programma pilota mira a fornire diversi vantaggi, tra cui:

1. Riduzione del rischio di danneggiamento dei pannelli solari a causa dei detriti derivanti dalla falciatura tradizionale
2. Riduzione del pericolo di incendio causato da attrezzature motorizzate
3. Pascolo efficace vicino alle infrastrutture
4. Eliminazione potenziale dell'uso di pesticidi
5. Sostegno alla crescita di piante floreali native

L'iniziativa è in linea con gli sforzi continui di Enbridge per preservare l'ecosistema nell'area di 1.100 acri, che ospita 1,3 milioni di pannelli solari e genera 80 MW di elettricità. Le precedenti iniziative di conservazione includono la protezione di piante in via di estinzione, il ripristino di boschi e zone umide, e l'introduzione di colonie di api mellifere come parte di un programma per i pollinatori.

Enbridge ha introducido un enfoque innovador para la gestión de la vegetación en su Proyecto Solar de Sarnia en Canadá. La empresa se ha asociado con agricultores locales de ov Sheep para desplegar un rebaño de aproximadamente 270 ovejas Rideau Arcott que pastarán en una sección de 85 acres de la propiedad solar. Este programa piloto tiene como objetivo proporcionar varios beneficios, que incluyen:

1. Reducción del riesgo de daños a los paneles solares por escombros de cortadoras convencionales
2. Disminución del peligro de incendio por equipo motorizado
3. Pastoreo efectivo cerca de la infraestructura
4. Eliminación potencial del uso de pesticidas
5. Apoyo al crecimiento de plantas nativas con flores

La iniciativa está alineada con los esfuerzos continuos de Enbridge para preservar el ecosistema en el sitio de 1,100 acres, que alberga 1.3 millones de paneles solares y genera 80 MW de electricidad. Los esfuerzos anteriores de conservación incluyen la protección de plantas en peligro de extinción, la restauración de bosques y humedales, y la introducción de colonias de abejas como parte de un programa de polinizadores.

Enbridge는 캐나다 사니아 태양광 프로젝트에서 식생 관리에 대한 혁신적인 접근 방식을 도입했습니다. 회사는 지역 양 농업자와 협력하여 약 270마리의 리도 아르코트 양 떼를 태양광 부지의 85에이커 구역에서 풀을 뜯도록 배치했습니다. 이 파일럿 프로그램은 여러 가지 이점을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 그 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 전통적인 예초기 잔해로 인한 태양광 패널 손상 위험 감소
2. 모터 장비로 인한 화재 위험 감소
3. 인프라 근처에서 효과적인 방목
4. 농약 사용 가능성 제거
5. 자생 꽃 식물 성장 지원

이 이니셔티브는 1,100에이커의 부지에서 생태계를 보호하기 위한 Enbridge의 지속적인 노력과 일치하며, 이곳에는 130만 개의 태양광 패널이 있으며 80MW의 전기를 생산하고 있습니다. 이전의 보존 노력에는 멸종 위기 식물 보호, 숲과 습지 복원, 수분 매개체 프로그램의 일환으로 벌집 도입이 포함됩니다.

Enbridge a introduit une approche novatrice pour la gestion de la végétation dans son Projet Solaire de Sarnia au Canada. L'entreprise a collaboré avec des éleveurs de moutons locaux pour déployer un troupeau d'environ 270 moutons Rideau Arcott sur une section de 85 acres de la propriété solaire. Ce programme pilote vise à offrir plusieurs avantages, notamment :

1. Réduction du risque de dommages aux panneaux solaires causés par les débris de tonte conventionnelle
2. Diminution du risque d'incendie provenant d'équipements motorisés
3. Pâturage efficace à proximité des infrastructures
4. Élimination potentielle de l'utilisation de pesticides
5. Soutien à la croissance des plantes à fleurs indigènes

L'initiative s'inscrit dans le cadre des efforts continus d'Enbridge pour préserver l'écosystème sur le site de 1 100 acres, qui abrite 1,3 million de panneaux solaires et génère 80 MW d'électricité. Les efforts de conservation précédents comprennent la protection des plantes en danger, la restauration des forêts et des zones humides, ainsi que l'introduction de colonies d'abeilles dans le cadre d'un programme de pollinisateurs.

Enbridge hat einen neuartigen Ansatz für das Vegetationsmanagement bei seinem Sarnia Solar Project in Kanada eingeführt. Das Unternehmen hat sich mit lokalen Schafbauern zusammengetan, um eine Herde von etwa 270 Rideau Arcott-Schafen auf einem 85 Hektar großen Abschnitt des Solargrundstücks weiden zu lassen. Dieses Pilotprojekt zielt darauf ab, mehrere Vorteile zu bieten, darunter:

1. Reduziertes Risiko von Schäden an Solarpanels durch herkömmliche Mähreste
2. Verringertes Brandrisiko durch motorisierte Geräte
3. Effektives Weiden in der Nähe von Infrastrukturen
4. Mögliche Eliminierung des Einsatzes von Pestiziden
5. Unterstützung des Wachstums einheimischer blühender Pflanzen

Die Initiative steht im Einklang mit den fortlaufenden Bemühungen von Enbridge, das Ökosystem auf dem 1.100 Hektar großen Gelände zu bewahren, das 1,3 Millionen Solarpanels beherbergt und 80 MW Strom erzeugt. Zu den früheren Naturschutzmaßnahmen gehören der Schutz gefährdeter Pflanzen, die Wiederherstellung von Wäldern und Feuchtgebieten sowie die Einführung von Bienenvölkern im Rahmen eines Bestäuberprogramms.

  • Implementation of eco-friendly vegetation management using sheep at Sarnia Solar Project
  • Potential reduction in maintenance costs and risks associated with conventional mowing
  • Possible enhancement of biodiversity and support for native plant growth
  • Alignment with ongoing environmental conservation efforts at the solar facility
  • None.

Enbridge recruits hungry ovines to manage vegetation at Sarnia Solar Project

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 11, 2024 / We can't say they're baaaaaaaack . . . because they just arrived for the first time.

What we can say is this. "Ewe" might not believe what you're seeing this summer in a drive past Enbridge's Sarnia Solar Project, one of the largest solar energy facilities in Canada.

With help from local sheep farmers Brenten and Meika Pelleboer, we've embarked on a novel approach to vegetation management on an 85-acre section of the Sarnia Solar property.

As of mid-July, the Pelleboers' flock of about 270 Rideau Arcott sheep, plus trusty livestock guardian dogs Ivy and Ned, have moved right in.

It "cud" be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

"When we're working with our sheep on the solar site, we often find them lying underneath the panels happily chewing their cud, which is a sign of a happy sheep," says Brenten, adding the panels provide the sheep with a cool, dry place whenever shelter is needed.

Deploying grazing sheep, or goats, to help manage vegetation has been gaining popularity across North America for several years. For a solar facility like Sarnia Solar, there are a litany of potential benefits that the wooly summer interns are sure to provide.

"It's a pilot program but we're confident there will be a range of positive outcomes," says Enbridge Saria Solar Project operations supervisor Ian Robertson. "Debris from conventional mowers can damage panels and there's risk from motorized equipment igniting dry vegetation. The sheep are also very effective - because they graze right in close to the infrastructure."

Enbridge will also be watching for potential benefits to the overall biodiversity of the lands, which cover 1,100 acres, house about 1.3 million solar energy panels and generate 80 MW of electricity. The fluffy, four-legged mowers could eliminate the need for pesticides, and also support the growth of native flowering plants like clover, which are preferred by insects, including bees.

Enbridge began operations at Sarnia Solar in 2008. We've taken a thoughtful approach when considering the ecosystem across the property, which at one time was farmland.

Along the way, we've worked with the Return the Landscape organization to preserve endangered plants and restore woodlands and wetlands. We even saw the introduction of five full honeybee colonies - an estimated total of 400,000 bees - six years ago as part of an ongoing pollinator program.

Our hope is that happily foraging sheep will now take their place in a closely interconnected landscape.

It could be the bee's knees.

Or "shear" genius.

Or . . . a lamb dunk.

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Spokesperson: Enbridge

SOURCE: Enbridge

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What is Enbridge's new approach to vegetation management at Sarnia Solar Project?

Enbridge has introduced a flock of about 270 Rideau Arcott sheep to graze on an 85-acre section of the Sarnia Solar Project, as a novel approach to vegetation management.

How many solar panels does Enbridge's Sarnia Solar Project have?

Enbridge's Sarnia Solar Project houses approximately 1.3 million solar energy panels across 1,100 acres of land.

What is the electricity generation capacity of Enbridge's Sarnia Solar Project (ENB)?

Enbridge's Sarnia Solar Project generates 80 MW of electricity.

When did Enbridge (ENB) begin operations at the Sarnia Solar Project?

Enbridge began operations at the Sarnia Solar Project in 2008.

Enbridge, Inc


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