Giving Students 'A Reason To Be Connected to Our Rivers'
The National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC) and Lewis and Clark Community College are hosting their annual Water Festival for fifth graders in Illinois. The event, supported by a $10,000 Fueling Futures grant from Enbridge, aims to educate students about water conservation and protection. The festival includes 40 interactive stations covering various aspects of water education, from science to recreation.
In 2023, the event attracted over 900 students from 36 classes in five counties. The 2024 festival, scheduled for September 27, is expected to be even larger. The program aligns with Illinois' Grade 5 science curriculum and often exceeds curricular requirements. Teachers are offered free professional development workshops to enhance classroom activities related to the festival's content.
The event's goal is to inspire students to develop a connection with water resources and encourage environmental stewardship. The NGRREC's location near the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers underscores the importance of river conservation for the Riverbend community.
Il National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC) e il Lewis and Clark Community College stanno organizzando il loro festival annuale dell'acqua per gli studenti di quinta elementare nell'Illinois. L'evento, supportato da un finanziamento di $10,000 dalla Enbridge, mira a educare gli studenti sulla conservazione e protezione dell'acqua. Il festival comprende 40 stazioni interattive che trattano vari aspetti dell'educazione aquatica, dalla scienza al tempo libero.
Nel 2023, l'evento ha attratto oltre 900 studenti provenienti da 36 classi in cinque contee. Il festival del 2024, programmato per il 27 settembre, dovrebbe essere ancora più grande. Il programma è allineato con il curriculum di scienze di quinta elementare dell'Illinois e spesso supera i requisiti curricolari. Gli insegnanti sono offerti workshop gratuiti di sviluppo professionale per migliorare le attività in aula relative ai contenuti del festival.
L'obiettivo dell'evento è ispirare gli studenti a sviluppare una connessione con le risorse idriche e incoraggiare la responsabilità ambientale. La posizione del NGRREC vicino alla confluenza dei fiumi Missouri e Mississippi sottolinea l'importanza della conservazione dei fiumi per la comunità di Riverbend.
El National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC) y el Lewis and Clark Community College están organizando su festival anual de agua para estudiantes de quinto grado en Illinois. El evento, apoyado por una subvención de $10,000 de Enbridge, tiene como objetivo educar a los estudiantes sobre la conservación y protección del agua. El festival incluye 40 estaciones interactivas que abarcan varios aspectos de la educación acuática, desde la ciencia hasta la recreación.
En 2023, el evento atrajo a más de 900 estudiantes de 36 clases en cinco condados. El festival de 2024, programado para el 27 de septiembre, se espera que sea aún más grande. El programa está alineado con el currículo de ciencias de quinto grado de Illinois y a menudo supera los requisitos curriculares. A los maestros se les ofrecen talleres gratuitos de desarrollo profesional para mejorar las actividades en el aula relacionadas con el contenido del festival.
El objetivo del evento es inspirar a los estudiantes a desarrollar una conexión con los recursos hídricos y fomentar la responsabilidad ambiental. La ubicación del NGRREC cerca de la confluencia de los ríos Missouri y Mississippi subraya la importancia de la conservación de los ríos para la comunidad de Riverbend.
국립 대하 연구 및 교육 센터(NGRREC)와 루이스 앤 클락 커뮤니티 칼리지는 일리노이주 5학년 학생들을 위한 연례 수자원 축제를 개최합니다. 이 행사는 엔브리지로부터의 $10,000 연료 미래 보조금을 지원 받아 학생들에게 물 보존 및 보호에 대해 교육합니다. 축제에는 물 교육의 다양한 측면을 다루는 40개의 인터랙티브 스테이션이 포함되어 있으며, 과학에서 오락까지 다양한 주제가 다뤄집니다.
2023년에는 5개 카운티에서 36개 학급의 900명이 넘는 학생들이 참여했습니다. 2024년 축제는 9월 27일로 예정되어 있으며, 더 많은 참가자가 예상됩니다. 이 프로그램은 일리노이주 5학년 과학 커리큘럼과 일치하며 종종 커리큘럼 요구 사항을 초과합니다. 교사에게는 축제와 관련된 수업 활동을 향상시키기 위한 무료 전문 개발 워크숍이 제공됩니다.
이 행사의 목표는 학생들이 수자원과의 연결을 발전시키고 환경 보호에 대한 책임감을 고취시키는 것입니다. NGRREC의 위치는 미주리 강과 미시시피 강의 합류 지점 근처에 있어 Riverbend 커뮤니티를 위한 강 보존의 중요성을 강조합니다.
Le National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC) et le Lewis and Clark Community College organisent leur festival annuel de l'eau pour les élèves de cinquième en Illinois. L'événement, soutenu par un subvention de 10 000 $ de Enbridge, vise à sensibiliser les élèves à la conservation et à la protection de l'eau. Le festival comprend 40 stations interactives abordant divers aspects de l'éducation à l'eau, de la science aux loisirs.
En 2023, l'événement a attiré plus de 900 élèves de 36 classes dans cinq comtés. Le festival 2024, prévu pour le 27 septembre, devrait être encore plus grand. Le programme est en adéquation avec le programme de sciences de la cinquième année de l'Illinois et dépasse souvent les exigences du programme. Des ateliers gratuits de développement professionnel sont proposés aux enseignants pour améliorer les activités en classe liées au contenu du festival.
Le but de l'événement est d'inspirer les élèves à développer un lien avec les ressources en eau et à encourager la responsabilité environnementale. La localisation du NGRREC près de la confluence des rivières Missouri et Mississippi souligne l'importance de la conservation des rivières pour la communauté de Riverbend.
Das National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC) und das Lewis and Clark Community College veranstalten ihr jährliches Wasserfestival für Fünftklässler in Illinois. Die Veranstaltung, unterstützt durch einen 10.000 $ Fueling Futures-Zuschuss von Enbridge, zielt darauf ab, Schüler über Wasserschutz und -erhaltung aufzuklären. Das Festival umfasst 40 interaktive Stationen, die verschiedene Aspekte der Wasserausbildung abdecken, von Wissenschaft bis Freizeit.
Im Jahr 2023 zog die Veranstaltung über 900 Schüler aus 36 Klassen in fünf Landkreisen an. Das Festival 2024, das für den 27. September geplant ist, wird voraussichtlich noch größer sein. Das Programm stimmt mit dem Lehrplan für Naturwissenschaften der 5. Klasse in Illinois überein und übertrifft häufig die curricularen Anforderungen. Lehrern werden kostenlose Workshops zur beruflichen Weiterentwicklung angeboten, um die Aktivitäten im Klassenzimmer, die mit den Inhalten des Festivals in Verbindung stehen, zu verbessern.
Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, die Schüler zu inspirieren, eine Verbindung zu den Wasserressourcen aufzubauen und Umweltbewusstsein zu fördern. Die Lage des NGRREC in der Nähe der Zusammenflüsse von Missouri und Mississippi unterstreicht die Bedeutung des Fluss- und Gewässerschutzes für die Gemeinschaft von Riverbend.
- Enbridge's $10,000 Fueling Futures grant supports environmental education
- The Water Festival aligns with and exceeds Grade 5 science curriculum requirements
- The event attracted over 900 students in 2023, with expectations for growth in 2024
- 40 interactive stations provide comprehensive water education
- None.
In Illinois, the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center, and Lewis and Clark Community College, inspire fifth graders to conserve and protect water
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 3, 2024 / A fuzzy blue mascot in the shape of a water droplet greets the kids as they come off the bus, high fiving each one in welcome.
The kids-all Grade 5 students from southwest Illinois/St. Louis Metro East-are excited about a day of hands-on learning on the beautiful campus of Lewis and Clark Community College in Godfrey, IL.
As they step off the bus, they hit the ground running, guided to station after station for a day packed with activities. Each one is designed to help them develop ecological literacy and connect with a different aspect of water education-science, research, preservation, usage, consumption, conservation, safety, and recreation.
"A lot of our stations try to show students the land-water connection," says Jen Mandeville, the organizer of the annual Water Festival for fifth graders. "We want them to realize that what we do on land affects our water."
Mandeville is the Director of Environmental Education at the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC), an East Alton, IL-based research center dedicated to the study of great river systems and the communities that use them. In the state of Illinois, the Grade 5 science curriculum has a heavy water focus, she explains, adding that the festival's activities are designed to meet-and often surpass-curricular requirements.
Since 2002, NGRREC has organized the annual festival in partnership with the college, helping thousands of kids expand their knowledge about water. In 2023, more than 900 students from 36 classes in five counties attended. The 2024 event, scheduled for Sept. 27, is expected to be even larger.
In preparation for the big day, teachers are invited to attend a free professional development workshop to help them develop classroom activities and worksheets to supplement what the students will learn at the event.
The National Great Rivers Research and Education Center's Jerry F. Costello Field Station is located near the confluence of two of America's great rivers-the Missouri and the Mississippi. Taking care of the rivers is integral to the well-being of the Riverbend community.
"We want every kid to go home with a new connection to water and a new appreciation for the water resources in the state of Illinois," Mandeville adds.
Enbridge is proud to be supporting the 2024 Water Festival with a
Protecting the watershed in and around Godfrey helps not only the village and its citizens, but also every community and landscape those great rivers flow through.
On the day of Water Festival, each of the 40 stations on offer is led by community members-non-profit organizations, government departments, scientists and businesses.
At one station, kids might learn about the impact of salts on root systems. At another, they'll explore groundwater through an experiment with shave ice. One exhibitor plays a water cycle game with kids every year, to demonstrate that water is finite.
"A lot of students are floored when they learn that the water we drink today might have been inside a dinosaur's body," Mandeville says.
She recalls one student from a few years back who had an "aha!" moment at Water Festival.
"(The girl) became fired up," Mandeville remembers. "She felt empowered to have her community take action, so she sponsored community cleanups and led weekly trash walks in her neighborhood."
Reflecting on this student, Mandeville observes that what the little girl experienced is exactly what they hope for all students at Water Festival.
"We believe as educators that when people experience a natural resource, they're so much more compelled to protect it or at least help it stay healthy and available for future generations. Those moments have an impact," she says.
"After Water Festival, students now have a story and a reason to be connected to our rivers."
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