‘Forcing’ the Issue When Lives Are on the Line

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Enbridge has awarded a $7,500 Fueling Futures grant to the Westbrook Fire Department in Maine to help purchase a $12,000 forcible entry training prop door. This specialized equipment allows first responders to practice breaking through locked doors quickly and safely during emergencies. The grant, part of Enbridge's Safe Community First Responder Program, addresses a critical training need for the department, which responds to nearly 6,000 calls annually.

Assistant Fire Chief Gary Wagner emphasized the importance of this skill, stating that knowing how to get through a door can be "the difference between life and death" in various emergency scenarios. The prop door enables regular practice at the station, enhancing the department's ability to respond effectively to emergencies and potentially save lives in the Westbrook community.

Enbridge ha assegnato un contributo di $7.500 per il programma Fueling Futures al Corpo dei Vigili del Fuoco di Westbrook nel Maine, per aiutare ad acquistare un porta prop di addestramento per entrata forzata del valore di $12.000. Questa attrezzatura specializzata consente ai soccorritori di esercitarsi a forzare porte chiuse in modo rapido e sicuro durante le emergenze. Il contributo, parte del Programma Safe Community First Responder di Enbridge, risponde a una necessità critica di formazione per il dipartimento, che gestisce quasi 6.000 chiamate all'anno.

Il Vice Capo dei Vigili del Fuoco Gary Wagner ha sottolineato l'importanza di questa abilità, affermando che sapere come forzare una porta può fare la “differenza tra vita e morte” in vari scenari di emergenza. La porta prop consente di esercitarsi regolarmente presso la stazione, migliorando la capacità del dipartimento di rispondere efficacemente alle emergenze e potenzialmente salvare vite nella comunità di Westbrook.

Enbridge ha otorgado una al Departamento de Bomberos de Westbrook en Maine para ayudar a comprar una puerta de simulación para entrenamiento de entrada forzada de $12,000. Este equipo especializado permite a los primeros respondedores practicar la ruptura de puertas cerradas de manera rápida y segura durante emergencias. La subvención, que forma parte del Programa de Primeros Respondedores de Comunidades Seguras de Enbridge, aborda una necesidad crítica de capacitación para el departamento, que responde a casi 6,000 llamadas anuales.

El Jefe Asistente de Bomberos, Gary Wagner, enfatizó la importancia de esta habilidad, afirmando que saber cómo atravesar una puerta puede ser “la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte” en diversos escenarios de emergencia. La puerta de simulación permite una práctica regular en la estación, mejorando la capacidad del departamento para responder efectivamente a emergencias y potencialmente salvar vidas en la comunidad de Westbrook.

Enbridge는 메인주 웨스트브룩 소방서에 $7,500의 연료 지원금을 수여하여 $12,000의 강제 진입 훈련용 문을 구입하도록 돕고 있습니다. 이 전문 장비는 응급 상황에서 신속하고 안전하게 잠긴 문을 부수는 연습을 할 수 있게 해 줍니다. 이 기금은 Enbridge의 안전한 커뮤니티 최초 대응 프로그램의 일환으로, 매년 거의 6,000건의 호출에 대응하는 부서의 중요한 교육 필요를 해결하고 있습니다.

가리 와그너 보조 소방서장은 이 기술의 중요성을 강조하며, 문을 여는 방법을 아는 것이 여러 응급 상황에서 “생과 사의 차이가 될 수 있다”고 말했습니다. 이 문은 정기적인 훈련을 가능하게 하여 부서의 응급 상황에 대한 대처 능력을 향상시키고 웨스트브룩 지역 사회의 생명을 구할 수 있는 잠재력을 높입니다.

Enbridge a attribué une subvention de 7 500 $ pour le programme Fueling Futures au service d'incendie de Westbrook dans le Maine pour les aider à acheter une porte de simulation d'entraînement à l'entrée forcée d'une valeur de 12 000 $. Cet équipement spécialisé permet aux premiers intervenants de s'exercer à forcer des portes verrouillées rapidement et en toute sécurité durant les urgences. La subvention, qui fait partie du programme Safe Community First Responder d'Enbridge, répond à un besoin critique de formation pour le département, qui gère près de 6 000 appels par an.

Le Chef adjoint des pompiers Gary Wagner a souligné l'importance de cette compétence, déclarant que savoir comment entrer par une porte peut être “la différence entre la vie et la mort” dans divers scénarios d'urgence. La porte de simulation permet une pratique régulière à la caserne, améliorant la capacité du département à répondre efficacement aux urgences et à potentiellement sauver des vies dans la communauté de Westbrook.

Enbridge hat der Feuerwehr Westbrook in Maine einen Fördermittelbetrag von $7.500 für Fueling Futures gewährt, um eine Trainingssimulations-Tür für gewaltsame Einsätze im Wert von $12.000 zu kaufen. Diese spezielle Ausrüstung ermöglicht es Ersthelfern, in Notfällen schnell und sicher durch verschlossene Türen zu brechen. Die Förderung, die Teil des Programms „Safe Community First Responder“ von Enbridge ist, adressiert einen kritischen Schulungsbedarf der Abteilung, die jährlich auf fast 6.000 Notrufe reagiert.

Der stellvertretende Feuerwehrchef Gary Wagner betonte die Bedeutung dieser Fähigkeit und erklärte, dass es in verschiedenen Notfallszenarien „den Unterschied zwischen Leben und Tod“ ausmachen kann, zu wissen, wie man eine Tür öffnet. Die Simulations-Tür ermöglicht regelmäßiges Training in der Wache und verbessert die Fähigkeit der Abteilung, effektiv auf Notfälle zu reagieren und möglicherweise Leben in der Westbrook-Gemeinschaft zu retten.

  • Enbridge's $7,500 grant helps address a critical safety training need for Westbrook Fire Department
  • The forcible entry prop door enables regular practice of a vital emergency response skill
  • Improved training can potentially lead to faster response times and better outcomes in emergencies
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 7, 2024 / Enbridge
In Maine, Enbridge grant helps Westbrook FD purchase prop door to practise forcible entry

When first responders are called to a building, and come face to face with a locked door, they need to get past it-fast.

Beyond that locked door wait people in distress. A child trapped, unable to reach the doorknob. An unresponsive adult with a medical emergency. An employee working alone who is injured and incapacitated on the job.

"All of these scenarios are ones we deal with on a daily basis," explains Gary Wagner, assistant fire chief for the city of Westbrook, Maine, located seven miles inland from Portland, the state's largest city.

"It's this simple," he emphasizes. "When you're inside a building that you want to get out of, and there's people on the outside of the building who want to reach you, then knowing how to get through a door is the difference between life and death."

But forcible entry is a skill first responders need to practice. Unlike movie portrayals, they can't use their bodies alone to barrel through; they need to apply force carefully, using the right tool, to break through a door in mere seconds.

Practicing forcible entry has been a challenge for the small fire department. For years, Westbrook Fire Rescue has been able to work on the skill only in rare circumstances, such as when a community member donates a building slated for demolition to the cause.

Although sporadic training is better than nothing, there are indestructible training prop doors that can be purchased that allow first responders to practice regularly.

"What a prop door does is allow responders to simulate making a rescue as quickly and effectively as possible," Wagner says.

But with a price tag of nearly $12,000, the Westbrook fire department simply could not afford to use its meagre training budget to purchase the device.

Safety is our top priority at Enbridge; it's the foundation of everything we do. When we heard about the need for this training prop to advance safety in the Westbrook community, we awarded the fire department a Fueling Futures grant of $7,500 to put toward the door.

Through our Safe Community First Responder Program, we are able to extend our commitment to safety and help organizations and first responders take vital steps to protecting their communities.

"What Enbridge asked us is, ‘What is your community need?' This was our answer-the training door," Wagner says.

Now the first responders can practise this critical skill at the station whenever they have time between calls-they respond to nearly 6,000 per year.

Remarks Wagner: "Everyone in the city benefits from our ability to get into buildings quickly to help them in an emergency."

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SOURCE: Enbridge

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What is the purpose of Enbridge's $7,500 grant to Westbrook Fire Department?

The grant is to help purchase a $12,000 forcible entry training prop door, allowing first responders to practice breaking through locked doors quickly and safely during emergencies.

How many calls does Westbrook Fire Department respond to annually?

Westbrook Fire Department responds to nearly 6,000 calls per year.

What is the significance of the forcible entry training for Westbrook Fire Department?

According to Assistant Fire Chief Gary Wagner, knowing how to get through a door quickly can be 'the difference between life and death' in various emergency scenarios.

How does the Enbridge (ENB) grant align with the company's values?

The grant aligns with Enbridge's top priority of safety and its commitment to helping first responders protect their communities through the Safe Community First Responder Program.

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