Enbridge Reports Strong Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Business Performance, Advances Strategic Priorities and Recasts Financial Outlook to include U.S. Gas Utilities Acquisitions
Enbridge reported strong Q2 2024 results, reflecting an 8% increase in adjusted EBITDA to $4.3 billion and a 3% rise in distributable cash flow to $2.9 billion. GAAP earnings remained steady at $1.8 billion. The company recast its 2024 financial outlook, anticipating adjusted EBITDA between $17.7 billion and $18.3 billion, incorporating contributions from U.S. Gas Utilities acquisitions. Enbridge completed the acquisition of Questar Gas for $4.3 billion on May 31, 2024, and sanctioned significant projects including the Blackcomb Pipeline and Orange Grove solar farm.
Despite higher financing costs and taxes, Enbridge maintained growth projections, reflecting its strategic priorities and operational robustness. The company terminated its ATM equity issuance program, reverting to equity self-funding. Positive outcomes from acquisitions and project sanctions are expected to support long-term growth and profitability.
Enbridge ha riportato risultati forti per il secondo trimestre del 2024, segnalando un aumento dell'8% dell'EBITDA rettificato a 4,3 miliardi di dollari e un incremento del 3% del flusso di cassa distribuibile a 2,9 miliardi di dollari. Gli utili GAAP sono rimasti stabili a 1,8 miliardi di dollari. L'azienda ha rivisto le sue previsioni finanziarie per il 2024, prevedendo un EBITDA rettificato compreso tra 17,7 miliardi e 18,3 miliardi di dollari, includendo i contributi dalle acquisizioni delle utility gas statunitensi. Enbridge ha completato l'acquisizione di Questar Gas per 4,3 miliardi di dollari il 31 maggio 2024, e ha approvato progetti significativi, tra cui il Blackcomb Pipeline e il parco solare Orange Grove.
Nonostante l'aumento dei costi di finanziamento e delle tasse, Enbridge ha mantenuto le proiezioni di crescita, riflettendo le sue priorità strategiche e la robustezza operativa. L'azienda ha terminato il suo programma di emissione di azioni ATM, tornando a un autofinanziamento azionario. Si prevedono risultati positivi dalle acquisizioni e dalle approvazioni dei progetti per sostenere la crescita a lungo termine e la redditività.
Enbridge reportó resultados sólidos para el segundo trimestre de 2024, reflejando un aumento del 8% en el EBITDA ajustado a 4,3 mil millones de dólares y un incremento del 3% en el flujo de caja distribuible a 2,9 mil millones de dólares. Las ganancias GAAP se mantuvieron estables en 1,8 mil millones de dólares. La compañía revisó su perspectiva financiera para 2024, anticipando un EBITDA ajustado entre 17,7 mil millones y 18,3 mil millones de dólares, incorporando contribuciones de adquisiciones de utilidades de gas en EE. UU. Enbridge completó la adquisición de Questar Gas por 4,3 mil millones de dólares el 31 de mayo de 2024, y aprobó proyectos significativos incluidos el oleoducto Blackcomb y la granja solar Orange Grove.
A pesar del aumento en los costos de financiamiento y los impuestos, Enbridge mantuvo sus proyecciones de crecimiento, reflejando sus prioridades estratégicas y robustez operativa. La compañía terminó su programa de emisión de acciones ATM, volviendo a la autofinanciación. Se esperan resultados positivos de las adquisiciones y la aprobación de proyectos para apoyar el crecimiento a largo plazo y la rentabilidad.
Enbridge는 2024년 2분기 강력한 실적을 보고하며, 조정된 EBITDA가 43억 달러로 8% 증가하고, 배당 가능한 현금 흐름이 29억 달러로 3% 증가했다고 발표했습니다. GAAP 수익은 18억 달러로 변동이 없었습니다. 이 회사는 2024년 재무 전망을 조정하여 미국 가스 유틸리티 인수에 대한 기여를 포함해 조정된 EBITDA가 177억 달러에서 183억 달러 사이일 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. Enbridge는 2024년 5월 31일에 Questar Gas를 43억 달러에 인수 완료했으며, Blackcomb 파이프라인과 Orange Grove 태양광 발전소 등 주요 프로젝트의 승인을 받았습니다.
금융 비용과 세금이 증가했음에도 불구하고 Enbridge는 전략적 우선 사항과 운영의 견고함을 반영하여 성장 전망을 유지했습니다. 이 회사는 ATM 주식 발행 프로그램을 종료하고 자본을 자기 자금 조달로 전환했습니다. 인수 및 프로젝트 승인으로 인한 긍정적인 결과가 장기 성장과 수익성을 지원할 것으로 예상됩니다.
Enbridge a annoncé de bons résultats pour le deuxième trimestre 2024, avec une augmentation de 8 % de l'EBITDA ajusté, qui s'élève à 4,3 milliards de dollars, et une hausse de 3 % du flux de trésorerie distribuable, atteignant 2,9 milliards de dollars. Les bénéfices GAAP sont restés stables à 1,8 milliard de dollars. L'entreprise a révisé ses prévisions financières pour 2024, anticipant un EBITDA ajusté entre 17,7 milliards et 18,3 milliards de dollars, en intégrant les contributions des acquisitions des services publics de gaz américains. Enbridge a finalisé l'acquisition de Questar Gas pour 4,3 milliards de dollars le 31 mai 2024, et a approuvé d'importants projets, y compris le pipeline Blackcomb et la ferme solaire Orange Grove.
Malgré des coûts de financement et des impôts plus élevés, Enbridge a maintenu ses prévisions de croissance, reflétant ses priorités stratégiques et sa robustesse opérationnelle. L'entreprise a mis fin à son programme d'émission d'actions ATM, revenant à l'autofinancement en capital. Des résultats positifs provenant des acquisitions et des approbations de projets devraient soutenir la croissance à long terme et la rentabilité.
Enbridge berichtete über starke Ergebnisse im 2. Quartal 2024, mit einem Anstieg des angepassten EBITDA um 8 % auf 4,3 Milliarden Dollar und einem Anstieg des ausschüttbaren Cashflows um 3 % auf 2,9 Milliarden Dollar. Die GAAP-Gewinne blieben stabil bei 1,8 Milliarden Dollar. Das Unternehmen hat seine Finanzprognose für 2024 überarbeitet und erwartet ein angepasstes EBITDA zwischen 17,7 Milliarden und 18,3 Milliarden Dollar, einschließlich der Beiträge aus den Übernahmen von US-Gasversorgungsunternehmen. Enbridge schloss am 31. Mai 2024 die Übernahme von Questar Gas für 4,3 Milliarden Dollar ab und genehmigte bedeutende Projekte, darunter die Blackcomb-Pipeline und die Orange Grove-Solarfarm.
Trotz höherer Finanzierungskosten und Steuern hielt Enbridge an seinen Wachstumsprognosen fest, was seine strategischen Prioritäten und die betriebliche Robustheit widerspiegelt. Das Unternehmen stellte sein Aktienemissionsprogramm für den Geldautomaten ein und kehrte zur Eigenfinanzierung zurück. Positive Ergebnisse aus Akquisitionen und Projektgenehmigungen werden voraussichtlich das langfristige Wachstum und die Rentabilität unterstützen.
- Adjusted EBITDA increased by 8% to $4.3 billion.
- Distributable cash flow rose by 3% to $2.9 billion.
- Recast 2024 financial outlook with adjusted EBITDA of $17.7-$18.3 billion.
- Closed $4.3 billion acquisition of Questar Gas.
- Sanctioned Blackcomb Pipeline and Orange Grove solar farm.
- Terminated ATM equity issuance program, returning to equity self-funding.
- Higher financing costs due to increased interest rates.
- Higher income taxes driven by increased earnings.
- Higher depreciation expense from newly acquired and operational assets.
Enbridge reported strong Q2 2024 results, with adjusted EBITDA of
Key positives include:
- Record Q2 EBITDA driven by high utilization across assets
- Closed
US$4.3 billion Questar acquisition, adding 1.2 million gas utility customers - Sanctioned new projects like Gray Oak pipeline expansion and Orange Grove solar farm
- Reached favorable Texas Eastern rate settlement
- Fully funded
$12.8 billion of acquisitions and terminated ATM program
The maintained DCF/share guidance despite EBITDA growth suggests some near-term dilution from acquisition financing. However, management expects leverage metrics to improve in 2025 as full EBITDA contributions kick in. Overall, Enbridge continues to execute well on its low-risk growth strategy across its diversified energy infrastructure portfolio.
Enbridge's Q2 results and business updates demonstrate the company's strong positioning across the North American energy value chain. Key strategic moves include:
- Expanding crude oil export capacity through the Gray Oak pipeline expansion to meet growing global demand
- Increasing natural gas infrastructure in the Permian Basin via the new Blackcomb Pipeline JV to support rising production and LNG exports
- Growing its regulated gas utility business through acquisitions, adding stable cash flows and rate base growth opportunities
- Advancing renewable power projects like the Orange Grove solar farm
These initiatives align well with macro energy trends, including growing North American energy exports and the gradual transition to cleaner fuels. Enbridge's diversified asset base allows it to benefit from oil & gas growth while also investing in lower-carbon solutions.
The company's ability to secure long-term contracts and regulated returns across its businesses provides cash flow visibility. This supports Enbridge's
(All financial figures are unaudited and in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted. * identifies non-GAAP financial measures. Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliations Appendices.)
- Recast 2024 full year financial outlook to include contributions from the
U.S. Gas Utilities acquisitions announced on September 5, 2023 (the "Acquisitions") and the associated financing (previously excluded). The full year adjusted earnings before interest, income taxes and depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)* guidance range has increased to to$17.7 billion and distributable cash flow (DCF)* per share is unchanged at$18.3 billion to$5.40 despite the impact of our fully funding the Acquisitions prior to closing and benefiting from full year EBITDA contributions$5.80 - Second quarter GAAP earnings of
or$1.8 billion per common share, compared with GAAP earnings of$0.86 or$1.8 billion per common share in 2023$0.91 - Adjusted earnings* of
or$1.2 billion per common share*, compared with$0.58 or$1.4 billion per common share in 2023$0.68 - Adjusted EBITDA of
, an increase of$4.3 billion 8% , compared with in 2023$4.0 billion - Cash provided by operating activities of
, compared with$2.8 billion in 2023$3.4 billion - Distributable cash flow of
, an increase of$2.9 billion 3% , compared with in 2023$2.8 billion - Re-affirmed the Company's growth outlook announced at Enbridge Day on March 6, 2024
- Closed the acquisition of Questar Gas Company and Wexpro (together "Questar" and conducting business as "Enbridge Gas Utah") from Dominion Energy Inc. on May 31, 2024 for a purchase price of
US (including$4.3 billion US of assumed debt)$1.3 billion - Completed the Acquisitions funding and terminated the Company's at-the-market (ATM) equity issuance program; returning to an equity self-funded model
- Announced Final Investment Decision (FID) of Blackcomb Pipeline, an up to 2.5 Bcf/d natural gas pipeline which will provide transportation service from
Rankin, Texas to theAgua Dulce area inSouth Texas providing much needed export capacity for Permian shippers - Reached a negotiated settlement with customers on Texas Eastern Transmission to ensure appropriate cost recovery by increasing rates effective October 1, 2024
- Sanctioned
Orange Grove solar farm (130 MW) northwest ofCorpus Christi, Texas , for~US , backed by a long-term power purchase agreement with AT&T for$250 million 100% of capacity - Sanctioned a 120 kbpd expansion of Gray Oak Pipeline following a successful open season
- Exited the quarter with Debt-to-EBITDA of 4.7x; Enbridge expects annualized EBITDA contributions from the
US of Acquisitions in 2024 to strengthen Enbridge's Debt-to-EBITDA position$14 billion
Greg Ebel, President and CEO commented the following:
"During the quarter, we made significant progress on our strategic priorities. We completed the acquisition of Questar and filed a settlement with the Public Staff for the North Carolina Utilities Commission giving us a clear path to closing the acquisition of PSNC in Q3. In addition, we completed all the remaining financing for the Acquisitions and discontinued the company's at-the-market equity issuance program. As such, we are recasting our 2024 financial outlook to include contributions from the acquired assets. I'm proud of our team's commitment to execution and look forward to working with our new team members and customers.
"The scale and connectivity of our business is extending growth opportunities across our four business franchises. Enbridge is a one-stop shop for a wide range of customers and partners. Deep relationships, strategic incumbency and proven ability to deliver makes us a first-choice partner. A great example of this is the Seven Stars Energy project, which brought Enbridge and Indigenous communities together to develop a 200 MW wind farm in
"The need for reliable and affordable energy drove high utilization across all of our systems during the quarter. Customer demand and operational reliability of our assets helped generate record second quarter EBITDA.
"In Liquids, Mainline demand remained strong, and the system was in apportionment throughout the second quarter. Volumes averaged 3.1 mmbpd and we are advancing discussions with customers for further egress out of
"In Gas Transmission, we closed the
"In Gas Distribution, integration is well underway with Enbridge Gas Ohio and Enbridge Gas Utah. The new utilities have been fully funded and will provide long-term, rate-regulated, low risk, capital investment opportunities. We are seeing this play out In Utah where we are in negotiations to connect up to 200 MW of power to serve data center customers and have had numerous inbounds to connect up to an additional 1.5 GW over the long-term.
"In Renewable Power, we sanctioned the
"Looking forward, disciplined capital allocation remains a key area of focus. Positive credit rating agency actions during the quarter reinforces our long-held view that our balance sheet is strong. Our leverage is well within our target range and provides flexibility to fully fund our
Financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 are summarized in the table below:
Three months | Six months | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars, except per | |||||
GAAP Earnings attributable to common shareholders | 1,848 | 1,848 | 3,267 | 3,581 | |
GAAP Earnings per common share | 0.86 | 0.91 | 1.53 | 1.77 | |
Cash provided by operating activities | 2,814 | 3,439 | 5,965 | 7,305 | |
Adjusted EBITDA1 | 4,335 | 4,008 | 9,289 | 8,476 | |
Base Business Adjusted EBITDA1,2 | 4,106 | 4,008 | 8,951 | 8,476 | |
Adjusted Earnings1 | 1,248 | 1,380 | 3,203 | 3,106 | |
Adjusted Earnings per common share1 | 0.58 | 0.68 | 1.50 | 1.53 | |
Distributable Cash Flow1 | 2,858 | 2,783 | 6,321 | 5,963 | |
Base Business Distributable Cash Flow1,2 | 2,798 | 2,783 | 6,241 | 5,963 | |
Weighted average common shares outstanding | 2,137 | 2,024 | 2,131 | 2,025 | |
Base Business weighted average common shares outstanding2 | 2,023 | 2,024 | 2,023 | 2,025 |
1 | Non-GAAP financial measures. Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliations Appendices. |
2 | Base Business results are adjusted to exclude the contributions from, and the impact of financing of the Acquisitions. These include associated EBITDA, DCF, capital expenditures, and common share and debt issuances attributable to the Acquisitions. For a full reconciliation, see Appendix D of this news release. |
GAAP earnings attributable to common shareholders is the same for the second quarter of 2024 and 2023, primarily due to a gain on sale of
The period-over-period comparability of GAAP earnings attributable to common shareholders is impacted by certain unusual, infrequent factors or other non-operating factors which are noted in the reconciliation schedule included in Appendix A of this news release. Refer to the Company's Management's Discussion & Analysis for the second quarter of 2024 filed in conjunction with the second quarter financial statements for a detailed discussion of GAAP financial results.
Adjusted EBITDA in the second quarter of 2024 increased by
Adjusted earnings in the second quarter of 2024 decreased by
DCF for the second quarter of 2024 increased by
Per share metrics in 2024 are impacted by the bought deal equity issuance in the third quarter of 2023 and ATM issuances in the second quarter of 2024 as part of the financing plan for the Acquisitions.
Detailed financial information and analysis can be found below under Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results.
The Company has recast its 2024 financial guidance. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to be between
Relative to Enbridge's previous guidance, announced November 28, 2023, the Company's recast guidance for 2024 adds incremental contributions from the two
The company also reaffirmed it's 2023 to 2026, near-term growth outlook of 7
Financing the Acquisitions
Enbridge has now fully financed the
Enbridge terminated its ATM equity issuance program, without having issued any additional shares in Q3, and intends to return to an equity-self funding model.
The Company expects annualized EBITDA contributions from the
Other Financing
On June 24th, 2024, Enbridge issued
During the quarter the Fécamp offshore wind facility was placed into service and that project has been removed from the secured growth backlog. In addition, the newly sanctioned
The Company's secured growth backlog now sits at
Liquids Pipelines: Sanctioned Gray Oak Expansion Following Successful Open Season
Enbridge has sanctioned a 120 kbpd expansion of the Gray Oak pipeline following a successful open season. The incremental volumes will serve growing demand at the Company's Enbridge Ingleside Energy Center. This expansion will add capacity from
Gas Transmission: Reached a Negotiated Settlement with Shippers on Texas Eastern
In May 2024, Texas Eastern Transmission, LP (Texas Eastern) reached a negotiated settlement with customers to increase rates and filed a Stipulation and Agreement with the FERC on June 3, 2024. Base rates will increase by
Gas Transmission: Closed Acquisition of Permian Basin Natural Gas Joint Venture Interest
On May 29, 2024, Enbridge closed the previously announced agreement with WhiteWater/I Squared and MPLX to form the Whistler Parent JV that will develop, construct, own, and operate natural gas pipeline and storage assets connecting Permian Basin natural gas supply to growing LNG and other
The joint venture is owned by WhiteWater/I Squared (
Gas Transmission: Announced FID of Blackcomb Natural Gas Pipeline
Whitewater, MPLX LP, and Enbridge, through the Whistler Parent JV, partnered with Targa Resources, LLC to reach the final investment decision to move forward with the Blackcomb Pipeline. The Blackcomb Pipeline is a joint venture owned
The pipeline is backed by firm transportation agreements with predominantly investment grade counterparties and is expected to enter service in the second half of 2026 pending the receipt of customary regulatory and other approvals.
Gas Distribution and Storage: Enbridge's Acquisition of Gas Utilities from Dominion
On May 31, 2024 Enbridge closed its acquisition of Questar from Dominion for a purchase price of
Together, EOG (conducting business as Enbridge Gas Ohio) and Questar are expected to contribute approximately
Renewable Power: Sanctioned Orange Grove Solar in
Enbridge sanctioned the Orange Grove Solar development, a 130 MW solar project strategically located approximately 30 miles from
GAAP Segment EBITDA and Cash Flow from Operations
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Liquids Pipelines | 2,450 | 2,427 | 4,854 | 4,780 | |
Gas Transmission | 2,095 | 1,042 | 3,360 | 2,247 | |
Gas Distribution and Storage | 567 | 367 | 1,332 | 1,083 | |
Renewable Power Generation | 138 | 129 | 395 | 265 | |
Eliminations and Other | (155) | 575 | (797) | 592 | |
EBITDA1 | 5,095 | 4,540 | 9,144 | 8,967 | |
Earnings attributable to common shareholders | 1,848 | 1,848 | 3,267 | 3,581 | |
Cash provided by operating activities | 2,814 | 3,439 | 5,965 | 7,305 |
1 Non-GAAP financial measure. Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliations Appendices. |
For purposes of evaluating performance, the Company makes adjustments to GAAP reported earnings, segment EBITDA and cash flow provided by operating activities for unusual, infrequent or other non-operating factors, which allow Management and investors to more accurately compare the Company's performance across periods, normalizing for factors that are not indicative of underlying business performance. Tables incorporating these adjustments follow below. Schedules reconciling EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA by segment, adjusted earnings, adjusted earnings per share and DCF to their closest GAAP equivalent are provided in the Appendices to this news release.
Adjusted EBITDA By Segment
Adjusted EBITDA generated from U.S. dollar denominated businesses was translated to Canadian dollars at a higher average exchange rates (
Liquids Pipelines
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Mainline System | 1,317 | 1,453 | 2,655 | 2,790 | |
Regional Oil Sands System | 243 | 249 | 470 | 480 | |
Gulf Coast and Mid-Continent Systems1 | 436 | 382 | 863 | 766 | |
Other Systems2 | 460 | 345 | 928 | 735 | |
Adjusted EBITDA3 | 2,456 | 2,429 | 4,916 | 4,771 | |
Operating Data (average deliveries – thousands of bpd) | |||||
Mainline System volume4 | 3,078 | 2,991 | 3,103 | 3,056 | |
Canadian International Joint Tariff5 ($C) | $— | $— | |||
$— | $— | ||||
Competitive Tolling Settlement IJT and surcharges6 ($US) | $— | $— | |||
Line 3 Replacement Surcharge ($US)6,7 |
1 | Consists of Flanagan South Pipeline, Seaway Pipeline, Gray Oak Pipeline, Cactus II Pipeline, Enbridge Ingleside Energy Center, and others. |
2 | Other consists of Southern Lights Pipeline, Express-Platte System, Bakken System, and others. |
3 | Non-GAAP financial measure. Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliations Appendices. |
4 | Mainline System throughput volume represents Mainline System deliveries ex- |
5 | Tariff tolls, per barrel, for heavy crude oil movements from |
6 | Includes the international joint tariff (IJT) benchmark toll, for heavy crude oil movements from |
7 | Effective July 1, 2022, the Line 3 Replacement Surcharge (L3R), exclusive of the receipt terminalling surcharge, is determined on a monthly basis by a volume ratchet based on the 9-month rolling average of ex- |
Liquids Pipelines adjusted EBITDA increased
- higher Mainline system throughput of 3.1 million barrels per day (mmbpd) in 2024 as compared to 3.0 mmbpd in 2023;
- higher contributions from the Gulf Coast and Mid-Continent System due primarily to higher volumes on the Flanagan South Pipeline driven by the open season commitments that commenced in the first quarter of 2024;
- higher contributions from Express-Platte System due primarily to greater long-haul deliveries and certain Feeder pipelines due to higher volumes on Southern Access Extension and
Toledo pipelines; - the favorable effect of translating US dollar earnings at a higher average exchange rate in 2024, as compared to 2023;
- higher contributions from Southern Lights Pipeline due primarily to the discontinuation of rate-regulated accounting in the fourth quarter of 2023; partially offset by
- lower Mainline System tolls as a result of new tolls effective July 1, 2023 and a lower L3R surcharge.
Gas Transmission
Three months June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
891 | 811 | 1,840 | 1,736 | ||
Canadian Gas Transmission | 98 | 140 | 294 | 322 | |
Other | 93 | 82 | 222 | 164 | |
Adjusted EBITDA1 | 1,082 | 1,033 | 2,356 | 2,222 |
1 Non-GAAP financial measure. Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliations Appendices. |
Gas Transmission adjusted EBITDA increased
- lower US Gas Transmission and Storage operating costs;
- contributions from the acquisitions of Aitken Creek in the fourth quarter of 2023 and Tomorrow RNG in the first quarter of 2024, and
- the favorable effect of translating US dollar earnings at a higher average exchange rate in 2024, compared to the same period in 2023; partially offset by
- the absence of contributions from Alliance Pipeline and Aux Sable due to the sale of ownership interests to Pembina in April 2024.
Gas Distribution and Storage
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Enbridge Gas Ontario | 376 | 358 | 1,073 | 1,057 | |
178 | — | 228 | — | ||
Other | 13 | 9 | 31 | 26 | |
Adjusted EBITDA2 | 567 | 367 | 1,332 | 1,083 | |
Operating Data | |||||
Enbridge Gas Ontario | |||||
Volumes (billions of cubic feet) | 378 | 426 | 1,042 | 1,193 | |
Number of active customers3 (millions) | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | |
Heating degree days4 | |||||
Actual | 232 | 477 | 1,609 | 2,205 | |
Forecast based on normal weather5 | 319 | 515 | 1,946 | 2,407 |
1 | |
2 | Non-GAAP financial measure. Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliations Appendices. |
3 | Number of active customers is the number of natural gas consuming customers at the end of the reported period. |
4 | Heating degree days is a measure of coldness that is indicative of volumetric requirements for natural gas utilized for heating purposes in EGI's distribution franchise areas. |
5 | Normal weather is the weather forecast by Enbridge Gas Ontario in its legacy rate zones, using the forecasting methodologies approved by the Ontario Energy Board. |
Enbridge Gas Ontario and Questar adjusted EBITDA will typically follow a seasonal profile. It is generally highest in the first and fourth quarters of the year. Enbridge Gas Ontario's seasonal profile reflects greater volumetric demand during the heating season and the magnitude of the seasonal EBITDA fluctuations will vary from year-to-year reflecting the impact of colder or warmer than normal weather on distribution volumes. EOG's earnings are decoupled from volumes and less impacted by weather fluctuations.
Adjusted EBITDA for the second quarter increased
- contributions from the acquisition of EOG and Questar in 2024; and
- higher distribution charges resulting from increases in rates and customer base; partially offset by
- the negative impact of warmer weather than for the same period of 2023.
The negative impact of weather was approximately
Renewable Power Generation
Three months June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Adjusted EBITDA1 | 147 | 132 | 426 | 271 |
1 Non-GAAP financial measure. Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliations Appendices. |
Renewable Power Generation adjusted EBITDA increased
- higher contributions from the Hohe See and Albatros Offshore Wind Facilities as a result of the November 2023 acquisition of an additional
24.45% interest in these facilities.
Eliminations and Other
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Operating and administrative recoveries | 90 | 43 | 285 | 96 | |
Realized foreign exchange hedge settlement (loss)/gain | (7) | 4 | (26) | 33 | |
Adjusted EBITDA1 | 83 | 47 | 259 | 129 |
1 Non-GAAP financial measure. Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliations Appendices. |
Operating and administrative recoveries captured in this segment reflect the cost of centrally delivered services (including depreciation of corporate assets) inclusive of amounts recovered from business units for the provision of those services.
Eliminations and Other adjusted EBITDA increased
Distributable Cash Flow
Three months June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars; number of | |||||
Liquids Pipelines | 2,456 | 2,429 | 4,916 | 4,771 | |
Gas Transmission | 1,082 | 1,033 | 2,356 | 2,222 | |
Gas Distribution and Storage | 567 | 367 | 1,332 | 1,083 | |
Renewable Power Generation | 147 | 132 | 426 | 271 | |
Eliminations and Other | 83 | 47 | 259 | 129 | |
Adjusted EBITDA1,3 | 4,335 | 4,008 | 9,289 | 8,476 | |
Maintenance capital | (262) | (226) | (458) | (399) | |
Interest expense1 | (1,081) | (921) | (2,095) | (1,847) | |
Current income tax1 | (158) | (84) | (421) | (264) | |
Distributions to noncontrolling interests1 | (88) | (103) | (166) | (195) | |
Cash distributions in excess of equity earnings1 | 142 | 138 | 238 | 203 | |
Preference share dividends1 | (95) | (86) | (188) | (170) | |
Other receipts of cash not recognized in revenue2 | 8 | 40 | 36 | 123 | |
Other non-cash adjustments | 57 | 17 | 86 | 36 | |
DCF3 | 2,858 | 2,783 | 6,321 | 5,963 | |
Weighted average common shares outstanding4 | 2,137 | 2,024 | 2,131 | 2,025 |
1 Presented net of adjusting items. |
2 Consists of cash received, net of revenue recognized, for contracts under make-up rights and similar deferred revenue arrangements. |
3 Non-GAAP financial measures. Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliations Appendices. |
4 Includes equity pre-funding for the Acquisitions which are expected to close in 2024. |
Second quarter 2024 DCF increased
- higher interest rates impacting floating-rate debt and new issuances;
- higher
U.S. Corporate Alternative Minimum taxes; and - higher maintenance capital from the Questar and EOG Acquisitions in 2024.
Weighted average common shares increased due to the bought deal equity issuance in the third quarter of 2023 and ATM issuances in the second quarter of 2024 as part of the funding for the Acquisitions.
Adjusted Earnings
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars, except | |||||
Adjusted EBITDA1,2 | 4,335 | 4,008 | 9,289 | 8,476 | |
Depreciation and amortization | (1,317) | (1,172) | (2,551) | (2,354) | |
Interest expense2 | (1,098) | (928) | (2,111) | (1,843) | |
Income taxes2 | (520) | (376) | (1,127) | (889) | |
Noncontrolling interests2 | (57) | (65) | (109) | (113) | |
Preference share dividends | (95) | (87) | (188) | (171) | |
Adjusted earnings1 | 1,248 | 1,380 | 3,203 | 3,106 | |
Adjusted earnings per common share1 | 0.58 | 0.68 | 1.50 | 1.53 |
1 Non-GAAP financial measures. Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliations Appendices. |
2 Presented net of adjusting items. |
Adjusted earnings decreased
- higher depreciation from assets acquired or placed into service in 2023;
- higher interest expense due to higher interest rates impacting floating-rate debt and new issuances; and
- higher income tax expense driven by higher earnings.
Per share metrics were negatively impacted by the bought deal equity issuance in the third quarter of 2023 and ATM issuances in the second quarter of 2024, as part the funding for the Acquisitions.
Enbridge will host a conference call and webcast on August 2, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time (7:00 a.m. Mountain Time) to provide a business update and review 2024 second quarter results. Analysts, members of the media and other interested parties can access the call toll free at 1-800-606-3040. The call will be audio webcast live at https://app.webinar.net/nQm7DAoRZ2N. It is recommended that participants dial in or join the audio webcast fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled start time. A webcast replay will be available soon after the conclusion of the event and a transcript will be posted to the website. The replay will be available for seven days after the call toll-free 1-(800)-606-3040 (conference ID: 9581867).
The conference call format will include prepared remarks from the executive team followed by a question and answer session for the analyst and investor community only. Enbridge's media and investor relations teams will be available after the call for any additional questions.
On July 29, 2024, our Board of Directors declared the following quarterly dividends. All dividends are payable on September 1, 2024 to shareholders of record on August 15, 2024.
Dividend per share | |
(Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated) | |
Common Shares | |
Preference Shares, Series A | |
Preference Shares, Series B | |
Preference Shares, Series D | |
Preference Shares, Series F | |
Preference Shares, Series G1 | |
Preference Shares, Series H | |
Preference Shares, Series I2 | |
Preference Shares, Series L | |
Preference Shares, Series N | |
Preference Shares, Series P | |
Preference Shares, Series R3 | |
Preference Shares, Series 1 | |
Preference Shares, Series 3 | |
Preference Shares, Series 5 | |
Preference Shares, Series 7 | |
Preference Shares, Series 9 | |
Preference Shares, Series 11 | |
Preference Shares, Series 13 | |
Preference Shares, Series 15 | |
Preference Shares, Series 19 |
1 | The quarterly dividend per share paid on Preference Shares, Series G was decreased to |
2 | The quarterly dividend per share paid on Preference Shares, Series I was decreased to |
3 | The quarterly dividend per share paid on Preference Shares, Series R was increased to |
Forward-looking information, or forward-looking statements, have been included in this news release to provide information about Enbridge and its subsidiaries and affiliates, including management's assessment of Enbridge and its subsidiaries' future plans and operations. This information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Forward looking statements are typically identified by words such as ''anticipate'', ''expect'', ''project'', 'estimate'', ''forecast'', ''plan'', ''intend'', ''target'', ''believe'', "likely" and similar words suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. Forward-looking information or statements included or incorporated by reference in this document include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the following: Enbridge's corporate vision and strategy, including our strategic priorities and outlook; 2024 financial guidance and near term outlook, including projected DCF per share and adjusted EBITDA and expected growth thereof; expected dividends, dividend growth and dividend policy; the acquisitions of three natural gas utilities from Dominion Energy, Inc. (the Acquisitions), including the characteristics, anticipated benefits, expected funding and expected timing of closing and integration thereof; expected supply of, demand for, exports of and prices of crude oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGL), liquified natural gas (LNG), renewable natural gas (RNG) and renewable energy; energy transition and low carbon energy and our approach thereto; anticipated utilization of our assets; expected EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA; expected earnings/(loss) and adjusted earnings/(loss); expected DCF and DCF per share; expected future cash flows; expected shareholder returns and asset returns; expected performance of the Company's businesses; financial strength and flexibility; financing costs and plans, including with respect to the Acquisitions and our equity self-funding model;; expectations on leverage, including debt-to EBITDA ratio; sources of liquidity and sufficiency of financial resources; expected in-service dates and costs related to announced projects and projects under construction; capital allocation framework and priorities; impact of weather and seasonality; expected future growth and expansion opportunities, including secured growth program, development opportunities, customer growth, and low carbon opportunities and strategy, including with respect to the Gray Oak Pipeline expansion, Whistler Parent JV and
Although Enbridge believes these forward-looking statements are reasonable based on the information available on the date such statements are made and processes used to prepare the information, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and readers are cautioned against placing undue reliance on forward-looking statements. By their nature, these statements involve a variety of assumptions, known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, levels of activity and achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Material assumptions include assumptions about the following: the expected supply of and demand for crude oil, natural gas, NGL, LNG, RNG and renewable energy; prices of crude oil, natural gas, NGL, LNG, RNG and renewable energy; anticipated utilization of our assets; exchange rates; inflation; interest rates; availability and price of labour and construction materials; the stability of our supply chain; operational reliability and performance; maintenance of support and regulatory approvals for our projects, toll and rate applications, including with respect to Texas Eastern; anticipated in-service dates; weather; announced and potential acquisition, disposition and other corporate transactions and projects and the timing and benefits thereof, including with respect to the Acquisitions; governmental legislation; litigation; credit ratings; hedging program; expected EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA; expected earnings/ (loss) and adjusted earnings/(loss); expected earnings/(loss) or adjusted earnings/(loss) per share; expected future cash flows; expected future DCF and DCF per share; estimated future dividends; financial strength and flexibility; debt and equity market conditions; and general economic and competitive conditions. Assumptions regarding the expected supply of and demand for crude oil, natural gas, NGL, LNG, RNG and renewable energy and the prices of these commodities are material to and underlie all forward looking statements, as they may impact current and future levels of demand for our services. Similarly, exchange rates, inflation and interest rates impact the economies and business environments in which we operate and may impact levels of demand for our services and cost of inputs and are therefore inherent in all forward-looking statements. The most relevant assumptions associated with forward-looking statements regarding announced projects and projects under construction, including estimated completion dates and expected capital expenditures, include the following: the availability and price of labour and construction materials; the stability of our supply chain; the effects of inflation and foreign exchange rates on labour and material costs; the effects of interest rates on borrowing costs; the impact of weather; the timing and closing of acquisitions, dispositions and other transactions and the realization of anticipated benefits therefrom; and customer, government, court and regulatory approvals on construction and in-service schedules and cost recovery regimes.
Enbridge's forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties pertaining to the successful execution of our strategic priorities; operating performance; regulatory parameters and decisions; litigation; acquisitions and dispositions and other transactions, and the realization of anticipated benefits therefrom, including the Acquisitions; project approval and support; renewals of rights-of-way; weather; economic and competitive conditions; global geopolitical conditions; political decisions; public opinion; dividend policy; changes in tax laws and tax rates; exchange rates; interest rates; inflation; commodity prices; and supply of and demand for commodities, including but not limited to those risks and uncertainties discussed in this news release and in Enbridge's other filings with Canadian and
At Enbridge, we safely connect millions of people to the energy they rely on every day, fueling quality of life through our North American natural gas, oil and renewable power networks and our growing European offshore wind portfolio. We're investing in modern energy delivery infrastructure to sustain access to secure, affordable energy and building on more than a century of operating conventional energy infrastructure and two decades of experience in renewable power. We're advancing new technologies including hydrogen, renewable natural gas, carbon capture and storage. Headquartered in
None of the information contained in, or connected to, Enbridge's website is incorporated in or otherwise forms part of this news release.
Enbridge Inc. – Media | Enbridge Inc. – Investment Community | |
Gina Sutherland | Rebecca | |
Toll Free: (888) 992-0997 | Toll Free: (800) 481-2804 | |
Email: media@enbridge.com | Email: investor.relations@enbridge.com |
This news release contains references to EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted earnings, adjusted earnings per common share and DCF. Management believes the presentation of these metrics gives useful information to investors and shareholders, as they provide increased transparency and insight into the performance of the Company.
EBITDA represents earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization.
Adjusted EBITDA represents EBITDA adjusted for unusual, infrequent or other non-operating factors on both a consolidated and segmented basis. Management uses EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA to set targets and to assess the performance of the Company and its business units.
Adjusted earnings represent earnings attributable to common shareholders adjusted for unusual, infrequent or other non-operating factors included in adjusted EBITDA, as well as adjustments for unusual, infrequent or other non-operating factors in respect of depreciation and amortization expense, interest expense, income taxes and noncontrolling interests on a consolidated basis. Management uses adjusted earnings as another measure of the Company's ability to generate earnings.
DCF is defined as cash flow provided by operating activities before the impact of changes in operating assets and liabilities (including changes in environmental liabilities) less distributions to noncontrolling interests, preference share dividends and maintenance capital expenditures and further adjusted for unusual, infrequent or other non-operating factors. Management also uses DCF to assess the performance of the Company and to set its dividend payout target.
Base Business Adjusted EBITDA represents adjusted EBITDA, as further adjusted to exclude contributions from, and the impact of financing of, the acquisitions of three natural gas utilities from Dominion Energy, Inc. (the " Acquisitions") (including the associated EBITDA, DCF, capital expenditures, and common share and debt issuances). Management is using Base Business Adjusted EBITDA in 2024 to assess the performance of the Company and its business units excluding the impact of the Acquisitions, all of which have closed, or are expected to close, in 2024.
Base Business DCF represents adjusted DCF, as further adjusted to exclude contributions from, and the impact of financing of, the Acquisitions (including the associated EBITDA, DCF, capital expenditures, and common share and debt issuances). Management is using Base Business DCF in 2024 to assess the performance of the Company and its dividend payout target, excluding the impact of the Acquisitions.
This news release also contains references to Debt-to-EBITDA, a non-GAAP ratio which utilizes adjusted EBITDA as one of its components. Debt-to-EBITDA is used as a liquidity measure to indicate the amount of adjusted earnings to pay debt, as calculated on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles in
Reconciliations of forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures and non-GAAP ratios to comparable GAAP measures are not available due to the challenges and impracticability of estimating certain items, particularly certain contingent liabilities and non-cash unrealized derivative fair value losses and gains subject to market variability. Because of those challenges, a reconciliation of forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures and non-GAAP ratios is not available without unreasonable effort.
Our non-GAAP financial measures and non-GAAP ratios described above are not measures that have standardized meaning prescribed by
The tables below provide a reconciliation of the non-GAAP measures to comparable GAAP measures.
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Liquids Pipelines | 2,450 | 2,427 | 4,854 | 4,780 | |
Gas Transmission | 2,095 | 1,042 | 3,360 | 2,247 | |
Gas Distribution and Storage | 567 | 367 | 1,332 | 1,083 | |
Renewable Power Generation | 138 | 129 | 395 | 265 | |
Eliminations and Other | (155) | 575 | (797) | 592 | |
EBITDA | 5,095 | 4,540 | 9,144 | 8,967 | |
Depreciation and amortization | (1,273) | (1,137) | (2,466) | (2,283) | |
Interest expense | (1,082) | (883) | (1,987) | (1,788) | |
Income tax expense | (739) | (519) | (1,125) | (1,029) | |
Earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests | (58) | (66) | (111) | (115) | |
Preference share dividends | (95) | (87) | (188) | (171) | |
Earnings attributable to common shareholders | 1,848 | 1,848 | 3,267 | 3,581 |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars, except per | |||||
Liquids Pipelines | 2,456 | 2,429 | 4,916 | 4,771 | |
Gas Transmission | 1,082 | 1,033 | 2,356 | 2,222 | |
Gas Distribution and Storage | 567 | 367 | 1,332 | 1,083 | |
Renewable Power Generation | 147 | 132 | 426 | 271 | |
Eliminations and Other | 83 | 47 | 259 | 129 | |
Adjusted EBITDA | 4,335 | 4,008 | 9,289 | 8,476 | |
Depreciation and amortization | (1,317) | (1,172) | (2,551) | (2,354) | |
Interest expense | (1,098) | (928) | (2,111) | (1,843) | |
Income tax expense | (520) | (376) | (1,127) | (889) | |
Earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests | (57) | (65) | (109) | (113) | |
Preference share dividends | (95) | (87) | (188) | (171) | |
Adjusted earnings | 1,248 | 1,380 | 3,203 | 3,106 | |
Adjusted earnings per common share | 0.58 | 0.68 | 1.50 | 1.53 |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars, except per | |||||
EBITDA | 5,095 | 4,540 | 9,144 | 8,967 | |
Adjusting items: | |||||
Change in unrealized derivative fair value (gain)/loss | 226 | (547) | 1,013 | (1,085) | |
Employee severance costs | — | — | 105 | — | |
Competitive Toll Settlement realized hedge loss | — | — | — | 638 | |
Net gain on sale | (1,092) | — | (1,092) | — | |
Litigation settlement gain | — | — | — | (68) | |
Other | 106 | 15 | 119 | 24 | |
Total adjusting items | (760) | (532) | 145 | (491) | |
Adjusted EBITDA | 4,335 | 4,008 | 9,289 | 8,476 | |
Depreciation and amortization | (1,273) | (1,137) | (2,466) | (2,283) | |
Interest expense | (1,081) | (883) | (1,986) | (1,788) | |
Income tax expense | (739) | (519) | (1,125) | (1,029) | |
Earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests | (58) | (66) | (111) | (115) | |
Preference share dividends | (95) | (87) | (188) | (171) | |
Adjusting items in respect of: | |||||
Depreciation and amortization | (44) | (35) | (85) | (71) | |
Interest expense | (17) | (45) | (125) | (55) | |
Income tax expense | 219 | 143 | (2) | 140 | |
Earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | |
Adjusted earnings | 1,248 | 1,380 | 3,203 | 3,106 | |
Adjusted earnings per common share | 0.58 | 0.68 | 1.50 | 1.53 |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Adjusted EBITDA | 2,456 | 2,429 | 4,916 | 4,771 | |
Change in unrealized derivative fair value gain/(loss) | 29 | 34 | (6) | 650 | |
CTS realized hedge loss | — | — | — | (638) | |
Litigation settlement gain | — | — | — | 68 | |
Other | (35) | (36) | (56) | (71) | |
Total adjustments | (6) | (2) | (62) | 9 | |
EBITDA | 2,450 | 2,427 | 4,854 | 4,780 |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Adjusted EBITDA | 1,082 | 1,033 | 2,356 | 2,222 | |
Change in unrealized derivative fair value gain/(loss) | — | — | (17) | — | |
Gain on sale of Alliance and Aux Sable | 1,063 | — | 1,063 | — | |
Other | (50) | 9 | (42) | 25 | |
Total adjustments | 1,013 | 9 | 1,004 | 25 | |
EBITDA | 2,095 | 1,042 | 3,360 | 2,247 |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Adjusted EBITDA | 567 | 367 | 1,332 | 1,083 | |
Total adjustments | — | — | — | — | |
EBITDA | 567 | 367 | 1,332 | 1,083 |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Adjusted EBITDA | 147 | 132 | 426 | 271 | |
Change in unrealized derivative fair value gain/(loss) | (26) | — | (39) | — | |
Gain on sale of NR Green | 29 | — | 29 | — | |
Other | (12) | (3) | (21) | (6) | |
Total adjustments | (9) | (3) | (31) | (6) | |
EBITDA | 138 | 129 | 395 | 265 |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Adjusted EBITDA | 83 | 47 | 259 | 129 | |
Change in unrealized derivative fair value gain/(loss) | (211) | 485 | (933) | 402 | |
Employee severance costs | — | — | (105) | — | |
Other | (27) | 43 | (18) | 61 | |
Total adjustments | (238) | 528 | (1,056) | 463 | |
EBITDA | (155) | 575 | (797) | 592 |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Cash provided by operating activities | 2,814 | 3,439 | 5,965 | 7,305 | |
Adjusted for changes in operating assets and liabilities1 | 207 | (314) | 507 | (1,228) | |
3,021 | 3,125 | 6,472 | 6,077 | ||
Distributions to noncontrolling interests2 | (88) | (103) | (166) | (195) | |
Preference share dividends2 | (95) | (86) | (188) | (170) | |
Maintenance capital | (262) | (226) | (458) | (399) | |
Significant adjusting items: | |||||
Other receipts of cash not recognized in revenue | 8 | 40 | 36 | 123 | |
Employee severance costs, net of tax | — | — | 91 | — | |
Distributions from equity investments in excess of | 197 | 40 | 476 | 195 | |
CTS realized hedge loss, net of tax | — | — | — | 479 | |
Litigation settlement gain | — | — | — | (68) | |
Other items | 77 | (7) | 58 | (79) | |
DCF | 2,858 | 2,783 | 6,321 | 5,963 |
1 Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of recoveries. |
2 Presented net of adjusting items. |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Adjusted EBITDA | 4,335 | 4,008 | 9,289 | 8,476 | |
(178) | — | (228) | — | ||
E&O EBITDA1 | (51) | — | (110) | — | |
Base Business Adjusted EBITDA | 4,106 | 4,008 | 8,951 | 8,476 |
1 Related to investment income from the pre-funding of the Acquisitions. |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars | |||||
EBITDA | 5,095 | 4,540 | 9,144 | 8,967 | |
Adjusting items: | |||||
Change in unrealized derivative fair value (gain)/loss | 225 | (549) | 1,010 | (1,089) | |
Employee severance costs | — | — | 105 | — | |
Competitive Toll Settlement realized hedge loss | — | — | — | 638 | |
Net gain on sale | (1,092) | — | (1,092) | — | |
Litigation settlement gain | — | — | — | (68) | |
Other | 107 | 17 | 122 | 28 | |
(178) | — | (228) | — | ||
E&O EBITDA1 | (51) | — | (110) | — | |
Base Business Adjusted EBITDA | 4,106 | 4,008 | 8,951 | 8,476 |
1 Related to investment income from the pre-funding of the Acquisitions. |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars | |||||
DCF | 2,858 | 2,783 | 6,321 | 5,963 | |
Adjustments from operating and financing | |||||
EBITDA | (229) | — | (338) | — | |
Maintenance capital | 48 | — | 63 | — | |
Financing costs | 120 | — | 188 | — | |
Current income tax | 1 | — | 7 | — | |
Base Business DCF | 2,798 | 2,783 | 6,241 | 5,963 |
Three months ended June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
(unaudited; millions of Canadian dollars) | |||||
Cash provided by operating activities | 2,814 | 3,439 | 5,965 | 7,305 | |
Adjusted for changes in operating assets and liabilities | 207 | (314) | 507 | (1,228) | |
3,021 | 3,125 | 6,472 | 6,077 | ||
Distributions to noncontrolling interests | (88) | (103) | (166) | (195) | |
Preference share dividends | (95) | (86) | (188) | (170) | |
Maintenance capital | (262) | (226) | (458) | (399) | |
Significant adjusting items: | |||||
Other receipts of cash not recognized in revenue | 8 | 40 | 36 | 123 | |
Employee severance costs, net of tax | — | — | 91 | — | |
Distributions from equity investments in excess of | 197 | 40 | 476 | 195 | |
CTS realized hedge loss, net of tax | — | — | — | 479 | |
Litigation settlement gain | — | — | — | (68) | |
Other items | 77 | (7) | 58 | (79) | |
Adjustments from operating and financing | (60) | — | (80) | — | |
Base Business DCF | 2,798 | 2,783 | 6,241 | 5,963 |
Three months June 30, | Six months ended | ||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||
Weighted average common shares outstanding | 2,137 | 2,024 | 2,131 | 2,025 | |
Shares issued to finance | (114) | — | (108) | — | |
Base Business weighted average common | 2,023 | 2,024 | 2,023 | 2,025 |
SOURCE Enbridge Inc.