Enbridge Collaborates with Microsoft to Use AI for Enhanced Safety, Emissions Reduction, and Asset Optimization

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Enbridge Inc. (TSX: ENB) (NYSE: ENB) is collaborating with Microsoft to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) for enhancing safety, reducing emissions, and optimizing assets across its operations. Building on a digital transformation initiated in 2020, Enbridge has migrated over 80% of its workloads to Microsoft Azure cloud platform, strengthening its computing capabilities and cybersecurity measures. The company has implemented AI-powered initiatives including:

1. Energy Optimizer: Provides real-time operational insights for efficient energy transportation, leading to cost savings and GHG reductions.

2. Right of Way Monitoring: Enhances pipeline surveillance efficiency, improving threat detection and response.

3. Integrity Engine: Uses intelligent automation for pipeline integrity, enabling rapid and effective asset maintenance.

Enbridge has also rolled out Microsoft 365 Copilot to nearly one-third of its employees and provided access to Bing Enterprise and ChatENB to its entire workforce.

Enbridge Inc. (TSX: ENB) (NYSE: ENB) sta collaborando con Microsoft per sfruttare l'intelligenza artificiale (AI) al fine di migliorare la sicurezza, ridurre le emissioni e ottimizzare le risorse in tutte le sue operazioni. Sulla base di una trasformazione digitale avviata nel 2020, Enbridge ha migrato oltre l'80% dei suoi carichi di lavoro sulla piattaforma cloud Microsoft Azure, potenziando le sue capacità di calcolo e le misure di sicurezza informatica. L'azienda ha implementato iniziative supportate dall'AI, tra cui:

1. Ottimizzatore Energetico: Fornisce informazioni operative in tempo reale per un'efficiente trasporto dell'energia, portando a risparmi sui costi e riduzioni delle emissioni di GHG.

2. Monitoraggio dei diritti di passaggio: Migliora l'efficienza della sorveglianza delle tubazioni, migliorando la rilevazione delle minacce e la risposta ad esse.

3. Motore di Integrità: Usa automazione intelligente per l'integrità delle tubazioni, consentendo una rapida ed efficace manutenzione delle risorse.

Enbridge ha anche introdotto Microsoft 365 Copilot a quasi un terzo dei suoi dipendenti e ha fornito accesso a Bing Enterprise e ChatENB a tutto il suo personale.

Enbridge Inc. (TSX: ENB) (NYSE: ENB) está colaborando con Microsoft para aprovechar la inteligencia artificial (IA) con el fin de mejorar la seguridad, reducir las emisiones y optimizar los activos en todas sus operaciones. Basándose en una transformación digital iniciada en 2020, Enbridge ha migrado más del 80% de sus cargas de trabajo a la plataforma en la nube Microsoft Azure, fortaleciendo sus capacidades informáticas y medidas de ciberseguridad. La empresa ha implementado iniciativas potenciadas por la IA, que incluyen:

1. Optimizador Energético: Proporciona información operativa en tiempo real para un transporte de energía eficiente, lo que conlleva ahorros en costos y reducciones de GHG.

2. Monitoreo de Derechos de Paso: Mejora la eficiencia de la vigilancia de tuberías, mejorando la detección y respuesta a amenazas.

3. Motor de Integridad: Utiliza automatización inteligente para la integridad de las tuberías, permitiendo un mantenimiento rápido y efectivo de los activos.

Enbridge también ha implementado Microsoft 365 Copilot para casi un tercio de sus empleados y ha proporcionado acceso a Bing Enterprise y ChatENB a toda su fuerza laboral.

Enbridge Inc. (TSX: ENB) (NYSE: ENB)는 Microsoft와 협력하여 인공지능(AI)을 활용해 안전성 향상, 배출가스 감소 및 운영 전반의 자산 최적화를 목표로 하고 있습니다. 2020년에 시작된 디지털 전환을 바탕으로 Enbridge는 80% 이상의 작업량을 Microsoft Azure 클라우드 플랫폼으로 이전하여 컴퓨팅 능력과 사이버 보안 조치를 강화했습니다. 이 회사는 AI 기반의 여러 이니셔티브를 구현하였으며, 그 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 에너지 최적화기: 효율적인 에너지 수송을 위한 실시간 운영 통찰력을 제공하여 비용 절감 및 온실가스(GHG) 감소를 이끌어냅니다.

2. 통행권 모니터링: 파이프라인 감시 효율성을 개선하여 위협 탐지 및 대응을 향상시킵니다.

3. 무결성 엔진: 파이프라인의 무결성을 위해 지능형 자동화를 사용하여 신속하고 효과적인 자산 유지 관리를 가능하게 합니다.

Enbridge는 또한 Microsoft 365 Copilot을 거의 3분의 1의 직원에게 배포했으며, 전체 직원에게 Bing Enterprise 및 ChatENB에 대한 접근을 제공했습니다.

Enbridge Inc. (TSX: ENB) (NYSE: ENB) collabore avec Microsoft pour sfruter l'intelligence artificielle (IA) afin d'améliorer la sécurité, de réduire les émissions et d'optimiser les actifs dans toutes ses opérations. S'appuyant sur une transformation numérique initiée en 2020, Enbridge a migré plus de 80 % de ses charges de travail vers la plateforme cloud Microsoft Azure, renforçant ainsi ses capacités informatiques et ses mesures de cybersécurité. L'entreprise a mis en œuvre des initiatives soutenues par l'IA, y compris :

1. Optimiseur d'énergie: Fournit des informations opérationnelles en temps réel pour un transport énergétique efficace, entraînant des économies de coûts et des réductions des GES.

2. Surveillance des droits de passage: Améliore l'efficacité de la surveillance des pipelines, améliorant la détection et la réponse aux menaces.

3. Moteur d'intégrité: Utilise l'automatisation intelligente pour l'intégrité des pipelines, permettant un entretien rapide et efficace des actifs.

Enbridge a également déployé Microsoft 365 Copilot auprès de près d'un tiers de ses employés et a fourni un accès à Bing Enterprise et ChatENB à l'ensemble de son personnel.

Enbridge Inc. (TSX: ENB) (NYSE: ENB) arbeitet mit Microsoft zusammen, um Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) zu nutzen, um die Sicherheit zu verbessern, Emissionen zu reduzieren und Vermögenswerte in seinen Betrieben zu optimieren. Auf der Grundlage einer 2020 eingeleiteten digitalen Transformation hat Enbridge über 80 % seiner Arbeitslasten auf die Microsoft Azure-Cloud-Plattform migriert und seine Rechenleistung sowie Cybersicherheitsmaßnahmen gestärkt. Das Unternehmen hat KI-gestützte Initiativen umgesetzt, darunter:

1. Energie-Optimierer: Bietet Echtzeit-Betriebsanalysen für einen effizienten Energietransport, was zu Kosteneinsparungen und Treibhausgasreduzierungen führt.

2. Rechtswegüberwachung: Verbessert die Effizienz der Pipeline-Überwachung und verbessert die Bedrohungserkennung und -reaktion.

3. Integritätsmotor: Nutzt intelligente Automatisierung für die Pipeline-Integrität und ermöglicht eine schnelle und effektive Wartung der Vermögenswerte.

Enbridge hat auch Microsoft 365 Copilot für fast ein Drittel seiner Mitarbeiter ausgerollt und allen Mitarbeitern Zugang zu Bing Enterprise und ChatENB bereitgestellt.

  • Collaboration with Microsoft to implement AI across operations
  • 80% of workloads migrated to Microsoft Azure cloud platform
  • Implementation of Energy Optimizer tool for cost savings and GHG reductions
  • Enhanced pipeline surveillance efficiency through AI-driven Right of Way Monitoring
  • Improved asset maintenance with AI-powered Integrity Engine
  • Rollout of Microsoft 365 Copilot to nearly one-third of employees
  • None.

CALGARY, AB, Oct. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Enbridge Inc. (TSX: ENB) (NYSE: ENB), in collaboration with Microsoft, is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to drive significant advancements in safety, emissions reduction, and asset optimization across its operations.

Building on a strong digital foundation, the company began implementing AI over five years ago and is now leveraging it to support operational and environmental excellence.

"Our long-term collaboration with Microsoft has enabled us to apply cutting edge technology, which is helping to solve critical business problems and deliver powerful outcomes," said Bhushan Ivaturi, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Enbridge. "The investments we're making today will play a critical role in enabling technological solutions to the biggest challenges in the evolution of our energy systems as we transition to a lower-carbon future."

Enbridge embarked on a digital transformation in 2020 to drive productivity and efficiency and empower employees with the tools and capabilities they need for personal productivity. At the core of this strategy was a secure and modern technology foundation enabled by Microsoft.

This led to an ambitious cloud migration and modernization program, with over 80 percent of workloads moved to Microsoft Azure cloud platform within two years. This initiative not only enhanced computing, network, and storage capabilities but also bolstered cybersecurity measures and reduced data centre emissions through server decommissioning and a smaller physical facility footprint. Today, that strong digital foundation has positioned Enbridge as a leader in AI. Earlier this year, Enbridge rolled out Microsoft 365 Copilot to nearly one third of all employees, while the entire workforce has access to Bing Enterprise and ChatENB, an internal chat bot using Azure OpenAI Service.

"The Enbridge leadership team drove a cloud-first strategy, a big bet that opened the door to broader opportunity that positions Enbridge today to take full advantage of AI," said Tom Kubik, Enterprise Commercial Multi-Industry Lead at Microsoft Canada. "We are proud of the work we've done together and are working towards our common goals of supporting a more connected and collaborative workforce and increasing data and analytics capabilities." 

AI-Powered Initiatives

Enbridge is leveraging AI across its operations to optimize assets, increase efficiencies, enhance safety, and contribute to its broader sustainability goals. Powered by Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, key examples include:

Energy Optimizer

  • The Energy Optimizer tool leverages AI to provide real-time operational insights, enabling Control Center operators to make decisions about how to move the energy Enbridge transports in the most efficient way possible. By managing the amount of power required, Enbridge can achieve cost savings and GHG reductions, while ensuring the safe, reliable and efficient operations of its liquid pipelines.

Right of Way Monitoring

  • Enbridge utilizes aerial surveillance to patrol its pipelines, detecting potentially damaging activities, conditions, or loss of containment. With AI, the company can now monitor the right of way more efficiently, reviewing data and detecting issues quicker and more accurately. This AI-driven approach has improved threat detection and response, significantly reducing the risk of third-party damage.

Integrity Engine

  • Enbridge employs intelligent automation for pipeline integrity, using AI to identify potential maintenance needs. Through workflow automation, data controls, advanced analysis, and machine learning models, the company gains new insights for rapid and effective asset maintenance, enhancing safety and efficiency while reducing process complexity and maintaining the health of our assets.

"Looking forward, we see ongoing opportunities and benefits of AI, in terms of data analytics, asset and process optimization, security and cost and emissions savings," said Ivaturi. "At Enbridge, we are enabling the accessibility, sustainability, and security of energy through applied technology and innovation, and our collaboration with Microsoft will continue to play a pivotal role in that."

About Enbridge Inc. 

At Enbridge, we safely connect millions of people to the energy they rely on every day, fueling quality of life through our North American natural gas, oil and renewable power networks and our growing European offshore wind portfolio. We're investing in modern energy delivery infrastructure to sustain access to secure, affordable energy and building on more than a century of operating conventional energy infrastructure and two decades of experience in renewable power to advance new technologies including hydrogen, renewable natural gas and carbon capture and storage. Headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Enbridge's common shares trade under the symbol ENB on the Toronto (TSX) and New York (NYSE) stock exchanges. To learn more, visit us at

Forward-Looking Statements

Forward-looking statements have been included in this news release to provide readers with information about Enbridge and its subsidiaries and affiliates, including management's assessment of Enbridge's and its subsidiaries' future plans and operations. This information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as ''anticipate'', ''expect'', ''project'', ''estimate'', ''forecast'', ''plan'', ''intend'', ''target'', ''believe'', "likely", and similar words suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. Forward-looking information or statements included or incorporated by reference in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the impact of Enbridge's collaboration with Microsoft and artificial intelligence (AI) powered initiatives and other technologies on Enbridge's business, as well as related matters.

Although Enbridge believes these forward-looking statements are reasonable based on the information available on the date such statements are made and processes used to prepare the information, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and readers are cautioned against placing undue reliance on forward-looking statements. By their nature, these statements involve a variety of assumptions, known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, levels of activity and achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Assumptions regarding the expected impact of AI and other technologies on Enbridge's business are material to and underlie all forward-looking statements in this news release. Due to the interdependencies and correlation of macroeconomic factors, the impact of any one assumption on a forward-looking statement cannot be determined with certainty

Enbridge's forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties pertaining to the realization of anticipated benefits and the impact of AI and other technologies on Enbridge's business and other risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, those risks and uncertainties discussed in this and in Enbridge's other filings with Canadian and U.S. securities regulators. The impact of any one assumption, risk, uncertainty, or factor on a particular forward-looking statement is not determinable with certainty as these are interdependent and Enbridge's future course of action depends on management's assessment of all information available at the relevant time.

Except to the extent required by applicable law, Enbridge assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements made in this news release or otherwise, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. All forward-looking statements, whether written or oral, attributable to Enbridge or persons acting on Enbridge's behalf, are expressly qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements.



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How is Enbridge (ENB) using AI to improve its operations?

Enbridge (ENB) is using AI to enhance safety, reduce emissions, and optimize assets. Key initiatives include the Energy Optimizer for efficient energy transportation, AI-driven Right of Way Monitoring for improved pipeline surveillance, and the Integrity Engine for intelligent pipeline maintenance.

What cloud platform is Enbridge (ENB) using for its digital transformation?

Enbridge (ENB) has migrated over 80% of its workloads to the Microsoft Azure cloud platform as part of its digital transformation strategy.

How is Enbridge (ENB) leveraging Microsoft's AI tools in its workforce?

Enbridge (ENB) has rolled out Microsoft 365 Copilot to nearly one-third of its employees, while the entire workforce has access to Bing Enterprise and ChatENB, an internal chatbot using Azure OpenAI Service.

What are the benefits of Enbridge's (ENB) AI-powered Energy Optimizer tool?

Enbridge's (ENB) AI-powered Energy Optimizer tool provides real-time operational insights, enabling cost savings and GHG reductions while ensuring safe, reliable, and efficient operations of its liquid pipelines.

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