Doig River First Nation and Enbridge Answer the Question: What’s in a Name?

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Enbridge and Doig River First Nation celebrated the naming of a proposed compressor station to Wǫchiigii, meaning Peace River in the Dane-zaa Záágéʔ language. The ceremony, held at the Doig River First Nation community center, marks a significant step in Enbridge's commitment to Indigenous reconciliation. The station, part of the Aspen Point Program, is located near Taylor, BC.

Chief Trevor Makadahay and Enbridge executives led the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The naming reflects Enbridge's efforts to build stronger relationships with Indigenous communities and maximize economic inclusion. The Aspen Point Program aims to expand Enbridge's Westcoast natural gas pipeline system in BC to meet regional demand. If approved, construction is expected to start in Q1 2025, with an in-service target of Q4 2026.

Enbridge e la Prima Nazione Doig River hanno celebrato la denominazione di una proposta stazione di compressione Wǫchiigii, che significa Fiume della Pace nella lingua Dane-zaa Záágéʔ. La cerimonia, tenutasi presso il centro comunitario della Prima Nazione Doig River, segna un passo significativo nell'. La stazione, parte del Programma Aspen Point, si trova vicino a Taylor, BC.

Il Capo Trevor Makadahay e i dirigenti di Enbridge hanno guidato la cerimonia di taglio del nastro. La denominazione riflette gli sforzi di Enbridge per costruire relazioni più forti con le comunità indigene e massimizzare l'inclusione economica. Il Programma Aspen Point mira ad espandere il sistema di pipeline di gas naturale Westcoast di Enbridge in BC per soddisfare la domanda regionale. Se approvato, la costruzione dovrebbe iniziare nel Q1 2025, con un obiettivo di entrata in servizio per il Q4 2026.

Enbridge y la Nación Originaria Doig River celebraron la denominación de una propuesta estación de compresores Wǫchiigii, que significa Río de la Paz en la lengua Dane-zaa Záágéʔ. La ceremonia, llevada a cabo en el centro comunitario de la Nación Originaria Doig River, marca un paso significativo en el . La estación, parte del Programa Aspen Point, se ubica cerca de Taylor, BC.

El Jefe Trevor Makadahay y los ejecutivos de Enbridge dirigieron la ceremonia de corte de cinta. La denominación refleja los esfuerzos de Enbridge por construir relaciones más sólidas con las comunidades indígenas y maximizar la inclusión económica. El Programa Aspen Point tiene como objetivo expandir el sistema de gasoductos de gas natural Westcoast de Enbridge en BC para satisfacer la demanda regional. Si se aprueba, se espera que la construcción comience en el Q1 2025, con un objetivo de inicio de operaciones para el Q4 2026.

Enbridge와 Doig River 원주율은 Wǫchiigii라는 제안된 압축기 스테이션의 명명식을 축하했습니다. 이는 Dane-zaa Záágéʔ 언어로 평화의 강을 의미합니다. Doig River 원주율 커뮤니티 센터에서 열린 이 의식은 Enbridge의 토착민 화합과 또는에 대한 약속을 나타내는 중요한 단계입니다. 이 스테이션은 Aspen Point 프로그램의 일환으로, BC에 있는 Taylor 근처에 위치합니다.

Trevor Makadahay 수장과 Enbridge 임원들이 리본 커팅 의식을 이끌었습니다. 이 명명식은 Enbridge가 토착민 공동체와의 관계를 강화하고 경제적 포함을 극대화하기 위한 노력을 반영합니다. Aspen Point 프로그램은 Enbridge의 Westcoast 천연가스 파이프라인 시스템을 BC에서 지역 수요를 충족하기 위해 확장하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 승인되면 건설은 2025년 1분기에 시작될 것으로 예상되며, 서비스 시작 목표는 2026년 4분기입니다.

Enbridge et la Première Nation Doig River ont célébré la nomination d'une station de compression proposée nommée Wǫchiigii, signifiant Rivière de la Paix dans la langue Dane-zaa Záágéʔ. La cérémonie, qui s'est tenue au centre communautaire de la Première Nation Doig River, marque une étape significative dans l'engagement d'Enbridge envers la réconciliation avec les Autochtones. La station, qui fait partie du Programme Aspen Point, est située près de Taylor, en Colombie-Britannique.

Le chef Trevor Makadahay et les dirigeants d'Enbridge ont dirigé la cérémonie de coupure de ruban. La nomination reflète les efforts d'Enbridge pour établir des relations plus solides avec les communautés autochtones et maximiser l'inclusion économique. Le Programme Aspen Point vise à étendre le système de pipeline de gaz naturel d'Enbridge sur la côte ouest en Colombie-Britannique pour répondre à la demande régionale. Si approuvé, la construction devrait commencer au Q1 2025, avec un objectif de mise en service pour le Q4 2026.

Enbridge und die Doig River First Nation feierten die Benennung einer geplanten Kompressorenstation zu Wǫchiigii, was Friedenfluss in der Sprache Dane-zaa Záágéʔ bedeutet. Die Zeremonie, die im Gemeindezentrum der Doig River First Nation stattfand, markiert einen wichtigen Schritt in Enbridges Engagement für die Eingeborenenversöhnung. Die Station, die Teil des Aspen Point Programms ist, befindet sich in der Nähe von Taylor, BC.

Chief Trevor Makadahay und die Führungskräfte von Enbridge leiteten die Eröffnungszeremonie. Die Benennung spiegelt Enbridges Bemühungen wider, stärkere Beziehungen zu indigenen Gemeinschaften aufzubauen und wirtschaftliche Integration zu maximieren. Das Aspen Point Programm zielt darauf ab, das Westküsten-Naturgas-Pipelinesystem von Enbridge in BC zu erweitern, um die regionale Nachfrage zu decken. Wenn genehmigt, wird der Bau voraussichtlich im Q1 2025 beginnen, mit einem Ziel für den Betrieb im Q4 2026.

  • Enbridge demonstrates commitment to Indigenous reconciliation through naming collaboration
  • The Aspen Point Program aims to meet regional natural gas demand
  • Potential economic opportunities for Indigenous communities through project partnership
  • Project still pending regulatory approval
  • Construction not scheduled to start until Q1 2025, potentially delaying economic benefits

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 23, 2024 / The steady, rhythmic beating of drums echoed far and wide Tuesday as about 75 people gathered within the Doig River First Nation community center.

The Doig River Drummers, a group deeply respected for their role as cultural guardians, ushered in a historic occasion-the naming of one of Enbridge's proposed compressor stations on its BC natural gas system to "Wǫchiigii."

Wǫchiigii, pronounced "whoa-chee-gee," means Peace River in the Dane-zaa Záágéʔ, or Beaver, language, and is a fitting tribute to the land where Compressor Station 1B is to be built, about 5 kilometres south of Taylor, BC.

The name was chosen by Doig River First Nation after engaging with Enbridge on a proposed natural gas expansion project, the Aspen Point Program, in northern British Columbia. CS-1B Wǫchiigii honours the cultural heritage and traditions of the Indigenous people in the area, and also symbolizes Enbridge's commitment to building a stronger relationship with Indigenous groups across the province.

Doig River First Nation Chief Trevor Makadahay-along with Enbridge's vice president of Canadian gas transmission Steve Elliott and Aspen Point Program project lead Dave Challoner-led a ribbon-cutting ceremony unveiling CS-1B Wǫchiigii at the Doig River First Nation community, located about 100 km northeast of Fort St. John. In attendance were Doig River First Nation's Chief, Council, administration and community members; Enbridge representatives; and leaders of nearby municipalities.

"The Dane-zaa People have lived along the Peace River for over 12,000 years which they referred to as Wǫchiigii (Peace River). Among the rivers and valleys, the Beaver people were able to find harmony in nature, establish good governance, and maintain peaceful coexistence with neighbors and newcomers alike," said Chief Makadahay, asked what the name meant to the Doig River community.

The naming of CS-1B Wǫchiigii represents more than just a ceremonial milestone. It reflects a broader shift in how the industry and the government are approaching reconciliation with Indigenous communities.

"We are proud to carry the first Dane-zaa name along our natural gas pipeline system in BC," said Elliott. "This name not only honours the traditional land and cultural heritage of Indigenous people, it represents our ongoing effort to build stronger relationships with Doig River First Nation and other Indigenous groups across the province."

Across BC, there is an increasing recognition of the importance of Indigenous collaboration and partnership. Enbridge, guided by its Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan, is committed to taking action on ways to build stronger relationships with Indigenous communities and exploring opportunities to maximize economic inclusion and benefits.

CS-1B Wǫchiigii is part of the Aspen Point Program, a proposed expansion of the northern section of Enbridge's Westcoast natural gas pipeline system in BC.

"For the past two years, we have worked with Indigenous Nations and local communities in northern BC in the planning and development of work on this project. We look forward to continuing that work throughout its construction and ongoing operation," said Challoner.

This project is needed to meet regional demand for natural gas, and is currently undergoing a regulatory review process. If approved, construction is expected to start in the first quarter of 2025, with an in-service target date of the fourth quarter of 2026.

Chief Trevor Makadahay of the Doig River First Nation cuts the ribbon Tuesday at a naming ceremony for a proposed Enbridge compressor station as part of the Aspen Point Program. Alongside Chief Makadahay were members of leadership from both Enbridge and DRFN.

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What does Wǫchiigii mean and why was it chosen for Enbridge's (ENB) compressor station?

Wǫchiigii means Peace River in the Dane-zaa Záágéʔ (Beaver) language. It was chosen by Doig River First Nation to honor the cultural heritage and traditions of the Indigenous people in the area where Compressor Station 1B is to be built, about 5 kilometres south of Taylor, BC.

When is Enbridge's (ENB) Aspen Point Program expected to begin construction and be in service?

If approved, construction of Enbridge's Aspen Point Program is expected to start in the first quarter of 2025, with an in-service target date of the fourth quarter of 2026.

How does the naming of CS-1B Wǫchiigii reflect Enbridge's (ENB) approach to Indigenous relations?

The naming of CS-1B Wǫchiigii reflects Enbridge's commitment to building stronger relationships with Indigenous communities, as outlined in their Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan. It symbolizes their efforts to honor Indigenous cultural heritage and explore opportunities for economic inclusion and benefits.

What is the purpose of Enbridge's (ENB) Aspen Point Program in British Columbia?

The Aspen Point Program is a proposed expansion of the northern section of Enbridge's Westcoast natural gas pipeline system in BC. It aims to meet the growing regional demand for natural gas in northern British Columbia.

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