'A Way Out' for Those Facing Violence and Abuse

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New Day Advocacy Center in northern Wisconsin provides shelter, counselling, advocacy, and support for victims of family violence and sexual abuse. The center has seen a 15% increase in demand for services since 2022, serving 294 people in 2023. NDAC offers a range of services including emergency shelter, crisis hotline, counselling, advocacy, financial support, and education programs to prevent human trafficking and abusive behaviors. The center also helps clients with safety planning, recognizing key markers of danger, and getting out of dangerous situations. Enbridge has been supporting NDAC's mission since 2021, contributing a $50,000 Fueling Futures grant. NDAC has expanded its service area in 2024 to four counties in northern Wisconsin, focusing on marginalized communities, including Indigenous people from nearby tribes. Safety is a top priority for Enbridge, supporting NDAC's vital work in protecting children and families.
Il New Day Advocacy Center nel nord del Wisconsin offre rifugio, consulenza, sostegno e assistenza alle vittime di violenza familiare e abuso sessuale. Il centro ha registrato un aumento del 15% nella richiesta di servizi dal 2022, assistendo 294 persone nel 2023. Il NDAC propone una gamma di servizi che includono rifugio d'emergenza, una linea di crisi, consulenza, sostegno legale, supporto finanziario e programmi educativi per prevenire il traffico di esseri umani e comportamenti abusivi. Il centro assiste anche i clienti nella pianificazione della sicurezza, nel riconoscimento dei principali segnali di pericolo e nell'uscire da situazioni pericolose. Enbridge sostiene la missione del NDAC dal 2021, contribuendo con un finanziamento di $50,000 dal programma Fueling Futures. Nel 2024, il NDAC ha ampliato la sua area di servizio a quattro contee nel nord del Wisconsin, concentrandosi sulle comunità emarginate, inclusi gli indigeni delle tribù vicine. La sicurezza è una priorità assoluta per Enbridge, che supporta il lavoro fondamentale del NDAC nella protezione di bambini e famiglie.
El New Day Advocacy Center en el norte de Wisconsin proporciona albergue, asesoramiento, abogacía y apoyo a las víctimas de violencia familiar y abuso sexual. El centro ha experimentado un aumento del 15% en la demanda de servicios desde 2022, atendiendo a 294 personas en 2023. El NDAC ofrece una variedad de servicios que incluyen albergue de emergencia, línea de crisis, asesoramiento, abogacía, apoyo financiero y programas educativos para prevenir la trata de personas y comportamientos abusivos. El centro también ayuda a los clientes con la planificación de seguridad, el reconocimiento de señales clave de peligro y la salida de situaciones peligrosas. Enbridge ha estado apoyando la misión de NDAC desde 2021, con una contribución de $50,000 del fondo Fueling Futures. En 2024, NDAC ha expandido su área de servicio a cuatro condados en el norte de Wisconsin, enfocándose en comunidades marginadas, incluyendo personas indígenas de tribus cercanas. La seguridad es una prioridad máxima para Enbridge, apoyando el trabajo vital de NDAC en la protección de niños y familias.
위스콘신 북부의 뉴 데이 어드버커시 센터는 가정 폭력 및 성적 학대 피해자들에게 보호소, 상담, 옹호 및 지원을 제공합니다. 센터는 2022년 이후 서비스에 대한 수요가 15% 증가해 2023년에 294명을 지원했습니다. NDAC는 긴급 보호소, 위기 핫라인, 상담, 옹호, 재정 지원 및 인신매매 및 학대 행위를 예방하기 위한 교육 프로그램을 포함한 다양한 서비스를 제공합니다. 센터는 또한 고객이 안전 계획을 세우고, 위험의 주요 신호를 인식하며, 위험한 상황에서 벗어나는 데 도움을 줍니다. 엔브릿지는 2021년부터 NDAC의 사명을 지원해오며, Fueling Futures 그랜트로 $50,000를 기부했습니다. NDAC는 2024년에 위스콘신 북부의 네 군에 서비스 지역을 확장하여, 주변 부족의 원주민을 포함한 소외된 커뮤니티에 초점을 맞췄습니다. 엔브릿지에게 안전은 최우선 사항으로, NDAC의 어린이와 가족을 보호하는 중요한 작업을 지원합니다.
Le New Day Advocacy Center dans le nord du Wisconsin fournit un abri, des conseils, de la défense et du soutien aux victimes de violence familiale et d'abus sexuels. Le centre a connu une augmentation de 15% de la demande de services depuis 2022, en servant 294 personnes en 2023. Le NDAC offre une gamme de services incluant un abri d'urgence, une ligne d'assistance en cas de crise, des conseils, de la défense, du soutien financier et des programmes éducatifs pour prévenir la traite des êtres humains et les comportements abusifs. Le centre aide également les clients à établir un plan de sécurité, à reconnaître les principaux indicateurs de danger et à sortir des situations dangereuses. Enbridge soutient la mission du NDAC depuis 2021, avec une contribution de 50 000 dollars du fonds Fueling Futures. En 2024, le NDAC a étendu sa zone de service à quatre comtés dans le nord du Wisconsin, en se concentrant sur les communautés marginalisées, y compris les peuples autochtones des tribus avoisinantes. La sécurité est une priorité absolue pour Enbridge, qui soutient le travail essentiel du NDAC dans la protection des enfants et des familles.
Das New Day Advocacy Center in Nord-Wisconsin bietet Schutz, Beratung, Fürsprache und Unterstützung für Opfer von häuslicher Gewalt und sexuellem Missbrauch. Das Zentrum verzeichnete seit 2022 einen Anstieg der Nachfrage nach Dienstleistungen um 15% und betreute 2023 insgesamt 294 Personen. NDAC bietet ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungen an, darunter Notunterkünfte, Krisen-Hotline, Beratung, Fürsprache, finanzielle Unterstützung und Bildungsprogramme zur Verhinderung von Menschenhandel und Missbrauchsverhalten. Das Zentrum hilft auch bei der Sicherheitsplanung, dem Erkennen von Gefahrensignalen und dem Entkommen aus gefährlichen Situationen. Enbridge unterstützt die Mission von NDAC seit 2021 und hat einen Fueling Futures-Zuschuss in Höhe von 50.000 Dollar beigesteuert. NDAC hat 2024 sein Dienstleistungsgebiet auf vier Landkreise im Norden von Wisconsin ausgeweitet und konzentriert sich auf marginalisierte Gemeinschaften, einschließlich der indigenen Völker aus benachbarten Stämmen. Sicherheit hat für Enbridge höchste Priorität und unterstützt die lebenswichtige Arbeit von NDAC beim Schutz von Kindern und Familien.
  • None.
  • None.

In northern Wisconsin, New Day Advocacy Center provides shelter, counselling advocacy and support

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / April 18, 2024 / Physical safety. Protection and advocacy. A way out.

These are what victims of family violence and sexual abuse urgently need, and it's what they will find at New Day Advocacy Center (NDAC) in Ashland, Wisconsin, a small city of 8,000 on the shore of Lake Superior.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for victim supports has been rising.

"In 2023, we served 294 people, which was a 15% increase over 2022," says NDAC's executive director Lyle Poppe.

"We're in a very rural, sparsely populated area. To have 294 victims who need support is astronomical," he adds. "It speaks to the need for these services and for education and outreach work to prevent victimization going forward."

NDAC's assistance is broad, covering a range of services to keep victims safe. The non-profit offers emergency shelter, a 24-hour crisis hotline, counselling, advocacy and financial support, in addition to life-skills education and career services. They deliver education and awareness campaigns to prevent human trafficking and to help people recognize and prevent bullying, controlling and abusive behaviors.

They also help their clients plan how they can get out of dangerous and unhealthy situations.

"A big part of our work is helping people with safety planning," Poppe says, noting the work is specific to each person and their relationship with the perpetrator. "We ask, who are safe people in your life? How can you get out of an emergency situation? What are the key markers that something is going to happen, so you know how to react to keep safe?"

This work is essential and can be life-saving. He shares a sobering statistic: 96 people died of causes directly related to domestic violence in Wisconsin in 2023.

To meet the urgent and rising need, NDAC has doubled its service area in 2024, expanding from two to four counties in the north of the state. They recently added a new position, an advocate who focuses on working with marginalized communities, specifically Indigenous people from three nearby tribes-Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, and Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

"We are sensitive to underserved communities," Poppe explains, noting a third of their clients are Indigenous.

The support of funders is essential to the non-profit's growth.

Enbridge has been supporting NDAC's mission since 2021. Last year, we contributed a $50,000 Fueling Futures grant to continue to help NDAC deliver its programming to protect children and families.

Safety is our top priority-in the workplace, at home, and in the community-and we are proud to support the vital work being done by NDAC.

Poppe says he could share many stories of lives saved and destinies changed for the better, thanks to NDAC's services.

One client summarizes the impact succinctly: "(NDAC) helped me stay alive."

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SOURCE: Enbridge

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How many people did New Day Advocacy Center serve in 2023?

New Day Advocacy Center served 294 people in 2023, which was a 15% increase over 2022.

What services does NDAC offer to victims of family violence and sexual abuse?

NDAC offers emergency shelter, a 24-hour crisis hotline, counselling, advocacy, financial support, life-skills education, career services, and education programs to prevent human trafficking and abusive behaviors.

What is Enbridge's contribution to NDAC?

Enbridge has been supporting NDAC's mission since 2021 and contributed a $50,000 Fueling Futures grant to help NDAC deliver its programming to protect children and families.

How has NDAC expanded its service area in 2024?

NDAC has doubled its service area in 2024, expanding from two to four counties in the north of the state, focusing on working with marginalized communities, specifically Indigenous people from nearby tribes.

What is Enbridge's stance on safety?

Safety is a top priority for Enbridge, supporting the vital work being done by NDAC in protecting children and families.


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