'A Group of Dreamers Determined To Make a Difference

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Empower Me Center, a non-profit in Lebanon, Tennessee, is dedicated to helping people with disabilities live fulfilling lives. Founded in 1999, it has grown from a basketball league to offering 17 year-round events and regular programming. The center is building a new state-of-the-art facility with accessible features for people with disabilities.

Enbridge has contributed a $7,500 Fueling Futures grant to support the center's inclusive programming. The center relies on community donations to keep costs low for participants, as they don't receive state or federal funding. Empower Me Center's mission is to meet the needs of families and help individuals with disabilities find their purpose and contribute meaningfully to society.

Empower Me Center, un'organizzazione no-profit a Lebanon, Tennessee, è dedicata ad aiutare le persone con disabilità a vivere vite piene e soddisfacenti. Fondata nel 1999, è cresciuta da una lega di basket a offrire 17 eventi durante tutto l'anno e programmazioni regolari. Il centro sta costruendo una nuova struttura all'avanguardia con caratteristiche accessibili per le persone con disabilità.

Enbridge ha contribuito con un grant di $7,500 chiamato Fueling Futures per sostenere la programmazione inclusiva del centro. Il centro si basa sulle donazioni della comunità per mantenere i costi bassi per i partecipanti, poiché non riceve finanziamenti statali o federali. La missione di Empower Me Center è soddisfare le esigenze delle famiglie e aiutare gli individui con disabilità a trovare il loro scopo e contribuire in modo significativo alla società.

Empower Me Center, una organización sin fines de lucro en Lebanon, Tennessee, se dedica a ayudar a las personas con discapacidades a vivir vidas plenas. Fundada en 1999, ha pasado de ser una liga de baloncesto a ofrecer 17 eventos durante todo el año y programación regular. El centro está construyendo una nueva instalación de última generación con características accesibles para personas con discapacidades.

Enbridge ha contribuido con una subvención de $7,500 llamada Fueling Futures para apoyar la programación inclusiva del centro. El centro depende de donaciones de la comunidad para mantener bajos los costos para los participantes, ya que no recibe financiamiento estatal o federal. La misión de Empower Me Center es satisfacer las necesidades de las familias y ayudar a las personas con discapacidades a encontrar su propósito y contribuir de manera significativa a la sociedad.

Empower Me Center는 테네시주의 레바논에 있는 비영리 기관으로, 장애인들이充實한 삶을 살 수 있도록 돕는 데 헌신하고 있습니다. 1999년에 설립된 이 센터는 농구 리그에서 시작하여 연중 17개의 이벤트와 정기 프로그램을 제공합니다. 센터는 장애인을 위한 접근 가능한 기능을 갖춘 최첨단 시설을 새로 건설하고 있습니다.

Enbridge는 센터의 포용적인 프로그램을 지원하기 위해 $7,500의 Fueling Futures 보조금을 기부했습니다. 이 센터는 주정부나 연방정부의 지원금을 받지 않기 때문에 참가자들의 비용을 낮게 유지하기 위해 지역 사회의 기부에 의존하고 있습니다. Empower Me Center의 사명은 가족의 필요를 충족하고 장애인들이 자신의 목적을 찾고 사회에 의미 있는 기여를 할 수 있도록 돕는 것입니다.

Empower Me Center, une organisation à but non lucratif située à Lebanon, Tennessee, est dédiée à aider les personnes en situation de handicap à mener une vie épanouissante. Fondée en 1999, elle est passée d'une ligue de basket-ball à la proposition de 17 événements tout au long de l'année et de programmes réguliers. Le centre est en train de construire un nouveau bâtiment à la pointe de la technologie avec des caractéristiques accessibles pour les personnes en situation de handicap.

Enbridge a contribué avec un don de 7 500 $ sous le nom de Fueling Futures pour soutenir la programmation inclusive du centre. Le centre dépend des dons de la communauté pour maintenir des coûts bas pour les participants, car il ne reçoit pas de financement de l'État ou du gouvernement fédéral. La mission d'Empower Me Center est de répondre aux besoins des familles et d'aider les individus en situation de handicap à trouver leur but et à contribuer de manière significative à la société.

Das Empower Me Center, eine gemeinnützige Organisation in Lebanon, Tennessee, ist darauf spezialisiert, Menschen mit Behinderungen dabei zu helfen, ein erfülltes Leben zu führen. Gegründet im Jahr 1999, hat es sich von einer Basketballliga hin zu 17 ganzjährigen Veranstaltungen und regelmäßigen Programmen entwickelt. Das Zentrum baut eine neue, moderne Einrichtung, die barrierefreie Merkmale für Menschen mit Behinderungen aufweist.

Enbridge hat einen Stipendium von 7.500 $ namens Fueling Futures beigesteuert, um die integrativen Programme des Zentrums zu unterstützen. Das Zentrum ist auf Spenden aus der Gemeinschaft angewiesen, um die Kosten für die Teilnehmenden niedrig zu halten, da es keine staatlichen oder bundesstaatlichen Mittel erhält. Die Mission des Empower Me Centers ist es, die Bedürfnisse von Familien zu erfüllen und Menschen mit Behinderungen zu helfen, ihren Zweck zu finden und sinnvoll zur Gesellschaft beizutragen.

  • Enbridge contributed a $7,500 Fueling Futures grant to support Empower Me Center's inclusive programming
  • Empower Me Center is building a new state-of-the-art facility with accessible features for people with disabilities
  • None.

Tennessee's Empower Me Center helps people with disabilities ‘live their best lives'

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 17, 2024 / Enbridge

Six-year-old Gabryelle listened to the story with growing sadness. Her friend was recounting a magical weekend spent playing in a treehouse built by his grandfather. But Gabby-wheelchair bound due to cerebral palsy-would never get to enjoy a sanctuary among the leaves.

Gabby shared her sorrow with Michelle Hill, Chief Executive Officer of Empower Me Center, a non-profit organization in Lebanon, Tennessee, the seat of Wilson County in the middle of the state.

Hill empathized with little Gabby, consoling the child in her grief. But Hill is not one to accept limitations placed on people with disabilities. If Gabby wanted a treehouse, Hill would find a way.

And she did.

Soon, Gabby had her Dream House-a wheelchair-accessible treehouse, built by a young man with mild cerebral palsy who took on the project with a team of volunteers. Nearly two decades later, the Dream House still stands on the property of the Wilson County Fairgrounds.

Gabby's story is an example of the lengths to which the Empower Me Center will go to help people with disabilities live their life to the fullest.

The non-profit began in 1999, initiated by parents who wanted their children with disabilities to play in a basketball league. Hill, an occupational therapist, had been looking for a volunteer opportunity and became director of the league.

It worked so well that families and youth wanted more. They asked for a summer camp, so a summer camp was established. They asked for more events in the winter and spring, and those were added, too.

"Our whole mission has been to try to meet the needs of our families, and our whole organization has evolved based upon what those needs are," Hill explains.

"We're up to 17 different year-round events on top of our regular programming," she adds, noting the center's staff includes occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech language pathologists, teachers, and college students pursuing healthcare or education degrees.

Empower Me Center is in the process of building a new state-of-the art facility. It will have two buildings, splash pad, playground, baseball field and soccer field, all designed for people with disabilities.

Community donations are essential to offsetting participant costs because the center wants to make activities low-cost or free, and they don't receive funding from state or federal sources.

Enbridge recently contributed a $7,500 Fueling Futures grant to ensure participants can access Empower Me Center's inclusive programming. Our hope is this contribution will help children and adults with disabilities forge friendships and develop their independence and self-esteem. People of all abilities add to the vibrancy of the Wilson County community.

Hill explains that people with disabilities often have difficulty finding their purpose. For example, Gabby, now grown, has struggled with her sense of worth.

"She'd say, ‘I can't move. What do I have to offer this world?'" Hill recounts.

But Hill, always looking for possibilities, saw how Gabby could contribute meaningfully.

"I told her, look around. Look at these friends you have here. You know what you are for them? You are their voice."

Now, Gabby is a center spokesperson who joins Hill on community visits to advocate for those who can't speak for themselves.

"That is her gift," Hill says.

Helping people find their gift is what inspires Hill daily in her role. "I view myself as a servant helping these individuals live their best lives."

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SOURCE: Enbridge

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What is the Empower Me Center and where is it located?

Empower Me Center is a non-profit organization located in Lebanon, Tennessee, that helps people with disabilities live fulfilling lives through various programs and activities.

How much did Enbridge (ENB) contribute to the Empower Me Center?

Enbridge (ENB) contributed a $7,500 Fueling Futures grant to support the Empower Me Center's inclusive programming.

What new facilities is the Empower Me Center building?

The Empower Me Center is building a new state-of-the-art facility that will include two buildings, a splash pad, playground, baseball field, and soccer field, all designed for people with disabilities.

How many year-round events does the Empower Me Center offer?

The Empower Me Center offers 17 different year-round events in addition to their regular programming.

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