The Future of Recycling Is in Your Hands - Eastman Tritan Renew - Are You In?

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Eastman has unveiled Tritan™ Renew, a copolyester made using the company's innovative molecular recycling technology.

This technology breaks down plastic waste into fundamental building blocks, allowing plastics to be recycled repeatedly without degrading their quality, thus supporting a circular economy instead of a traditional linear one.

Notable brands like CamelBak® and Nalgene® are already using Tritan™ Renew in their products. By replacing fossil-based resources with recycled content, Eastman aims to divert plastic waste from landfills and oceans.

This initiative is part of Eastman’s broader mission to tackle the plastic waste crisis through revolutionary recycling methods.

Eastman ha presentato Tritan™ Renew, un copoliestere realizzato utilizzando l'innovativa tecnologia di riciclo molecolare dell'azienda.

Questa tecnologia scompone i rifiuti plastici in mattoni fondamentali, permettendo che la plastica venga riciclata ripetutamente senza degradarne la qualità, supportando così un economia circolare invece di una tradizionale economia lineare.

Marchi noti come CamelBak® e Nalgene® stanno già utilizzando Tritan™ Renew nei loro prodotti. Sostituendo le risorse fossili con contenuti riciclati, Eastman mira a deviare i rifiuti di plastica dalle discariche e dagli oceani.

Questa iniziativa fa parte della missione più ampia di Eastman per affrontare la crisi dei rifiuti di plastica attraverso metodi di riciclo rivoluzionari.

Eastman ha revelado Tritan™ Renew, un copoliéster fabricado utilizando la innovadora tecnología de reciclaje molecular de la empresa.

Esta tecnología descompone los desechos plásticos en bloques fundamentales, permitiendo que los plásticos sean reciclados repetidamente sin degradar su calidad, apoyando así una economía circular en lugar de una economía lineal tradicional.

Marcas destacadas como CamelBak® y Nalgene® ya están utilizando Tritan™ Renew en sus productos. Al reemplazar los recursos basados en fósiles con contenido reciclado, Eastman busca desviar los desechos plásticos de los vertederos y océanos.

Esta iniciativa es parte de la misión más amplia de Eastman para abordar la crisis de desechos plásticos a través de métodos de reciclaje revolucionarios.

이스트맨은 Tritan™ Renew를 공개했습니다. 이 제품은 회사의 혁신적인 분자 재활용 기술을 사용하여 제조된 코폴리에스터입니다.

이 기술은 플라스틱 폐기물을 기본 구성 요소로 분해하여 플라스틱을 품질 저하 없이 반복해서 재활용할 수 있게 하여 전통적인 선형 경제 대신 순환 경제를 지원합니다.

CamelBak® 및 Nalgene®와 같은 유명 브랜드는 이미 자사 제품에 Tritan™ Renew를 사용하고 있습니다. 화석된 자원을 재활용된 내용물로 대체함으로써, 이스트맨은 플라스틱 폐기물을 매립지와 바다에서 제거하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 이스트맨이 혁신적인 재활용 방법을 통해 플라스틱 폐기물 위기를 해결하려는 더 넓은 사명의 일부입니다.

Eastman a dévoilé Tritan™ Renew, un copolyester fabriqué utilisant la technologie de recyclage moléculaire innovante de l'entreprise.

Cette technologie décompose les déchets plastiques en éléments fondamentaux, permettant ainsi le recyclage répété des plastiques sans dégrader leur qualité, soutenant ainsi une économie circulaire plutôt qu'une économie linéaire traditionnelle.

Des marques notables comme CamelBak® et Nalgene® utilisent déjà Tritan™ Renew dans leurs produits. En remplaçant les ressources fossiles par du contenu recyclé, Eastman vise à détourner les déchets plastiques des décharges et des océans.

Cette initiative fait partie de la mission plus large d'Eastman pour lutter contre la crise des déchets plastiques grâce à des méthodes de recyclage révolutionnaires.

Eastman hat Tritan™ Renew vorgestellt, ein Copolyester, das mit der innovativen molekularen Recyclingtechnologie des Unternehmens hergestellt wird.

Diese Technologie zerlegt Plastikabfälle in grundlegende Bausteine und ermöglicht es, Kunststoffe wiederholt zu recyceln, ohne ihre Qualität zu degradieren, und unterstützt somit eine kreislauforientierte Wirtschaft anstelle einer traditionellen linearen.

Bekannte Marken wie CamelBak® und Nalgene® nutzen bereits Tritan™ Renew in ihren Produkten. Durch den Ersatz fossilbasierter Ressourcen durch recycelte Inhalte möchte Eastman Plastikabfälle von Deponien und Ozeanen ablenken.

Diese Initiative ist Teil von Eastmans umfassender Mission zur Bekämpfung der Plastikmüllkrise durch revolutionäre Recyclingmethoden.

  • Eastman introduces Tritan™ Renew with molecular recycling technology.
  • Tritan™ Renew supports a circular economy by enabling endless recycling of plastics.
  • Partnerships with brands like CamelBak® and Nalgene® illustrate market acceptance.
  • None.


NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 8, 2024 / Eastman Tritan™ Renew copolyester is made with Eastman's unique molecular recycling technology, which breaks down plastic waste into fundamental building blocks to be used again. By replacing traditional fossil-based resources with recycled content, plastic waste is diverted from landfills and our oceans.

Solving the plastic waste crisis is going to require more than traditional recycling methods. It's going to take a revolution. Eastman is leading the way with its molecular recycling, a different kind of recycling that breaks down plastic waste into basic building blocks to create new, pristine materials. With molecular recycling, hard-to-recycle plastics can be recycled over and over again to provide the same high quality as virgin plastic. This is a key development from moving from a linear economy to creating a truly circular economy.

Eastman's molecular recycling technology means that we can now view plastic at the end of its useful life not as waste but as valuable material that can be turned into something beautiful and useful. Many well-known brands are already embracing Tritan Renew, including CamelBak® and Nalgene® and the BLACK+DECKER reviva™ line of power tools.

Together, we can reduce plastic waste. With Tritan™ Renew, Eastman is pushing what's possible in sustainable materials. Are you in?

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Spokesperson: Eastman

SOURCE: Eastman

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What is Eastman Tritan™ Renew?

Eastman Tritan™ Renew is a copolyester made using Eastman's molecular recycling technology to enable endless recycling of plastics.

How does Eastman's molecular recycling technology work?

Eastman's molecular recycling technology breaks down plastic waste into fundamental building blocks, allowing them to be reused repeatedly without quality degradation.

Which brands are using Tritan™ Renew?

Brands like CamelBak® and Nalgene® have already incorporated Tritan™ Renew into their products.

What is the environmental impact of Tritan™ Renew?

Tritan™ Renew helps divert plastic waste from landfills and oceans by replacing fossil-based resources with recycled content.

Eastman Chemical Company


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