Solving the Plastic Waste Crisis Together - Eastman

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Eastman (EMN) has unveiled a groundbreaking solution to the global plastic waste crisis. The company's molecular recycling technology can break down plastic waste into its basic components, enabling the creation of new, high-quality plastic products. This innovative process can be repeated indefinitely without downcycling, using less energy and resources compared to traditional methods using raw fossil feedstock.

Eastman's technology addresses the long-standing challenge of recycling all types of plastic, offering a scalable solution to reduce plastic waste in oceans, landfills, and the environment. The company is calling for collaboration to tackle this pressing issue and invites stakeholders to join their efforts in creating a more sustainable future for plastic use and recycling.

Eastman (EMN) ha presentato una soluzione innovativa per la crisi globale dei rifiuti di plastica. La tecnologia di riciclo molecolare dell'azienda è in grado di scomporre i rifiuti di plastica nei loro componenti di base, permettendo la creazione di nuovi prodotti plastici di alta qualità. Questo processo innovativo può essere ripetuto all'infinito senza downcycling, utilizzando meno energia e risorse rispetto ai metodi tradizionali che utilizzano materie prime fossili.

La tecnologia di Eastman affronta la lunga sfida del riciclaggio di tutti i tipi di plastica, offrendo una soluzione scalabile per ridurre i rifiuti di plastica negli oceani, nelle discariche e nell'ambiente. L'azienda invita alla collaborazione per affrontare questa problematica urgente e invita le parti interessate a unirsi ai loro sforzi per creare un futuro più sostenibile per l'uso e il riciclaggio della plastica.

Eastman (EMN) ha presentado una solución innovadora para la crisis global de desechos plásticos. La tecnología de reciclaje molecular de la compañía puede descomponer los desechos plásticos en sus componentes básicos, lo que permite la creación de nuevos productos plásticos de alta calidad. Este proceso innovador puede repetirse indefinidamente sin downcycling, utilizando menos energía y recursos en comparación con los métodos tradicionales que utilizan materias primas fósiles.

La tecnología de Eastman aborda el antiguo desafío de reciclar todos los tipos de plásticos, ofreciendo una solución escalable para reducir los desechos plásticos en los océanos, vertederos y en el medio ambiente. La compañía hace un llamado a la colaboración para enfrentar este problema urgente e invita a las partes interesadas a unirse a sus esfuerzos por crear un futuro más sostenible para el uso y reciclaje de plásticos.

이스트맨 (EMN)은 전 세계 플라스틱 폐기물 문제를 해결하기 위한 혁신적인 솔루션을 발표했습니다. 회사의 분자 재활용 기술은 플라스틱 폐기물을 기본 구성 요소로 분해하여 새로운 고급 플라스틱 제품을 만드는 것을 가능하게 합니다. 이 혁신적인 과정은 다운사이클링 없이 무한히 반복될 수 있으며, 원래 화석 원료를 사용하는 전통적인 방법에 비해 더 적은 에너지와 자원을 사용합니다.

이스트맨의 기술은 모든 종류의 플라스틱을 재활용하는 오랜 문제를 해결하며, 바다, 매립지 및 환경에서 플라스틱 폐기물을 줄이기 위한 확장 가능한 솔루션을 제공합니다. 회사는 이 급박한 문제를 해결하기 위한 협력을 촉구하며, 이해관계자들에게 플라스틱 사용과 재활용을 더 지속 가능한 미래를 만들기 위한 노력에 동참할 것을 초대합니다.

Eastman (EMN) a dévoilé une solution révolutionnaire pour la crise mondiale des déchets plastiques. La technologie de recyclage moléculaire de l'entreprise peut décomposer les déchets plastiques en leurs composants de base, permettant ainsi la création de nouveaux produits plastiques de haute qualité. Ce processus innovant peut être répété indéfiniment sans downcycling, en utilisant moins d'énergie et de ressources par rapport aux méthodes traditionnelles utilisant des matières premières fossiles.

La technologie d'Eastman répond au défi de longue date du recyclage de tous les types de plastique, offrant une solution évolutive pour réduire les déchets plastiques dans les océans, les décharges et dans l'environnement. L'entreprise appelle à la collaboration pour faire face à cette problématique urgente et invite les parties prenantes à se joindre à ses efforts pour créer un avenir plus durable pour l'utilisation et le recyclage du plastique.

Eastman (EMN) hat eine bahnbrechende Lösung für die globale Plastikabfallkrise vorgestellt. Die molekulare Recyclingtechnologie des Unternehmens kann Plastikabfälle in ihre Grundbestandteile zerlegen, was die Herstellung neuer, hochwertiger Kunststoffprodukte ermöglicht. Dieser innovative Prozess kann unbegrenzt wiederholt werden, ohne dass es zu einem Downcycling kommt, und verwendet weniger Energie und Ressourcen im Vergleich zu traditionellen Methoden, die auf fossilen Rohstoffen basieren.

Die Technologie von Eastman geht die langjährige Herausforderung an, alle Arten von Plastik zu recyceln, und bietet eine skalierbare Lösung zur Reduktion von Plastikabfällen in den Ozeanen, Deponien und in der Umwelt. Das Unternehmen fordert zur Zusammenarbeit auf, um dieses drängende Problem anzugehen, und lädt die Interessengruppen ein, sich an ihren Bemühungen zu beteiligen, eine nachhaltigere Zukunft für die Nutzung und das Recycling von Plastik zu schaffen.

  • Developed innovative molecular recycling technology for all types of plastic
  • Process can be repeated indefinitely without loss of quality
  • Requires less energy and resources compared to using raw fossil feedstock
  • Offers a scalable solution to the global plastic waste problem
  • None.


NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2024 / The world has a huge problem - plastic waste. Eastman has a plan, and we're ready to tackle it head on. But it takes all of us working together. Join us in solving the plastic waste crisis.

We use plastic for everything from packaging to products themselves. Plastic is found in all parts of our life, yet there has not been a way to recycle all types of plastic.

As a result, we're left with tons of plastic waste. Plastic waste can be found in our oceans, landfills and the environment. Plastic waste has been a rising problem for years, and there has been little headway to solve this issue.

Until now.

Through decades of development and innovations in renewable technologies, Eastman has found a way to tackle this issue on a large scale. With Eastman's molecular recycling technology, we can break down plastic waste into its most basic form and make new plastic products that are just as strong as before.

These new plastic products require less energy and resources than using raw fossil feedstock. The best part is that we can do it as many times as we want - over and over again without downcycling.

The future is here. Join us to help solve the plastic waste crisis. For more information, visit

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Spokesperson: Eastman

SOURCE: Eastman

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What is Eastman's (EMN) solution to the plastic waste crisis?

Eastman has developed molecular recycling technology that can break down all types of plastic waste into basic components, allowing for the creation of new, high-quality plastic products repeatedly without downcycling.

How does Eastman's (EMN) plastic recycling technology compare to traditional methods?

Eastman's molecular recycling technology requires less energy and resources compared to using raw fossil feedstock, and can recycle all types of plastic without loss of quality, unlike traditional recycling methods.

What are the environmental benefits of Eastman's (EMN) plastic recycling technology?

Eastman's technology helps reduce plastic waste in oceans, landfills, and the environment by offering a scalable solution to recycle all types of plastic, potentially decreasing the reliance on raw fossil feedstock for plastic production.

How is Eastman (EMN) engaging with the public about their plastic recycling technology?

Eastman is calling for collaboration to tackle the plastic waste crisis and invites stakeholders to join their efforts. They are sharing information through their website and social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Eastman Chemical Company


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Specialty Chemicals
Plastic Materials, Synth Resins & Nonvulcan Elastomers
United States of America