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Arca Continental has announced a substantial investment plan of over Ps. 14,500 million for 2023, aimed at enhancing digital tools, production capacity, market support, and community projects across five countries: Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, and the United States.
Half of this investment will be directed towards operations in Mexico and the other half in the U.S. and South America. The company reported a 13.3% increase in consolidated net sales for 2022, totaling Ps. 207,785 million, with EBITDA rising by 11.9% to Ps. 39,622 million. This commitment reflects Arca Continental's focus on sustainable growth and community development.
Arca Continental (BMV: AC), the second-largest Coca-Cola bottler in Latin America, reported strong financial results for 4Q22 and 12M22. In 4Q22, net sales rose by 7.1% to Ps. 52,635 million, while EBITDA grew 9.4% to Ps. 9,983 million, marking a margin of 19.0%. For the full year, net sales increased 13.3% to Ps. 207,785 million, with EBITDA at Ps. 39,622 million, reflecting an 11.9% rise. The company achieved a remarkable net income increase of 24.2% in 4Q22 and 26.2% for the year, totaling Ps. 15,503 million. CEO Arturo Gutiérrez highlighted the company's successful navigation through macroeconomic challenges and announced ongoing investments to foster growth.
Arca Continental reported impressive financial results for the third quarter (3Q22) and first nine months of 2022 (9M22). Net Sales soared 16.2% year-over-year to Ps. 55,723 million, with an EBITDA margin of 19.2%, up 16.1%. Net Income increased by 25.1% to Ps. 4,230 million. For 9M22, Net Sales reached Ps. 155,151 million, an increase of 15.6%, with EBITDA at Ps. 29,639 million. CEO Arturo Gutierrez noted the company's growth amid challenging market conditions. The firm also reinforced its long-term collaboration with The Coca-Cola Company, promising ongoing profitable growth opportunities.
Arca Continental announced a long-term agreement with The Coca-Cola Company to strengthen their collaboration. This agreement focuses on aligning economic aspects, promoting profitable growth, and enhancing digital initiatives throughout Latin America. Key points include mutual profitability, new business opportunities, and a digital alliance leveraging Coca-Cola's ecosystem. The partnership aims to lead the beverage industry in Latin America and open avenues for innovation in their offerings and operations, reinforcing their commitment to community development.
Arca Continental announced its 2Q22 financial results, revealing a 16.5% increase in net sales to Ps. 53,363 million and a 34.9% rise in net income to Ps. 4,222 million. EBITDA also grew by 11% to Ps. 10,436 million, marking a 19.6% margin. For the first half of 2022, net sales reached Ps. 99,428 million (+15.2%), with net income increasing 28% to Ps. 7,316 million. The company maintains a stable outlook amid inflation and supply chain disruptions, emphasized by positive ESG ratings.
Arca Continental reported strong first-quarter results for 2022, with net sales increasing by 13.8% to Ps. 46,065 million compared to 1Q21. The EBITDA rose by 11.0% to Ps. 8,527 million, resulting in an EBITDA margin of 18.5%. Additionally, net income grew 19.7% to Ps. 3,094 million, reflecting a margin of 6.7%. The CEO highlighted effective operational strategies and a favorable economic environment contributing to these results while acknowledging ongoing input cost volatility.
Arca Continental, the second-largest Coca-Cola bottler in Latin America, reported strong financial results for 4Q21 and 12M21. Net sales increased by 15.2% in 4Q21 to Ps. 49,138 million and 8.3% for the full year to Ps. 183,366 million. EBITDA rose by 5.7% to Ps. 9,127 million in 4Q21, with a margin of 18.6%, while net income saw a significant growth of 26.5% to Ps. 3,187 million. The company anticipates continued sales growth between 6% and 8% in 2022, backed by price adjustments aligned with inflation.
Arca Continental, the second-largest Coca-Cola bottler in Latin America, reported strong financial results for 3Q21 and 9M21. Net Sales rose by 7.0% to Ps. 47,946 million in 3Q21, with EBITDA increasing by 6.4% to Ps. 9,198 million. Net Income surged 23.2% to Ps. 3,381 million, achieving a net margin of 7.1%. For the first nine months of 2021, Net Sales also grew 6.0% to Ps. 134,228 million. The company's CEO emphasized ongoing improvements and digital expansion as key factors for growth.
Arca Continental announced a near US$500 million investment for 2021, a 60% increase from 2020, aimed at enhancing operations across various markets including Mexico, the U.S., Ecuador, Peru, and Argentina. The company reported a 4% sales increase in 2020, totaling 169,314 million pesos, despite a 3.8% volume decline. Key investment focus areas include digitalization, innovation, and sustainability. Operational efficiencies and synergies contributed to a 5.7% EBITDA increase in 2020, totaling 32,147 million pesos.
Arca Continental reported a 3% increase in net sales for 4Q20, totaling Ps. 42,665 million, and a 4% rise for the full year to Ps. 169,314 million. EBITDA grew by 7.7% to Ps. 8,633 million, with a margin of 20.2%. The net income for 4Q20 reached Ps. 2,519 million, while the full-year net income was Ps. 10,276 million. The company declared an extraordinary cash dividend of Ps. 1.00 per share, equating to a payout ratio of 94%. Arca Continental also maintained its position in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for Latin America.