Earlyworks and CAICA DIGITAL Entered into a Business Alliance Agreement to Support the Expansion of Web3 Business

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Earlyworks Co., (NASDAQ: ELWS) has signed a business alliance agreement with CAICA DIGITAL Inc. to provide comprehensive support for Web3 projects. This partnership aims to capitalize on the growing global blockchain market, expected to reach $404.1 billion by 2030. The alliance will focus on enhancing Earlyworks' Grid Ledger System (GLS) and supporting the development of new businesses adopting CAICA's Web3 solutions.

The collaboration comes as Japan's blockchain market share, estimated at 10% of the global market in 2023, seeks to expand. Despite government initiatives like the "Web 3.0 Study Group," business adoption of blockchain in Japan remains This alliance aims to address this gap and promote Web3 ventures in the country.

Earlyworks Co., (NASDAQ: ELWS) ha firmato un accordo di alleanza commerciale con CAICA DIGITAL Inc. per fornire supporto completo ai progetti Web3. Questa collaborazione ha l'obiettivo di sfruttare il crescente mercato globale della blockchain, previsto raggiungere $404,1 miliardi entro il 2030. L'alleanza si concentrerà sul miglioramento del Grid Ledger System (GLS) di Earlyworks e sul supporto allo sviluppo di nuove imprese che adottano le soluzioni Web3 di CAICA.

La collaborazione arriva mentre la quota di mercato della blockchain in Giappone, stimata al 10% del mercato globale nel 2023, cerca di espandersi. Nonostante iniziative governative come il “Gruppo di Studio Web 3.0,” l'adozione della blockchain da parte delle imprese in Giappone rimane limitata. Questa alleanza mira a colmare questo divario e promuovere iniziative Web3 nel paese.

Earlyworks Co., (NASDAQ: ELWS)는 CAICA DIGITAL Inc.와 비즈니스 동맹 계약을 체결하여 Web3 프로젝트에 대한 포괄적인 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 이 파트너십은 2023년까지 글로벌 블록체인 시장의 10%를 차지하는 일본 시장의 성장하는 글로벌 블록체인 시장을 활용하는 것을 목표로 하고 있으며, 이 시장은 2030년까지 4041억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다. 이번 제휴는 Earlyworks의 Grid Ledger System (GLS)의 향상을 목표로 하고 있으며, CAICA의 Web3 솔루션을 채택하는 새로운 비즈니스 개발을 지원합니다.

이번 협력은 2023년까지 글로벌 블록체인 시장에서 10%를 차지한다고 예상되는 일본 시장 점유율이 확대되는 상황에서 이루어졌습니다. “Web 3.0 연구 그룹”과 같은 정부의 노력에도 불구하고 일본에서의 블록체인 비즈니스 채택은 여전히 도전 과제로 남아 있습니다. 이 동맹은 이러한 격차를 해결하고 일본의 Web3 프로젝트를 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Earlyworks Co., (NASDAQ: ELWS) a signé un accord d'alliance commerciale avec CAICA DIGITAL Inc. pour fournir un soutien complet aux projets Web3. Ce partenariat vise à tirer parti du marché mondial de la blockchain en pleine expansion, qui devrait atteindre 404,1 milliards de dollars d'ici 2030. L'alliance se concentrera sur l'amélioration du Grid Ledger System (GLS) d'Earlyworks et sur le soutien au développement de nouvelles entreprises adoptant les solutions Web3 de CAICA.

Cette collaboration intervient alors que la part de marché de la blockchain au Japon, estimée à 10 % du marché mondial en 2023, cherche à s'étendre. Malgré les initiatives gouvernementales telles que le « Groupe d'Étude Web 3.0 », l'adoption de la blockchain par les entreprises au Japon reste encore limitée. Cette alliance vise à combler cette lacune et à promouvoir les initiatives Web3 dans le pays.

Earlyworks Co., (NASDAQ: ELWS) hat eine Geschäftsallianzvereinbarung mit CAICA DIGITAL Inc. unterzeichnet, um umfassende Unterstützung für Web3-Projekte zu bieten. Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, den wachsenden globalen Blockchain-Markt zu nutzen, der bis 2030 voraussichtlich 404,1 Milliarden US-Dollar erreichen wird. Die Allianz wird sich darauf konzentrieren, das Grid Ledger System (GLS) von Earlyworks zu verbessern und die Entwicklung neuer Unternehmen zu unterstützen, die die Web3-Lösungen von CAICA annehmen.

Die Zusammenarbeit erfolgt, während der Marktanteil von Blockchain in Japan, der 2023 auf 10 % des globalen Marktes geschätzt wird, expandieren möchte. Trotz staatlicher Initiativen wie der „Web 3.0 Arbeitsgruppe“ bleibt die Einführung von Blockchain durch Unternehmen in Japan eine Herausforderung. Diese Allianz zielt darauf ab, diese Lücke zu schließen und Web3-Initiativen im Land zu fördern.

  • Partnership with CAICA DIGITAL to expand Web3 business support
  • Potential to tap into a rapidly growing global blockchain market, projected to reach $404.1 billion by 2030
  • Opportunity to enhance Earlyworks' proprietary Grid Ledger System (GLS)
  • Alignment with Japanese government initiatives promoting Web3 adoption
  • current adoption of blockchain technology in Japanese businesses
  • Earlyworks operating in a highly competitive and rapidly evolving market


This business alliance between Earlyworks and CAICA DIGITAL marks a strategic move in the rapidly growing Web3 market. With the global blockchain market projected to reach $404.1 billion by 2030, representing a 38-fold growth from 2023, this partnership positions both companies to capitalize on this explosive growth. However, Japan's current 10% market share in the global blockchain space suggests significant room for expansion.

The collaboration aims to leverage Earlyworks' Grid Ledger System (GLS) and CAICA's "CAICA Web3 for Biz" to provide comprehensive support for businesses venturing into Web3 projects. This could potentially accelerate adoption of blockchain technologies in Japan, aligning with the government's "Priority Policy Program for Realizing Digital Society." While the alliance shows promise, investors should note that actual business use of blockchain in Japan is still in its early stages, which may impact short-term revenue growth.

The partnership between Earlyworks and CAICA DIGITAL is a significant step towards addressing the technical challenges in Web3 adoption. Earlyworks' proprietary Grid Ledger System (GLS) could potentially offer unique advantages over traditional blockchain systems, though specific technical details are not provided. The integration with CAICA's "CAICA Web3 for Biz" solution suggests a comprehensive approach to Web3 implementation, likely covering aspects such as smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps) and possibly tokenization.

However, it's important to note that the Web3 space is highly competitive and rapidly evolving. The success of this alliance will depend on their ability to offer tangible benefits over existing solutions and adapt to emerging technologies. Investors should closely monitor the technical developments and adoption rates of their combined offerings to gauge the long-term viability of this partnership in the dynamic Web3 landscape.

TOKYO, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Earlyworks Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: ELWS) ("Earlyworks" or the "Company"), a blockchain solution provider headquartered in Taito-ku, Tokyo which develops its proprietary blockchain technology, Grid Ledger System ("GLS"), has signed a business alliance agreement with CAICA DIGITAL Inc. ("CAICA"), a company headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo which develops system solutions for the financial industry and Web3 businesses. Together, the Company and CAICA will provide comprehensive support to businesses engaged in Web3 projects.

  • Market Potential and Alliance Background

The global market for blockchain, a leading Web3 technology, continues to grow every year and is expected to reach approximately $404.1 billion in 2030 (*1). The market is expected to grow 38-fold in the seven years from 2023 to 2030 (*1), and such market potential is attracting more attention around the world.

On the other hand, the Japanese blockchain market share was estimated to be about 10% of the global market size in 2023 (*2). In Japan, the "Priority Policy Program for Realizing Digital Society" approved by the Japanese Cabinet in June 2022 includes "Promoting Web3.0”, which in turn includes the use of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) based on blockchain technology, and the "Web 3.0 Study Group" was established at the Japanese Digital Agency to study the future use of blockchain. Although the "Web 3.0 Study Group" has been established at the Japanese Digital Agency and has been increasing its activities, the actual business use of blockchain has yet to increase significantly.

Through this business alliance, Earlyworks aims to enhance the services of GLS, while also supporting the system development of new businesses that adopt "CAICA Web3 for Biz" (as described below), providing strong support for companies in promoting their Web3 ventures.

1 Blockchain Market Forecast to 2030 Global Information, Inc. ( )
2 Future Trends of Blockchain Market size forecast by 2028 with AI xenoBrain (


  • About GLS (Grid Ledger System), a proprietary blockchain infrastructure technology

GLS is a hybrid blockchain that combines the technical advantages of both blockchain technology and database technology. Database technology provides the traditional infrastructure for data storage, collection, organization and processing, and enables the construction of systems. GLS has high processing power like a database, ease of implementation and high customizability, as well as the blockchain's characteristics of tamper-resistance and convenience.

<Main features of the GLS> high processing speed, parallel processing and auto-scale functions, high tamper-resistance, zero server downtime, versatile applications, enabled emergency stop



CAICA DIGITAL is a business holding company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market (Code: 2315). In addition to managing its subsidiaries, the company operates a matching service called "CAICA Web3 For Biz" ( to help businesses and projects create Web3 ventures. Leveraging its strengths as a listed company in compliance, its experience in operating cryptocurrency exchanges, selling cryptocurrency derivative products, and having a subsidiary with over 50 years of experience in developing financial systems, CAICA DIGITAL combines cutting-edge blockchain technology with an experienced consulting team. They provide a wide range of services, including NFT sales, Web3 SaaS businesses, payment processing, and large-scale OTC services, quickly and through a one-stop solution.

Company Name: CAICA DIGITAL Co., Ltd.
Representative: President and CEO: Shin Suzuki
Location: Lexington Aoyama, 5-11-9 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: July 1989
Business Activities: Management and operation of group companies
Corporate Website:

  • About Earlyworks

Earlyworks Co., Ltd. is a Japanese company operating its proprietary private blockchain technology, GLS, to leverage blockchain technology in various applications in a wide range of industries. GLS is a hybrid blockchain that combines the technical advantages of blockchain and database technology. GLS features high-speed processing, which can reach 0.016 seconds per transaction, tamper-resistance, security, zero server downtime, and versatile applications. The applicability of GLS is verified in multiple domains, including real estate, advertisement, telecommunications, metaverse, and financial services. The Company’s mission is to keep updating GLS and make it an infrastructure in the coming Web3/metaverse-like data society.

Earlyworks Co., Ltd.
Location: 3F MR Building, 5-7-11 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Satoshi Kobayashi, Representative Director and CEO
Business description: Providing system solutions using GLS
Date of Establishment: May 2018
Corporate website:

For inquiries from the press regarding this matter, please contact Earlyworks Co., Ltd.

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this announcement are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on the Company’s and CAICA’s current expectations and projections about future events that the Company and CAICA believe may affect their financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. Investors can find many (but not all) of these statements by the use of words such as “approximates,” “believes,” “hopes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” “projects,” “intends,” “plans,” “will,” “would,” “should,” “could,” “may,” or other similar expressions. The Company and CAICA undertake no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or changes in their expectations, except as may be required by law. Although the Company and CAICA believe that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and the Company and CAICA caution investors that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results and encourage investors to review other factors that may affect their future results in the Company’s registration statement and other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and in CAICA’s relevant disclosure documents.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at


What is the purpose of Earlyworks' business alliance with CAICA DIGITAL?

The alliance aims to provide comprehensive support for Web3 projects, enhance Earlyworks' Grid Ledger System, and support the development of new businesses adopting CAICA's Web3 solutions.

What is the projected size of the global blockchain market by 2030?

The global blockchain market is expected to reach approximately $404.1 billion by 2030, growing 38-fold from 2023 to 2030.

What is Japan's current share of the global blockchain market?

Japan's blockchain market share was estimated to be about 10% of the global market size in 2023.

How is the Japanese government promoting Web3 adoption?

The Japanese government has included 'Promoting Web3.0' in its 'Priority Policy Program for Realizing Digital Society' and established a 'Web 3.0 Study Group' at the Digital Agency to study future blockchain use.

Earlyworks Co., Ltd. American Depositary Shares


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